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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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summons, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and i was the victim. let's return to the situation in orsk, where the dam broke. more than 4,000 houses and almost 11 thousand people are in the flood zone. such footage from the flooded city is now appearing online. they show that the water is rising, the streets are already under it, and for some there are no casualties. residents of two areas of the city are urgently evacuated. at the moment , 12 temporary accommodation points are in readiness. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. in them about 40 people have already been accommodated, 17 of them children. the majority goes to
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relatives and friends. according to the head of orsk, partial damage to the main part of the dam occurred in two places. crews and equipment are working to restore the site. rescuers, meanwhile, are struggling with the consequences of a dam break; they are strengthening it with the help of thirty heavy trucks. maria valieva has all the details from the scene. we work in the old city, i note that there are traffic police posts here and they don’t let anyone get close. there to those streets where already water has spilled, now all residents are quickly evacuated along the streets of the old city, police are walking, emergency workers are warning that it is urgently necessary to evacuate. gorsk is being evacuated by specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations and the local administration. the evacuation is being carried out due to the fact that there was a burst of an earthen embankment dam, which is located within the city and protected it from floods and melting waters. 33 heavy trucks are working,
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all the equipment is working continuously , the gust is falling asleep, we recommend that residents do not neglect advice from specialists, including employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and go through temporary accommodation points. there are a lot of volunteers here, those people who are ready to transport everyone for free, police officers continue to walk the streets and warn citizens that they need to quickly evacuate.
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friends or in temporary accommodation centers, more than 300 households and 750 have already been flooded . i urge you to go to your relatives or plots. i would also like to note that his deputy ilya is currently in orsk on behalf of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. denisov, under his leadership , coordinated work to eliminate the consequences of the flood and provide assistance to people.
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thank you very much to everyone for the thousands of good wishes, the governor of the murmansk region andrey chibes wrote these words on his telegram channel after the transfer. and rightly so, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into battle, just forward, everything will be fine. after the operation, andrei chibis was transported to intensive care, his condition is serious,
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stable, medical assistance is necessary the volume was provided, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds of damaged organs were performed, now the immediate postoperative. who rushed at the politician with a knife and was wounded during detention at the emergency department of the apatitsky-kirov hospital, a paddy wagon is waiting for him, while doctors are assisting the detainee, investigators are trying to establish his motives. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary
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medical assistance. during interrogation , the suspect explained that he felt displeased with the governor, despite the fact that i was not familiar with him before. it has been established that the suspect was previously involved. to criminal liability for committing a crime under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently , investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, and ordering the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. by order of the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bostrykin, materials on this high-profile case were transferred to the central office of the department. a brigade from the capital was sent to the murmansk region.
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here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with local residents, they received him very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. the russian guard, who wounded and then detained the attacker, will be presented with a reward, state duma deputy alexander khenshtein announced this. monovets literally threw him away from the lapwing, but it resisted. the officer had to use his weapon. after firing a warning shot into the air, he wounded the criminal in the leg, and then twisted it and handed it over to the police who arrived. at the cultural center, andrei chibes talked with residents. the filming judge, he was in a great mood,
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announced this meeting on social networks the day before. good afternoon everyone. on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course, in the evening i will meet with the residents. that's why. come meet me, this is footage of the investigative task force working at night, forensic experts are taking fingerprints from a car that belongs to budanov, in order to open it, they had to break the glass, the investigators worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. an eyewitness to the attack was the governor's press secretary, liliya sechkina. any other forecasts for recovery, how long it will take very early, need to be understood.
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after the 16-day siege, new details of the battle of the russian military for an important bridgehead in the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye direction became known. for the kiev regime , this place has already become as iconic as it was in its time. they watch this video for the first time, watch it several times, their father immediately their son, lieutenant alexander toropov, recognizes in the video, i’m telling you, sashka, i told you right away. the moment of landing of the assault group is rewound again to watch, they pass glasses to each other, he, their
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sashka, comes second, lieutenant toropov now commands a platoon in the seventieth guards regiment of the dnepr group, his assault group was the first to capture and hold a bridgehead in the village of rabotina in zaporozhye for 16 days front, you get used to it, it becomes like family, but there was a new one, once upon a time, a month ago. a month ago, this is doboyov in robotino, he is preparing for interview, so that everything would be on the forum, and so his group is now on vacation, well, they told me, here is the school, there may be an enemy there, here is the point at which you need to go, occupy, that is, if there is an enemy, knock him out and sit down and hold on, occupy, well, set up a perimeter defense, come on, dear, come on, come on, come on, speed up, dear, speed up, assault groups of the seventieth guards regiment on two infantry fighting vehicles. they are moving towards rabotin, for this village, of which only one name remains, fierce battles are now taking place.
