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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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and of course, after all that has been said, i think that you understand perfectly well that i express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy, i think it’s appropriate for us to listen to a song that you, of course, have all already heard which is called living. as possible. life, how can you turn off the light,
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how can you take the mother away from a child who is five years old, no, no, no, no, no, no, a person is not given to know how long he will live, but he is given to choose one thing.
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how should he deal with this time, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live! live, live, live, live, how to learn to live in the world, be able to love, be able to forgive, and give yourself to the end, and give yourself to the end. live,
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live, live, how to learn to simply live, to be close to people close to you, to dream together, to love and... to cherish yours, how to forgive your enemy, how not to cross the line, how to hold back tears in your chest, to see the dawn ahead . hope and believe, the last day
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cannot be returned, they live in this future, pass on, preserve, forgive us, our children are still here life. live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, you and i, we must learn to just live.
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just to live, it happens that the present, if it is real. finds its place many years later, and today this song sounds more timely than ever, and although lent is underway , i don’t want to break our tradition,
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i just want to add that, understanding this glass, i suggest you all: remember those who died in this tragedy, we still end up drinking for victory, for our victory.
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god willing, i'm waiting for you at our next meeting, all the best. this is russia-24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the flood in the orenburg region became the heaviest in the entire history of observations in the region. governor denis pasler announced this. the influx of meltwater has decreased slightly, but remains at a record level. the number of flooded residential buildings exceeded 6,000. almost 4,500 people were evacuated. in orenburg , traffic on sections of roads in the floodplains is blocked for the next 10 days; regional authorities warn that at night the level of the ural river may reach a critical level. announced in the region emergency situation at the regional level, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, to urgently fly to the region and personally
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organize all the necessary work in the flood zone. a single 24-hour call center has also started operating in the region; information on all issues related to the emergency can be obtained. by calling the short number 1 2 2 and another microdistrict of orsk there is water rapidly, these are the images that eyewitnesses share online, they show that entire streets there are already flooded, people are urgently evacuated, they leave in cars, others leave their homes on foot and carry their pets in their arms, the level of the ural river in the orenburg region has almost reached 11 m, the flood is approaching a new one. city ​​situation in orsk, the authorities call it critical, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the flood zone is expanding, the dam has already been broken in three points, the water is rapidly under threat of flooding several villages within the city, there is a danger that in the coming hours the entire residential sector in the old city will be flooded
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orsk. residents are currently being evacuated, regional and municipal rescue services are working locally, emergency services, local administration and police are visiting houses. the siren also works. moving on a caterpillar conveyor on ural and kamaz vehicles, these guys, vigilantes from the russian community, saw them in one of the houses while driving through the streets.
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but not everyone is in a hurry to leave their homes, so a man sits in the attic, watching the flow of water, nearby. will you be evacuating? water cut off the old city from the new, the road was flooded, under the rails the soil is rapidly eroding. the situation in the old part of orsk is complex; the embankment dam, which partially collapsed, was designed for a level of the ural river of 5.5 m. now it is much higher. everyone is working at the breakthrough site. emergency services, the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation, it has already been established that the dam, which
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was put into operation in 2010, was not properly maintained. based on the results of the inspection by the regional prosecutor's office, the inspection materials were sent to the investigative body to decide whether to initiate a criminal case. a criminal case was opened under two articles at once: negligence and violation of safety rules during the construction and maintenance of a critical facility. during the preliminary investigation. orenburg region denis pasler discussed the current situation in orsk and ordered to double payments to all victims of the flood. the issue of property damage subsequent to the restoration of housing loss is determined accordingly. what is in the houses is, of course, significantly more expensive than the amount, so we hope that of course
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with these payments we will be able to partially offset the costs, of course. meanwhile, in orsk the situation is increasingly tense, residents of another microdistrict are being urgently evacuated, all residents are asked to urgently take necessary things to leave their homes. another train of rescuers flew to the city on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. in tatarstan, two more were injured, the ministry of emergency situations reported. a gas cylinder exploded in
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one of the residential buildings in the city of nurlad during the installation of suspended ceilings. the outer walls collapsed and a fire started. now open burning has been eliminated. a temporary accommodation center has been organized for all residents of the house at a nearby school. 40 specialists and 12 pieces of equipment are working on site. in tel aviv, a car drove into a crowd. protesters who gathered near government buildings demanding the resignation of prime minister netanyahu and the release of hostages held captive by hamas. according to police, at least three people were injured, all of whom are currently receiving medical attention. the driver who hit the pedestrians tried to escape, despite the fact that his identity was known to the police. there is footage of a man in a white polo with three girls in a car, aggressively demanding that a policeman let him through the cordon. and after refusing, he presses on the gas. eyewitnesses also took pictures. in scotland, an attempt to impose new tolerance on people resulted in
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mass protests. the law on the protection of the rights of transgender people is already being asked to be repealed, even after its entry into force, police departments across the country were literally inundated with denunciations. our correspondent alexander khabarov will tell you why. watch his new episode program immediately after a short commercial. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works to achieve your cherished dream. it came true, start the path to your dream with sberbusiness, free
