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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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you know, i would go back to what you said, today the reality is not bad, one, small, in principle it doesn’t matter, but not bad news about it.
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and others there, china, and so on, and against this background, well, it’s clear that there is crazy pressure on them, because they are a priori from the other side, and against this background, also what you were talking about, we have a refusal there for such a bang finger of friendly people like members of the state duma clinical committee using maps of the world, although the scale of pressure that is being exerted on orban and the scale of pressure, probably, which it turns out to be in bishkek or astana, but it’s clearly not comparable, what’s the difference, yes, in the fact that it’s been in ukraine for a long time. we understood this very clearly and learned that the west is not fighting corruption, it has led the system of corruption, there is a legalized system of corruption, do what the conditional collective arguments tell you, you will be fine with your assets, with your accounts, there with children studying at oxford and so on, what is the difference between the current fizio government in slovakia and, say, the leadership there deeply respected there, well, any central asian country there, some are not afraid that they...
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we hope that those countries and even within russia, those people who have points of vulnerability in the form of large property there and so on, can always be loyal there here, this is called vishvalken in english, that is , it’s just a desire to give out and from here i’m in no way getting involved in these internal discussions about the central bank, but they’ve already helped us, we’ve already been slapped, thank god, this is already good, already sanctions against, and those that ran away and quickly wrote. a letter to comrade satan, accept me into satanism, the sanctions have been lifted from them, we have all these voloshes, tennikovs and others, that’s why, for example, why, for example, let’s say, there are no problems and there cannot be, among other things, from belarus , yes, because lukashenko has been under this pressure a long time ago, and most importantly, because he has no corruption, neither in his performance, nor in the performance of his immediate circle, the performance of his family, there is nothing to take him for, when i, for example, have been for a long time figured it out on this topic there with some balkan countries, which seem to be... then you
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understand, he says, well, listen, well, he has a close friend there, who is immediately a criminal case, well, he cannot openly be on the side of russia, well you understand, i say, i say, well, let’s say, as if i didn’t die from american sanctions, he says, well , that’s how it is for you, but it’s more comfortable for them that way, that is, this is the key difference, here you are absolutely right, what if russia doesn’t will indicate very clearly that guys, and a blow to the maps of the world, this is not just like that, yes, this will again cause discontent among a large number of people, that is , maybe let the president of kyrgyzstan come out and say that we will not support special operations there.
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why call us, we will have to give up valuable specialists, like those who later showed themselves in the terrorist attack in croc city, one was a hairdresser, the second had six years of education, the third was involved in the rape of a boy, that is, these are such valuable personnel , someone launched the country, how could we live without them? i started about it, here i accidentally, will put all those whom i have looked at, i accidentally found out the other day that it turns out that in order for a citizen of the republic of belarus to find a job in russia, he needs to have a notarized translation of his passport and other documents of the country where
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russian is the official state language, but why? , because i also asked, but why? did not explain, dear people who have a good relationship with the minister, because not. all the seals there in the document are duplicated in russian, but i’ll tell you this, well, i of course, i don’t speak any languages, but i can read belarusian, so the most interesting thing is that in belarus what is the problem with russian documents, of course , no one can read the belarusian language there for that device, and this is a small example of the great idiocy that is happening against the background and what we see here is absolutely unacceptable, i agree, i wanted to understand this, you speak correctly.
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to what extent is belarus now under sanctions because of its position towards our country, how do they manifest themselves? what about they don’t talk about this modestly, because of russia, when such an attitude is not acceptable, no, no, that is, it’s just absolutely
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why, why now for the last thing i ’ll say, because comrades, with all the dementia of the conditional biden there and so further, but in the intelligence community and so on, they see all these problems, they know where to hit, of course. in africa we are making progress, but here the armenians , kyrgyz and kazakhs say: guys, excuse me, business is business and goodbye, in
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this regard i always have a question for westerners, here they are they think that we are idiots, or something like that, it’s a matter of scraple, the body didn’t have time to scraple. sit down on a bench, the whole west was already shouting that it was the russians who poisoned, the explosion of gas pipelines, who still doesn’t know, the tragedy with...
