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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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he was operated on and is in the intensive care ward under the supervision of doctors, the night before andriy chibbes was attacked, this happened after a meeting with residents in apatity, the head of the region received a live wound in the stomach, the attacker was detained, what is known by this minute our correspondent oleg posobin will tell. an operational investigation team is working at the crime scene, in front of us is a car with forensic experts, and then it’s not very clear from there, investigative actions are underway, thirty meters away is the entrance to the cultural center builders. it was here that
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the attack on the governor took place. andrei chibes was stabbed with a knife in appatity as he was leaving the local palace of culture. the suspect was detained at the crime scene. according to preliminary information, this is forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov. investigators from the investigative committee are currently working with him. on the eve of the incident, andrei chibes announced the meeting on his social networks. good afternoon everyone. on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity.
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we quickly got to the hospital, he was immediately they took him to the operating room, the governor was also conscious, the very first thing he did was immediately call his wife to reassure her, everything after that he was finally taken to the operating room, his condition was serious, stable, medical assistance was provided to the required extent, completed laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds of damaged organs, now the immediate postoperative period. the patient is in the intensive care unit under observation. investigators are currently collecting evidence, interrogate the suspect's witnesses, and also find out the motive for the attack on andrei chibis. oleg posobin, dmitry kvasnyuk, lead the murmon region. russian regions are struggling with the consequences of the flood, the most tense situation is in the orenburg region, where the ministry of emergency situations is expanding its team. a car detachment from the perm region was sent to help.
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a state of emergency was declared in the region, 550 houses and more than 2.0 household plots were flooded, almost 1,500 people were evacuated from the affected areas, the worst situation was in the village of krasnokholom, the water continues to rise, the peak of the flood is still ahead, large waters are capturing new territories, in the neighboring samara region, in the village there is a large wilderness that has flooded hundreds of houses, a state of emergency has been introduced. in the logodsk region , 10 settlements were cut off, several access roads and... a bridge were flooded, a 24-hour patrol was posted nearby that will help the special services and deliver food, evacuation is underway, fifty plots of land were flooded in one of the districts of the novgorod region, in the leningrad region the territory of the tikhvin monastery is going under water, a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts of the chelyabinsk region, dozens of private plots and houses are flooded, overnight the water in the river rose by more than half a meter. in some places it already reaches the windows of the first floors. powerful explosions occurred at night
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and early in the morning in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once, one of them was the odessa region. deafening sounds were also heard in kharkov, several times during the night. the consequences have not yet been reported. air raid alert were announced in five regions of the country, and in most of them sirens sounded at least twice. this regime was also introduced in the territories of the dpr and zaporozhye region, which are still under the control of the kiev regime. transbaikal paratroopers destroyed the ukrainian armed forces infantry in the donetsk people's republic. intelligence received information about an entrenched enemy group west of the village of krasnoye. the coordinates were transferred to the airborne artillery unit. read. a minute the mortar crew took up a firing position under their noses, first fired the first test shot, after which they delivered a series of precise, coordinated strikes against the enemy. as a result of successful combat work, a group of nationalist infantry was destroyed. in the belgogorod region, the russian military stopped an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to conduct reconnaissance in force.