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smart girls, smart girls. an enemy shell lands between two infantry fighting vehicles, the first vehicle is enveloped in a dense cloud of earth, dust and shrapnel, it is not visible for a couple of seconds, but the infantry fighting vehicle continues to move. come on, maga, come on, dear. smart girl, smart girl, men. at the command post, emotions run high. they know each of the assault groups and bmp crews by sight. magician, mechanic, driver, first, there were claps, well, i don’t see the claps, the side ones, only i see everything in front of me, well, it’s all on adrenaline, i know, well, i’ll get there, most likely, i got there, i exhaled, that’s it, with the living to land i drove it back, well, i’ll get back anyway , the advance of the landing party was monitored with the help of a drone and they suggested to the driver where it was safer to turn, at some point the connection with the vehicles was lost. the crews themselves made their way, this was the hardest battle for me, how can i say, even if
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there was no such resistance from their infantry, but their artillery worked well, so i have nothing to compare this race to rabotina with. the infantry fighting vehicles are under fire, but they reach the outskirts of the village and open suppressive fire. work, the first company, work, these are the men, left behind the scenes. as several komikat drones attacked the cars, the defenses went off. victor had an unbearable desire to smoke all the way, but there was not even a second to be distracted. its two twin 100-millimeter and 30-millimeter cannons covered the landing vehicle. there he shot his back to zero. what were you most afraid of? flying over the car. arty, no, granik wasn’t afraid, he was afraid of arty.
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fear, not that fear, of a child, understanding of the danger that now all these the guys are surrounded, lieutenant sasha is 22, he became an officer in april 23 in the northern military district since august, in his platoon he is the youngest, the average age of his soldiers is 40 plus, and there are those for whom he
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is suitable as a grandson, but they call him by his first name and patronymic , with these men he stormed the work. i called my parents on the eve of the assault, i don’t tell them anything, usually i just said, everything is fine, life is healthy, everything is fine, why would you deprive your nerves of creating, well, you said that there would be no contact for you for some time, well, they already know , they are used to that sometimes i periodically, well, lost contact when i turned on the phone for 70 notifications, they called him, they were worried about him, they were waiting for him, during work there was his first assault, all the killers went, all the killers went, that's it, that's it, men, the best, work, the first company, work, write, see when he answers, when he doesn’t, well, he reads it, then everything, of course, yes, it’s hard, well, what can you do, a man’s work,
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sasha has been at the front since august, and a month later he was awarded the order of courage, and for what? there i was then in an armored group, commander of an armored group, carried out tasks there, everything it turns out, he went there, who else didn’t go everything, where there, who didn’t go, well, tell me, well , where we didn’t go, it turns out other crews it turns out, we were the first to go there, well, right to the enemy, there were 20 meters, his parents saw him in january, he came on vacation, didn’t say anything about the service, only the order is vaguely mocking, he takes off his uniform, he... looks like the boy he used to be, when he puts on his uniform, he’s a completely different person, now he has two awards on his uniform, this one the medal has been earned, my parents haven’t seen it yet, all of it the group for that assault received medals and orders ; the bmp crew received a medal for courage; gunner viktor borzenko had the third; first, the svo received the zhukov medal and the st. george cross.