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murkh themselves is doing the investigation, telling lies, lies, from the first to the last
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word, so allies, nato , you will answer for everything, for everything, therefore, as our president said, we know the perpetrators, who are the customers, and it is clear that you are again preparing terrorist attacks on our land, there is no doubt, we understand everything about you, and about your ukronazi litter and we will deal with it extremely harshly, and it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter what terrorist attacks, against whom you try to organize here, russia cannot be stopped, the place of the deceased will be taken by his friends, we will go to the end, our cause is just, victory will be ours. wants to find mom, what if mom shot herself dead. in the past, maybe pirates are holding her there, we will see this 100 years
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in the future, i understand that you miss your mother, i will believe it too, i don’t just miss her, i’m going to get her out, soon we are starting situations in the orenburg region, there from flooded more than 6,000 people have already been evacuated from households, more than a thousand residents are already in temporary accommodation centers, and an additional 33 temporary accommodation centers with a total capacity are in readiness. in total , 10 thousand flooded houses and 1,800 household plots are reported in the region, with the most difficult situation in orsk, the ministry of emergency situations still assesses it as critical. according to the governor’s press service, in the flood zone, directly within the city there are more than 6,500 residential buildings, 15 schools, and other buildings. our special correspondent stanislav bernwalt has the latest information from the scene. so here we go. along one of the central streets of the city, just yesterday there were trams running here, townspeople were walking,
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today the water level here has risen sharply, we see this kind of seething, water is flowing everywhere here now, a little further, if you look, there is behind the intersection, there are already mouths the ural river, and there is a fairly large and serious current there, now here, here are people guarding shops, helping to evacuate to those who are stuck. now we are approaching the house, there are six people here, two of them are children, the rescuers
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are now also approaching the neighboring boats, now they will evacuate, don’t worry, everything is fine, here, well, another family was evacuated from an apartment building, they didn’t want to for a long time they are leaving, but now they are... safe, emergencies ministry employees will take them to a safe place, to a temporary stay center, where they will be provided with water, food, warm clothes and... it is very important now to fulfill the demands and requests that are presented by both law enforcement agencies and the russian ministry of emergency situations, because indeed the situation in the region is extremely tense.
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ministry of emergency situations employees now. they are evacuating residents just from the most flooded area of ​​the old city, and we see how the ministry of emergency situations employees help those who cannot move on their own, now you can only get to the old city with special equipment, there is a very serious current there, the ural river, ustya itself, therefore , the water comes, except with such transport there is no way to get there, when the water rapidly begins to rise when it already... well, it becomes uncomfortable, night begins, as a rule, in flooded areas the electricity is cut off, yes, that is, there is no heat, no light, they get cold, they start calling en masse and saying: oh, hello , you asked us if it was possible to come for evacuation, and as a rule, a flurry of requests begins, turmoil begins, people themselves begin to worry very much, so we urge
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people, do not neglect the advice of the employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and those who call you evacuate. conditions for accommodation, all the city authorities have created, people are waiting in special centers, they will be in these centers until the water recedes, so no one has forgotten about them, they are getting maximum help here, so once again the authorities are turning to the people : do not take risks, if there is a possibility of evacuation, evacuate. stanislav bernwald, sergei ukhvarenok. danila kuznetsov, lead. vladimir putin was informed about how the situation with flooding in the orsk region was developing; the governor of the orenburg region denis spasler and the head of the ministry of emergency situations were in touch alexander kurenkov. the conversation also included evacuation and placement of people in temporary centers. the kremlin reports that the president continues to receive information from sites of natural anomalies. the head of state also
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spoke by phone with the governors of the kurgan and tyumen regions; they are also expected there in the near future. he set the ministry of internal affairs the task of ensuring the protection of law and order in regions that have already entered the flood zone and where flooding is predicted over the next few days. peak flood in the orenburg region expected april 8-10. this forecast is given by roshydromed in the flooding zone of orenburg, orenburg district (nizhinka,). ovchinny town, sitsovka, mountainous, southern urals. on april 9, peak flooding is expected in the leksky district. stabilization of the situation in the area is expected only after april 20. in the next 2 days, floods are forecast to reach the kurgan region. on april 8-9 , the tabol river is expected to rise near the village of zverinogolovskaya.
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on april 10-12, the flood will reach the city of kurgan. the peak of the flood there is expected at 13-15. will be sunk or partially flooded districts of the regional center, as well as the villages of bolshoye chusovo, gledianskoye, belozerskaya, nizhnetobolskoye, redkino, rechkino and rychkovo. in total, there are over 60 settlements in the possible flooding zone. after april 15, the flood will come to the tyumen region; excess water levels are expected along the entire length of the ishim river. the water will begin to remain by april 15, and by the twentieth, dangerous levels will be reached. the peak of the flood is expected on april 23-25, and this will exceed historical maximums from one and a half to 4.5 m. the investigative committee will investigate the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which
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injured three employees, and the official representative of the russian med, maria zakharova , said that the international community. are obliged to respond to acts of nuclear terrorism in kiev. earlier, representatives of rosatom spoke about an unprecedented series of attacks by drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the gas corporation also called on the leadership of magathe and the european union to respond to the threat to the security of zas. the station’s telegram channel clarifies that one of the drones attacked the dome of the sixth power unit. also the port area and a local canteen were hit, where employees were injured. three arrivals were recorded, one of them was to this truck, which brings food for the station, there is a canteen here, unloading took place, and accordingly the first arrival took place. these are the remains of a drone that flew into a truck from which food was unloaded near the zaporizhzhya canteen. the second flight was recorded in the area of ​​the cargo port, the third
