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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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briefly about the main topics: against terrorists and saboteurs, russia has developed additional security measures at facilities that could become targets of terrorist attacks. the water is rising, and a critical situation due to flooding remains in eight settlements in the capital of the orenburg region. an emergency evacuation has been announced, and water is rapidly rising in the kurgan region. in the coming days, the level of the tambul river may rise to 11 m. the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibes, who was injured in the assassination attempt, began to get up and walk around the ward. reported that he was recovering after surgery. narrow-scale work has begun, and the construction of the first power unit in turkey has almost been completed, which will be built with the participation of russian specialists. after sunset, they will begin to celebrate
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eid al-fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month of ramadan. the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, chairman of the council of muftis of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainadzen spoke about the significance and features of this holiday in an interview with our channel. ravi elis magilovich, hello, first of all, thank you for found time for this conversation of ours. uraza bayram marks the longest muslim fast, which this year lasted from march 10 to april 9. let's. allah and his blessings, i greet all my brothers and sisters, all my countrymen with wishes for peace, mercy and blessings of our lord almighty. in the holy quran. the lord almighty himself gives us the
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meaning of holy ramadan. o believers, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those who lived before you. thus the lord explains to believers that during the sacred ramadan, the great muslim fast, it is not only a great fast for the believer, namely muslims, but the great fast was given to those who lived...
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on the night of predestination, the night of power, which falls at the end of the month of ramadan, the month of ramadan is the month when the holy quran was revealed. and the one who finds out,
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hears, he is obliged to observe lent, if his health allows him, if he manages to endure this test during daylight hours, then he...
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of this entire month for this holiday, they spiritually cleansed, they strengthen their iman, their faith. having been spiritually enriched, they come to mosques to collectively perform festive prayers and listen to the sermon of their spiritual mentor. this year there are no obstacles to our mosque . close, allow a limited number of parishioners to worship the almighty, there is no pandemic, and we are free today and openly invite our believers
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to all our mosques in those places that are allocated to us by the authorities. authorities in order to meet the need for places to conduct our eid prayers. for example, in moscow we certainly lack a mosque, there are a lot of muslims in the city, there are a lot of muslims in the moscow region, in other large cities, so... the authorities are allocating additional sites, we are well prepared, our sites are already ready to receive thousands and thousands of our worshippers,
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therefore, in all regions of the russian federation, muslims are enthusiastically preparing for our holiday. how are muslims preparing for this? holiday, what is possible what not to do? during the holy month of ramadan, our imams explain during their sermons how to prepare oneself for the holiday, how to be pious during the observance of the great muslim fast of eid, and muslims know that for the holiday... one must come in high spirits, it is advisable, according to the prophet’s sun , to wear new clothes, it is imperative to be , most importantly, clean in soul and body, therefore,
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before leaving home for the mosque, a muslim takes a complete ablution, this is called: can be very pleasant for others, and not repulsive to others, and of course, when a muslim goes out, goes towards the mosque, he should recite praise to the almighty with the words
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allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar.
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do you have information about how the celebration will be held there, and also tell us about how this holiday is celebrated in new regions? holiday of islam. in those new regions where we have our own communities, mosques, mosques, prayer
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rooms, they will also go there, go there, pray for the imam. we're on time holy ramadan sent several of our imams to help our muslim religious organizations.
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it is paid, what charitable
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initiatives are usually carried out during the month is the payment of special alms, to whom ramadan, in the month of ramadan we annually make an appeal to all our muslim parishes, our muslim communities, to take care of our sick, poor people as much as possible...
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humanitarian assistance thus, the month of ramadan is a month of goodness, a month of mercy, a month of charity, every believer knows that when the month of ramadan ends, everyone who fasts is obliged to give... cleansing alms, without
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giving cleansing alms, the fast does not rise to heaven, and does not reach the point of accepting this fast, so every believer must give his cleansing alms sadaka, which goes as a charitable donation, in the name of muslim brothers, in the name of maintaining mosques in...