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my mother, girlfriend, brothers, sisters are waiting for me at home , soon... 100 are planned, they promised a vacation, we are waiting, well, you are an enviable groom with those awards, yes, yes, well, there will be more anyway, take away, magician, take away dear, take away , take away, magician, leave, dear, leave, dear, also on the marshruk, yes, leave, dear, leave second where, the second one is passing by the school now, there, there goes, yes, a handsome man, this video lasts only 10 minutes, and russian troops wage such battles on the outposts in korabotino in the village itself every day. the small zaporozhye village of arabotina has already become for the kiev regime the same iconic place of fortifications as mariupol, artyomovsk, avdeevka in their time. both infantry fighting vehicles came out of that battle without losses. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, ksenia usoltseva, news. zaporozhye front. as we age, changes
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yerevan not to allow the west to deceive itself, to drive a wedge between its neighbors and lead the country down the wrong path. natalya solovyova found out what promises armenian prime minister pashinyan, us secretary of state blinken and the head of the european commission fonderline were trying to attract. to a meeting in brussels. nikol pashinyan was driving in high spirits. the trilateral format of the eu, usa and armenia have been planned since last fall. the trip was long-awaited, officially counting on financial assistance, but yerevan clearly overestimated the generosity of its partners. united states invest in the prime minister's efforts to govern the country and implement economic reforms. we plan to provide more than $65 million from the government budget. another 270 million euros, and this is for 4 years. i’m ready to throw in the towel on the european union, but the point is no longer how much the west will spend on armenia, it’s what it will gain in return, in this sense, ms. fondelien is extremely honest. mr. minister,
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i applaud your efforts to pursue democratic reforms despite the challenges you face. i also welcome measures armenia is taking to prevent circumvention of our sanctions against russia, in particular to ensure that lethal equipment and technology do not fall into the hands of the russian military. this shows that values.
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borders, that is, together with karabakh. today in brussels, pashinyan reiterated his readiness to normalize relations with baku. i would like to emphasize that we remain committed to normalizing relations with azerbaijan on the basis of mutual recognition of each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in in accordance with the almaty declaration of 1991 . armenia is also fully committed to border delimitation based on the almaty declaration and unblocking. all regional communications based on full respect for the sovereignty and jurisdictions of countries, as well as the principles of equality of reciprocity, but official baku called this meeting
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disadvantageous for... according to the country's president ilham aliyev, attempts from the west to turn armenia into an outpost in the south caucasus could lead to negative consequences, although in recent days high-ranking officials like the united states and the european union, during telephone conversations that took place on their initiative, tried to convince us that this meeting is not directed against azerbaijan, but we know that cooperation in the southern caucasus is directed against azerbaijan. earlier , turkey also strongly condemned the meeting in brussels, making it clear that this was contradictory to each other. the principle of neutrality adopted to resolve disputes, especially taking into account the escalation on the armenian-azerbaijani border. concluding agreements for partnership in terms of weapons armenia, reformatting the armenian army according to nato standards is very annoying for baku. baku thinks that armenia is being prepared for war in the south caucasus and armenia is currently a destabilizing fact for
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regional security. pashinyan’s western partners need to maintain a point of tension in the south caucasus; they are making a temporary, in my opinion, fertilization out of armenia for their own purposes. while the armenian authorities are playing out a gambit, pondering what to sacrifice in a protracted game, official yerevan risks ultimately being left without allies, without domestic support. pashinyan's approval rating has fallen to historic lows, according to recent polls. natalia solovyova, anna pogonina, evgenia zentsova, news. the eurasian fund for stabilization and development has financed a number of projects in armenia; it was founded by participating states, which, in addition to this caucasian republic, includes russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. the fund supports the most important and strategic investment areas. we are currently preparing the next financial loan for 100 million dollars. in total, the fund’s portfolio in armenia includes 10 projects worth $533 million. the construction of
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the fourth stage of aftorozh has already been financed. in the agricultural sector, another very important project that we finance in armenia is several sections of the gray-south transport corridor, which is the main transit corridor for the republic, we have a number of projects in the social sector, such as healthcare and
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energy efficiency of the facility. for social purposes our broadcast will continue special report by alexander sladkov of the skorakhov direction on the donetsk sector of the front, a special military operation. donetsk direction. russian troops are fighting for georgievka, moving towards the major transport hub of the ukrainian armed forces in kurakhovo. to familiarize ourselves with the situation, we need to drive forward, at night and quickly. can i hold on to the factory? let's! invigorates, driver of an armored personnel carrier. wow, the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces
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is right there. opens fire, so you can see me, during the day the military generally try not to show themselves on the street, everyone is dispersed in the basements, and we go downstairs, thank you big, carefully, carefully bend down, who has a camera so as not to break it, yeah, this is the 103rd regiment of the 150th division, southerners, the southern military district, a cozy control center suddenly collapsed. we don’t have such storm-movism, so come on!


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