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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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and he is accompanied by security. let me remind you that a criminal case has been opened regarding the assassination attempt on the governor of the murmansk region and transferred to the central office of the investigative committee. well, we continue the broadcast. co-founder of the kvartal 95 studio boris schaefer criticized the campaign against the russian language of culture in ukraine. he told reporters that he considers the demolition of monuments stupid, also expressing hope that in the future russia and ukraine will be able to build good relations. however. he was immediately persecuted for his position. details at anastasia efimova. don't let me down at the monastery. boris shifir asked this question to journalists in pure russian, and although he probably knew the answer without any prompting, he still said what he considered necessary. you see, i speak russian. i love the russian language, russian literature. i cannot watch how monuments to pushkin are being destroyed in the country. to me this is stupid. be a rage. i would say, let’s
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wrap up this matter and let’s be friends, but there are completely different attitudes there, in russia his name is not that well known, but in ukraine itself every now and then they get confused with the accent, then they will call it shefir, then shefir, which does not change the essence of the matter, brothers boris and sergei, key people both for the team of the ninety-fifth quarter, and for its permanent leader, vladimir zelensky, they brought him to power, for they took their hands and brought them through their talent. through their media capabilities, including, here, of course, a much larger number of people participated in this process, but they played a very important, i would say, even a certain, in a certain sense, key ideological role. actually, it was the shefir brothers who were the producers of the very series on the wave of success of which vladimir zelensky ran for president. hand in hand, they stepped onto a slippery political path, here is a photo exactly from those times, but the younger one, until recently he held the position of adviser.
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that for business, the junior best man simply served as zelensky’s wallet, and even, say, until the last day, even in the fall, and even in the winter, in the fall, they bought two yachts, but like everywhere else, they immediately said that these were yachts bought for zelensky, boris shifir , by the way, he also provided a photo on an unknown yacht for his interview, no matter how much he tried to appear in front of journalists...
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modest pensioners who only dream of raising chickens in their native nenka find it hard to believe. it seems that in a country where elections were canceled and discussions were banned, there are more and more people wanting change. and publishing an interview like this is a great way to gauge public mood. look at the response of society, that is, this is how civil society will react and how it will be perceived in society itself, that is, it froze, let’s say, and do it sociologically, so that for yourself you can already understand... that is, well, there really are no elections in ukraine, maybe they will be someday, but there, maybe in a year, they should understand, are there still those people left, well, those who were, but the majority, especially the southeast, kiev, that is, central ukraine, who, for whom this is what schaefer said, well, for their soul, let’s say, for their worldview, this these will be the words that will tear at the soul, but for now the people is silent, his closest relative reacted to boris shefir’s revelation.
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the recently dismissed sergei admitted that he categorically disagrees with what was said. russia is an aggressor country, and he supports president zelensky, no matter what happens between them. apparently, mutual understanding has been lost in another ukrainian family. however, gogol also wrote about how brother goes against brother, the same one that kiev has been persistently trying to cancel for a year. anastasia efimova, lead. when i was little i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, in the army there is no division for a boy and a girl, there are no concessions here, our hospital was in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, next to... the field there was
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some kind of unit, there were screams, yelled, they also called for help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me. there are shelling everywhere and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, a maternal one, that you should do this help, i believe in myself that i can still do something, hello, mom, everything is fine, we are working, we are watching to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching, we are watching, in the application or on the website. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom
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he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies. but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to preserve all their shares are in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, if you have some property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against law, it was me who was the victim. the russian government has increased the amount of funds for issuing preferential mortgage loans for
