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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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the flood situation in the orenburg region remains difficult, said deputy head of the ministry of emergency situations ilya denisov; the head of the department, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region today to personally coordinate the work of rescuers and immediately went to the flooded areas. the orenburg region is experiencing the most powerful flood in its history, over 6,00 houses and household plots are flooded, 153 settlements are cut off from the mainland, almost 4,500 residents are evacuated. in orsk district. the old city is practically isolated, the water has approached the new microdistricts, for them residents were also ordered to evacuate, the situation was complicated by a new dam break, the third in a row, flooding of coastal areas in orenburg was recorded, rescuers are helping people leave their homes, temporary accommodation centers were organized, according to preliminary calculations, the water will recede in one and a half to two weeks. the fight against floods is underway in other russian regions, in the kurugan region, and construction is being carried out quickly. protective dams in areas where
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the tobol river overflows, the risk of flooding has increased sharply. in neighboring kazakhstan, water discharge from reservoirs has increased 20, 20 times, due to this means that 50 settlements in the region and the capital of the region, kurgan, may fall into the flood zone. 13 microdistricts of the airport and dozens of nearby holiday villages are under threat. the number of flooded houses in the omsk region has doubled; there are already more than fifty of them under water. dozens of household plots, additional equipment is being brought to the affected areas to pump out water, the area of ​​flooded areas in bashkiria is growing; per day, the number of flooded areas has more than doubled to 2,000. at the same time, in a number of regions the situation normalizes, the leash has begun to decline. in the altai territory, about 380 houses and 470 plots were freed from water. in the samara region , the number of flooded residential buildings decreased by a third per day. rescuers are cleaning up.
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find yourself in the universe of taste, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that at the megamarket there’s an ironing system for 29,990 rubles. buddy, hello, as promised, we’re cooking today. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, powerful explosions occurred
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at night, the night before in ukraine, messages came from several regions of the country at once, the well-known series of attacks in kharkov. a little earlier the sounds of detonation were heard in odessa. the ssu reported that a fire broke out in the city and the administrative technical building of the port infrastructure was damaged. the authorities of the dnepropetrovsk region, in turn, announced a disruption in the operation of the power line. explosions occurred in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid warning in ukraine was announced several times at night; sirens were heard in six regions. presidential elections have ended in slovakia. petor pellegri became the head of state.
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nicaragov was supported by the canaan government and also broke off relations with ecuador. argentina, colombia, cuba, bolivia and brazil condemned the assault mission. venezuelan president nicolas madu called the attack on the embassy barbaric and a manifestation of fascism. meanwhile, the ecuadorian foreign ministry tried to explain the police assault by the possible escape of the former vice president, who was supposed to stand trial. now there is a short advertisement, then watch the new episode of the besagon program. nikita mikhalkov proposes to talk about the directors and perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole. uralsip is a bank for business and we work according to the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip -
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nothing extra. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program. it will be called whether the crime has a punishment, but according to tradition, i will report to you, ours. the previous program on channel russia 1 on channel russia 24 on the ruble in the telegram channel on the website on other platforms was watched in total by about 12 million people so we
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don’t lose our viewer until god willing. of course, our program today will begin with this terrible event. which took place on march 22 at the crocus city hall concert hall. you all know what happened, but i will remind you.
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whether women, civilians died, our citizens died, you all saw how many flowers people brought to the scene of the tragedy in soft toys, photographs of the dead. throughout this tragedy , a huge number of people immediately responded, and taxi drivers who carried the wounded to the hospital for free. and wonderful guys, very young, who brought hundreds of people out, these are
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artyom danskov, and nikita ivanov, and islam khalilov, and liza terekhova and others, this tragedy affected the whole country, and it’s true, you all know, four people who came to white renault, broke into the crocus building, stayed there for 18 minutes. this is who the customer is, who needed it.
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just a few hours after what happened, john kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications at the us security council, says this, listen. about the attack in moscow. i know that you're still gathering information, but do you have any idea whether this could even be related to the conflict in ukraine, there's no indication at the moment. that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in this shooting, but again, this just happened, we are still studying, but i would at this early hour disabuse you of any connection with ukraine, that is, instantly right away, the first thing that is being done is - this removes suspicion from ukraine, and look at how quickly, remember, just recently we they talked about navalny in our program, how a few minutes after navalny’s death all over the world began to express... the use of blaming russia and putin for the murder of oppositionists, almost the
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same thing happened here, a few hours later the culprits were found, and this happened in a country where they still cannot find those who were guilty of blowing up nord stream 2, this is still unknown, moreover, there is still a question mark about who killed kennedy, a lot of questions. in the land of the unresolved, this one was resolved immediately. after john carby, at about midnight, when the criminals had not yet been caught, and on the agent channel doge, shows a screenshot from an account allegedly associated with isis, which is banned in russia. and he reports that isis took responsibility for the terrorist attack in moscow. very soon it turns out that this is a fake, and the dosh tv channel is forced to admit that this,
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sorry, was a mistake, this is a fake. after rain published this fake message, it was instantly picked up by radio liberty. and instantly, it spreads like a fan throughout all western media. this includes reuters and france-24. and the wallstreet journal, and spiegel, and so on, in general, almost all the media in the western world accuse isis of committing a crime, let me remind you that...
