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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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the landing has already tickled the nerves of the ukrainian formations, judging by these shots, our ground units are receiving impressive air support from attack aircraft, this says a lot, at least that the ukrainian armed forces have serious holes in the air defense, but not only there.
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for the third day in a row, the zaporozhye npp has been attacked by the ukrainian armed forces, and these attacks are becoming more and more dangerous. moscow is waiting for a clear reaction from magathe, the western curators of kiev and everything international. communities.
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so, today there is another attack. ukrainian a drone attacked the center where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. the impact hit the roof of the building and it was damaged. the simulator itself is not damaged. the day before, a ukrainian armed forces drone fell on the roof of the sixth power unit. the ammunition did not detonate, but even magathe noted that the containment shell of the main reactor was damaged and called on kiev not to jeopardize nuclear safety.
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cargo port, the third flight was recorded on the dome of block number six. not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to such fire impact from the armed forces. the increasing frequency of arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared towards the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces. moscow will seek honest assessments from the international atomic energy agency and the un secretariat of kiev's latest attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was stated by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. according to him , this time kiev will not be able to evade responsibility for the attacks on the station. lavrov emphasized that the russian country is interested in cooperation with magathe and the un secretariat, but will seek specifics from them. according to the russian minister, until now international officials have given one-sided assessments of what is happening around ukraine and avoided pointing out those responsible for the shelling of the zaporozhye station. a statement was made
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by the ministry of foreign affairs, statements were made by our representative in the primacy, our representative in the un security council, we stand. this issue to special meetings of the executive council of magath, to special meetings, and there we will insist on the need to receive direct, without any prevarication, assessments of the actions of the ukrainian regime, i think that this time it will not be possible to escape responsibility; as for international assessments, according to preliminary information, the next session will be held.
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meaning as well as concern for the health and safety of their own people and the peoples of other countries, even the possibility of a nuclear disaster does not stop them. i wonder how western states feel when they see that their proxy forces dare to make provocations that could have the most serious consequences consequences for them and for the whole world. we call on the international community to condemn these irresponsible and extremely dangerous actions of the kiev regime. his western sponsors, instead of satisfying requests, supply even more weapons and ammunition. must take responsibility for nuclear safety on a global scale. for the unprincipled actions of ukrainian politicians aimed at undermining the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov, today held a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee. issues were discussed at the meeting
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anti-terrorism security of facilities that operate to ensure a special military operation to supply new constituent entities of russia. and of course, one of the central statements that was made. at this meeting, according to bortnikov, ukrainian neo-nazis, their western patrons, are behind terrorist attacks in russia and for these purposes they use, among other things, members of the international terrorist underground, the terrible tragedy of march 22 in krokos is evidence of this. ukrainian neo-nazis are their western patrons organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on our territory by participants in international terrorist
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or 27 terrorist attacks on transport facilities, fuel and energy infrastructure, defense industry enterprises and life support systems. authorities and law enforcement agencies are now taking special measures to strengthen the security of facilities involved in ensuring the supply of air defense to new regions. in addition, the head of the department also noted that attempts were stopped penetration of ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance units into russian territory. one for all, all for one, there are classics
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megapowers there will be a jaga, only in a megaphone, germany began to transfer its military to lithuania, according to the plans of the two countries by 2027, the brigade must reach full combat readiness, the kremlin has already called it creation. russia, this requires moscow to take special measures to ensure its security. on april 8 , the first military personnel from the bundesfer brigade left for lithuania to prepare for the deployment of the entire composition in the republic, as the minister of defense of lithuania said, at the first stage, about 20 german military personnel will work on... the most practical steps of redeployment. by the end of this year, the group's personnel will be increased to 150 people. fully
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the brigade, which is 5.00 military personnel, will be deployed by 2027. it will be based on tank and mechanized armored infantry battalions. deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security vladimir chizhov called such actions by germany and lithuania another step towards escalation. on the territory of lithuania. for a number of years now , units of the military air forces of the alliance countries have been deployed on rotation, which are mastering potential theaters of military operations, deploying several aircraft with their crews there, so that all this, of course, was, is will be, the object of close attention and analysis. last week, the north atlantic alliance decided to create a non-military mission in
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ukraine, while nato secretary general jens stoltenberg allowed two scenarios for the development of the conflict, including a negative for kiev, defeat in the ssu, and called for increased support for the ukrainian authorities. in turn, finnish president alexander stoop does not see any prospects for resolving the russian-ukrainian conflict through diplomacy. in an interview with an american tv channel. he stated that considers the continuation of hostilities in ukraine to be the only way to achieve peace, thereby stup called for continued fighting. let me note that vladimir putin has repeatedly spoken about moscow’s readiness to resolve problems through negotiations, and that this is the preferable path? presidential spokesman dmitry peskov added that calls for negotiations on ukraine have recently met with stiff resistance from kiev. he never... spoke so, i would even say, hopelessly regarding the possibility
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of diplomacy, well, maybe now heading while leading a country that became a nato member, something changed in his worldview, that would be regrettable, and then there are the residents. will now be able to use "world" cards. a corresponding agreement was signed today in moscow. as stated by the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, access to the russian payment system is extremely important for the autonomy that is part of it.
