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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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and if you need a courier, then yandexgo. jandex go, all deliveries in one application. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on for msvezhest products, we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the app. avito. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream paint, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strength. shine of dyed hair.
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sios hair is like after a salon. great car. i agree, perfect. just need to change the oil. let's stop by. do you have the ideal oil for my car? here is an excellent oil - rosneft magnum. 83% of buyers choose it again. what's so special about it? with rosne magnum, oil consumption is less by a third. it provides reliable engine protection by 20% reduces education. rosneft magnum motor oil, we are sure you will buy it again, we won’t have to panic, there is beline’s internet, let’s go to better motels, with beline’s smart network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such internet on your side, every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw, from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores. on
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the stoloto website how are you cool, but for a subscription save up your vtb savings account, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, hello, the program’s correspondents on duty and i, maxim ovchanchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day , opponents-fraudsters are now in the know of the action zone. a large-scale special operation by security forces, fsb soldiers neutralized a large criminal communications center and detained telephone scammers in several cities of our country. they replaced ukrainian numbers with russian ones, making victims believe that the calls were from real investigators or bank employees. details from andrey romanov. in full combat gear, under the cover of armored shields, fsb officers are counting down in front of a locked door. the nerves of those who have settled inside do not last long. eight.
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at first, the detainees tried to pretend that they themselves did not understand what they were doing in the premises, equipped with the latest technology, my area of ​​responsibility here is exclusively technical, so it was as if here she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company in turkey, so we are engaged. introduce security forces into
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the delusion failed, they have been developing this gang of possible accomplices of telephone scammers from ukraine since 2022. the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to so-called safe ones. according to experts, the liquidated communication center provided work for many criminal call centers, which were located on the territory of ukraine. a really significant, very serious blow was dealt to the infrastructure of telephone scammers, it was thanks to the number substitution system that ukrainian scammers were able to help withdraw funds from clients of russian banks, precisely due to the fact that the mechanics of generating... precisely
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russian masks, telephone numbers with calls from ukraine, misled people . ukrainian handlers seem to have generously supplied the accomplices of the fraudulent schemes with cash. according to the places of residence of the detainees security forces discovered impressive amounts of money in rubles and foreign currency; participants in the criminal scheme were driving around the city in luxury foreign cars, and this is only a drop in the bucket from the amount of stolen money that was subsequently sent abroad and used against our country. the funds thus obtained through a chain of financial transactions were accumulated in ukrainian banks and went to finance the armed forces of ukraine, according to preliminary data, using only one node. in total, police officers together with fsb officers detained five probable members of the criminal group, all of them were sent to pre-trial detention by a court decision. andrey romanov, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty department. in the rostov region , investigators solved a double murder and
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detained four suspects. all the details of this criminal case are still secrets of the investigation, but it is known that the criminals dealt with the victims with particular cruelty. they tied up two employees of an agricultural company. tested them then killed them, the cause of the crime was some conflict between men, now they have arrived, well, the place where the crime took place, what specific crime, murder, during operational search activities in the zemovnikovsky district , the bodies of two missing men with signs of violent death were found, investigators and criminologists of the investigation department are currently working on the scene. the probable killers admitted their guilt, all four have already been arrested by court order. all the most interesting, after a short advertisement, do not switch.
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rubles. hunt, come out to win. you're in shape yes, for baking. for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, replenish it regularly, you’ll save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, we’re spinning the debt, we’ll buy it quickly, open a vtb savings account account with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, look at the price and choose an apartment for rent at a realistic price. photography, the scene is safe and convenient, feel free to look your expenses in the eye, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for leftovers minutes and yogo, every month is possible, i came to
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a tasty point for a convenient schedule, found friends here, in general there are many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, hit the spot with work, catching a firebird pyro is not easy, and anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, an excellent car, i agree, ideal, only the oil needs to be changed, we’ll stop by, and... you have the ideal oil for my car , this is excellent oil, rose oil magoo, 83% of buyers choose it again, but what’s so special about it? growth oil magnum, oil consumption is less by a third, it provides reliable engine protection by 20%, reduces the formation of sludge,
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rosneft magnum engine oil, we are sure you will buy it again, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, okay , i understand, like this at the megamarket. by the way, it’s better to translate from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, the legal program will be broadcast live by the duty department, we continue release. in the smolensk region, investigators and prosecutors are clarifying the circumstances of the collapse of the paninsky bridge. as a result of the incident , one person died. five were injured; the railway tracks that were under the collapsed span were blocked.
