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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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such footage from the flooded city is now appearing online, it shows that the water is rising, the streets are already under it, fortunately there are no casualties, residents of two districts of the city are being urgently evacuated. at the moment, 12 temporary accommodation points are in readiness, the ministry of emergency situations reported this. they have already accommodated about 40 people, 17 of them children, most of whom are going to relatives and friends. according to the head. orsk, partial damage
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to the main part of the dam occurred in two places. crews and equipment are working on restoration of the object. rescuers , meanwhile, are struggling with the consequences of a dam break; they are strengthening it with the help of thirty-three heavy trucks. all details from the scene . at maria valieva's. we work in the old city, i note that there are traffic police posts here, and no one is allowed close to those streets where water has already spilled. now all residents are being quickly evacuated along the streets of the old city, police officers and emergency situations ministry employees are walking around, warning that it is necessary to evacuate urgently. in orsk , evacuation is carried out by specialists of the russian ministry of emergency situations and local administration. the evacuation is being carried out due to the fact that there was a burst of an earthen embankment dam, which is located within the city and protected it from sticks and taloto. in total, 33 heavy trucks and all the equipment are working.
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the impulse works continuously and falls asleep, we recommend that residents do not neglect the advice of specialists, including employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, and go through temporary accommodation points. there are a lot of volunteers here, those people who are ready to transport everyone for free, police officers continue to walk the streets and warn citizens that it is necessary to quickly evacuate. attention citizens. the population is being evacuated, you need to take documents and necessary things with you, a dam broke in orsk today, now trucks are also carrying crushed stone in order to somehow minimize the consequences of flooding, the equipment is working, and people are working, the engine is starting up in order to carry out restoration work ladies, restoring the flow is the first task; water can rush in at any moment in a larger volume. and
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flood almost the entire old city, therefore, i appeal to all residents of the old city to evacuate. the mayor of orenburg sergei salmin recorded a video message today, emphasizing that the situation is critical. in just one day, the water level in the urals increased by 91 cm and now stands at 778 cm. and this is already above the unfavorable value, and the water continues to rise. i urge you to... go to your family or friends or to temporary accommodation centers. more than 300 households and 750 plots have already been flooded. i would also like to note that alexander is currently in orsk on behalf of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations. kurenkova. his deputy ilya denisov, under his leadership, coordinated work to eliminate the consequences of the flood and provide assistance to people. two il-76 aircraft and more than 100 specialists arrived here. the center
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spas detachment and the center leader of the ministry of emergency situations of russia have 20 watercraft, five units of off-road equipment, and also have special equipment, wetsuits, life jackets and a rapid deployment diving station. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan poevsky and anna povetyeva, conduct the orenburg region. situation in the region combating organized crime and developing more effective measures became major themes.
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thank you very much to everyone for the thousands of good wishes, the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibes wrote these words on his telegram channel after the surgery. now the head of the region is in the murmansk clinical regional office. what you are experiencing and supporting, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue to fight, just forward, everything will be fine. after the operation, andrei chibis was transported to intensive care. the condition is serious, stable, medical care
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was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds of damaged organs were performed, now for the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit.
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criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, and ordering the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. by order of the chairman investigative committee alexander bostrykin, materials on this high-profile case were transferred to the central office of the department, a team of capital investigators was sent to the murmansk region, who will understand the reasons on the spot.
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here at the exit of the sdk builders, andrei chibes the attacker caught the official in apatity, so he met with local residents, they received him very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. the fighters of the russian guard, who wounded and then detained the attacker , will be presented with a reward, the deputy reported state duma alexander khenshtein. the riot police literally threw him away from the lapwing, but it resisted. the officer had to use a weapon; after firing a warning shot into the air, he wounded the criminal in the leg, and then tied him up and handed him over to the police who arrived. at the cultural center, andrei chibes talked with residents; judging by the filming, he was in a great mood; the day before he himself announced this meeting on social networks.
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good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course, in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come towards. this is footage of the work.