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it specialists. the total amount allocated for the program increased from 500 to 700 billion rubles. mikhail mishustin spoke about this. he also said that the government will continue develop medical rehabilitation of the patient. countrywide. another important area that we discussed in the state duma is assistance to citizens in resolving their housing issues. as i said, there are various preferential mortgage programs, separately for specialists in the field
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of information technology; more than 50 thousand people have already taken advantage of this opportunity. the government will increase the limits on it mortgages by... rub. the rostec state corporation handed over to the military the first batch of s-34 front-line bombers this year. the planes were manufactured at the novosibirsk aviation plant. rostec noted that the corporation has begun delivering regular aircraft as part of the state defense order. with details varvara nevskaya. strike power of russian front-line aviation. the first batch of bombers this year. the su-34 was transferred to the russian aerospace forces as part of the state defense order. the combat aircraft are the brainchild of the novosibirsk aviation plant named after chkalov, a united aircraft manufacturing corporation. their capabilities allow the use of promising
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aviation weapons, increase the range of destruction of various targets, increase the accuracy of bombing. all uag factories involved in the execution of state defense orders are not reducing. production of the first batch of su-34 front-line bombers, we began delivering aircraft as part of the current year’s production program. the novosibirsk plant confidently copes with its tasks. factory workers understand how important our technology is today. in the near future , a new stage of modernization and technical re-equipment. at the same time, the enterprise now has a stable load not only within the framework of state defense orders, but also promising projects. this year the plant plans to recruit. thousands of engineers and production workers, the ural carriage plant also fully fulfilled the state defense order plan for the first quarter of this year; the tanks produced there are already equipped with standard electronic warfare equipment to counter drones. at the moment, a new range
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of production tasks is associated with the implementation innovations in the technical equipment of combat vehicles. a set of visibility reduction means is being installed. armored items are completed. with electronic warfare equipment aimed at countering unmanned aerial vehicles. the country's defense enterprises are regularly inspected by sergei shaigu. on march 30, the minister visited. three of them remain in serious condition, said deputy mayor of the capital
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anastasia rakova. she emphasized that the city authorities support all the victims and their families. from the first minutes until we are still in constant contact with victims of terrorist attacks, with their relatives and loved ones, and try to provide all the necessary assistance. the next day , the moscow mayor’s order on the allocation was signed. funds to the victims, and additional payments are expected to range from 500 thousand to 3 million. moscow pays to all victims, with the exception of residents of the moscow region, which, by agreement with the governor, these payments were taken over by the moscow region. to date , about 450 people have contacted us for payments, 2/3 of these payments have already received, of course, there are extremely tragic situations and families that require special... care, in four families both parents died at the same time and the children were left without them, in two more families the situation
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is also extremely difficult, one parent each died, others are in hospitals, fighting for their lives doctors, each family is assigned an individual curator who accompanies the family, helps resolve all issues and adapt to the new life that you will inevitably have to get used to. remember what they told you when you decided open a business, but this is not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, go ahead, connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. to a free account for business, alfabank. the best bank for business. if
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a car, receive your pension profitably from postal banks. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue, connect overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. menprosveshchenie and rosobrnadzor published a draft order for the new unified state exam schedule. the documents were posted on the official regulatory portal acts. linda dodokaeva joins us live with the details. linda, welcome. well, what innovations
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await schoolchildren this year? yes, colleagues, greetings, well, starting this year, graduates will have the opportunity to retake the test. from exams of their choice if they do not agree with the scores they received and believe they can perform better. let me remind you that the proposal to retake the unified state exam was first voiced by vladimir putin in his message to the federal assembly. he proposed giving school graduates the right to choose to retake one of the subjects unified state exam until the end of the university admissions session. indeed, the unified state examination mechanism must be improved. what i propose at this stage, i propose to do. one more step in this direction, to give graduates what is called a second chance, precisely at the choice of the student, to provide him with the opportunity to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects