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probably, it does not have resources, including armed forces, but there is no question that the people of gogoze have the right to self-determination. residents of orenburg can recover documents lost during the flood within 24 hours after your request. this was stated by the city administration. christina kuruma joins with details. yes,
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she's live. christina, hello, what other support measures are provided to those affected by the peahen? in the orenburg region. hello, the regional authorities promised to maintain the salaries of workers in the flood zone and to suspend the calculation of utility bills and fees for kindergartens. more than 14 thousand applications were received from residents of the orenburg region for payments in connection with flood through the state services portal. more than a thousand applicants have already received financial assistance. after a dam broke in orsk , more than 10 thousand residential buildings in the region were flooded.
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people, and residents of orsk who did not go to them can count on a monthly compensation of 1000 rubles per... and will assess the damage. meanwhile, employees of enterprises in the flood zone will continue to receive full salaries. some banks said they were ready to provide credit holidays to those affected. alfa group shareholders will allocate 1 billion to help residents rub. insurers will help with simplified claims settlement, but there are likely not many insured homes in the region.
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insurance penetration in russia is not at a very high level. in general, it is about 10%, if we are talking about insurance of real estate for individuals, that is, every tenth house or apartment is insured, if we talk about areas that were under water, where there was a flood, there, of course, the percentage of insured property is even smaller, because 10% is including moscow, st. petersburg, krasnodar region and so on. damage to the region's infrastructure was previously estimated at 21 billion rubles, in 65 million to the agricultural sector, the work of the org oil refinery was suspended, but this will not affect the shipment of petroleum products. first of all, the reserves will be used for the needs of the region and local consumers.