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and the eighth arctic international film festival golden raven. so, arthur, you are the king is in theaters - an adventure film about friendship and fortitude, based on real events. the story centers on expedition racing enthusiast michael light, who decides to take one last victory before retiring from the sport. during the seven-hundred-kilometer route, a street dog named arthur joins his team. starring mark wahlberg and nathalie emmanuel. the sports drama was produced by a british directed by simon celan jones based on the book by
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swedish extreme sportsman mikael lindnard. following the story of his prototype, michael and the team overcome dangerous challenges, climb cliffs, kayak, and explore the jungle at the risk of their lives. an expedition race is a multi-day struggle with nature and internal weaknesses. hey checks, check it out, this one's for you baby. ah... the plot of the champion's journey is combined with the story of saving a mongrel. the appearance of the four-legged arthur changes the image of the selfish, stubborn racer michael. finding someone reliable in a dog friend, he changes his goal. now it’s not the glory after winning at the finish line, it’s arthur’s return home. listen, buddy, you earned another fricatellik. thank you. it's amazing how much you can achieve if you work hard, and you never know when
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you'll find someone or something that will change your life, your world forever, and of course, for the better. arthur continues a series of films about dogs with a difficult fate. in 2022 , chaning tatum's lulu and brix collected 215 million rubles. and both parts of a dog’s life are submarinely 280 million. pre-sale figures and the first days of rental show that arthur’s potential is also not weak. the adventure film gold off malta, a star-studded film about the most daring robbery of the 20th century, is in theaters this week, this is the first large-scale eastern in modern russian cinema, it was directed by andrei bogatyrev, director of the red ghost, the legend of samba and the film judas, who has already established himself in the genre unusual smart action. among the leading actors are pavel derevyanko, artyom tkachenko, alexander samolenko and sofia ernst. 1917 a gang of mysterious robbers in wearing shaman masks, he attacks the convoy, mercilessly
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dealing with its accompanying people, and steals 40 pounds of gold belonging to st. petersburg resident leonty bulygin. the gold miner blames the nomadic tungus tribe for the incident, not noticing that he is not the only one hunting for the precious treasure. this story is based on real events that occurred in the territory of what is now the khabarovsk territory. the stolen property was never found. there are no laws for me, so i take all your sins upon myself, we’ll find gold, i’ll give you the honor, why do you need such protection from barbarians, non-humans, tungus, director andrei bogatyrev refers to classic films about the wild west, in the gold of malta the legacy of the masters of the western, sergio leon and john ford is visible to the naked eye, through the clash of fundamentally different characters the film depicts the course of history. in the state in people, there were some references to another genre lover quentin tarantino and his hateful
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eight, but all this is deprived of guidelines. malta's gold is a bright signature product that surprisingly combines features of classical western cinema and russian culture. here we have such an interesting style, again between tarantina and mikhalkov, i would call it, yes, that is , this is such an attempt to preserve both the soviet, our tradition and... to preserve a certain style, a certain style of a western, after all, yes, but by reorienting it to the eastern world, to our culture. the idea for the script belongs to the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, who read about the legendary robbery in the novel the chronicles of stanislav glukhy, return to umalta. crime was so loud that facts about it were preserved in regional archival documents. it was not a random decision to involve bogatyrev in working on the film. the director's creative method is familiar. mixing historical cinema with myths and legends, the script came together easily and organically.
