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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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the investigative committee believes that the terrorist attack in crocus was connected with the conduct of the svo; operatives came to such conclusions after checking the phones of the detained terrorists. in particular, they contained photographs of people in military uniform with the ukrainian flag. boris ivanin will tell you more about the new evidence. this is the mobile
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phone of one of the arrested terrorists, which they tried to destroy before being detained, but investigators were able to restore the data, among them they found panoramic photographs of city hall, in all details, how to approach the building, which side to enter from, these screenshots of the attacker were sent to the curator, who gave the death order. at the direction of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location of the attack... on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of a special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on the internet resources and sent him screenshots of images, entrances to the crocus cityhall building and access roads to it. it's all about the accused confirmed in his testimony. also in the memory of the seized phone are photographs of ukrainian fighters in camouflage with a yellow flag and a trident. personnel. of destroyed houses, a large photograph with
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the inscription "children". if we assume that these photos were sent to terrorists by curators, then they hit where it hurts most. they played on feelings in order to arrange retribution, the symbol of which in ukraine was an indecent collage with a russian warship. it was even placed on a postage stamp. these data may indicate a connection between perfect terrorist act and special military operation. a range of investigative actions are ongoing. to representatives of the ukrainian special services. investigators are already working with new defendants in the high-profile case. fsb officers detained three more for organizing and financing the terrorist attack the day before in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. according to operational data , two suspects helped the terrorists with money to buy weapons and a car, and another was also involved in recruitment. why was he detained? special operation. this week also
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carried out in kaspiysk and makhachkala, four more accomplices were detained there, the fraudulent moscow court has already arrested 10 defendants, both the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack and those who helped them prepare for the attack in the moscow region. transferred money, provided a car, rented out an apartment. the investigation and security forces are establishing the entire terrorist network, including the customers and organizers of the heinous crime. the traces lead to western intelligence services and to ukraine, where the attackers tried to hide afterwards. emmanuel macron himself is justifying himself. i now, in front of the european press , i asked the heads of services of the relevant ministries to hold technical discussions with their russian colleagues in order to express solidarity, and also because we had useful information. i'm not going to reveal it here.
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the highest level of the so-called collective west, their reaction is based on the fact that they are not ready to measure the events taking place in the world with the same standard, they believe that the standards for assessing events, for forming their opinion on what is happening different. in fact, the west did not really express condolences and did not even show simple condolences.
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human compassion. meanwhile , hospitals in the capital continue to provide all necessary assistance to victims of the terrorist attack. moscow medicine received about a hundred patients, vice mayor anastasia rakova told our channel. interview right at the botkin hospital, where the wounded were also taken. in total , 15 hospitals took part in receiving patients, 13 of them were adults and two children’s hospitals. thanks to such correct distribution, it would be possible to evacuate patients to different hospitals, we managed to provide each patient with the necessary care and attention, and allocate time for this, because sometimes if we send a patient to only one hospital, then the system begins to experience overload.
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defendant in the case of a terrorist attack in the kroku city hall concert hall near moscow. so, he was charged with committing a terrorist attack that resulted in the death of a person as part of an organized group. we are monitoring information from the courtroom. what else is there, olga from the news. yes, here we turn to the tapes news agency, we continue to monitor the news from the murmansk region, the state of health of governor andrei chibis. and right now they are reporting that he survived the transportation to the regional hospital well, this is a quote from the regional minister of health. it is also reported that the governor of the murmansk region is in the intensive care unit of the regional hospital. we wish andreevich recovery. and now to
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other topics. on april 4, nato celebrated the 75th anniversary of the creation of the north atlantic organization. support for ukraine, but nothing more, and kyiv will not receive a formal invitation to join nato during the july summit in washington. actually, about the plans of the north atlantic alliance, the participants in the meeting of foreign ministers loudly announced their intention to study in more detail the possibilities of providing
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assistance to ukraine, but at the same time, stoltenberg for the first time admitted the impossibility that nato would not be able to collect enough weapons for kiev. and yet in nato. continue to discuss how to help ukraine, they want to increase the supply of air defense systems, including petriat, as well as missiles and spare parts for them, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said at a press conference following the meeting in brussels. but it seems that everything is not going according to plan. by the way, stoltenberg’s initiative to create a $100 billion aid fund for ukraine failed. hungary immediately stated that it was not ready to contribute to such a denis fund.
