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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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everyone felt it, the strongest earthquake in the last century and a half on the east coast did not cause casualties or destruction, however, new yorkers received notification from the authorities 40 minutes late, leisurely behavior has generally become a trademark of the current administration, so to the devastation in the baltic sea ​​bridge, president biden arrived only 10 days later, looked to the wreckage from a helicopter again got lost in three monitors, forestgump, among the presidents, as biden is now called, he knows how to turn every tragedy into a story about himself. i tell my dad, dad, they're pronouncing balmur wrong. the biden family has a long history of working as boatmen on this bay, dating back to the mid-1800s. biden did not explain how this family story is connected to the transport collapse at the port of baltimore. but he
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tried to turn it into an election move, the construction of a new bridge, according to him, will create jobs, every such impromptu by the president is a reason to grab his head, for this... meeting with the greek community of america on the occasion of greek independence joe biden was an hour late, reportedly overslept, maybe that’s why he didn’t even try to hide the fact that he reads a speech about a special connection with the greeks from a prompter, which he clearly couldn’t keep up with and asked the staff to play it slower. i came to wilmington, among other things, by the way, rewind that please. among other things i learned at the very beginning, what... i have a very close connection with the greek community of america, every greek american in delaware voted for me, that's why they gave me a nickname that i'm very proud of, i'm joe bidenopoulos. the scandalous initiative of the white house to designate
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easter this year as a day for the recognition of transgender people caused a flurry of anger among religious americans, but donald trump simply could not miss such a mistake from his opponent. november 5th, when he is going to celebrate. on the outside, trump promises voters rapid change as europe prepares for the us withdrawal from nato, he attacks biden for his incompetence in trying to stop the wars unleashed by the current administration. immediately after we win the presidential election, i will stop
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the terrible war between russia and ukraine. i know them both very well, we will bring back peace through strength and prevent the third world war. this guy doesn't understand what he's doing at all. does, he doesn’t understand what he’s saying, who he’s talking to, he’s lost, our president is a lost soul, he’s just pathetic, still lost within the walls of congress look like out of the 60 billion promised by biden to ukraine, next week the chamber may return to consider a package of financial assistance to kiev, although there is still no agreement on how to allocate this money on the capitalist hill, whether it will be assistance on credit towards the russian debts frozen in the west assets and is it worth it in the current conditions?
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that’s what it’s called, every day to finance a murder, to finance a war, to pay for it, thereby continuing it, to give advice on how to conduct it, to send our cia there to supervise this war in ukraine against russia, against a nuclear power, this is no longer possible, the biden administration
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is pushing the united states towards a nuclear war with russia, secretary of state blinken’s statement that ukraine will become a member of nato was commented on by elon musk. this is literally how a film about nuclear begins. in the apocalypse, the position of the only ukrainian native in the us congress says that the last days are coming. victoria sparts, nee kulgeyka from the chernihiv region, republican congresswoman, also refused to support the new package assistance to kyiv. according to her, the current administration should pay more attention to internal problems. disappointment is generally one of the main emotions regarding biden. so hollywood, which traditionally supports democrats, is trying.
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before the congress and come what may, the only strategy for today, but even more than the congress of the democratic party, america is waiting with bated breath for another event, on monday the inhabitants of the earth will be able to watch. a total solar eclipse, and here, of course, we also saw a sign from the heavens. the last time such a spectacular spectacle observed in 2017, when trump was president. still the same, marjarie taylor greene calls for this to be considered a sign on the eve of the second coming. the lord is sending clear signals to americans about the need to repent. earthquakes, eclipses and many other things are just ahead. i pray that my country will listen. and pavel kostrikov, reporting weeks from washington. the
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other day, russian pranksters vavan and lexus got through to the head of the international olympic committee, thomas bach. bach thought he was talking to an african official and was quite frank. firstly, i strongly discouraged african countries from participating in the friendship games, which will be held in russia in september. bach spoke about large-scale surveillance of the russians. we have a special monitoring commission, they monitor the internet, the media and public statements. we also offered to the ukrainian side and not only offered, but also asked to provide us with their information about the behavior of such athletes. meanwhile, macron is already in all the coming failures. students came to
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the french ministry of sports to appeal to reason, they are moved out of their dorms for the summer to accommodate firefighters and paramedics. as compensation they offer 100 euros and two tickets to the olympic competitions. we don't need these tickets to the olympics. all we want is to preserve our home, which is literally our whole life. up to 15 million guests are expected in the french capital, and therefore it is being cleansed of everything that could spoil the image of the city. rhythmic dancing to the drums, this is how migrants from africa, who are not allowed in france, protest in front of the city’s prefecture. they give them documents and also evict them away from the capital. if they devastate the city, who will be left? we are living people, we must stay in the city center, if they want to move us, then where, then what...