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little is known about this story; let’s say, it hasn’t been investigated, right? therefore , based on this fact, based on this real, real robbery, we actually tried to speculate and build our story. malta's gold is a movie reflecting on complex human characters striving for a common goal, about questions of fate and destiny. it reveals not only the rich history of the country, but also its endless beauty. and its nature, which contains a considerable number of secrets. the moscow international film festival, the second oldest in the world after venice, founded by sergei izenshtein in 1935, continues to open its doors to new directors from all over the world. at the last press conference of the forty-sixth miff, the
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competition program and announced jury members. the festival will take place from april 19 to 26. according to the members of the selection committee , one can be especially proud of the main competition. 11 paintings from 10 countries. russia is represented by the author of the comedy "distantly close ivan sosnin. his new work "the alien" tells about the inhabitants of a ural village who are waiting to meet aliens. among other films in the international competition, the drama of the german director silky enders schli mazel, the main character of which, after the death of her grandmother, begins journalistic investigation about the events in... tells about a young man who came to work in moscow, and the main character of the drama breath of cold, iranian director nahit azizi sidik, struggles with the desire to avenge the death of his mother on his own father. the jury of the main competition will be headed by icelandic director and actor fridrik
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thor fridrikson. very different films, some directors, very many. directors are now trying to somehow analyze, with the help of artistic means, cinematic events, political, social events that came about 10-15 years ago. there are seven films in the national competition russian premieres, among them a new work by director and writer viktor tikhomirov evgeniy telegin, based on the poem of the same name in prose by tikhomirov himself, the main role in the film was played by evgeniy tkachuk, and a new film by the director of the naughty trilogy is also in the competition. the author of the fantasy drama vacation in october, roman mikhailov, is participating in a competition with a film about making films about love, about filming in india, which involves a group of very young actors, the rest of the participants in russian premieres debutants in feature films. firstly, there are a lot of debuts, a lot, more than ever before, this is the first, second,
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black and white movie, this is, well, we watched one film, yes, we watched the second. film, yes, but there were a lot of them, this is some kind of sign, well, of a return to the origins of cinema. the opening film of the iff will be the crime drama open sky. road movie about two teenage brothers who, along with their identical sister, travel to the mexican border. they are looking for the culprit of the car accident, after which their father died. and the closing film of the miff will be one of the most anticipated blockbusters of the year, the third part of major thunder, which received the title of the game. this time the st. petersburg superhero enters into battle with a mysterious villain who calls himself a ghost. starring a familiar star cast. tikhan zhiznevsky, lyubov aksyonova, alexander seteykin, alexey moklakov. the eighth arctic international festival golden crow, the largest film event in the far eastern arctic. as part of the show,
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the audience will be presented with the best artistic, documentaries and animated films from all over the world, including stories about... the nature and cultures of the far north, as well as topical topics for the region: ecology and continuity of generations. the event will take place from april 15 to 28 in the city of onadare. in the main competition of the golden crow festival this year there are 11 films, six documentaries and five feature films from kazakhstan, china, iran, tajikistan and argentina. our country is represented in the section by five films, among them the drama vera, directed by ira volkova. the festival will open with the world premiere of the film there where the siberian cranes dance, and the boys dream of seeing the rare dance of white cranes, was shot by the yakut author mikhail lukachevsky.
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the drama is also represented in the international competition of the festival. we received over 3,500. more than 600 applications from 126 countries of the world, for us this is, firstly, a very serious indicator that our festival is of interest to professional filmmakers, and secondly, the fact that we were able to put together a unique, interesting program, every year the golden raven draws attention to film cooperation with friendly countries, if last year the focus of the festival was china, then this year it will be india, as part of a non-competitive program on... viewers will also see the melodrama the tramp by raj kapoor. this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the actor and director. represented india in a professional jury. producer, writer and
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director vivi kograwal will take the chairman's chair. filmmakers from turkey, iran, russia and china will evaluate the full-length work together with him. and according to tradition, the audience will determine the winner of the main prize - a large golden raven. with our it’s not just his team that is growing through the festival. but our viewer, and he wants to expand the boundaries of our films, so we pay a lot of attention to the countries of asia, the asia-pacific region, the silk road, this is very interesting to our viewers, they find a lot in the stories that is close to them and vote. over the 8 years of its existence , the festival has managed to transform into a large cultural multi-format project. the show brings together various types of art on online and offline platforms and develops regional cinema. and attracts young authors to chukotka, we are adding musical tracks to the film competition, to the industrial program, tracks that are related to folk, national culture, folklore, and
