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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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that patria was looking for the graves of deceased babies, for example, a girl with a full double name and a double surname, and this is exactly what is required when applying for an identity card. here is the boy’s grave, she was looking for those who died 30-40 years earlier in order to provide these real names to the intelligence officers who arrived from the ussr. apparently , this is exactly the case because of the russian misha vosenkov. he turned out to be almost the same age as uruguayan juan, full name juan jose lazaro fuentes, who at the same time could understandably swim in other latin american affairs, because according to legend, even in childhood, his parents took him from europeanized uruguay to real europe, barcelona, ​​but he had to remember something about uruguay, africa dela seiros, patria maria pavlovna, taught him. did she love uruguay? yes, she loved uruguay, she knew it. and we began
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to study all of montevideo, she says, now you are walking along the street there on the twenty -first, what is there to the right, where to the left, on this outskirts, what is there, but a lot of time has passed, i have forgotten many things. speech, of course, about that street in montevideo, which is called september 21, in general the middle of the uruguayan microcosm, the intersection of september 21 in the local dialect of the spanish street ejauri, yes, yes, with such a double buzz. because in most other spanish-speaking countries they will read not ejauri, but elyauri. this cafe has been here from time immemorial, opposite it, which is rare, oddly enough, for such a southern city as montevido, one of the few stands where they sell flowers. that’s absolutely true, africa seiros owed its deeds to its students, not to its students talk about it. we need to withdraw money, there has been a bank here for centuries, you need to know this uruguayan bank.
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wait, having been associated with uruguay for many years, i didn’t find a drop of uruguayan in his accent, but certainly no buzz, but he claimed that he was only born in uruguay, and then lived in countries of other dialects. it’s also interesting that towards the end of his life, when it became known that he was in fact russian, he seemed to be let go, russian began to sound in his spanish, no, not even an accent, but intonation. today. special day because it’s not so easy to talk about his mother-in-law, but that will happen later, and for many years his peruvian wife, who knows, there’s no more, as he says, it never occurred to her that he was russian, the question is, you’re such a peruvian, peruvian, i’m an artist, of course, i’m peruvian, it’s impossible to be more peruvian, i’m a descendant of inkl, and this gentleman, he looks like a latino, quite, no, no, not like that,
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of course, of course, of course, in my case, spanish was native, and i just needed to change the accent, in my opinion, to imitate a russian person pretending to be a latino is much more complex, that is, the legend worked even with those closest to him, but next to his peruvian family we see some blonde, is it really maria vasenkova, maybe hello, yes, yes, this is a daughter from her first marriage, back in the ussr , i rarely saw my father, but i knew what
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he was doing. i was called for an interview at one time, yes, and they told me how to behave as a teenager, she was just active, athletic, but what should they say about her father, for example? classmate, where is father? well, i don’t even remember, listen, i need to remember, probably, that either he died, or something, somewhere they were divorced, in general, i don’t know who he is, something like that, yes, something like that, that first marriage really broke up, and his the first trip abroad known to us, our today's documentary film is being released in the year of the fortieth anniversary, an example of one of the most famous fiction and serious films about the kgb. according to the script, the film takes place somewhere in africa. well, i’ll take a walk, i’ll walk along these streets, i’ll take a look at the place, what and how. maybe you need help? no, no, thanks. the same door the same lantern. well, let's
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see what's on these streets and how? yuri solomin's hero has wandered many places, but now the capri hotel will appear in the frame. this is certainly not africa. and latin america - cuba. it's clear from this façade. ftas is authorized to state that all of southern africa was filmed here in havana. solomina's hero walked past this street sign. this is the intersection of twenty-first street and eni street. it looks like the next scene was filmed only a few meters away. we'll explain on the way there. friendly spanish speaking and the latin american country cuba was not only a platform for the cinematic kgb. and i told you the amount. i understand that this was a great opportunity for them. in my case, i had to become puerto rican, but i could not visit puerto rico. and cuba is the key to the entire caribbean. we have every possible mixture of different bloods and accents.
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i think it was a great opportunity. here is an interesting twist in our conversation, not a boring garden. what is your rank? well, what is the rank, like a normal colonel, that’s all.