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; such everyday things, but they are important for people. in the ministry of education clarified that the dates for the first unified state examination, as well as exams in compulsory subjects, do not change. on may 23, the unified state exam will be held in geography, literature and chemistry, on may 28 in the russian language, and on may 31 in mathematics at basic and specialized levels. with this oge schedule, exams in geography, computer science and social studies have been postponed to june 10. also at the federal level, rules for regulating control work will be approved, he announced. head of rosobronadzor anzor muzaev. the corresponding government decree will be released in coming days. our monitoring as part of our work with the bureaucracy showed that there are subjects, there are schools where in subjects up to 35 percent or more of the time is spent only on tests. yes. so we
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are carrying out this work now, and this is exactly what will help us. and here we will give expert opinions. the need for these procedures. according to the new draft order, it is proposed to organize a retake in computer science and social studies in the russian language, physics, chemistry, as well as the written part of the exam in foreign languages july 4, and retakes in biology, geography, mathematics, basic and specialized levels, history, literature and the oral part of the exam in foreign languages ​​on july 5. it is important that when retaking the test, the last result obtained will be taken into account. and the previous one will be canceled, even if it was higher, so before deciding to retake, you should carefully weigh everything, there was no task when this decision was made to motivate everyone, but be sure to go and retake, otherwise everyone will come running at once, everyone will come running, the second story, which means this is exactly for those guys who really knows that they
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failed some subject, they really can, they, they deserve more, yes, it was a mistake. the last reserve day for taking the unified state exam is scheduled for june 21, exam results will be announced no later than july 1. students who retake the exams on july 4 and 5 will also receive their results on time, which will allow them to timely submit the documents they selected . uralsip is a bank for business, and we work according to the principle. all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, ural sip bank, nothing extra. so, a state
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of emergency due to the flood was introduced in orenburg, level. continues to increase, dozens of houses are flooded, local residents, and emergency situations ministry employees . the water level in the village of pervomaisky
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is being evacuated by boat. there has not been such a flood here since 1957, the locals say , they say they were warned that an emergency situation might arise, but people until the last hoped that nothing like this would happen now. they are gathering in a hurry, daughter, come here, and now my blood pressure will rise, talk to people, i’m feeling bad, like an evacuation, the water is coming, so let’s collect, first of all, collect things, and let’s evacuate, andrei chernyavsky was taken by surprise by the flood, the house is early in the morning it flooded in 4 hours, there’s a refrigerator floating around the kitchen, you’re standing there, you understand, there’s laminate flooring, it’s all playing here, in all the rooms. laminates are all just tearing off floors, opening up, removing all of this, tearing off walls, all of this dry. residents of neighboring streets, while the water has not yet risen, quickly remove
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electronics and household appliances from their houses. some immediately go to stay with relatives, others are in no hurry to leave their only home. there are a man and a woman on the roof of this house. now, together with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, we will try to persuade them to go downstairs and go to a temporary accommodation center. alla and nikolai arranged sleeping places for themselves in the attic, stocked up on food and drinking water. everything has been raised, there is water, there is tea, as long as it doesn’t reach the roof everything has arrived, there it is, look how worn it is, they lowered it some more, it’s getting worse, it’s already scary, if everything is like this, the dialogue with the spouses lasted a long time, in the end the ministry of emergency situations officers came up, they managed to persuade the pensioners to leave, what did you load everything there? kolya, we need to save him, there is more there besides our family. due to floods , a state of emergency remains in effect throughout the region. the water level in the ural river has exceeded the critical level of 700 cm. the snow is melting,
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the spillways are increasing. due to flooding , more than 100 sections of roads are blocked, closed about 50 low-level bridges. now the most tense situation is in the east of the region, especially in orsk and nearby settlements. concentrates there. the main forces of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in total in the region 1021 people and 440 pieces of equipment are working to eliminate the consequences of the flood. in the orenburg region , 1,100 houses and more than 3,000 adjacent areas are currently known to have been drowned. at a meeting of the regional government, the issue of payments was discussed, financial assistance will definitely be provided in order to receive compensation, you need to write an application either to government services or to...