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the nationalist mercenaries intended to get close to the state border and make a passage through the minefields. the enemy's movement was detected by drone operators and... igor pikhanov will tell you how events developed. russian artillery deploys a gun camouflaged in the forest from scouts a signal was received that an enemy was detected in the gray zone. the enemy is trying to approach the state border and is clearing anti-tank barriers; the soldiers guarding the approaches to the belgorod region open fire on ukrainian militants. shot! high-explosive fragmentation shells fall on the enemy, dense fire leaves no chance for the enemy to carry out his plans, fighters call their 122-mm howitzer d-30 a sniper weapon in the world of artillery, it accurately hits long distances, modern shells allow you to destroy enemy infantry, military equipment and
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well-fortified positions. it works very very accurately, the first shell falls close to 50 m, the second one is already finishing off, the enemy is trying to probe the defense, mainly for... reconnaissance wants, they want to find our location, so, but they have little success, because we do not allow even approach so they couldn't even lift the drone. vysu’s attempt at reconnaissance by force was thwarted, the enemy was neutralized, according to the russian military , there are ukrainian militants on the opposite side of the front and foreign mercenaries, there is a counter-battery fight on the line of combat contact, units of the ministry of defense calculate the location of the enemy and destroy the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces. our scouts do not allow any self-propelled artillery to stick out anywhere and install stationary artillery there, and as soon as someone appears there, they immediately give us data, roughly speaking, and we
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strike at this place; we have already hit artillery batteries and batteries several times artillery and mortar crews , that's the equipment. residents of the border region they say that by striking peaceful towns and villages, ukrainian militants are trying to sow panic among the local population, but the enemy achieved the opposite effect, a large number of volunteers joined the armed forces, signed contracts, well, those who interfere here, they simply forgot history, and these are natural fascists who have no soul, no faith , nothing, we will chase them to the end and... but we won’t let them rest. volunteer organizations operate in every locality of the belgorod region. in the evenings after work, people bake treats for the soldiers, weave camouflage nets and make trench candles. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. it became known
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how the russian military took an important bridgehead in the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye direction. the assault group of lieutenant toropov was on the attack. experienced fighters were not at a loss even when... communication was lost, attack drones dived onto armored vehicles, how the unit operated, our military correspondent, anton stepanenko saw together with the parents of lieutenant toropov. they watch this video for the first time and watch it several times. his father is immediately recognized in the video by their son, lieutenant alexander toropov. oh, i 'm telling you, sashka. i told you right away. they rewind the moment of the landing of the assault group again to see, they pass the glasses to each other. he comes second. their sashka, lieutenant toropov now commands a platoon in the seventieth guards regiment of the dnepr group, his assault group was the first to capture and hold a bridgehead in the village of rabotina on the zaporozhye front for 16 days. you get used to it how it becomes like a family, but the new one was once,
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yes, a month ago. a month ago, this was before the battles in rabotino, he was preparing for an interview so that everything would be on the forum, and so his group is now on vacation. well, they told me: here is the school, maybe there is food there. at this point, emotions are running high, each of the assault groups and bmp crews is known by sight, maga, the driver, the first. there were pops, well, i don’t see the pops, the side ones, but i see everything in front of me. the advance of the landing force was monitored using a drone and the driver was told where to go. it's safer to roll up. at some point, the connection with the machines was lost. the crews made their own way. work, first company, work. these are the men. left behind the scenes. as several komikat drones attacked the cars, the defenses went off. victor had an unbearable
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desire to smoke all the way, but there was not even a second to be distracted. its two twin 100-millimeter and 30-millimeter cannons covered the vehicle and the landing force. there he shot his bc to zero. what were you most afraid of? arrival by car. art? no, granik was not afraid, orts was afraid. direct hit, they were dropped into the water from drones along with batteries for radios, the main thing is that the group held the support, and they did. lieutenant sasha became the 22nd officer in april 23 at the northern military district in august. he is the youngest in his platoon, the average age of his fighters is 40 plus. and there are those for whom he is suitable as a grandchild, but they call him by his patronymic name. it was with these men that he stormed, and after work, he called his parents on the eve of the assault. no, i didn't do anything. his parents saw him in january, he came on vacation,
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didn’t tell him anything about his service, only the order gave, now there are two awards on his uniform, his parents have not yet seen this medal for work, his entire group received medals and orders for that assault; the bmp crew received a medal for courage, take away the magician, take away dear, take away, this video lasts only 10 minutes, and such battles are like the actions of a man himself.”
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according to him, the west is forcing kiev to fight with... its hand, and that too with a tied hand. the idea of ​​creating a nato fund to pay for ukraine's military needs was not met with much enthusiasm at the meeting. i don't think it's obvious that this package will gain traction as a result. we're talking about 100 billion dollars is a lot of money. and i see that under the current economic conditions and with the changing atmosphere in europe, with the protests of farmers and statements defending the sovereignty of their position, it is not a fact that all governments will agree to give away a few. as bloomberg notes, even if the initiative is approved, it
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will change little, since the amount also takes into account the independent donation of european countries, that is, funding from nato will be insignificant; the statement on the creation of an alliance mission for support for ukraine, only the minister of foreign affairs of poland spoke about it, noting that we are talking about training the ukrainian military, which navizna, the head of the polish foreign ministry did not specify, but the secretary general in... emphasized that the alliance will not send troops to ukraine and will not party to the conflict, however, experts have a different opinion. nato is already a party to the conflict, even if it does not admit it. i am surprised by this naivety, you train soldiers to participate in the war, you provide intelligence data, help in choosing a target when attacking the enemy. this means that you are already a warring party. even nato’s involvement in the ukrainian conflict does not particularly help the kiev troops, as he admitted. one of the american mercenaries, the russian army dominates the battlefield, and the ukrainian armed forces lack ammunition. this
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is confirmed by western military analysts. in march alone, russia used about 3.00 guided glide bombs, 600 attack drones and 400 cruise missiles. this requires corresponding efforts on the part of air defense systems, of which ukraine has few, and as a result they are depleted. in artillery the balance of forces is 1:7, not in favor of ukraine. in order to somehow turn the situation around, the white house decided to enter into secret negotiations with its opponent, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, as the political publication, assistants, writes.