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anastasia artemenko will continue the topic. we are located next to the paninsky bridge, or rather what remains of it. as you can see, the entire span collapsed. at that time there was a truck and several cars on it. a thirty-six-year-old woman died, along with five other people. injured, they were taken to the vyazzinskaya central district hospital. among the victims is a fourteen-year-old teenager. doctors assess their condition as severe or moderate. eyewitnesses filmed the moment of the crash on video recorders, this video was from cars that were literally driving onto the bridge, when suddenly all that was left was a cloud of dust? many cars were on the bridge and near it, waiting for the green traffic light, and random passers-by helped doctors carry the victims to ambulances. surgeons left smolensk to help their vyazma colleagues, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, pediatricians, as well as psychologists who will provide assistance to their families. under the rubble are railroad tracks. train traffic on this section is completely paralyzed. according to russian railways,
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four recovery trains were sent to the scene of the incident and have already begun clearing the tracks. all emergency services are on site and an operational headquarters has been deployed. the prosecutor's office began an investigation, and the investigative committee opened a criminal case. site inspection is underway incident, all necessary documentation relevant to the criminal case will be destroyed. it was turned off, so a fire was avoided, but about 70 enterprises were left without
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gas supply to almost 900 consumers. the restoration dates are being clarified, and the fate of the paninsky bridge will now be decided by a commission. anastasia artemenko, conductor and duty officer, smolinsk region. in surgut , the alleged perpetrator and organizer of the murder of a local businessman was arrested; a businessman who was engaged in cargo transportation was dealt with late in the evening, when he was returning home with his wife and child. the killer opened fire on the business. fatal, a few days later police investigators identified the suspects and detained them. alina skachkova for more details. the surgut city court is choosing a preventive measure for those who, according to investigators, planned and executed the contract murder of businessman arsen daudov. there are two behind bars, mr. evgeniy taranov, who he is, the real customer or a counterfeit, has not yet been precisely established, as well as abdul zakavov, a probable killer. in the courtroom he was overcome duhat, the alleged killer took off his shoes and...
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but on the fateful evening, as the security forces established, he was guarding the victim at home with a hidden firearm, when a businessman appeared around the corner, ran out, took aim, the killer was not even embarrassed that daudov was walking arm in arm with wife and small child, four shots at point-blank range, the businessman died in front of his family, the killer pulled his mask and went on the run, surveillance footage shows a dark figure winding through the courtyards, fsb police operatives searched for the suspect all night, there was a suspect on the roads an interception plan was announced, the killer did not have time to escape from the city, we are working yes...
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the suspicious car was stopped at an intersection and the driver was thirty-seven-year-old abdul zakavov, a former military man, master of sports in sports shooting, previously convicted, he soon betrayed his accomplice taranov. the operatives quickly established the identity of the suspect , detained him the next day, searched his relatives at the place of residence of the defendant, questioned the wife of the murdered man... santa did not come out immediately after what she saw, the woman could not for a long time to come to her senses, but later it was she who gave the investigators an important clue: the contract killing could have occurred due to business conflicts. daudov rented out trucks and borrowed money.
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a false report that in several regions the air of the rossiya-1 tv channel was allegedly hacked, saying that the broadcasts of state television and radio broadcasting company ak, state television and radio broadcasting company in teleradio state television and radio broadcasting company voinakh were interrupted by dubious messages, it immediately became clear that these were fakes, videos mounted on the knees, there was actually no interruption of the broadcast was. they were placed in various telegram channels with the aim of discrediting state media, in particular the all-russian tv and radio company. surprisingly, some of our colleagues, without checking the information... immediately reposted a false message in their telegram channels, even federal internet media fell into an information trap, for example, the telegram channel brief, in ryazan , a deputy of the city duma, pavel overin, distinguished himself. the people's representative also spread fabricated news. it is already known that the heads of our branches in ryazan, ivanovo and the chechen republic addressed statements to the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee
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and roskomnadzor with a request to identify the criminals of the owners of the television. seriously wounded his partner in the moscow region. employees of the ministry of internal affairs planned to detain the courier at the moment when he took the so-called stash from a large batch of prohibited substances. but the courier opened fire on the law enforcement officer and fled on a motorcycle. the topic will be continued by marie bucato. this is footage of the investigative team working at the scene of a cold-blooded crime. an attacker opened fire on two police officers on a country road in
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moscow region, between the working village of frianovo and chernogolovka. employees of the losin-petrovsky police department. they were tracking down a drug dealer here, but did not expect that he would be armed with a pistol and would not hesitate to use it. it is known that shortly before the incident, police discovered a cache of the drug 2 kg of miphidron in this area. they decided to detain the pawnbrokers and set up an ambush, but when they tried to detain them, the dealer opened fire to kill them. senior police warrant officer sergei efimenko died on the spot. forensics they counted five bullet wounds on his body. the warrant officer's partner, a twenty-six-year-old lieutenant, was seriously wounded in the head, but survived. passers-by found him and called an ambulance. now the police are in intensive care. a criminal case has been opened regarding an attack on the life of law enforcement officers. the main version of the attack by employees is that it was committed in order to impede their legitimate activities.
