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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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based on the results of the first quarter of this year , all the logistics problems and restrictions there have been resolved, that is, our export volume has fully recovered, at the same time, new channels for supplying sales to asia were built, yes, now these channels are working, there is essentially a stunner fleet that provides them , well , that’s what the media are writing about , various analytical agencies are now seeing such a boom in consumption, a significant increase in the consumption of oil and petroleum products in countries. apec plus oil production quota excluding those who left alliance of angola since the beginning of the twenty-fourth year has decreased by about 1 million barrels per day. now the total limit is 39.5 million. this does not include the indicators of the new participant brazil, which, according to experts, amount to almost 3 million barrels per day, as well as opec members venezuela, iran and libya not participating in the agreement. plus, budget revenues come from taxes on oil and gas production. condensate, they were increased in january
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last year, these are the mineral extraction tax, export duty and tax on additional income from hydrocarbon production. in march, they replenished the treasury by almost 1.5 trillion; last year’s figure was below 700 billion. of course, not everyone likes russia’s oil successes. every now and then they try to spoil the image in the western press. for example, india’s refusal to buy a batch of premium russian sokol oil became a major news story. the tanks were deployed. everyone went to china, the reasons are explained in different ways, from the fight for a discount to us provocations. as the raters write, the us treasury justifies itself by saying that it did not prohibit india from buying russian oil, only called for compliance with the price ceiling. at the same time, some of the old parties , according to western media reports, still found refuge in china. and of course, the united states is the beneficiary of this. this is the policy of indian
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refineries, since purchases of american oil by indian buyers have increased. at the same time, russia is trying to establish a dialogue and give a chance to restore the lost partnership. for example, it initiates a dialogue with japan. the ambassador of our country in tokyo said that the russian side is ready resume oil supplies if japan refuses to comply with the price ceiling. the diplomat emphasized that in the spring of twenty-three , japanese firms stopped working. russia has never been a big one, well, at least for the last 10 years, at least, russia has not been a major supplier of oil to the japanese market. russia occupied only a small share of the total volume of supplies, so we supplied five, japan as a whole purchased 150-200.
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japan's main suppliers have traditionally been saudi arabia, the united arab emirates and iraq. oil quotes growth is forecast this year. if a serious crisis does not intervene, experts emphasize, the price may end up at $95 per barrel. the trend is also set by the opec plus agreement, and if production cuts continue until the end of the year, analysts expect a supply shortage. i think my mother was shot in the past, 100 years ago, and kolya gerasimov, they will expel us, she wants to go back to the past, i understand, you miss me, believe me too, i’m going to get her out, he dreams of the future. attention, intrusion, so
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what from me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies are in our hands, in the present in a movie hit, as i like the way it sounds, 100 years ago, forward, everything will be... soon, these are things that have been going on for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i felt completely dumbfounded, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great artists there are fakes.
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in moscow 9:35 onwards, briefly about the main thing.
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governor of the murmansk region andrei chibets came to his senses after the attack. a man with a knife attacked the head of the region after meetings. residents of the city of apatity, he was urgently operated on; the suspect tried to resist during arrest and was wounded. during interrogation, he said that he committed the crime because of personal trouble. investigators found information in the phones of the terrorists who attacked crocus city hall that confirmed the ukrainian version. screenshots of images of the entrances to the concert hall buildings, as well as access roads, were discovered. these are all criminals. sent by their curator. in addition, photographs of people in camouflage were stored in the device’s memory, posing with the ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses. russian regions are suffering from high water. in the orenburg region, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations are being increased; perm rescuers have gone there. five villages were flooded in
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the chelyabinsk region. in vologda region , 10 settlements were cut off due to floods. the situation in the samara region is difficult; the village that suffered the most was a large one. slovakia honored the memory of the liberating soldiers. the action took place on the territory of the slaven memorial complex. the event was attended by the country's authorities, representatives of russia, azerbaijan, belarus, kazakhstan, as well as ordinary citizens. the ambassadors of the eu countries did not come. slovak prime minister robert fica condemned the boycott , calling it a sign of disrespect for the liberator of bratislava. israel is ready to... escalate the conflict with tehran, prime minister benjamin netanyahu stated. according to him, in the event of an attack by iranian drones and cruise missiles, a decisive response will follow. for years iran has acted against us, both directly and through its proxies, so israel is acting against iran and its
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confidants, defending, attacking. we know how to protect ourselves, and if we act in accordance with a simple principle, then harm us, harm ourselves. washington is concerned about the likelihood of a full-scale war between iran and israel, white house advisor john kirby made this statement. he also noted that the american administration is dissatisfied with netanyahu’s policy in the gas sector. the death of employees of an international non-profit organization forced joe biden to have a conversation with the israeli prime minister. the american president drew attention to the humanitarian situation in the enclave and said that if there are no changes, the united states may reconsider. their decisions on the conflict in the middle east. and now let's move on to sports news. the candidates chess tournament has started in toronto. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague danil makharin. he joins me. dani, good morning, tell us how our guys are performing. sash, good morning, while the whole day no one, who doesn’t remember,