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the only american legislator with ukrainian roots, as the wall street journal writes, she refused to vote for a new aid package with the wording “we’ve had enough of these endless wars.” ekaterina shamaeva, lead. slovakia celebrated the anniversary of the liberation of bratislava by red troops army. the memorial ceremony took place on the territory of the slavin memorial complex, prime minister robert fitza, members of the government, members of parliament, as well as employees of the russian embassy and the diplomatic mission of azerbaijan, belarus and kazakhstan took part in laying flowers to the liberating soldiers; the ambassadors of the european union countries refused to honor the memory of the soldiers, red army soldiers, robert fitz during the ceremony condemned the boycott, calling it a sign of disrespect for the defenders
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who died for the liberation of bratislava. in israel. ready for a possible conflict with iran to a new level, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said, according to him, in the event of an attack by iranian drones and cruise missiles, a decisive response will follow. for years iran has acted against us both directly and through its proxies, so israel is acting against iran and its proxies, defensively, offensively. we know how to protect ourselves and will act according to the simple principle that whoever harms us will harm himself. the likelihood of a full-scale war between iran and israel, such a statement made by white house adviser john kirby. he also noted that the american administration is dissatisfied with netanyahu’s policy in the gas sector. the death of employees of an international non-profit organization forced joe biden to have a conversation with the israeli prime minister. the american president drew attention to the humanitarian situation in gaza and
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said that if there are no changes, the united states may reconsider its decisions on the conflict in the middle east. the president stressed that attacks on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation unacceptable, and that israel needs to announce a series of specific and measurable steps to address civilian harm and ensure the safety of humanitarian workers. he made clear that us gas policy will be determined by our assessment of israel's immediate actions in relation to these steps. meanwhile, in northern israel, the lebanese group hezbollah hit an armored vehicle of the israeli military police with rocket attacks. according to the group's press service, there is a loss among the crew. well and previously, the israeli army attacked hezbollah military infrastructure facilities in lebanon. now economic news. maria filippova joins me. masha, good
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morning, oil prices continue to rise. roman, good morning, the brand has reached its maximum since last fall and more details below. brand oil quotes immediately exceeded $91 per barrel, which was the highest since october last year. the main reason for the growth is geopolitics. washington yesterday issued its strongest public rebuke to israel for the first escalation of the middle east conflict. in addition, the us secretary of state said that ukraine will sooner or later be accepted into nato. traders around the world considered this a risk factor. there are also signs of deficiency that are not related to conflicts. mexican state company pemec. how do individual programs for the socio-economic development of regions work in russia? the head of the ministry of economic development, maxim reshetnikov, spoke about this at a meeting of vladimir putin with members of the government. there are 10 such programs in total. their goal is to create new growth points and conditions for advanced
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development in those regions where unemployment and poverty levels are higher than the national average. and already in two regions it is possible. to state that the task has been completed is adega and karelia. in total , more than 240 events are planned within the framework of these ten programs. as of today, almost half of all activities have been completed, and it is already clear that the target indicators are being achieved ahead of schedule. more than 14,000 jobs have been created, which is 83% of the plan by the end of the year. the investment plan has already been exceeded and funds have been attracted. more than 100 billion rubles. this allowed the subjects to develop at a pace higher than the russian average for key socio-economic indicators. the international monetary fund again called.