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investigations continued at the crime scene until late at night. every square meter in the forest combed with metal detectors. in search of bullet casings or a murder weapon, the area was cordoned off, meanwhile, a plan was announced in the region to intercept the siren plan. police patrols were posted on the roads, they checked suspicious cars and stopped motorcyclists. the criminal allegedly immediately headed towards st. petersburg along the m11 highway on a black motorcycle without license plates. there was minimal information about the suspect. approximate brand of motorcycle, clothing type. bike. without license plates, the face is hidden under a helmet, but according to some media reports, this at this point, the investigators already had a suspect, an alleged biker drug dealer could be this tall, fair-haired man in the photo, a former signalman and individual entrepreneur who can ride a japanese motorcycle or a dark green field. employees of the moscow region headquarters are clarifying all
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the circumstances of what happened, and a set of measures is being implemented that are aimed at establishing. he has already received two life sentences, but he almost never appears in the colony; as soon as he is sentenced, he tells where else the bodies are hidden his next victims. according to some reports, the new confession of the angarsk maniac will not be the last until i follow it. a suitcase of money in a prison station in krasnoyarsk was sentenced to the former deputy head of the regional
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railway. investigators proved that the manager set out to receive multimillion-dollar bribes. expensive work was performed by certain companies for a large bribe. word to galina hungureeva. a short video from the themis hall. for just a few seconds the main character flashes in the frame loudly corruption drama, ex. head of the krasnoyarsk railway andrei vlasov, detachedly looks at the spring landscape outside the window. the accusation brought against vlasov was confirmed by evidence collected during the investigation. vlasovo was found guilty of receiving a particularly large bribe. impressive sums went into his pocket for promoting the interests of individual commercial enterprises. contracts of hundreds of millions of rubles would still be at stake. in other words, with a broad gesture he gave the go- ahead to the companies he liked, took a kickback and simply for... the very opportunity to work, the high-ranking official did not disdain either crisp banknotes, or even construction materials and electrical equipment, all of the above amount was 3.5 million rubles.
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vlasov received in the period from 2016 to 2018. being the head of the east siberian railway, the irkutsk company was patronized, which allowed it to conclude contracts worth 380 million rubles. having fluttered to another chair, the deputy head of the krasnoyarsk railway. vlasov immediately took the local commercial business under his wing. under otic supervision high official built a railway track on a remote stretch in the taiga forests between the village of lukashevich and the village of koy. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program visited the bearish corner. everyone thinks that we gave a bribe, our leadership gave, or rather, a bribe in order not to do something, not to finish it, no, there is no such thing. why then did vlasov demand the car and money? just so you can work here? well, it's difficult for me. to say, i did not participate in this, yes, perhaps, yes, so that we we worked here. in the trunk of the manager's premium suv, security forces found no less premium luggage, 20 million rubles.