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lieutenant colonel vasenkov, mikolai anatolyevich, signed the hooks in the eighty-third year, signed it himself, and not by fax, here is pryamakov, evgeniy maksimovich, the ninety-fifth year, the country was changing, but he still continued to work for it there, well, his highest award, and for
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what you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, i don’t know, i even wrote, i’m saying what i did to be made a hero of the soviet union, you were not mistaken, well, if i was mistaken then... that he, as a hero of the soviet union, was given a free travel to moscow bus, trolleybus, tram-metro. year he was given a free right to travel on public transport, but at that time he was in america, yes, that is, he was just lying there, but what to do, what he did himself, we’ll talk about this in the second part of our film. i understand correctly what kind of box this is, of course, his ashes, yes, our hero is no longer there,
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but only today can we begin to compile at least some kind of open biography of him, and he managed to serve in the krymlev regiment, yes, yes, yes. we do not know at what exact post the future intelligence officer served. it was here the tomb of the unknown soldier or near the mausoleum. the fact is that when he transferred to intelligence, his personal file was confiscated from the archives of the kremlin regiment; apparently it is stored in that part of his dossier that is still classified, but then we have access to his personal file as a kremlin cadet. well, here this thing is supposedly very intimate, a medical book. let us, under your supervision, see what can be said and what cannot be said. height 176. i remember, yes, he’s a little taller than me, physical fitness can be excellent, good,
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mediocre, mediocre, bad, his, good, good, well, that is, not excellent, well, that is, contrary to stereotypes , intelligence does not necessarily take heroes, but on the contrary, they take people who are not very striking, hero, not hero, but what concerns sports, then he became interested in karate, by the way, contrary to the unspoken recommendation of the center, so that it was not legal ... not to engage in traumatic sports, but he was risky, here is his medal from japan in 1981, the winners of the tournament and the karate instructor, you see that to his appearance, she, as we have already found out, it was universal, so, having studied everything there was to know about uruguay in moscow, and having experienced and become immersed in cuba, mikhail vasenkov was now ready to leave, so when i left here, my mother knew that she would never see me , she told me: this is your duty to the country, fulfill it under the guise of a photographer, he settled first in peru, but
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we read about his peruvian wife in a document from the period when he moved to the usa, we read his dissertations, i also had to write this kind of work , so, out of habit, i started with the bibliography, uh-huh, uh-huh, it’s very interesting, it means that here in america they naturally defend themselves, there’s kisenger, there’s marx. there is lenin in america, the work of guerrilla warfare. and such a dissertation, of course, was risky, but he defended himself. however, what does this have to do with, as we said, this dissertation and his new wife. but let’s see who else is there from the sources in the bibliography, page 276 of the bibliography. eli sviki, this is his wife, yes, the death of one diver.
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it seemed to me that he me, let's say, disqualifies me, i will grow horns, about where he disappeared and to whom he told what in moscow, in addition to our interview, a little later, while we finish telling the story of our acquaintance, which then turned into a wedding, and a common son, what is written there in the personal file, must i can assure you that the story was completely romantic, that is, not according to instructions, no, no, no, he, as he writes himself. in the area of ​​machu picchu there was some kind of mountain river in the mountains in peru, and he swam in a mountain river, well, as happens
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sometimes, even with experienced swimmers, from the cold he probably had a lot of water, and he began to drown, as he writes himself, that i was on the verge of death, and an unfamiliar, completely young woman, rushed to save him, pulled him out of the water, they met her, began dating, a long period began... acquaintance, courtship, and then he informed the center that i have a friend, that she is a very good person, i made inquiries that she has a good family, that's all, that's it... the decision of the center, he married her, the center gave the go-ahead, yes, but there were two others in vasenkov’s life ladies, whom he always remembered everywhere, in roundabout ways, but from peru he sent gifts to his daughter in moscow, colored peruvian geese, it was a delight then in the soviet union, so, but relatives also said there, don’t wear this, otherwise they will questions,
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that is, at some family evenings i was allowed, but i wanted, by the way, to still be a baby.
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i received sources of information not only in spanish and not only in peru, about which , in a childish way, not understanding what we were talking about, on his visit to the ussr i involuntarily recognized him, he very much how the child was outraged by the fact that he spoke little russian or broke words, but the child was already learning english then, so there was practice, and you were just in english, and english came in handy for him when the center instructed him to move to the usa. let's look at another excerpt from a soviet film about the confrontation between the special services. here is the hero of yuri solomin, kgb colonel slavin, against the backdrop of another very recognizable havana building, the constructivist house of the fox book. behind me is the same fox building, western advertising neither then nor today in real of course, there was no govana, a new lattice appeared here, at this point some trees disappeared,
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others, on the contrary, you...