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always american generals, now they want more powers for themselves, this is the idea of ​​the still acting nato secretary general stoltenberg to create a fund assistance to ukraine in the amount of 100 billion euros, as evidenced by this, in fact, the eu countries will give this money, and the nato leadership will manage it. it is not a structure that earns money, that collects taxes. well, to summarize, it turns out that nato’s political line aimed at inflicting strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield has reached a dead end. the defeat actually failed, and the sanctions did not work. that's for sure. well, the colossal resources allocated to ukraine in the form of weapons money were spent without any visible
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result. there is now confusion among nato members. won't you tell me to start? but even this does not change the alliance’s hostile attitude towards russia. as a bloc, but threatens peace and security in general on the european continent, not just one specific country, not just a group of countries, in general it is a direct threat to peace and security in europe, and in eurasia, too, this is not just a point per unit of time, the problem that is now unfolding on the european continent is not only the history of the creation of nato and the aggressive engine, which is embedded in this organization, against this background, the international monetary fund is not going to forgive ukraine. $15 billion debt. details from anna lazareva.
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the international monetary fund is against writing off debt to ukraine. the imf does not intend to forgive the $15 billion loan, at least not until 2024 . an official representative of the fund said this, answering a question from journalists. there are no plans to write off the debt. ukraine's debt was recognized as sustainable subject to a number of conditions. do not concern fiscal consolidation and continuation of external financing, taking into account the restructuring of the debt itself. the imf expects that at the spring session with the leadership of the world bank, which will be held in mid-april, the issue of providing budget assistance to ukraine will be raised, including during meetings at the level of finance ministers. currently there is a four-year lending program for ukraine in the amount of $15 billion 600 million. kiev has currently received less than a third of this amount. it is known that ukraine. by the end of this year will have to pay the imf almost 3 billion dollars for servicing loans, but
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kiev has great difficulties with this. they are in a very serious financial trap, yes, since today the national debt appears to be $1,405 billion. actually, if we look at another important parameter by which the state of the ukrainian economy can be assessed, it is the budget deficit, the deficit. the budget in hryvnia is 221 billion, and this comes out to somewhere around 5.6 billion dollars, that is, they have a very serious hole in the budget. by twenty for the fourth year in ukraine , a budget deficit of almost 44 billion is planned. the authorities expect to cover most of it with western assistance. the head of the country's ministry of finance, sergei marchenko, stated that the budget needs $3 billion in monthly income from partners, but kiev will receive it for january and february.
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the situation in western countries, in general, also leaves much to be desired. by and large , western countries cannot now afford to support ukraine to the extent that they supported before, starting from the twenty-second year. meanwhile, the ukrainian authorities expect that kiev will be able to receive from the european union from 5 to 8 billion euros in income from russia’s frozen assets, the deputy head said. the only thing that can be
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realized is making a fundamental decision to transfer funds to kiev,” said the wise woman. we asked experts to assess the chances of such a development of the situation. now european countries are cautious about such frozen assets, and in fact, most likely. will not finance ukraine using these frozen assets, because if we look at the documentation of the european union, it cannot do this, therefore, with a high probability, since the european union does not plan to pay off ukraine’s debts, then most likely it will not be able to act at the expense of russia’s money. against the backdrop of a difficult financial situation, rating agencies are lowering ukraine's credit rating. the snp, for example, noted that the country's medium-term economic prospects are subject to
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a high degree of uncertainty. they estimate the probability of default on external obligations as very high. celebrate experts the fact that dependence on western assistance is increasing, and if the creditor country refuses to write off ukraine’s debts, the country may face a default. nearby, the opposition is once again leading supporters to protest over the law.
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i will turn off the microphone to anyone who uses the expression russian bill, accustomed to not allowing wards to behave in the same way as mentors, the united states authorities have also criticized the ideas of georgian deputies. we are deeply concerned that the proposed legislation in georgia will derail it from the european path, and will also damage the organizations of a democratic society that improve the lives of georgian citizens.
