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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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in the orenburg region, the embankment dam on the ural river, protecting the village of ilek, will be raised to 12 m due to the upcoming flood, the ministry of emergency situations reported this; more than 2 thousand people have already been evacuated in orsk. from flooded areas, the city
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is partially without power due to the flooding of one of the substations, flood water, flood water has already reached the railway tracks, now in direct communication from orsk, our special correspondent, stanislav bernwalt. stas, greetings again, how many houses have already been flooded by this hour? yes, dim, greetings, well, indeed, the operation the removal of people from flooded areas continues, now it is turning to night, but the ministry of emergency situations employees, volunteers. continue their difficult work, as they evacuated few mobile people today, we witnessed, let's see, they were evacuated, by the way, from the old city,
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one of the biggest problems is that some residents of the city of orsk refuse to leave their homes, but just not understanding the full scale of what is happening, it is really very very unsafe, the water still continues to flow, well we will now talk about this problem with the head of the press service of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the orenburg region, alexander sidnikov. alexander, hello, what is the problem and why do people not want to leave? hello! they do not believe in the danger that threatens them, unfortunately, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, knowing and predicting that water will arrive in a particular area, arrive in advance and begin evacuation when there is either no water at all, or its level is very, very high. very safe, literally up to the ankles, but unfortunately people, people perceive this the situation is not terrible and they refuse to evacuate, they say: no, no, we’ll wait it out, everything is fine, and then, when the water rushes in... you happen, when it’s already becoming
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uncomfortable, night begins, as a rule, the electricity is cut off in flooded areas , yes, that is, there is no heat, no light, they get cold, they start calling en masse and saying, oh, hello, you asked us, is it possible to come for evacuation, and as a rule, a flurry of requests begins, turmoil begins, people start worry yourself very much, so we urge people, and we urge them to do this throughout russia, if you know that your house... will end up in a flooded area, do not neglect the advice of the russian ministry of emergency situations employees and those who urge you to evacuate. leave the danger zone. we continue to monitor the situation here in the city of orsk. i remind you that water continues to flow, there are more areas, but the work on evacuation from flooded areas does not stop, the ministry of emergency situations is working, they are working all services, and people really need to listen to this. to a sound voice,
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safety, one’s own safety, of course, comes first. all the latest news on our broadcast. dmitry, i give you the floor. dasta, thank you, stanislav bernwald was on direct line from flood-affected orsk. vladimir putin was reported today on how the situation with flooding in the orsk region is developing. the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler and the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov were in touch. the conversation included the evacuation and placement of people in temporary points. the kremlin reports. that the president continues to receive information from places of natural anomalies, today the head of state spoke by phone with the governors of the kurgan and tyumen regions, a sharp increase in water levels is also expected there in the near future. putin called for measures to be taken in advance to provide assistance to the population. he set the ministry of internal affairs the task of ensuring the protection of law and order in regions that have already entered the flood zone and in which flooding is predicted over the next few days. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant
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was subjected to a series of attacks by ukrainian drones, which... created a direct threat to security, three employees were injured, one of them seriously, rosatom said in a statement. the state corporation called on the leadership of magathe from the european union countries to respond to this attempt at escalation and categorically condemn it. the station’s telegram channel clarifies that one of the drones attacked the dome of the sixth power unit. the port area and a local canteen were also hit, where they were injured. employees. currently, the station is powered via a backup line. russian troops took more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction and improved the tactical situation in the south donetsk direction, the ministry of defense reported. in the vdievsky direction , units of the center group of forces improved the position along the front line and repelled 11 enemy counterattacks. in
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the avdeevsky direction, units of the center group of troops defeated the enemy and improved the situation along the front line. 11 counterattacks of assault groups were repelled, twenty-fourth and forty-seventh. fifteenth mechanized, fifty -ninth motorized infantry, twenty-fifth airborne brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of pervomaiskaya, krasnohorivka, berdychi, tonenkoye, vodyanoye, novokalinovo and novobakhmutovka of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 375 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, three armored combat vehicles, 11 vehicles, a us-made 155mm m-777 howitzer and a 122mm self-propelled howitzer. after the commercial, watch the continuation of the documentary a film that we are showing in honor of the anniversary of the speaker of the federation council valentin matvienko.
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can become such a very advanced governor, well, to be honest, for me this would be a big question. i will run as a candidate for governor and thanked all those people who at this stage expressed support for me and gave me moral strength. i wonder why was it valentina matvienko who was offered to lead st. petersburg in 2003? always when we have something for today, we always forget what happened yesterday, well, i think that, probably, we can say that it’s like that...
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i said, guys, i need your help, i want to collect the strongest team in the country,
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kudrin and i were surprised, but we recommended a number of people to it, the team worked with amazing enthusiasm, because they knew that they were working for the idea of ​​​​the revival of st. petersburg, we have sewers, a water supply system has been laid peter, petersburg, it would seem, is a pearl. world culture and it was in complete contrast with such yawning poverty and shabby funds. explain what the problems are, why you are unable, unable to supply cold water to the house? valentina, let's fix the situation. listen, don’t be ashamed, so i’ll find out your address and give the command to turn off the air in your apartment for a month.