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theater productions are coming to chukotka, we will show performances, this is very important for us and for the audience , it seems to me that our festival gives people and the district, the region as a whole, not only a feeling of celebration, but also a vision of perspective in cinema, perspective. in creativity. the review is held with the support of the governor and government of the chukotka autonomous okrug, the ministry of culture of the russian federation, the presidential foundation for cultural initiatives and the youth initiative production center, the winners will be announced on april 21. at the stand of the russia-1 tv channel at vdnkh in the seventy-fifth pavilion , a meeting was held with the creators and actors of the fantastic blockbuster 100 years ago. director alexander andryushchenko, producer fyodor bondarchuk. actors daria vereshchagina, mark edelshtein and sofia tsibereva spoke about the secrets of the film and answered questions from the audience. somewhere we will cry, somewhere we will laugh, somewhere we will be surprised, somewhere
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detective work to figure out how our heroes can defeat our antagonists. created with the participation of the russia-1 tv channel, the film 100 years ago, inspired by the universe of kir boluchev, will be released on april 18. on the radar. talks about the secrets and difficulties of creating a great painting. the material for the film was the personal archives of the torkovsky family; unique footage from the director’s cut, which was cut out during the final editing
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, will appear on the big screen for the first time. also, as part of special screenings, viewers will be able to see the restored documentary film "time of travel", which andrei tarkovsky shot in the early eighties in collaboration with stanin guera. directed by james marsh, whose filmography includes stephen hawking's universe, king of thieves and race. returns with a new biopic, his film of genius concentrates on the creative rush of samuel beckett, the irish modernist writer who became one of the founders of the theater of the absurd. the main character of the detective thriller hitman the last case, his name is john knox, rapidly loses memory. very soon john will not be able to remember his own name, and his son accidentally kills a man. and now one of the best killers in the world has only a week to save the person closest to him. the main engine here is a character with rapidly progressing amnesia, but this engine is not new. a flashback with liam neeson was already released 3 years ago. then a detective thriller
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with a similar plot managed to collect 60 million rubles. however, actor keaton, who also performed here as a director, is not such a well-known brand in action genre, so the final box office of hitman will be more modest. the film also stars al pacina and james marsden. gave him an oscar nomination for best supporting actor in 2020. he went through a difficult journey from a fitter and a foreman at the dog kan construction site with the film give me liberty. and
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a personal meeting with tarantino, although his main idol in the profession is not even quentin. i am maxim stoyanov, who wants to become nona mordyukova. with the help of his roles, maxim proves that every person has both a hero and a villain. in the film by tina barkalaya in hoffmann's fairy tale, stoyanov plays vitaly. vitali is lazy, unemployed and does not communicate well with his wife nadya, who is torn between three jobs for his sake, including one of them in the wardrobe. a famous director notices her. look wherever you want, you're ruining my shift, but do you know how much it costs? girl, haven't they told you that you have beautiful hands? nadya's life takes a sharp turn , vitali's entire comfort zone begins to burst at the seams, as if denira stoyanov can be threatening, funny, and pathetic, all this in one film, vitali, and what is hidden behind his clumsy maxim understands armor very well.
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how vital? there were a lot of such men in a certain historical period of our country, so to speak, and vital simply did not get his bearings, although it seems to me that he is a very talented, touching, sensual person with such an interesting mental organization, but he did not get his bearings, plus he is very proud of himself, plus the lack of any - those basic guidelines in upbringing led him to the point where he found himself, unfortunately, the man at home must win, i believe that the man you have to be at home, because you have to fight... on the street, on the line, when you come home, there you have to charge, save, like a phone, and even if you fight there, to fight here, it seems to me, there won’t be enough for either one fighter, imagine that as a result of an anomaly , all records about you and other actors are erased, you need to introduce yourself again, what will you say on your business card? i have something to share, i have something to share with the audience today in this country, no, this is not fiction, it’s
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some kind of genuine experience that i i bought.
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did you feel a disconnect between yourself and the other applicants? well, raikin always told me this, maksik, maksik, you are talented, but you are one of me, you are stupid, you need to read books, he always advised me to read a lot of books, i can’t say that i literally read them avidly, but scrolled through something, by taxi or by metro, by metro, you are going to the theater or to the cinema, to the cinema, you are on the screen or you are in the hall, on the screen, a hero or a villain, there is another, they are the same, your morning is not wonder? if it does not contain a message from the agent, which of its would you show your work to your daughter? probably give me liberty, friends from the time police give you a certificate for 20 seconds to meet your twenty-year-old self, where you will meet maxim and what you will say to him, at the kiev station, as soon as he arrived in moscow on july 27, 2007 in slates, in shorts, carrying a sports bag, i’ll tell him, do everything as you planned. 20 years. where
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will you meet maxim now and what will you tell him? here i’ll probably quote gogol, never brag about the future, we’ll see. maxim stoyanov, a man whose sincerity will make you understand even a contradictory vital, an actor with a huge range, for whom the past is not a burden, but wings. person of the week. have you watched the film industry program? the audience, like the keys the director plays, loved to talk. alfred hitchk, so we create this music together. see you at the cinema. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear, who are called foreigners and whom
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he described.


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