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shared points with his opponents from azerbaijan, there were no winners in the game between the two russians, goryachkina and lagno. lokomotiv won their second home victory over. tractor in the semi-final series of the gagarin cup, this time in overtime with a score of 3:2. in the first period, the teams exchanged goals on kayumov's puck, the guests responded with a powerful shot from kravtsov, then loka converted the majority 5:3, martin gernad scored. in the third period , the tractor managed to level the score; after several rebounds, karpukhin scored, sending the match into overtime. extra time did not last long, lokomotiv had to it took just under 4 minutes to score the winning goal. its author was elesin 2:0 in the series in favor of the yaroslavl team and now the confrontation moves for at least two games to chelyabinsk. in the battle for the playoffs of the nhl eastern conference, pittsburgh beat washington on the road. 4:1, but alexander
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ovechkin still scored with a goal. true, by this time the score was already 3:0 in favor of pittsburgh and the third period was underway. ovechkin completed his team's protracted attack by completing a pass from his partner on the net. akhmat. the only goal was scored at the very end. bosnian milos shatro planned
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to intercept the pass and clear the ball, but cut it into his own goal. 1:0 akhmat not only flew out of the cup, but also lost his head coach. miroslav romashchenko resigned without even working for one season. he will be replaced as coach of the club from grozny by magomed adiev, who for now will combine this position while still leading the kazakhstan national team. meanwhile, alexander golovin, playing for monaco, is in his fourth once became the best player of the month in his team. this time, fans put him in first place based on the results of march. during this period, he played four matches and provided two assists. as a result , there were five total in the season, along with six goals. by the way, the transfer cost of golovin and messi is now the same, 30 million euros. the russian women's national football team beat ecuador in a friendly match with a score of 4:0. the match took place in turkey, where both teams were at training camps. after the first half
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, our girls led with a score of 3:0, they scored nadezhda smirnova, anna belomytseva and veronika kuropatkina. towards the end of the match , marina fedorova also distinguished herself, setting the final score 4:0 in favor of the russian team, which will play another match with the equator there in turkey on the eighth. liverpool broke manchester city's record for percentage of possession in an english football match. in the championship, the merseysiders beat sheffield 3:1 and controlled the ball 83.1% of the playing time. chelsea and manchester united had a brilliant match, the teams scored seven goals between them. chelsea, playing at home, led 2:0 in the first half, but manchester united equalized the score before the break, and in the second half they took the lead. the outcome awaited the spectators in added time, chelsea player palmer first converted a penalty, then successfully struck from distance. bottom line. on the first
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day of the sambo world cup in armenia, the russians won nine gold medals in 12 weight categories. harun klishev, ivan agafonov, stanislav scriabin, david oganesyan, dmitry torgashov, vladimir natsakanyan and heavyweight alexey merzlikin rose to the highest level of the men's pedestal. defeating ukrainian alexey moiseev in the final. among women, vera ladkova and yana polikova took first place, overall among russians. in total there were 18 awards of various denominations, the tournament will end today, in total about 200 sombists from fourteen countries are participating in it. in the vtb united basketball league, moscow's runa beat astana away 87:79. after this defeat, the kazakh club lost its chances of getting into the play-in. in another match , samara-dom lost 69-73 to mba, which won its seventh victory in a row. successfully we went to perm. basketball player of lokomotiv, who coped with parma 80-75. with 3
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minutes left, the score was tied, 67-67, after which lock made the final push, resulting in a seven-point lead. parma could no longer play this back. thanks to this victory, lokomotiv kuban guaranteed itself at least fourth place in the top four of group a and equaled zenit in the number of victories. the incident happened at the opening of the olympic aquatic center. multiple medalist of the world and european diving championships, frenchman alexis zhandar in during a demonstration performance in the presence of french president emmanul macron, he was supposed to make a synchronized jump from a three-meter springboard along with two other athletes, but something went wrong. that's all for now, alfa friday,
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you may be scared, what a horror, what is this? not to wonder, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy and it’s probably not easy, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, we haven’t tried a healer, in the end you can move to another table, but the most simple and necessary is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave, what to say, find out more about it, well, you can tell me, you’ve been jinxed, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this, we we continue to broadcast, when improving the unified state exam, society’s criticism is taken into account,
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the head of the federal service for supervision in the field of education and science said this in an interview with russia 24. justification, investigation, we show that this is fake news, that this is an open provocation against the exam, of course, rossobornadzor and the federal institute of pedagogical measurements, we always clearly monitor all
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information, well, except for provocations against the unified state exam, these are such dirty methods and steps i won't name it, it's a shame the fact that many pick up this situation without double-checking, this is the problem when we talk all the time about critical thinking in... after the new generation, well, the older generation is not lagging behind, we are no strangers to some kind of cultural, for the full version of the interview with the head of the federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, anzor muzaev, watch on russia 24 after 10:30 moscow time. and now about the weather , frosts have returned to the center of the country; twenty-degree frosts have hit the north, while snow in the urals. above zero temperatures it melts even at night. we will find out all the details from our meteorologist ekaterina krigorova. katya, good morning, tell me, how long will this unstable situation last? well, in the urals