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about gazprom obtaining registration in st. petersburg. at that time i was the governor of the tyumen region, unexpectedly the tyumen oil company, which worked with us, says that with us in general. invites you to re-register in st. petersburg. yes. i say, this is why you work in the region? he says, well, you see, they ask us this because there are big problems there, or we don’t have any problems. and then the vacated woman and i met and agreed that, probably, we can do without any radical decisions, but nevertheless, we can
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really provide assistance in st. petersburg in the restoration of several objects that are significant for the city. but simply restoring historical monuments was not enough, they it was practically invisible, the whole city, all the central highways were filled with terrible stalls of snot wires in the neighboring houses, because there was no electricity, they sold drugs and anything else there at night, but it was a terrible picture, i said that the times of the nineties were gone, i am for small spring trade. but again such a fuss was made in the media, because in fact the owner, the owners of these real stalls , were not so many, they simply hired women who did not trade there for high salaries, they had large financial resources to connect all the media, but i said, we will definitely do this, every
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such decision means a ticket to war, you must understand that you bought a ticket. war and should go only when you are confident in this victory and know why you are doing it, but valentina ivanovna knew, knew how and achieved victory, probably a year later it was already clear that this is one of the most non-trivial governors,
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volentina ivanovna, i would suggest returning now to the time when you arrived in st. petersburg, it was not your hometown, and yet you fell in love with it, began to live here, but the city is not easy, it is not devoid of snubism, or what, how did he perceive it? you know, i didn’t feel any snubism then, yes, i’m like a sponge, i absorbed the history,
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traditions, culture of this city, because there, when we were with... students took seats at 7 in the morning to buy a theater ticket tovstanoy to buy a ticket for marinka, of course, not for the first row, but somewhere for the goal. i remember how my husband and i, when there were mravinsky concerts, we came to the aisle, a very kind usher, seeing that we students, there was no money for a ticket, they say, just go through the museum quietly, i admired it, i walked with my eyes open, i really love st. petersburg courtyards, someone calls them wells, like that. scary, gloomy, and i, and i imagined how i spent my time here, you know, this is all, well, some kind of simple magic acted on me, i realized that this, this, this is really fate.
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profile exam, chemistry, if i passed with an a, then i got in, if not, then i had to pass all the other exams, you they tried to fail, you know, there was a list, of course, next to many names there were dots, who should not fail, i graduated from college, i had to pass one , there were definitely no dots in these dots, and i understood that if i i, well, only i can do it myself, and of course the teacher, when i answered the ticket, he gave me... an additional question, i answered, an additional one, he drove me through the entire periodic table, i answered everything, solved one problem, another, by heart the entire periodic table, why not, here he is already me
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i see he’s getting excited, but it doesn’t happen that he calls another teacher, the two of them start chasing me back and forth asking questions, but i’m under such tension, i have to do it, i can’t, she says, okay , i am pleased to give you an excellent rating. when i had already taken the record book, i went to the door and heard her say, well, she said, she’s so fashionable, it’s crazy, this is where the fashion comes from, from my mother, you know, my mother was very subtle, a simple ordinary woman, but she had a very delicate taste, she instilled this taste in us, she said, this is not, not your style, this is not your color, she sewed us a tailored dress, but we...
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yes, fresh hair, always lipstick, no matter where it was, a big yoke when i arrived, i was driving along the roads, now, no, when i arrived in 2003, there was no time, i’m in the car sometimes in the morning, it was impossible to paint, these are such potholes, and then, when we repaired it, if you ask me about what valentina lady, then i will tell you: that i had the honor of dancing with valentina a couple of times, she dances very well, so
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she is a woman for whom you immediately feel sympathy, you want to pay compliments, well, have you ever had an argument with valentin? i would say this, discuss projects that are major urban planners. projects for st. petersburg, in business valentina ivannovna, a tough negotiator, she knows how to say no, we already started building a hospital in the eighty-eighth year, we swung, rolled out and it’s standing, now we need to demolish all this, let me understand it, put it in my rooms, in departments, how much is really missing, we will not start the construction of the century, as it was before, halfway.
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necessity. construction began back in 1984. valentina matvienko, then deputy chairman of the city executive committee, even pressed a symbolic button indicating the start of construction. but construction was frozen for many years. in 2006 , governor matvienko took on the most ambitious project in st. petersburg. president putin, project. held, the president said, try, by the eighth year don’t introduce protective measures, by the eighth floor, well, the eighth, just try,
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here he is in a very tough position. i remember well when i came here in 2005, looked, and i had the feeling that it was simply impossible to restore it, because it was a huge dump of reinforced concrete and scrap iron. i congratulate you on this holiday and wish you new successes, such as today’s victory.
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st. petersburg”, the largest class, as it were, and pharmaceuticals, st. petersburg, we deployed quite a large part there, shipbuilding - st. petersburg, engine building st. petersburg. she has completed so many airport projects, well it can be listed, listed, listed, listed. we wanted to get a theater that all of russia could be proud of. we
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built an amazing concert hall, we did it very quickly with valentina vanna. the city has become tourist attractive, the city has become a sign of european, even world cultural life. i absolutely love theaters. i went to the spevak, he said: valentina, well, 50 million in total, we’ll build, restore the theater, it cost 500, i come to the performance with isakh romanovich, and he says: well, you see, in what conditions are we working in, well, the theater would be new, only 2 years, a short period of time, it was built, so when i go to the theater, i ask gubankov, gubankov, there is no need to build a new theater, i can go to the play, i know how reverently she is relates to dodin, as she reverently treats temerkanov, as she reverently treats my theater, my art, i came to valentin ivanovna and said: “i would like to create my own school.”
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if something goes wrong on the field, valentina ivanovna can give a very succinct description of what is happening, directly and briefly, for them build a new stadium, definitely, valentina ivanovna said that st. petersburg should have the best stadium, and we responded to the call that this stadium should have a closing roof and
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a retractable field, valentin. he began to ask directly: are you sure that the roof will close, open, the field will leave, drive in, and so on, and we said, everything will be as designed, today this is one of the best football stadiums in the world, if field extends, retracts lawn, on a concrete base, you can hold any sports competitions, that’s all. to a stadium in the country that received the right to host the 2020 european championship. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable.


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