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, everything will be the way you want. in scotland, a huge scandal, the law on hate crimes that came into force, itself caused hatred towards those who came up with it, protesters are demanding that this law be repealed, a coffin was brought to the scottish parliament in edinburgh, declaring that local deputies buried freedom of speech here . now it is unclear what can and cannot be said, even at home, because there is no protection anywhere. among other things, this law effectively prohibits any careless statements made about people who have changed their gender. the maximum penalty for this is 7 years prisons. in other words, in brutal scotland it is better not to joke about transgender people today. actually, in the united kingdom,
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of which scotland is still a part, there is a separate piece of legislation . now the average flow rate is 60 applications per hour, that is, one denunciation per minute. the police believed that if this continues, more than a million such cases could accumulate in a year. the president of the association of police superintendents of scotland, rob hay, warned authorities that his colleagues would drown in this whirlpool. we are concerned that this
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may lead to even more reporting. some of them may have been written from a good point of view. motives, but do not comply with legal requirements. there may be cases where people try to actively use this law against their opponents. according to the new law, reporting can be done anonymously. for those who do not wish to deal directly with the police, there are 411 independent centers in scotland where you can report. among them there are exotic places, for example, a mushroom farm or a sex shop, the owner of which, according to the authorities, passed a special one. enforcement of the law and potential abuse is one thing, but from the very beginning it has been transgender rights that have been at the center of the scandal, in britain, and in the west more generally, over the past few years. they have turned into a kind of special caste, whose interests it is better not to offend. one of the first to be outraged was the ardent fighter against gender euphoria, the scottish writer juan ruulin. new
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legislation is open to abuse by activists who want to silence those of us who speak out about the dangers of eliminating single-sex space for women and girls, about the meaninglessness of crime data if violent sexual attacks committed by men are registered as crimes committed by women. about the grotesque injustice of men being allowed to compete in women's sports, the injustice to women's jobs when awards go to trans-identical men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex. rowling is not the first has been fighting for the rights of women for a year who do not want to be in the same locker room or toilet with men who have announced that they now have a different gender. lgbt organizations accuse the writer of transphobia.
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george went to jail for dressing up as a woman, kidnapping an eleven-year-old girl and abusing her for 27 hours. freedom of expression in scotland
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will come to an end if accurately describing one's biological sex is made a crime. i am currently outside the country, but if what i wrote qualifies as a crime in under the terms of the new law, i look forward to arrest when i return to the home of scottish enlightenment. police scotland were quick to make a statement. that an investigation will not be carried out, at least for now, there is already growing discontent among transgender people, the first transgender tv presenter in britain, india vilubi, is outraged that rolling placed her on the list of rapists and pedophiles and accuses the scottish police of inaction. try to share the same views, opinions or your beliefs this on leather people or jews, do the same, and i'll see where it takes you from there. from the point of view of the law. it’s all terrible, it’s unfair, and what i’ve seen since the first days when the hate crime law came into force in scotland, i still don’t understand what was done
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to protect me. if john rowling denies my gender identity and the scottish police say everything is fine. it is useless to look for those who are satisfied in this absurdity. police scotland say that in relation to writer rowling received fewer complaints than one of the initiators of the new law. the first minister of scotland, hamza , said that there was too much yousef in the leadership of scotland. the petitioners are calling for an investigation into his speech in the scottish parliament in 2020 . yousef is pakistani by birth, then there are a lot of white people. here are my observations: the lord chief justice is white, the lord justice's clerk is white, every supreme court judge is white. the lord advocate is white, the solicitor general is white, the chief.
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originally from india, but in dispute with scottish the nationalists, led today by hamza youssef, defend the common interests of britain. he immediately criticized the new scots law. people should not be criminalized for stating simple facts about biology. we believe in freedom of speech in this country. we're not going to do anything like that here in england. we should not prosecute people who speak out about...
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oppression from london and call on them to fight for independence. a year ago, the scottish parliament passed legislation allowing children change gender from the age of 16 without parental consent. it never came into force. using its powers, the british government blocked it. and the scottish court in edinburgh upheld this ban. the current law on inciting hatred is beyond the competence of london, so it can only be scolded from here. in march of this year, the national. the number of requests grew exponentially; if in 2012 there were only 250, then by the end of 2023 the queue consisted of 800 patients. the closure of the center was preceded by a major scandal related to the fact that children aged 12 to 15 years were prescribed drugs here.
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talked about my depression and anxiety and assured me that transition therapy should change everything. kira tried to obtain a court ban on the use of puberty blockers by children under 16 years of age. she successfully went through several instances, but the appeal court ultimately rejected her claim. the national health service in england has only now decided to abandon dangerous drugs, but even then not completely, leaving loopholes for their
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use. this causes resentment. even transgender people themselves, who understand that such medications should never be given to children. it is outrageous that no matter what they tell us now, they can still be used for clinical trials, but why test them, they have been used for so many years that they could have drawn conclusions long ago, but there is nothing like that. these drugs will be available in scotland and from else, but what worries me most is private clinics, where they are also not prohibited. do you know how many applicants appeared for...
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the vast majority of women have biology it still matters, of course, there is no penis, but let's not discount the small minority who do not perceive themselves as they were born. the question arises: how much more to protect the rights of transgender people in britain, if even leading politicians here are already afraid to formulate their attitude to obvious things. i came to a tasty point for a convenient schedule, found friends here, and in general there are many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, hit the spot with work, credit
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