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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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did they jinx you? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. in russia have already covered 39 regions, the situation is called the most difficult in recent decades, how people are being saved are fighting the elements. russian artillery destroyed another czech vampire multiple launch rocket system, from which ukrainian armed forces militants fired at the belgorod region. we will show footage of the work of our soldiers. accused.
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another fifty specialists from the spas center detachment arrived in the renburg region to help the residents of flooded orsk. in total, 700 rescuers work there. old town in orsk there are more than 6.00 houses in the water; drinking water and food are delivered there from other cities. schoolchildren were transferred to online learning. hospitals have temporarily stopped providing routine medical care. patients are redirected to novotroetsk in orenburg. against the background of the flood , doctors began mass vaccination against hepatitis a. in total, 77 settlements in the region were flooded . including orenburg itself, where
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the embankment has gone under water, flooding threatens the village of ilek, where 11 thousand people live. and in direct communication from orenburg, my colleague vyacheslav kampaya. vyacheslav, i greet you, tell us what the situation is in the region at this moment. hello, tatyana, in the orenburg region a federal level of emergency response for flooding has been introduced. i am now on the outskirts of orenburg, on the territory of one of. flooded snt, which are located in the floodplain of the sakmara river, but the most difficult situation is probably on the ural river, the water level is 864 cm and is approaching the critical mark of 930 cm, according to the latest data, as you said, the water has entered 77 settlements in the region, as of today, more than 10 thousand residential buildings have been flooded, in orenburg the main blow fell precisely on snt, water floods the streets, houses are flooded, as in all regions...
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vyacheslav, thank you, my colleague vyacheslav spoke about the situation with floods in orenburg kampa. and now about the course of a special military operation, russian artillery destroyed the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. from it, militants fired at populated areas in the belgorod region. the strike was carried out by the grad mlrs crew of the group covering the state border. on the footage from a drone you can see how a shell hits an enemy combat vehicle and the ammunition detonates. in addition, our fighters are also hitting military installations in the border areas with defensive structures and infantry concentrations of the armed forces of the armed forces. got it yes. head of the target coordinates,
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left while we were driving to the approximate point, looked for a place where it would be better to work, arrived at the firing position with the calculation at... and now news from alexander’s economy, the it industry in russia is actively developing and already exceeds 2% of gdp, as reported in the government, but tell us what your role is in is this what the domestic segment of the internet plays into? tatyana, its volume is approaching 16.5
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trillion rubles. for now, on to other topics. payments to victims of a dam break in the orenburg region begin today, the amount of assistance that is established by law in the region. decided to double it, if essential property is partially lost, you can get 50,000 rubles. if the total amount is 100,000, compensation is provided in case of harm to health, for mild damage - 200,000, for severe and moderate damage - 400,000, in order to receive these funds, you must contact the mfc or submit an application through government services. since 2019 , the economic volume of the russian internet segment has grown by 3.5%. russia, he emphasized that now more than 86% of households in the country have high-speed internet access. in general,
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we see that the domestic it industry is developing at an accelerated pace; it is the fastest growing economy in the country , for example, the share of the it industry in total gdp. luk oyel invested in the development of the caspian shelf, he paid $200 million for entering into joint projects with kazmunaigas, a bonus of $100 million is also possible, this is stated in the reports of the national oil and gas company of kazakhstan. we are talking about the kolomka smori, khazar and oouezov deposits. the agreement was signed back in february last year and lukoil received half of the companies that belong to it. licenses for these objects. investments in projects during the construction phase are estimated at $6 billion. production could begin as early as 2028. apple's revenue in russia fell by more than 23 times. the year before last the figure exceeded 85 billion rub. and already in the past it dropped to almost
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3.5 billion. the company’s income consists of sales of equipment and the provision of services. in march twenty-two, she froze most of our commercial activities. country, including online trading. in its latest report , apple noted that the shutdown in russia had a significant impact on its financial results. by the way, in january, microsoft overtook the iphone manufacturer in terms of capitalization for the first time in 3 years and became the most valuable company in the world, and this gap continues to grow. for the first time after joining in russia, tiktok received a loss from the company’s reporting to the federal tax service, it is clear that back in the twenty-second year it had 530 rubles of net profit, and already in the twenty-third year a loss of 427 million. in march of the twenty-second, the company limited its activities in our country, banned streaming and posting new videos, in addition, foreign videos became unavailable for viewing, as a result tiktok lost
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the opportunity to sell targeted advertising in the russian segment, this hit revenue. at the end of the release, let me remind you that the courses currency for today dollar 92 rubles 41 kopecks. euro. rub 12 kopecks and that's all i have for now. and now again. this time in paris, there was an explosion in a high-rise building, two people died, another fell out of a window while trying to escape, as the district mayor said, the cause of the incident is unknown, but it is clearly not a gas explosion. the accused in the case of
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the terrorist attack in kroku city hollin named their handler. it was he who ordered them to go to kiev, where he promised to pay them a million. and all the details. kyiv when you get to the border, not far from borders, leave your car, just trust
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me, i will help you further. sayfullo demanded that rino promise the terrorists a contact who was supposed to escort the group across the border. it was established that while the terrorists were moving along the highway , ukrainian armed forces and ukrainian special forces officers cleared mines on their section of the border near the villages of chuikovka and sopych in the sumy region. this gave the killers an opportunity.