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the front, but it will bring precipitation with it, so the flow of water in the river will not stop, but the regions of the european part of russia will again have to face temperature swings, and here the news is good. the flood situation in the urals and trans-urals continues to become more complicated; a state of emergency has been introduced in two districts of the chelyabinsk region; overflowing rivers are destroying even metal bridges. reservoirs are replenished with meltwater, and snow in the region is rapidly melting amid the warmth. by areas today. up to +17, both everything broke, nightmare, nightmare! in the kurgan region
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, 47 people were evacuated from flooded houses in the regional center of kurtomysh. a state of emergency has been declared in the city. the water in the tabol river in kurgan rose by 67 cm in one day. in the orenburg region, the number of people evacuated from the flood zone has already exceeded 2.0 people. a state of emergency has been introduced in orsk and orenburg, the ural and beloe rivers are fed by meltwater, in their basin there is in some places more than 30 cm of snow, which is rapidly melting during the abnormal heat. in orenburg, for example, today the air warmed up to may +18.6. at the same time , the north-west of russia is covered with snow. in pskov it is now near zero. charges of snow and rain at times worsened visibility to 3 km. winter reminded me today. on myself in the volga region, it was snowing on the red square of ezhkorala. even on thursday afternoon, thermometers showed almost +15 here, but today they are balancing at zero
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. it was snowy in cheboksary. snowfalls on the volga were brought by a cold front that had previously crossed the capital region, now it is approaching the middle urals, but in the north-west the precipitation turned into snow under the influence of a warm front, which in the coming hours will begin to influence the weather in st. petersburg. the northern capital will be covered in wet snowfalls in the evening, which will only intensify during the night. on saturday , cloudy weather is expected in the warm sector of the cyclone, with light precipitation in the form of rain, but with snow at night. in the morning it’s around zero, and during the day it’s no higher than +5. on sunday there may be a sprinkle of light rain, warming up to 70°, on monday the weather will clear up and reach 13°c. the forecast map shows that during the coming night the zamoros line will pass through the waters of the gulf of finland, central russia, the black earth region, the middle volga region and the middle urals. it is still frosty in the russian north, from -5 in the vologda region to -15-20 in
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the nenesky region. between the volga and don rivers + 2.7 on the black sea coast of crimea and the caucasus in places up to 10°c. the peak of cooling on the russian plain has passed already this weekend ; there will be a steady tendency towards an increase in the temperature background, which will return to its climatic channel. if in the russian north the daytime temperature fluctuates around zero, then in central russia the air will begin to warm up to +10-15, in the south of our country the thermometers at... will begin to storm the twenty-degree height. today in moscow it is sunny, no precipitation, but still quite fresh, only +3. on the weekend there will be no stones from the sky, cloudy with clearings, and in some places there may be slight precipitation, which many muscovites will not even notice. on saturday night frosts are around zero, and during the day + 8:10. on sunday it’s warmer, at dusk it’s already + 3:5 at the height of the day up to +15, well, at the beginning of next week the russian spring
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will begin again. the un human rights council adopted a draft resolution calling for israel to be held accountable in connection with the situation in the gas sector. the document was supported by 26 countries, 13 abstained from voting, and six opposed, including the united states and germany. the document was presented at the meeting by pakistan. before the vote, the country's post-press prion stated that the project.
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literally last minute news, the iranian council of collective revolutionary forces has just published a statement saying that the person killed in the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in in damascus, general ksir mohammed zahidi was directly involved in organizing operation deluge alyaqsa, that is, the attack on israel on october 7 last year, and what is noteworthy here is that until that moment tehran categorically denied its involvement in this attack, claiming that the attack was completely planned and organized by hamas on its own, and now let’s talk about how the day of the action went today, that is, translated from arabic as jerusalem day, of course, today attention was focused on tehran, on the streets of which thousands came out people, but not at all in order to celebrate, but in order to forgive the last journey of those killed as a result of the israeli strike, as i already said, last monday at the iranian consulate in damascus, a high-ranking official.
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islamic revolutionary guard corps officers were among the seven killed, including brigadier general ksir mahamed zahidi. one can judge his personality and the significance of his personality for the islamic republic, if only because today jawaza namas, that is, the funeral prayer at the farewell ceremony, was read personally supreme leader of iran, ayatollah khamini. and now, of course, attention is focused on israel, where increased security measures have been taken today. in jerusalem, on the temple mount, everything is going calmly there, it is clear that the israeli authorities are afraid of attacks, including terrorist ones, and the israelis are also afraid of iran’s response, which, as has been stated more than once in tehran , will certainly follow, in particular in the cities the jewish state is now setting up bomb shelters in case of attacks, but what will they be like?


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