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there are stocks for the next 2 weeks; in addition, some volumes may come from neighboring regions. this means that during this time... it will be possible to solve the problem associated with flooding, it will be possible to expect, or rather, it will be possible that all possible environmental risks associated with the resumption of activity of this plant will be assessed, and the plant will most likely restore its operation. water is gradually leaving the flooded areas of the city; orsk authorities are recording a decline in the level of the ural river. in the region , the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing more. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib -
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nothing superfluous. let's continue talking about the topic floods in kurgan, we began preventive evacuation from areas of possible flooding. about the need to evacuate. orenburg authorities remind us of the flood of the ural river. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of centraphobe vadim zavodchenko, he’s live on facts. vadim, hello, you previously warned that the rains would increase in the regions suffering from floods, are these forecasts confirmed? yes, indeed, tomorrow the cloudy fields of a cold atmospheric front and rain will move across the region will intensify, but the cooling associated with this invasion will be insignificant. and will not stop snow melting in the mountains. water approached multi-storey buildings on uralskaya street in orenburg. the leninsky district is protected by a dam. at the same time
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, the nearby snt is already in the flood zone. summer residents are transported in trucks, which have difficulty making their way through flooded areas. previously, some orenburg residents managed to get out of gardening partnerships in their own transport, but... already knee-deep in water, the orenburg authorities faced unfavorable conditions. forecasts and the need for evacuation from areas near floodplains. we are approaching dangerous levels. i urge residents of flooded areas not to wait until the last minute, not to risk their lives, evacuate in advance. the water level in the river begins to rise faster and faster. tobol in kurgan, taking this into account, the city is raising the level of the dam in five areas at once, five more dams are being built and added to the territory
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of other municipalities. due to a sudden increase in water level in the tobol river, flooding of your houses and plots is expected, evacuation was announced for registration at the assembly point in the trench and sending to safe areas. the most difficult situation is upstream . the flooded tobol river is approaching the village of breakthrough, zverinogolovsky municipal district, from several sides at once; due to the rapid rise of water, today it was necessary to block the road that leads to this settlement. the tension is really rising. at the end of last week , the water level in tobor, animal heads. rose gradually by 20-30 cm per day, per day from 8:00 am on monday to 8:00 am on tuesday,
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it jumped more than one and a half meters, and today almost the same, in just 6 hours. the regional authorities note that upstream in kazakhstan, 12 km from the border with russia, the water level is already approaching eleven. meter, the difference with the zverinnogolovsky district is more than 3 m, all this water goes downstream, and tomorrow the weather will interfere with the flood processes, the region will be covered by cloudy fields of a cold atmospheric front, so that the rains will intensify, in some places in orenburg in the south of bashkiria about a third of a month's worth of moisture may fall in one day, and north of the ekaterinburg line: kurgan , snow may be mixed with the rains, cooler air masses will break into the region along with the clouds, but this cooling will not have a serious
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impact on snowmelt in the mountains, for example, tomorrow, even in the middle latitudes of the urals, the daytime temperature will be +2 -7, in the south of bashkiria and in the orenburg region the thermometers will reach +10-15. in such a situation on the slopes. by the end of wednesday, about 10-12 cm of snow will melt in the urals. together with the rains, this will ensure additional flow into the region's reservoirs of about 600 cubic meters of water from each hectare of the river valley. such an influx will certainly strengthen the flood approaching orenburg, adding 10-20 cm to its crest. paris may not have time to prepare for the upcoming summer olympics this year. the french capital is faced with a host of organizational problems, from high levels of pollution of the seine river to the increased threat of terrorist attacks.
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next week, paris is preparing to mark the symbolic date of 100 days before the start of summer olympics, but in this case it is more likely not like the anticipation of a sports festival, but rather the desire of the organizers to avoid a major failure. the opening ceremony rehearsal was forced to be postponed for a month and a half, because the seine river, along which it was supposed to be held, was chosen as the venue. make the water level the degree of its pollution. athletes on boats, but this does not allow we cannot agree to hold competitions or any events in the seine, due to its current state. samples indicate fecal contamination. we we consider it absolutely unacceptable to risk the health of the olympiad participants. $3 billion was spent on cleaning the reservoir, which has been prohibited for swimming since 1923. french president macron and paris mayor
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idalga. which decided to raise the level of terrorist threat to the highest. on april 10 , a match between the local football club psg and barcelona is scheduled to take place in paris as part of the quarterfinals of the champions league. in anticipation of it , the terrorist organization isis, banned in russia , published a photo with an armed man, the names of the stadiums with the inscription kill them all. among the listed arenas, including
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the parisian stadium
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, the entire situation with preparations for the games was reflected in the episode with the opening of the sendeni aquatic center. two-time world champion in diving alexis gendard could not cope with his excitement and slipped on the springboard in front of macron. daniil makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, news! this is a fact and we continue: after the attack on croco cityhol, another criminal case was opened on the financing of terrorism from outside
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us officials. and other western countries. earlier, state duma deputies appealed to the investigative committee to conduct an investigation. investigators also found links to the oil and gas company burisma holdings. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, have been used in recent years for implementation. terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. the investigation, in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence, is checking the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars. involvement of specific persons from among government officials.


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