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you are not that kind of europeans, listen to your bosses from the kremlin, european deputies and officials rushed to write on social networks just recently. in the name of protecting human rights , the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe proposes to exclude the document from the agenda. the estonian ministry of foreign affairs writes that, in fact, the georgian integration plan did not imply such bills. and the press secretary of the eu foreign policy service simply resorted to blackmail, they say, if you don’t listen to us, we won’t be accepted into the european union. the georgian parliament responded to this that, for example, in france, israel and great britain, it seems that there has been a document for a long time, and the norms in it are much more strict and the bill.
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this bill is a direct refusal to join the european union, other laws adopted by the georgian dream serve this purpose, this is the power of traitors, but the people who took to the streets will consign them to the dustbin of history, no one is afraid of them. on friday, through loyal media, georgian dream announced that it is against the bill on enenoagents in ngos have launched a planned media campaign to discredit the document and prevent it from being passed into law, apparently this year. khramtsova, evgenia zemtsova, irina zaborskaya, news. now it's time for economic news. the number of tourists in russia this year will reach 80 million people. this forecast was given by deputy minister of economic development dmitry vakhrukov. he noted that in
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january-february, demand for travel around the country continued to grow. number of hotel guests and hotels increased by 12. to 11 million people. the leaders in the growth of tourist traffic are altai, khabaravsk territory, orenburg and smolensk regions. rost selmash, a russian manufacturer of agricultural equipment, won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against euroclear. the claim was satisfied by the moscow arbitration court. he recovered more than $20 million from the belgian depositary. this was the first such claim from a non-financial company from russia. the total amount of claims in russian courts against euroclear and clearstream has already approached. around 700 billion rubles. taste it, bought the service for office food delivery abe. the network received 95% of the company, interfax reports. the remaining share of 5% will remain with the cypriot company transportation investments management. the transaction amount is not disclosed. vkusvel is one of the fastest growing retailers in russia. the chain includes almost 2.0 stores. and
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the transportation of containers from china to the eu through russian territory is reaching pre-crisis levels. the level in the first quarter of transit increased by 44%, to 90 thousand in twenty-foot equivalent, this was reported in russian railways. the forecast for the second quarter is another + 30-40%. now the load it travels from china to europe in 5-7 days, which is three times faster than by container ship through the sued canal and five times faster than by sea bypassing africa. it was economic news, briefly. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko is on a working visit to kusbas today. watched the progress of the construction of a cultural and educational cluster, at a meeting with the governor discussed issues of science, education, sports, one of the key developments of tourism in kusbas, the domestic tourist flow in russia this year is expected to be at the level of 80 million people, vacations within the country have become fashionable and prestigious for russians, depending on trips abroad in the past,
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dmitry chernyshenko stated this, but let me remind you that vladimir putin, in his message to the federal assembly, set the task of almost doubling the domestic tourist flow by the year 1930. we, of course, need to build up the tourism infrastructure as quickly as possible in order to satisfy.
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centers of the world, its construction is included in the kusbas development program, within its framework shrigesh will receive 3.2 billion rubles for the construction of roads, modernization of utility networks, and this will already attract investors to the tourism sector.