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there was no suicide belt among the kropus shooters, some world media drew attention to this, including usa. the host of the american channel daniel davis deep dive recalled two more important nuances: isis religious fanatics never hide their faces in videos during attacks, and they also do not kill for money. for them, killing people is an exclusively religious act. not here, here just pure murder. unarmed, innocent people. this is not like yegil. thank god, our president had the courage and patience not to speak out immediately after this happened, but to wait until these four perpetrators were captured and the
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information that had a real basis would appear. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime. as for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational search actions, at present time, we can say the following: all four of the direct executors of the terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, were detained, they tried to escape and were moving towards ukraine. where, according to preliminary data , a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side to cross the state border. a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who
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provided them with transport and planned escape routes from the crime scene, preparing caches. from the next morning the public has the opportunity to find out and see those who committed weapons and ammunition. and finally, this is a crime. these are citizens of tajikistan. muhammad-sabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, saida karamer chabalizada and dalerjon mirzoev. the leader was fariduni shamsuddin.
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and so on and so forth, as they claim, they received the task in a telegram channel, and they were promised 500,000 rubles for carrying out this atrocity, having paid an advance of 250, and note, 500,000 not for everyone, but 5000 rubles for everyone, yes, then it became known that large sums in cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which kerbin so excused as... then it became known that all four were under the strong influence of drugs, special military drugs that deprive fear, which... aggravate the reaction, that is, by and large these were killer robots. could this justify their
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action? no. let's go further. and a day later, on march 24, videos appear on the internet, as if from the first person, from the perspective of those who killed people. moreover, they appear on resources and gin. notice how people who are already wounded, or maybe already killed, covered in blood, lying on the floor, are cut with knives, interesting, why isis? but because this is some kind of abstract evil for the world community, isis. if the united states is the first to support the idea that this is isis, they themselves are signing up for the atrocity, because. both al-qaeda and isis, this is the work of the united states and great britain, that is , in other words, they could say, we did it, because we did isis,
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because we made alkayds. here is the proof, look, in the seventies and eighties, in order to counter the soviet union in afghanistan, the united states supported and armed the majahets, this is how al-qaeda was born, and there are witnesses to this. listen to what hillary clinton says, we helped create the problem that we are now fighting, how when the soviet union entered afghanistan, we had the brilliant idea to come to pakistan to create a mujahideen force, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after advice in afghanistan. and we succeeded. the soviet union left afghanistan. and we said: great.
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a lot, 531,525 documents from 1979, which describe how the cia and the foreign affairs agencies of the united states of america personally participated in the creation of aegina. and at the beginning of 2012, another program was created, which was called timber sycamore in translation. "sycamore wood. this is a program to finance, arm and train rebel fighters to participate in the civil
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war in syria against government forces bashar al-assad. it was carried out on the personal orders of president barack obama. this is exactly what trump meant when he accused barack obama of... he is the organizer of isis, he is its founder. obama. he is the founder of isis. he is the founder of isis. he is the founder, he founded isis. and i would say that the co-founder was the dishonest hillary clinton. why be surprised when ukraine is mentioned? don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with international terrorism?
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remember our program, look, in syria, for the overthrow of bashar al-assad, military assistance is provided billions of dollars were received from the united states by the free syrian army, the ss, where the muslim brothers and isis, banned in our country, came from. and today. on the territory of syria and from the same syrian free army , brigades, detachments, terrorists who are fighting in ukraine against us are recruited, moreover , they were all trained with the help of american british instructors, and they are trained at us military bases, ein al-assad in iraq and ettanf in syria. just one example, the commander of the militants of ichkeria. shashadi first fought against assad our russian troops in syria, and now he is calmly fighting in ukraine.
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and now i want you to look at these people, when, apparently, they recovered from the anesthesia, how they behave, what is the difference between those who were there in crocus now in front of the cameras, trembling, shaking, scared, look, they said specifically who to kill, and what kind of people, it doesn’t matter, in short, if he comes there, he said, take this one. come in to kill, these four people could have organized what was organized, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a specialist, but i have it’s doubtful, it’s hard for me to imagine how four people, the people we saw, could do it like that, professionally, with absolute impunity at that moment, moreover... how can
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it be that a huge area of ​​the roof ceiling was engulfed in flames within literally a few minutes, how is this possible, even if there are flammable materials, i repeat, i am an amateur, but i ask this question, i get the feeling that if there are no already made bookmarks in different places, in the right places, which could catch fire in same time, cover. this whole building, because a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide, burned out, i have the feeling that these four people were the laborers of this tragedy, but there was a mechanism that was very professionally organized, and in general there is a lot of strange things here, look, if they wanted .
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why do those who ordered this terrible, nightmarish terrorist attack need them alive? this means that we can assume that if they had not been killed here, then they would have been killed there, where they were going, it is quite natural that, in addition to there are others to these questions, for example, why the fire safety system didn’t work, i repeat, i’m not an investigator, i’m for... i’m asking
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a question as a person, as a citizen, as an ordinary person, why were some exits closed, why didn’t they appear immediately, or at least in less time those people who should have appeared? there are very, very many questions here, immediately after the terrorist attack a lot of warnings arose related to the fact that... entire nations cannot be blamed, although it is absolutely clear that this was also the task of those who committed terrorism, an interethnic clash with muta in russia, everything is clear, and this has been done for a long time, but still, on the other hand, there is a nationality of terrorism, for example, it could be either an african american, for example, or it could be an indian or a european or an american , in principle, this is
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the very thing...


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