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flight was recorded on the dome of block number six. these carriage destructions the raids did not bring, and no security threats were recorded at the plant either, but not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to withstand such fire from the armed forces. the increasing frequency of arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared towards the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces. and here is a statement from the international atomic energy agency, the head of magatte called the attack on the zaporozhye station (quote: reckless) and stated that the risk of a nuclear accident has increased. at the same time , the agency confirmed damage to the block number six from the drone attack did not affect nuclear security. well, also from donetsk and gorlovka all day long there were reports of new shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. one person died and six were reported injured. this was stated by the head of the republic
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denis pushilin. 14 residential buildings were confirmed damaged, as well as a kindergarten, a market and a gas pipeline. in total, ukrainian militants fired 47 ammunition into residential areas. in the moscow region, investigators and criminologists are working at the scene of an incident where a police officer died. the ministry of internal affairs reported that when arrest... of a drug dealer, he opened fire on the police and immediately disappeared, now they are looking for him, an interception plan has been announced, a criminal case has also been initiated, the progress of his investigation was put under control by the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, in addition, it is reported that the family of the deceased policeman, this is the senior warrant officer, sergei efimenko, who will provide all the necessary assistance. investigators and criminologists from the main investigative directorate of the investigative committee of russia for the moscow region immediately went to the scene. a criminal case has been initiated on the basis of an attack on life of law enforcement officers. a group of the most experienced forensic investigators is working at the scene of the incident, conducting an inspection, and taking
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measures to establish all the circumstances of the incident and search for those involved in the attack. mikhail mishustin presented the annual meeting to the lower house of parliament. in his address to the federal assembly in 2020 , the president identified increasing the quality of public administration as one of the key tasks for the government. under the leadership of the president, we built a new technologically advanced an effective public administration system that allows you to quickly formulate and make well-considered decisions coordinated at all levels of government, and implement the most complex initiatives. despite the increasing pressure, russia has successfully passed a difficult period of adaptation. at the end of 2023, the crude domestic product
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, according to preliminary estimates from rosstat, increased by 3.6%, which is more than twice the average for developed countries, 1.6%. this ratio has become one of the consequences of sanctions, which inevitably hit the economy and their initiators. at the end of the reporting year , production as a whole increased by... 3.5%, exceeding even the most daring forecasts. the main driver was the manufacturing industry, which added 7.5%. the economy is growing amid low unemployment, which has halved to 3% by the end of 2023. the foundation for economic growth was macroeconomic stability and a balanced budget policy. the execution of expenditures of the country's main financial document has approached 100%, which is the best result. recent years. in in 2023, the government worked in the format of fulfilling six tasks set by the president. the first is to improve the well-being of russian citizens. to achieve
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this goal, regular indexation of pensions and benefit payments is carried out. the cumulative increase in insurance pensions in 2023 was a total of 15%. they have been increased for 2024 . the minimum wage is increasing. the second is ensuring national conservation and protecting motherhood. and childhood, as well as assistance to families with children. the third is the rapid development of infrastructure. in 2023 over 110 million square meters of housing were built. this is a record figure in the entire history of the russian federation. fourth - strengthening technological sovereignty. fifth, achieving financial sovereignty. key directions for ensuring macroeconomic stability, sustainability of budget balance, increasing own instruments of long-term resources, as well as.
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cooperation with promising partners. currently, trade turnover with friendly countries is comparable to the volume of trade between russia and all the world that was 4 years ago. in his report, the head of government focused on issues of regional development. by order of the president, subjects will write off 2/3 of their debt on budget loans, about 1 trillion rubles. this opens up opportunities for solving infrastructure problems locally, including construction, renewal of utility networks, gasification, and installation. transport highways, an important initiative for the subjects of free social gasification. in 2023 , almost 40% more houses were connected to gas than in 2022. by order of the president, the program will be expanded to include gardening partnerships in gasified settlements. a program for the socio-economic development of new regions has been launched. over the past two years, more than 18,000 facilities have been restored and built, including kindergartens and schools.
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medical organizations and fire stations, philharmonic societies and libraries, extensive branches of the mfc, where in a short time you can draw up the necessary documents, including for social payments, pensions and benefits. the government is providing additional assistance and neighboring regions. by order of the president , 1 billion rubles were sent to the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions, as well as the republic of crimea. these entities will be subject to the preferential regime of the free economic zone in order to reduce the burden on... companies to save jobs and restore the economy. supporting svo participants and their families is the most important task; in order to provide the military with everything they need, hundreds of enterprises, research institutes, and design bureaus were additionally involved. it is important that those who fulfills his military duty, state assistance was provided in full and in a timely manner. we are monitoring this closely. the support
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of our guys and their families, of course. is always the focus of the government’s attention, and of course, all decisions of the head of state that form the basis of this work will be carried out. to resolve the social issues of fighters and their relatives , the defenders of the fatherland foundation was created. particular emphasis was placed on the efficiency of providing benefits. svo participants will be exempt from property tax and will receive benefits upon admission to universities we are all together. our state, which we are proud of, has enormous potential, and through the efforts of everyone, it will be fully realized; we will do everything to ensure that our best country in the world prospers.
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hello, i am boris sakinov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we discuss how...


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