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minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev is on a working trip to kabardi in balkaria today, he discussed the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex and state assistance to farmers. the republic is considered one of the leaders in growing fruits and berries. last year there was a record harvest of more than 500,000 tons. in addition, they increased by 40%. wheat production is the same as soybeans, an increase in production volumes is observed in livestock farming. federal funds to support agricultural producers and development rural areas in the twenty-third year you have fully developed, i want to thank you for this, in the twenty-fourth year the republic has allocated 2.7 billion rubles for these purposes. more than half have already reached recipients. i ask you. we also need to control this topic and definitely not slow down, agricultural producers need money precisely during this period, during the sowing period. but in
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kronshtat there was a meeting of the coordination council for import substitution in the fuel and energy complex, under the leadership of the head of the ministry of industry and trade deputy prime minister denis mantrov and deputy prime minister alexander novak. as noted by the participants in reducing import dependence. is important for achieving the technological sovereignty of russia, practically there are already results in this direction, so in the production of equipment, the level of technological independence for the transportation of hydrocarbons tends to 70%. sergei sobyanin opened the northern vestibule of the moscow city station on mcd-4. in total , more than 570,000 people live in its area of ​​attraction. the new station is located between the stations kutuzovskaya and belorusskaya on the new connecting branch between the kaluga and belarusian directions of the railway. we are launching the second stage of this station,
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the northern, northern vestibule, which will increase the number of passengers by 40%, and will also provide the opportunity to connect the presnensky district, which is today divided into two parts, in fact, the point was to comfortably connect residential areas. and we will continue the conversation about floods with the leading specialist of the centers, fobgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, we welcome you. eugene, hello, well, are there any prerequisites for stabilizing the flood situation in the regions of the urals and the european part of the country, but the main question is when will the warmth return to the capital region. good afternoon, colleagues, a cold front is breaking through to the urals, but it will bring it with it. precipitation, so the flow of water in the river will not stop, but the regions of the european part of russia will again have to face temperature swings, and here the news is good, the flood situation in the urals and...
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the situation has been introduced in two districts of the chelyabinsk region, flooded rivers are destroying even metal bridges, reservoirs are replenishing melted water continues to become more complicated, the emergency water regime, the snow in the region is rapidly melting against the background of the heat, in the region today it’s up to +17, both everything is broken, a nightmare, a nightmare, in the kurgan region from flooded houses to regional centers. 47 people were evacuated, a state of emergency was introduced in the city, the water in the tabol river in kurgan rose by 67 cm in one day. in the orenburg region, the number of evacuees from the flood zone has already exceeded 2.0 people, a state of emergency was introduced in orsk and orenburg, the river the urals and beloye are fed by meltwater; in their basins in some places there is more than 30 cm of snow, which rapidly melts during the abnormal
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heat. in orenburg, for example, at the same time , the north-west of russia is covered with snow. in pskov it is now near zero. charges of snow and rain at times worsened visibility to 3 km. winter reminded itself today in povoluga. it was snowing on the red square of yozhkorala. even on thursday afternoon, thermometers here showed almost +15, and today they are balancing at zero. it was snowy in cheboksary. snowfalls on the volga. brought a cold front that previously crossed the capital region is now approaching the middle urals; in the northwest, precipitation turned to snow under the influence of a warm front, which in the coming hours will begin to influence the weather in st. petersburg. the northern capital will be covered in wet snowfalls in the evening, which will only intensify during the night. on saturday , cloudy weather is expected in the warm sector of the cyclone, with light precipitation in the form of rain, but
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with snow at night. early morning around zero. and during the day no higher than +5. it might splash on sunday light rain will warm up to +7-10, on monday the weather will clear up to 13°c. the forecast map shows that in the coming night the frost line will pass through the waters of the gulf of finland, central russia, the black earth region, the middle volga region and the middle urals. in the russian north it is still frosty from -5 in the vologda region to -15-20 in the nenets district. between volga's speech. +2.7 on the black sea coast of crimea and the caucasus in some places up to 10°c. the peak of cooling on the russian plain has passed already over the weekend ; a steady upward trend will emerge temperature background, which will return to its climatic channel. if in the russian north the daytime temperature fluctuates around zero, then in central russia the air will begin to warm up to +10-15, in the south of our country the thermometers will begin to reach
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20°. altitude in moscow today is sunny without precipitation, but still quite fresh, only +3. on the weekend there will be no stones from the sky, cloudy with clearings, and in some places there may be slight precipitation, which many muscovites will not even notice. on saturday night frosts are around zero, and during the day + 8:10. in sunday is already warmer at dusk +3-5, at the height of the day up to +15, but at the beginning of next week, the russian spring will again go on the offensive on all fronts. and comfortable twenty-degree warmth will return to us.
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the fight against organized crime and how to increase the effectiveness of this work were discussed today at a meeting of the russian security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. the president outlined the main topic when opening the meeting. as the main one. the question we have today is increasing the efficiency of working with manifestations crime in general, speaker: minister of internal affairs delimirovich kolokoltsev, let's start about. the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibis, was taken to the regional clinical hospital; his condition after the attack remains a serious criminal case .


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