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in case of seizure of russian assets. the day before it became known that not only china and saudi arabia, but also indonesia are strongly against possible confiscation. they don’t want their euroassets to flow into someone else’s pocket in the event of a precedent. at the end of the dollar exchange rate today. 92 rubles 30 kopecks, euro 100 rubles. 6 kopecks roman, mash, thank you, right after the advertisement to the latest news, but the russians also performed brilliantly on the first day world sambo cup in armenia, about this and
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his condition is stable and serious. the attacker has been detained. in the orenburg region , the ministry of emergency situations is expanding its team to combat floods. an airmobile detachment from the perm region was sent to help; hundreds of houses and thousands of private plots were flooded. and the flood is still ahead. tense situation and... other regions of the country is becoming more expensive on the world market oil bar or brand brand reached its highest since last fall of almost $91. the reason for the increase is washington's latest statements regarding ukraine's accession to nato and criticism of israel. traders considered these risk factors. slovakia honored the memory of the liberating soldiers. the action took place on the territory of the slavin memorial complex, at the time of laying flowers. the authorities of slovakia and representatives of russia took part. azerbaijan, belarus and kazakhstan. the ambassadors of the eu countries did not come. now sports news is in the studio of danila makhalin. good morning, russian chess player ian
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nepomnyashchy played. in a draw in the first round of the candidates tournament in toronto, who was the opponent? good morning, nepomnyashchiy shared points with azerbaijani nijat abbasov with black pieces. lokomotiv scored a second home victory over traktor in the semi-final series of the gagarin cup. this time in overtime with a score of 3:2. in the first period, the teams exchanged goals. the guests responded to kayumov's puck with a powerful throw from kravtsov. then loka converted the power play 5:3, martin gerna scored. in the third period, the tractor managed to equalize the score, after several rebounds karpukhin scored, sending the match into overtime. the extra time did not last long; it took lokomotiv just under 4 minutes to score the winning goal, with elesin scoring it. the series is 2:0 in favor of the yaroslavl team, and now the confrontation moves to chelyabinsk for at least two games. bid for
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the nhl eastern conference playoffs pittsburgh is away. beat washington 4:1, but alexander ovechkin still scored a goal. true, by this time the score was already 3:0 in favor of pittsburgh and it was the third period. ovechkin completed his team's protracted attack by completing a pass from his partner in the area. this goal was his 849th in his career, leaving him 45 goals shy of gretzky’s warrior record. nikita kucherov, who plays for tampa, also added a naked door from. but the most important thing is that in this way kucherov recorded 90 assists in the season and became the first russian in the history of the nhl to achieve this achievement, and he also managed to break away by six points from second place in the list of top scorers in the league this season. in the cup the next
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stage of russian football has ended, the regions have decided on their path. all semi-finalists, the last was orenburg, which defeated grozny akhmat. the only goal was scored at the very end; bosnian milos shatara planned to intercept the pass and clear the ball, but cut it into his own goal. 1:0. akhmat was not only eliminated from the cup, but also lost his head coach. miroslav romashchenko resigned without even working for one season. as the coach of the club from grozny, he will be replaced by magomed adiev, who will be with... i continue to combine this position; i also head the kazakhstan national team. meanwhile, alexander golovin, who plays for monaco, became the best player of the month in his team for the fourth time. this time, fans put him in first place based on the results of march. during this period, he played four matches and provided two assists. as a result , there were five total in the season, along with six goals. by the way, the transfer price of golovin and messi is now the same, 30 million euros.
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at the sambo world cup in armenia for the first time day, the russians won nine gold medals in twelve weight categories. harunt lishev, ivan agafonov, stanislav scriabin, david oganesyan, dmitry torgashov and vladimir mantsakanyan, and super heavyweight alexey merzlikin, who defeated ukrainian alexey moiseev in the final, rose to the highest level of the men's pedestal. among women, vera ladkova and yana polikova took first place. in total, the russian athletes had a total. there are 18 awards of various denominations, the tournament will end today, in total about 200 sambo wrestlers from 14 countries are participating in it. in the vtb united league in basketball, the moscow runa beat visiting astana 87:79. after this defeat , the kazakhstan club lost its chances of getting into the play-in. in another match, samara lost at home to 6973 mba, who was already winning for the seventh time. we successfully visited...
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basketball player lokomotiv, who coped with parma 80-75. 3 minutes before the end the score was equal 67-67, after which lock made the final push, resulting in a 7-point lead. parma could no longer play this back. thanks to this victory, lokomotiv kuban guaranteed itself a minimum place in the top four group a matched the number of victories with zenit. that's all about sports for now. 100 years ago and kolya gerasimov, we will be expelled, she wants to go back to the past, i understand, you miss me.


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