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a heaviest blow for russians, and not only for russians, but for all humanity, a monstrous terrorist attack was committed by those who retreated from the path of the lord most high, by those who have taken
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the path of satan. they were ordered to kill, without discerning who is in front of you, a believer, an unbeliever, a muslim, a representative of another religion, a child, a woman, a man, everyone in a row, so of course we know who the customer is, who they are and what goal they are pursuing, why it was done by the hands of sons, parents, who are representatives of muslims, the forces that demanded to carry out this terrorist attack precisely in
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holy ramadan, precisely by the hands... of muslim sons, in order to spoil the relations of our state, russia, with the islamic world, and the islamic world respects and understands the policies of our president putin of our country, they understand perfectly well. why was russia forced to start the svo? why was russia forced to demand a fair world order, and not the hegemony of just one world, one country. and the arab world, the entire
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islamic world wants it. for a new world order to be built, where the sovereignty, traditions, culture, religions of these states are respected, this is what the united states and the west do not want in general, they wanted to blow up our society. inside, to create such an atmosphere so that we, different peoples, different religions, but citizens of a single fatherland, a single people, countries, quarrel and fight within our one state, they want this, but
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the task of both the president and the government... on the issue of migrants, i am the chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of the russian federation. chairman of the council of muftis of russia, mufti, fully support the position
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of our president. our president, even in that situation, after a sleepless night on march 22, he found the right words that were heard by our entire society, he said: a terrorist has no nationality and religion, a terrorist, he is not a believer, i can confirm this. he does not fulfill the command of the lord most high, but
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the command of satan. and the russian people immediately realized that we have no right to divide among ourselves. us, the russian people on ours on strangers, on muslims, on christians, on jews, on buddhists, we are one people, every nation may have criminals, those who have taken the path of satan, there may be, but the task state, religious leaders, the task... of the entire society is to preserve our inner peace, our brotherhood, our unity, which has been
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built over many centuries, the president said, our economy needs workers, labor, but... i am a religious figure , i cannot give advice to those bodies that control the migration process, everyone who deals with the migration issue should be responsible here, who invites these workers, who gives...
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traveled, received a residence permit, received citizenship, they need adaptation, in this all our mosques, all our public organizations of muslims are working on the issue, as other religious organizations should work, so we are educating... grants in a very right direction, and my appeal to the parents of those children who go
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to work in russia, they receive from their children financial assistance, living in their own country. they should also know where their son is, with whom he works, with whom he is friends, what sermons he listens to, what kind of environment he finds himself in, is he caught up in ideological ones? those terrorists, extremists who can put on the path of satan. there is
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a responsibility here, of course. from the other side of our borders, certainly here, and these words of mine concern our parents, grandparents, they should also know where our children are, who our children are with, where our children go, what do they read on social networks, on the internet? and what views they have formed in their brains, we must also carefully monitor all this, this is our responsibility, thank you very much, i thank you, you said very important, really necessary, timely words, congratulations again on upcoming holiday, suraz al-fitr, eid mubarak, eid mubarak. what does every year mean
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, may it be prosperous for you and for all of us, my dear brothers and sisters and compatriots, and dal-fitr al-mubarak, happy holiday of breaking the fast, happy eid al-adha. look around now 200 124 100 years in the future everything will be different moscow moscow where the machine type is energetically unjustified she brought from school a man a man according to my data he is 117 years old but the main thing will remain. unfaithful, i
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know what it means to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save our parents , their personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago, delicious, very... because it was made with love, soon. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian capable industry to replace foreign suppliers? need to mobilize all resources? give me a recipe in general, how to
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achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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now footage from the presidential press service, like here? okay, that's it, yeah, look, your performance there is average, good, the republic, in fact, is developing quite well, thank you for your support, many programs that exist through the government, on your instructions, we are trying very hard to participate in them, in my opinion, you know, i have always said that our kazakhstan has been for some time was for investors, he was not in love with the region, so we have resources,
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we have land, we have labor resources, he is now actively coming to us.


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