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connections with ukraine were found in mobile phones that the killers tried to destroy, photographs of entrances and access roads to rokus they sent it to their curator on february 24, the second anniversary of the start of the special military operation; this was confirmed by the testimony of one of the accused. in addition, the terrorist's phone was found. images of people in camouflage uniforms with a ukrainian flag against the background of destroyed houses of a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. all stages of financing a terrorist attack are established. on thursday in yekaterinburg, omsk and in moscow, those who helped buy terrorists a renault car and weapons were detained. yes, who is detained? you know?
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that yes, this is isis, they did it, well , here, in my opinion, there is no smell of isis, why, because they have a completely different
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handwriting, they act completely differently, but now i have no questions that the trail leads to ukraine, but the western media, like poukaski , commented with undisguised doubt on the first results of the investigation and paid more attention to the appearance of those arrested. each had several visible injuries when they presented before the judge. they were more sympathetic. victims of the terrorist attack, and the perpetrators who killed more than 140 unarmed people, six of whom were children, hundreds of victims, national grief. on the day of mourning, ukrainian units of information and psychological operations began mass sending messages like this to russian teenagers, either offering to carry out a terrorist attack like in crocus, or intimidating them with new attacks, wanting to sow panic and discord. today the west is waging war on us. hands of their proxies in the person of ukrainians, and this is a full-scale war, it, naturally,
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informational and psychological, and this is not a new tactic, through messengers the ukrainians recruited russian teenagers to set fire to relay cabinets, you understood that by your actions you were providing assistance to a foreign state, and what kind of state in ukraine, then you connected your own call centers that intimidated russian pensioners from... teachers, housewives with loans and demanded to set fire to military registration and enlistment offices, police departments and administrations. they called from the bank, yeah, they told me to do this because i was there. man, man, it’s clear, yes, who transferred loans to me, in 2022 there were 123 arson attacks, in 2023 there were already 285, sabotage was also organized through call centers, the sbu began using their services, they began to sort out a large number of people, form large databases, the law
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of large numbers , sooner or later you will find a person for any task who will do it. for little money, explosions on railways, substations, arson, russian special services are actively working, the perpetrators are detained and thwart the plans of the customers. in 2022 in 2023, 34 terrorist attacks and five acts of sabotage were prevented by kiev; in 2023, 153 terrorist attacks and 15 acts of sabotage were prevented. not being able to defeat us at the front, they naturally switch to undercover sabotage work.
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became the mouthpiece of donbass, they handed him a statuette, yes, there was 400 g of thermobaric charge, he asked, yes, there was 400 g of thermobaric charge, which worked like a razor on him. prilepin, prilepin, one of the ideologists of the russian world, was driving to the dacha when an anti-tank mine went off. they are proud they say it’s us, for example, lambrazo, who believed that it was written on the face of... the criminal that he was a criminal, would be terribly glad to see the head of the sbu special service, the little one. the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kirill budanov, also admitted to the terrorist attacks, saying that kiev would kill russians anywhere in the world. we've already got a lot of them. there are media public cases that have already become
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public knowledge. actually, they behave like terrorists, they are terrorists. they differently their life, their activity, if i may say so, do not think. our special services prevented 36 assassination attempts; kiev hired two groups of neo-nazis to kill tv presenters vladimir solovyov, margarita simonyan and ksenia sobchak. who gave you the task, an employee of the sbu, terrorist organizations, for example, cultubian maniacs, our youth are recruited from ukraine, poland and the czech republic, and hitler fans, ready to carry out explosions in russia, are waiting in kiev. the sbu officer promised.
