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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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the fight against organized crime and how to increase the effectiveness of this work were discussed today at a meeting of the russian security council. vladimir putin held it via videoconference; the president outlined the main topic when opening the meeting. as our main question today. governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis was taken to the regional clinical hospital, his condition after the attack remains serious, the criminal case of the assassination attempt was taken over by the central office of the investigative committee in region,
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who saved, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue to fight, just forward, everything will be fine, after the operation andrei chibbes was transferred to resuscitation. andrei chibes is in the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital, under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers, people in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are ongoing here.
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he was a little lucky that the aorta was not damaged, therefore, further treatment will take place in intensive care. there is an escort car at the reception ward, probably the suspect in the attack is in the same hospital with the governor. forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during the arrest, the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation , the suspect explained that he was displeased with the governor. despite the fact that i had not previously
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met him. it was established that previously the suspect was prosecuted for committing a crime under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, and ordering the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. neighbors who lived with bydanov for many years noted his behavior. great strangeness, i saw only one, i didn’t see anyone else, neither the bag, nor the wife, no one, only him so he passed, then quietly, not so, and opened the door and passed, that is, unsociable, the attacker caught the official in apatity, here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with local residents, they received him very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise , judging by the filming, he was in a great mood the day before.
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the incident was announced by himself on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course, in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come and meet me. this is footage of the work during the night , forensic experts take fingerprints from a car that belongs to budanov. to open it, i had to break the glass. the operatives worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. the press secretary turned out to be an eyewitness to the attack. any other forecasts for restoration, how long it will take very early, you need to understand the efficiency of actions literally there for the next few hours. the investigation will have to understand the reasons for the attacks, answer the question of whether the attacker has accomplices, or maybe those who ordered the crime. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the mormon region. the basmanny
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court sent into custody another, already the eleventh, defendant in the department for the attack on kroka cityhall. it is reported that muhammad zair sharibazada was arrested before two. well , 37 victims remain in moscow hospitals after the terrorist attack, three of them in serious condition, deputy mayor of the capital anastasia rakova announced this, she also spoke about support, including financial, which the city authorities provide to the victims and families of the victims. from the first minutes until now, we have been constantly in touch with the victims of the terrorist attacks, with their relatives and loved ones, we try to provide all the necessary assistance, the very next day the order of the mayor of moscow was signed on the allocation of funds to the victims, and additional payments
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are expected from 500,000 to 3 million. moscow pays all victims, with the exception of residents of the moscow region, which are by agreement with the governor. the moscow region took over. for today every day about 450 people contacted us for payments, 2/3 of them have already received these payments. of course, there are extremely tragic situations and families that require special care. in four families, both parents died at the same time and the children were left without them. in two more families the situation is also extremely difficult. one parent has died, others are in hospitals, doctors are fighting for their lives. each family is assigned an individual curator who accompanies the family, helps resolve all issues and adapt to a new life, which, alas, will inevitably have to get used to it. over the course of a week, russian troops carried out 39 group strikes on military and
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energy facilities in ukraine. the ministry of defense and the military department reported this, and also noted that these strikes were a response to attacks on russian oil and gas and energy facilities. from march 31 to april 5, in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage the oil and gas industry and energy facilities of russia, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision long-range ground weapons air-based, unmanned aerial vehicles, facilities in the energy industry of ukraine, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, air defense systems, an arsenal, fuel depots, a temporary deployment point for ukrainian units, foreign mercenaries, the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated targets were hit, well now a client of the news agency reports that in