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everything is stable, it will still be warm there, but here everything will soon change for the better. snow, despite the bright sun, remains on the embankments of st. petersburg. the temperature in the city is about -3°. at night it dropped to -5. and the day before, in the murin area , skiers resumed the season. in moscow, the clouds could not protect. the earth from cooling to at 6:00 am the air in the capital had cooled to -2.1°; the day before at the same time it was 7° warmer. the night was winter-cold. in kepin, arkhangelsk region, the minimum temperature was -27.5°. in ladeinoye pole , leningrad region -13.1, in sergiev posad near moscow -4. in the southern urals, positive temperatures remained even in the pre-dawn hours. orenburg was a plus. 2 and 3 in the upper urals and chelyabinsk regions 0.3, so the snow continues to melt. melt water replenishes rivers, aggravating the flood situation. this is what the camp site looks like now
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ural village near orsk. some buildings went into the water along the roof. the water level in the urals has already exceeded the dangerous mark by 74 cm. at night, a state of emergency due to drowning was introduced in two villages in the northeast of the orenburg region. rescuers move through the flooded area on caterpillar conveyors. the water level in the ural river continues to rise. the fact is that in the basin of the urals and its large tributaries, for example, the sakmara river, there is still quite a lot of snow, from 8 to 25 cm, not far from the source and in more than thirty places in the middle reaches. but let's open the synoptic map: the urals are now in the warm sector of the cyclone, the same cyclone that is heading to the west of europe. territory of russia, cold arctic air, here it is this vortex, the vortex continues to shift to the east, the next atlantic cyclone is still far over the northern sea, so
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the initiative to control the weather in the russian equation passes to a small anticyclone, there will be fewer clouds, with clearing the cold air will begin gradually warm up, well, by the beginning of next week a new cyclone will arrive, with it portions atlantic warmth. let's put away the weather forecast, remember what happened at the beginning of the week , let's look into the future. so, on april 3, even in the vologda and novgorod regions, the daytime temperature was above +15°. yesterday, icy arctic air displaced heat 850 km south, to the black earth region of the middle volga. a new cyclone will displace the cold. by sunday, the arctic air will lose 750 km. in the west of the russian plain, thermometers will again exceed +15. there are sharp temperature changes in orenburg. will not happen, the remaining snow will continue to melt rapidly, today in the city partly cloudy during the day +17, on the weekend it will become a little cooler +12-14°, there will be
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light rains, on monday there will be no precipitation during the day 11°, on tuesday again +17, well, in moscow today is the peak of a cold snap, the temperature is below the climate norm, according to the climate +10, but in the daytime it will be only +7, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation, tomorrow night around zero, this is... almost 2° below normal, light snow is possible in the morning, no precipitation in the daytime +9, but on sunday light rain is not excluded in the capital, the temperature will warm up to 15°, on monday it will be +20 again, another june in the middle april. thank you, katya, what can we wait for monday, it was ekaterina grigorova with a story about temperature swings and floods in the european part of russia. a unique object will be restored on sakhalin, we are talking about a lighthouse. aniva, which the japanese built from sea sand and water almost a century ago. the guiding tower, which is called a feat of engineering, now requires a feat of restoration
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work. all the details are in our next article. proud and lonely my kaniva welcomes the first guests of this season perhaps the most long-awaited. as the ship assembles , a group of researchers approaches the sivuchya rock. the expedition includes several dozen russian scientists, design engineers, specialists in the study of concrete structures, ecologists, and historians. every day the building is being destroyed more and more; only urgent and global reconstruction can save the architectural monument. from destruction. this team is working, taking concrete strength samples. we will do an examination and talk about whether this is possible the structures should be used in the future, or something needs to be done with them. in may 1939 , the koniva was built by the japanese. the construction was immediately called a feat of engineering. it was built using sea sand and water, because bringing other materials here
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is problematic. before its appearance , there were often shipwrecks here, but since 2006 oniwa has been abandoned, nevertheless this place, recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world, is visited by thousands of tourists every year, but reconstruction or even just repairs were impossible, the object was owned by the ministry of defense, we agreed with the ministry of defense on the transfer of the lighthouse, moreover, work was launched. to prepare repair documentation , together with the ministry of defense we continue to work on its reconstruction. specialists thoroughly examine each floor of the building, engineers cut out concrete samples, it is important to study not only the degree of wear of metal structures. ecologists measure background radiation, examine water samples and also take concrete samples in order to understand how to safely dispose of industrial waste. one of the main
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questions facing scientists is where to place the site for the delivery of materials; this requires a flat surface, meanwhile the lighthouse itself is located on a rock. together with engineers and builders, historians walk around each floor of the unique lighthouse; they dream of opening a lighthouse museum here , so they compile a detailed description of all the items that have been preserved inside. the task is just to look, find which artifacts to save in order to use them in museum space. before it happens here...
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what a bandit, he arrived in belgrade for 3 days, you are a boxer, and you can deal with almost any person, well, i don’t beat like that, it looks like the situation is in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, that’s all , what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, the ring under the sun shines, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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