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do you think this is connected with the upcoming olympic games? i'm not sure, but the apparent coincidence is a little unsettling. at the same time, the number of homeless people in paris does not seem to be decreasing. the charles de gaulle bridge is where the introductory part of the opening ceremony of the olympic games starts, but parisians still know this place in a different capacity. for for many months, everything here was filled with tents in which illegal migrants lived. they were evicted, place. they put these giant boulders around the fence so that people wouldn’t come back, but the people
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didn’t go anywhere, the same tents were now located around the bridge, in tunnels closed to traffic and higher along the embankment, overlooking the famous ships, plying canopies and picturesque bridges. many of them simply have nowhere to go, so while there is still time, they are slowly conquering new territories from cities are moving closer and closer to the city hall. official figures: the number of homeless people in paris has increased over the past year. by 16%. and now there is another tent camp of illegal immigrants right next to the walls of the city administration, behind the fence, so that apparently the problem is not too noticeable. the façade is already entirely decorated with olympic symbols. paris today is one continuous traffic jam in which you can spend several hours to travel just a couple of kilometers. during the games , they want to completely close the city center to traffic, they advise choose more environmentally friendly modes of transport: your own feet, buses, bicycles.
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stadium, since it is difficult to control the parade on barges, in the middle of the river in front of 600 thousand spectators, who will be stretched for kilometers along the seine, especially since the traffic and security diagram, which was stored on several laptops, was stolen. i don't think we can be 100% confident that we can prevent a terrorist attack on the first day under the gun of the world's
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cameras. they wanted to rehearse the ceremony, but then everything went wrong somehow, the weather let us down, the hay overflowed its banks and flooded. embankment, they again started talking about water quality in connection with the idea of ​​holding competitions right in the river, where swimming has been prohibited for 100 years. an investment of almost one and a half billion euros should improve the image and quality of water. the mayor promises to dive into the river herself, and president macron is ready to follow her, although regular water intakes do not inspire confidence, so it is better to swim in a specially built olympic pool, which cost twice as much original budget, 188.
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are you worried that russia will carry out attacks at the olympic games? i have no doubts, in particular regarding information attacks. russia constantly feeds the narrative that we are unable to get anything done, which is why we must hold on. french politicians have long since stopped keeping within the bounds of decency. the mayor of paris bluntly stated that at the olympic games, the french will welcome all, with a few exceptions, russian and belarusian athletes. even in neutral they don’t want to see your status there. anastasia popov lebernatsky irina kudesova, news of the week, france. on tuesday , vladimir putin met with serbian film director emir kusturica in the kremlin. kusturica shared with putin his creative plans, including in russia. good afternoon,
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glad to see you. the last time we met was at the st. petersburg forum.
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that during the second world war they completely fell under mussolini and hitler, then they created their pseudo-independent entity, the independent state of croatia, where during ethnic cleansing exterminated the serbs in concentration camps; in the early nineties, in the newly recreated croatia, the heirs of the ustosha, with the support of nato countries, were exterminated on their territory.
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forces for centuries in their own, first of all, by the way, not in ideological, in geopolitical interests. it is geopolitical interests that are driving
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the united states and nato countries in ukraine now. russia and the world majority are resisting this, successfully. changes are taking place, reformatting of the world, because new forces, new centers world, they are developing at a pace that... probably history has never known, and these processes are inevitable, it’s just that no one in power in the broad sense of the word wants to come to terms with this, they are looking for those to blame, that’s the problem, but i think , that this is such a political sphere, but as always it is connected with art, because art reflects the realities of life, and the past, this and today, this is just...
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now it is spreading very widely and forgery is its main weapon. look, now someone calls putin hitler, and stepan bandera - freedom fighter. and the representative of ukraine at the un, who, unfortunately, is russian, from the rostrum of the united nations, says that bandera was not a criminal, they say it was all russian propaganda, and the moment is not far off when someone will question the russian victory in berlin, when someone says that the liberation of berlin from nazism was also russian propaganda. today the world smells very...
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this is their ultimate goal, it looks like the americans are ready to stage a limited nuclear war. in 1947, churchel and truman had a plan, it was under different codes and according to it they intended to raze the soviet union to the ground, launch nuclear strikes, and ultimately destroy russia. it’s easy to imagine an ideal home, so
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12:57 am
to win when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment and can be easily shared, a holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, at bigfest you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and others offer at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank in a tasty way, period. look around, now it’s 200 124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where are the flying machines?
12:58 am
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12:59 am
rosary beads work in russia. a clear signal whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
1:00 am
a meeting took place between vladimir putin and the head. support fund for svo participants, defenders of the fatherland, anna tseveleva. for a year now, the fund’s employees have been helping soldiers and members of their families, collecting and restoring documents, receiving payments, medical care, medicines, continuing their education and undergoing vocational training, and providing assistance in employment. the most pressing issue is obtaining a
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combat veteran certificate. this is very...


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