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transnistria a kamikaze drone attacked a military unit in the rybnitsa region, minor damage was caused, casualties no, this news is also supplemented by the fact that... the target of the kamikaze drone in transnistria was a radar station, it suffered minor damage to the mgb of the republic of transnistria. an earthquake in manhattan interrupted a meeting of the un security council in new york. seismologists estimate its magnitude at 4.8. members of the security council were discussing the situation in the middle east when they felt shaking and became worried, but after several tremors the meeting continued. as specified, the epicenter of the earthquake was in the neighboring state of new jersey, but strong tremors were felt in new york. eyewitnesses say that buildings were swaying. the statue of liberty, however, according to preliminary estimates, was not damaged. now a short advertisement, and then on our air an interview with
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the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev. try sushi, try all the salads, try sop, sop, everyone needs this, they need it, again it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback from alpha in yandex food, you get 20% cashback, yandex food when ordering with any alfabank card, and if there is no card , order a free alpha card, your sberbusiness for each type of business, special services for retail trade. more information about customers, comparing indicators with competitors, finding the best place for a retail outlet, open an account with sberi , use useful services, free forever, sberbusiness, if in your kitchen rice is national, this means that uzbek pilaf or favorite porridge is no longer anyone’s -this is national
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of the ministry of transport was held, and there they paid a lot of attention to the development of the eastern test site, including bama, for you this is also a quite important project, yes, tell us what this is connected with in the context of that that you are in charge of the region through which the bam passes, well, the most important thing is that the president has set all the tasks. we carry them out, our railway workers and builders, we are this is directly related to the fact that our investment growth has been so explosive in recent years, including due to the construction of large linear facilities, primarily russian railways, our ports, our energy sector, this gas pipeline, by the way, we are currently building a link from siberia into the far eastern gas transportation system, gazprom is doing this, for the first time in history, this has never happened... the country will be connected, stitched together, also about railways, the goal this year is
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to transport 180 million tons through the eastern testing site. transip are the seaside ports, obama are the khabarovsk ports ports, vanina sovgavan. last year , 40 million were transshipped at the ports of vanina , and the goal that the president set for pobam by the thirtieth year. introduce 210 million, imagine, that is, now it’s a little over 40, and 210, at the moment our builders are building 16 second sections of tracks, 20 sidings, various artificial structures, but all this, of course, places a great burden on, first of all, the labor market in we employ tens of thousands in the region. shift workers at these construction sites and from siberia, from central russia and abroad,
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our people, of course, unemployment is at a historical low of zero, in fact, there ’s a little more than zero, so for us, in addition to such large-scale investments, of course, taxes, the parent company that builds, bam and transpam construction mechanization, was registered in february in khabarovsk . in our jurisdiction and tax jurisdiction we now receive additional revenues to the budget, this is fair, we discussed this with the management of russian railways, with the ministry of transport, finally. the decision has been made, for which we thank the shareholders. in addition, the company is building several large logistics centers, it is necessary to transport materials in a convenient way, railways are not everything, even further north in the tugura-chumekan region from yakutia to the new port of elga
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, the pacific railway, private, is being built, this is a big project that we started in... the first year they have already built 350, probably already today 360 km of tracks out of the required 500, with 600 km passing roads and a port with a capacity of 50 million tons. here is a double effect, i told the president when i reported to vladimir vladimirovich putin about this project, today coal from elgenskoye deposits are transported along the bam, along the trans-siberian railway, and with the construction of this line, the entire volume... goes directly to the port in the khabarovsk territory on the shore of the okhvatskoe sea and will free up what they are now transporting along the russian railways, as you consider , others will also benefit for themselves for that the guys are working here, so thank you all, well done, what do you think will help accelerate the pace of development
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of the bam, the expansion of the bam, the emergence of new infrastructure, here is the second one. project, recently, by the way, an agreement has already been concluded, the bamtonel company is building a bridge, we have it too it’s working, the dusyaolinsky tunnel is breaking through, or rather , it’s already broken through, a breakdown happened just in march, i was there personally, talked to the team, they’re also amazing people, they work in the most difficult conditions ; this will also make it possible to expand the narrow ones...