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the states already had the highest autonomy, such were the encrypted messages he sent from there. he received a hero for his work in america. this is the second time i see this star, which was the highest award of the soviet union. he was very proud of her. he brought this star into the boring garden where we wrote the interview. why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? don't know. he told me. it's better for you not to know, it's better for you not to know, but i didn't ask anymore because that i realized that he had more than one rock bottom in his life, there was so much going on, like morse code, it was difficult, you get good and bad news, in my case, that’s how i found out about the death of
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my sister, in addition to meetings with the soviet leadership, the president in the united states had a natural schedule of other meetings, secret, forward-looking, which made it possible to understand what the united states’ priorities were. as far as you understand, it was bosenkov who obtained such a schedule. the irony of fate. gorbachev, who by his decree awarded him the title of hero of the soviet union, who will soon be gone. and in an era of change posenkov sent others like that to the center. encryption, which in the then kremlin clearly preferred to be read diagonally. i will say, not all of them were comfortable. for that time, for perception from the position of that time, not all of his forecasts were convenient and...
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that’s it, i won’t say anything more. let us remember that it was in ukraine during the war that vasenkova’s mentor worked, then the relative of nikolai kuznetsov, who carried out sabotage against the germans, but died at the hands of bandera. she recalled how radiyskaya worked in a partisan detachment, did you have any conversations? yes, they were, they were, they were, she jumped with a parachute there, a part of ukraine that is always against, you know, a westerner, yes, she, she survived there, well, let me allow myself one question, these are forecasts. what period about ukraine, when she doesn’t write, the nineties, the beginning of the two thousandths, which means that before the nineties there were prodnos, he honestly fulfilled his duty, as before the ninety-first year and after
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the ninety-first year, i personally looked at his case, i saw his predictions he was very very accurate and he had sources in the most high spheres of society in america, and in latin america too, we were in ecuador once... we found cia documents, so they said that you have to work, start from school, if you want to conquer some country, you have to defeat it, you have to don’t do it physically, you have to do it psychologically ideologically, when you break the spirit, but no, not the will, it’s the spirit, break the spirit of the country, and it’s easy to take over, i want to tell you, latin america didn’t let him go, that’s him ... he is already in prison in the usa, they give him this robe, i i looked at the label, it was made in el salvador from fabric supplied from the united states, from
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fabric supplied from the united states, well , in guantan, probably, there are those too, yes, most likely, alexander poteev, that’s the name of the svr employee, the traitor who gave up the identities of the intelligence officers to the americans illegal immigrants in the usa, including juan, along with whom his peruvian wife was arrested, it all seemed like some kind of dream to me, just. divorce, they were told that this was impossible, because juan lazar did not exist, but he, of course, existed, although in peru it is very i was very ill with covid and got
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heart complications, but continued to go to the market, like on that last day, he kissed me and so simply said: chow, my little dark one, if only i could say goodbye to him properly, i close my eyes and see how i hug him, press him to me, tell him: “goodbye!” this is the last photograph taken 3 days before her death at an exhibition of her paintings, among which he is with his beloved horse, which was at his farewell in peru, she was specially brought, and on the same day, notice how now those who carry the coffin will sit down three times, the fact is that the incas buried theirs in a squatting position, theirs was in moscow, they buried him on troekurovsky, they are about to install him there. monument, but how much is remembered about it? technology is moving forward, morse code has almost disappeared, i understand that
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now your profession can send the necessary signal with a like on social networks, with a click. and what does not change, despite technology, does not change what is in the heart, behind any technology the heart. the sacrifice that you can make for people and your people. and i told them i answered that first of all, i wouldn’t have gone to prison then, because when i was arrested, they told me to ask for whatever you want.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for
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, they are enemies, but they are pathetic. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither a ration nor a weapon for you, get ready to blow to moscow, brother we are recording the missing guests, it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope , very much like him,
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sergei gorobchin. tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, how they went there for reconnaissance, who they were, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger , becomes full-fledged aurora is a soldier in the battlefield. to spend time with children, we watch russian cartoons and children's programs, watch them in the app or on the website.
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based on the fact that a dam broke in the flooded orsk in the orenburg region, a criminal case was opened under two articles of negligence. violations of safety rules. investigators will evaluate the actions of officials responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the dam. let me remind you that in orsk the level of the ural river rose by a critical 4 m in a couple of hours. the local dam received severe damage, almost 2,500 houses were flooded. there is a massive evacuation of people from the old city, where several villages are located in the flood zone. temporary shelters have been prepared for the evacuees.


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