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the regime tried to kill with substances prohibited by international conventions, one of these, bezet was developed at the wedgewood arsenal in the united states, the poisoned cake was delivered to seventy pilots of the armavir school, but out of sheer belief, an attempt by recruited neo-nazis to poison humanitarian aid for russian military personnel and residents of donbass. you'll go after the military personnel, right? well, not only pregnant women, afghans too. our target audience is those comrades who... accordingly they are there, so well, as they say, everyone involved will be punished, that’s all, as many types of people as possible, that is more people, warmer and more interesting, the scale should be industrial. kiev is attacking not only military but also civilian targets and energy transport infrastructure with naval aerial drones. in tatarstan this week, a drone hit a student dormitory, killing 14. but
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the most terrible images are from belgorod. ukrainian shelling on december 30 - 25 dead, and on february 15, seven died. help! there are wounded children on the asphalt, and a grandmother nearby begs to call an ambulance. i called, called, called, they're coming. what about my boy? what is he like? this these little legs, too, will live a little, don’t worry. oh! in the same series are the explosions of the crimean bridge with the deaths of innocent people. attempts at sabotage at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, among the targets are other stations. kursk, smolensk, leningradskoye, whose reactors ukrainian agents tried to stop by blowing up power lines. the blowing up of the kokhov dam, ukrainian intelligence officers detained in russia themselves tell.
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if nothing had happened, they have been training terrorists like this for almost 10 years now, starting in 2014, they will soon celebrate their bloody anniversary, those who this week through latvia tried to introduce 70 kg of hexagen hidden in icons for terrorist attacks in russia on easter, if you have crossed this border of humanity, then of course there are no brakes for you in terms of... how to achieve some kind of deadly result, therefore, in this terrible, vicious, inhumane logic, it all lies, we started small and end up
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big, what ukraine is doing towards us, of course, this is the evolution of terror, of course, and we are brave and correct can to say that this is simply a terrorist state, apparently an insane amalgamation of special services, criminals, neo-nazis and extremists of various kinds, the more one will fall into... and now let's talk about sports: alexander spartak won a strong-willed victory over dynamo in the central match of the next round of the rpl. tell me the details. tatyana, spartak forward alexander sobolev twice took advantage of dynamo goalkeeper igor alechuk's mistake. spartak eventually won 2:1. so, in the central match twenty third round. moscow spartak won a strong-willed victory in the capital's derby over dynamo 2:1. the hosts opened the scoring at the very beginning of the match; already in the second minute dynamo earned a penalty for handball on el umyarov.
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the mexican legionnaire of the blue and white, luis chavez, left no chance for maksimenko. spartak scored twice in the second half, both goals were scored by alexander sobolev ; dynamo goalkeeper igor lishch was directly involved in both spartak goals. the goals turned out to be similar. lyashchuk twice parried mikhail ignatov's punches straight. in front of himself and sobolev twice took advantage of the same mistakes by the dynamo goalkeeper. for spartak these were the first goals in the spring part of the championship. in the standings, dynamo remained in third place, but marcel lička’s team is already five points behind second-place krasnodar, and six points behind leader zenit. krasnodar won this round with a score of 4:3 in nizhny novgorod. wings of the soviets defeated ural, rostov and sochi tied 2:2 in the southern derby. cska. beat the torch 4:1, lokomotiv won in grozny and zenit modest 1:0 against baltic. the tour ends today with the orenburg-rubin match. istanbul fenerbahce
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disrupted the match for the turkish super cup against galatosaray. the management of fenerbahçe warned that this would happen even before the match. fener has a serious conflict with the turkish football federation. the team is demanding the resignation of its president, and previously fenerbahçe even threatened to withdraw from the turkish championship. as a result , fener's u19 squad entered the super cup against galatasaray. in the first minute they conceded a goal from mauro icardi, after which fenerbahce went into the field. galatosarai actually won the turkish super cup without a fight. magnitogorsk metallurgist took the lead in the semi-final series of the gagarin cup against avtomobilist. the third match of the series took place the day before in yekaterinburg. the home team saved themselves from defeat in the last minute of regulation time. three periods ended with a score of 2:2, but after saving danil romantsev, the motorist went into overtime as if unprepared. the overtime didn't last long; in the third minute the game was victorious for
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metal. rostov-don team, a classic of russian women's handball for many recent years, the cup final was a real success. olympics in paris. the olympic qualifying tournament was held in baku. according to the tournament regulations, olympic licenses were taken by those athletes who reached the finals. on the last day of the tournament, the freestyle wrestlers did it.
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with a total climb of almost 600 m. in one of the most spectacular and spectacular races of the season , saveli korostelev won among men, alexey cherovotkin was 9 seconds behind him , alexander bulshunov was 14 seconds behind him. all in all in the russian cup standings, alexander bulshinov became the winner in all categories. first place in the overall competition, in the distance competition and also in the sprint competition. that's
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all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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secret archives related to the crimean operation of 1944 were published in the ministry of defense. on the site you can learn about the rapid advance of the red army and the feat of our soldiers who liberated the peninsula from the nazis. zenaida kurbatova got acquainted with the unique documents. on this secret operational map, the original release plan.


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