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a brand new gelendvagen 2020, stuffed with five thousand dollar bills, appeared at vlasov’s just after an inspection of that same railway track in the outback of the krasnoyarsk territory. the bribe was transferred to an official for general patronage and manipulation of interest in the construction of facilities. included in the investment project is the integrated development of the interfluve taishet section of the krasnoyarsk railway roads. it is known that vlasav began his career growth from a simple master of the ways, that is, he knew all the professional ins and outs, which he openly flaunted during the interview. taking into account the growth of the cargo base , the development of the southern section of the road was required. namely , abakanta ishet, for which the complex development of the interfluve shet site was created and designed. cost of construction of 1 km of railway. refused, it didn’t help,
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the former boss was found guilty, taking into account the defendant’s fulfillment of his obligations under in accordance with the agreement concluded before the trial on the cooperation of the position of the state prosecutor of the west siberian transport prosecutor's office, the court sentenced the perpetrator for a combination of crimes to six years in prison to be served in a correctional colony. tas with reference to the russian ministry of health. meanwhile, a specialist from the ministry of emergency situations is taking part in the work in vyazma along with other emergency services. at these moments , 133 rescuers and 12 units
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of special equipment are involved in clearing the rubble. amazing luck of the mother-in-law of the lottery organizer in zlatoust a loud scandal unfolds after the announcement of the results of the quiz, in which, by a strange coincidence, the relatives of the director of the cultural center won. it was there that a drawing of prizes was held, among which was a car. the family of the director of the house of culture, where the lottery was held, can only guess what kind of lucky star was shining for them at that moment, and how, with the help of sleight of hand, the best gifts went into one hand, people wonder if the lottery machine has really turned into a scam, it’s curious that the draw took place in several cities region and only residents of zlatous. complain that they were played, the conditions for participation were simple, anyone could answer three questions of the quiz, fill out their data, after the coupon they were sent to the drum, in total more than 40 thousand copies - that’s more than 300
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kilos. the transparent drum remained opaque for many, the name of the main lucky winner became crooked, but the moment of removing the coupons from them was not immediately known; the winner of the main prize of the car was announced under a code. number, is everyone ready? so, well, friends, oh, if my hands are already shaking, i can’t, of course, so, so, so, so, so, so, 07 65 31, super lucky ticket that the car gets, what a surprise it was when the super lucky one turned out to be the mother-in-law of alexey razumeyka, director of the cultural center where the drawing was held, they say she was lucky that day not only to her, but also to my wife and other relatives.
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they supposedly won household appliances, but why be surprised? the quiz was held as part of the support for the year of the family, so the director of the cultural center seemed to support his family as best he could, it’s not for nothing that they say that the wheel on the side of those who spin it, i don’t believe it, honestly, i may disappoint you, but i’m quietly, everything is overflowing with me, we’ll decide everything at the family council, as the children will say, users of social networks are joking, this is how you should have done something wrong son-in-law, so that the main prize would go to the mother-in-law. it seems that no one expected such tender feelings from the harsh chelyabinsk men. i knew that this would happen, someone would get it, a relative, friends, stood with their backs, pulled them out of the drum, half of the tickets were stuck in drum design. the director of the cultural center, alexey razumika, does not share the people’s anger, he says that he only provided a platform for the prank, and did not intend to prank people. and the mother-in-law, she is also a person and also has the right to happiness. the whole event,
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i’ll be honest, it would have been better. they didn’t even take part in it, if they knew that such an outcome would happen, now it’s all really because of the resonance, the whole family suffers from this, the prizes were returned, we don’t need them at all, i say, we never pursued such goals so that somehow get rich or something else. now the police are looking into the secret of the incredible luck of the relatives of the director of the cultural center. the police requested documentation and organized a survey of participants. after all the events have been completed, the collected materials will be sent to the investigative authorities to make a procedural decision, the organizers of the competition themselves follow the rule, the winners are not judged, but this is what they say for the time being. there is no reason to doubt that all this was fair, for the organizers this is not a problem, that is, well, i won person, a relative won, but also a relative, technically, if the fact of some kind of forgery is established, we ourselves will write a statement to law enforcement
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agencies, the townspeople complained about games with theory. as a result, the entire family was detained, but then the mayor herself was released. she apparently had no idea what the brothers were doing and simply did not notice a strange smell or a few bags of drugs in her house. the entire operational news feed of legal news is in telegram channels and the duty department is led by an honest detective. subscribe, also ours investigation and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. vsushniki are increasingly shooting their own people in the back and driving them outside the city detachments. kharkov region. the authorities are forcing people to leave, they are hiding military equipment in residential areas, so if it is destroyed and it is easier , forced evacuation is expanded to shout about shelling of civilian targets. with such allies, the americans do not need enemies. to close the sky over ukraine, zelensky demanded hundreds of batteries from washington.


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