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gradually, because the state immediately builds for its own, the state calculates such volumes, you yourself understand, there may not be trillions of rubles, that’s why, that is, it’s profitable for investment, this is not the first time you’ve talked about private investments, of course, both concession and deferred payment, various mechanisms are used in the construction of railways,
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transport infrastructure in general, well, when all this happens ours... he loaded 25 million from us, defended a new investment project, it will also be doubled increase the volume, plus two new projects, in general, this node, in principle, is a window to asia, peter i opened a window to europe, and vladimir vladimirovich opened the door to asia, i have our
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president, vladimir vladimirovich putin, all this is blooming, how many kilometers in total? does it pass? bama on the territory of the region total bam 4,000 on our territory of our region 1,200 km, plus the end desks, that is , we say bam, we mean the khabarovsk territory, yeah, then the question is: everything happens on the territory of the khabarovsk territory, and i want to ask about the residents, that’s a lot some villages, cities, towns, where life will change, it is clear that everything is being built, but what, what will people get from this. is changing before our eyes, russian railways and i are together, and other regions, i will say for our khabarovsk territory, concluded in the twenty-first year of the agreement on socio-economic partnership in the village of bama, everything today is in the focus of attention of our authorities, the regional government and russian railways, together we are renovating schools, building kindergartens,
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improving communal infrastructure, we have only been in the last 3 years under this agreement in the villages bama was completely replaced with automatic, compact boiler houses in 10 villages, this is a lot of money, on the highway, we, together with railway workers , launched an educational railway cluster , according to the presidential project
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professionalism, all secondary vocational educational institutions have been completely modernized, all laboratories, modern technologies, and the far eastern university along the way and communications has also received such an impetus in development, it is today a flagship, but people on... i can say this because i communicate constantly , that’s why with staffing everything, thank god, subtasks are synchronized, for requests,
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ports are all tied to - increasing transportation capacity, but i repeat, the window to asia, or rather the door to asia, was opened by our president, our the task now is to catch up, yeah, to expand all the bottlenecks, well, plus such unique, i repeat, projects as... the pacific road in the north, this is an alternative, unique way to give volumes to seberiks, first of all, so that they carry coal , other cargo, free up the capacity that is now occupied by the railway from the elginskoye field, we are talking a lot about freight transportation now, but passenger transportation, which of course, we had a bam last year only in our bama section. and rakada, which connects transip, transported 860 thousand people, this is with an increase from last year, by the twenty-second year, i ’m talking about the twenty-third year, 15%. suburban transportation, also
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thanks to our railway workers, we really subsidize, that is, the money goes to our regional ones, but our railways carry it, the growth was 10%, last year to 700,000 passengers, this year. 30 new cars will be supplied to the trains and routes sovetskaya gavan vladivostok, khabarovsk, komsomolsk, er, komsomolsk, tynda, so the train stations are being updated, well, even little things like automatic storage lockers are appearing in the east, finally, something that in the west of russia here in the center we are accustomed to. this has not happened everywhere yet , this process is beginning rapidly, so convenience for people too, not only cargo, electrification, as soon as
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the electrification of the volochaevka, komsomolsk- on-amur branch is completed, this connects rakada, bam and transip, we have agreements on the possible launch of high-speed communication khabarovsk-komsomolsk.
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on bama - this is the khabarovsk region, through oil portastri, this is the khabarovsk region, to cape lazarev, from where it will go to sakhalin, it is interesting to us from this point of view, because dekastri today does not have a railway connection, the village of lazarev does not have a railway connection, and there , a little to the north, we have nikolaevsk on the sea, in general, the first post at sea, which admiral nevelskoy founded at one time, is...
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in general, the first capital, one might say, of the far east, so powerful, there is no railway, there is a father, wonderful people live, a port, fishing companies are developing, iron there is no road, and we connect the development of the entire lower amur coast on the tatar strait, precisely with the bridge to sakhalin, and we will find a cargo base, what we talked about a lot, the economy is developing, it is moving east... the trade rate is growing, large projects are being developed in khalin, the port of korsakov, they have a couple of other ports there, that is, in fact , for the country, not only for the sakhalin region, these are huge opportunities for development, so we can also make money on this project, revive trade, explore, most importantly, the president set the course for napmf
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in... last year we need to move to an economy not of supply, but not of demand, but of supply, because if we talk about demand, there is some demand, there are few people, there are no railways, there will never be one, so make an offer, then there will be demand, so we are following the instructions of the president, that’s it, thank you very much for the interview, thank you.
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it was you who stole your grandfather’s dirk at the age of 7, the men in the yard told you that.


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