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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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terrorism by officials of the united states and other western countries. earlier , state duma deputies appealed to the investigative committee to conduct an investigation. investigators also found links to the oil and gas company burisma holdings. it has been established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, over the past few years. years were used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as abroad for the purpose of eliminating prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. the investigation, in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence , is checking the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars. involvement of specific persons from among government officials.
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in general, according to bortnikov , 27 terrorist attacks on transport facilities were prevented in russia in 2024.
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connection, assistance is directly provided by volunteers, well, first of all, of course, under the leadership of the headquarters, which heads the ministry of emergency situations, and our rescuers work selflessly, at first there was a rather difficult situation with the evacuation, many people refused to go for evacuation at first, despite all the urgent requests of our rescuers, difficult days are still ahead for the kurgan and tyumen regions, water goes there. putin constantly deals with these throughout the day. questions. more than 10,500 residential buildings
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were flooded as a result of floods in russian regions. in kurgan, orenburg and a state of emergency has been declared in the tyumen region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, called on residents in areas of possible flooding to evacuate in time. authorities in neighboring kazakhstan also say the current floods are the worst in more than 80 years. because of the unfavorable. rospotrebnadzor, galina sharukha, yes, galina vasilievna, hello, we welcome you, thank you for joining our live broadcast, according to your estimates, what is the likelihood of an aggravation of the epidemiological situation in the region in the event of a flood?
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i would like to add that in the tyumen region a state of emergency was introduced, without even waiting for the flood itself; according to the governor’s forecasts, it is expected in only another week and a half, and what preventive measures are you taking on your part due to the likelihood of flooding of residential buildings? , we emphasize that the department has strengthened
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laboratory control over the sources of drinking water supply and the water supplied to the population. in addition, we issued sixteen resource supply organizations an order from the chief state sanitary doctor (these are the areas that are predicted to be flooded) to carry out additional preventive measures, including strengthening production control and introducing, if necessary, a hyperchlorination regime. today we held a meeting of the regional sanitary and anti-epidemic commission on chairmanship. vice governor, we have assigned tasks to everyone, as i already said, within the framework of close interdepartmental interaction, and we carried out preliminary calculations of the required amount of disinfectants, as well as
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vaccines, bacteriophages, the decision of the sanitary and anti-epidemic commission, the heads of municipalities were given instructions: to create a supply of bottled water for social institutions and for temporary temporary accommodation, in accordance with the decision of the commission, today we began inspections of resource supply organizations and also pvrs. as for drinking water, if in a little more detail, as far as we understand, residents are advised to stock up on drinking water, again a case that there will be a flood , some kind of development of events is possible here. how much water should you stock up on? and can you clarify whether this water is only for drinking or only or generally for any household needs? well, firstly, of course, we will organize in the event of a deterioration in the quality of drinking water supplied to the population, we
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will organize the supply of clean , good-quality water to all populated areas, for this purpose the region has everything necessary, all resources have been calculated, it is clear where the water will be dial as it will... follow her laboratory control will be carried out where these water tanks will be processed, that is , this whole scheme is already there, it is spelled out in the plan, which will now begin soon, it is already in effect, it’s still preliminary, but everything has already been launched, so well, we are not planning let's tell the population directly that they should stock up, because we think that bottled water... there will be it, now stocks are being stocked in stores, in social institutions, that is, all this is prescribed, and water will be supplied, so we think that there is no need for this, except this is why we are now carrying out a lot of explanatory
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work with the population, we received memos from rospotrebnadzor from our federal service, and sent them to the government of the tyumen region and the heads of municipalities. so that when conducting door-to-door visits, they hand over these leaflets, the leaflets contain information about disinfection, anti-epidemic measures, compliance, galina vasilievna, thank you for your comments, let us remind you that the head of the rospotrebnadzor department was in direct contact with us in the tyumen region, galina sharukha, now we have urgent messages from orenburg, also regarding the flood situation. in the coming hours , an emergency evacuation may be announced in orenburg. the authorities are calling on citizens to evacuate without waiting for the water to come, this message refers to the mayor of the city. yes, sergei salmin also reports that the water level in the urals near orenburg
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has risen sharply to 914 cm. the situation is very serious, water can come quickly. yes, a siren has already sounded in orenburg, this is not drill, this is a sign. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. this is why credit sbercards are the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at
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order a free alpha card. earlier , vladimir putin discussed the flood situation with the governor of the arinburg region denis pasler by phone and decided to send the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, to the emergency zone. it is also reported that military engineers of the yasninsky missile units are providing assistance to residents of flood-affected areas of the orenburg region, and also recently the mayor of the city announced that an emergency evacuation could begin in orenburg in the coming hours. yes, he called for taking this information extremely seriously and really evacuating because the water is approaching. read more about the situation in the region in the report by margarita semenyuk. probably closer to eleven there was water, there it stood.
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izmanyan helps his brother strengthen the foundation of the building, they stretch a thick film and fill it up object with sand, they are trying to protect the house, yesterday i was here, it was completely dry, this path is completely dry. we reserve, we don’t know, we can save the house with something, we don’t know what will happen, the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical point, about 20 cm remains to the peak, here we have the ural, here it’s 100 m, we’re already on the banks of the ural. disappointing forecast for sakmara, in a few hours the influx is 3 cm. snt dubovy plyos, this street was dry in the morning, now
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it is completely in water, since the level of the ural river has now exceeded. critical indicators - it’s 9 and the water continues to remain, literally in a few hours the street went under water, now local residents are trying to save their households, but law enforcement officers continue to be on duty here along with boats to quickly evacuate people. now more than 2.0 household plots are flooded, more than one and a half thousand households, rescuers, police, and national guard members are evacuating people, about 800 people were transported from the danger zone, including 40 children, some residents. there is still some beef stew left, who brought it, here are the children, there grandma lives, they came, they brought it, it’s from the city, not even yes, not the first time, the day before yesterday they brought a lot of water, oh, it’s full of everything, i’ve already distributed bread to everyone, yeah, blacks, you like blacks, come on i
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’ll give it to the people at those posts, give everyone the tuyonka. gingerbread and cookies are purchased and brought by local residents to be distributed to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place. we didn’t expect this, we thought the parrot would go away a little. but this is a serious matter, well done, these people really help from the heart, really, but how do they help? well they help in whatever way they can, some bring food. yesterday my nephew came, the furniture was lifted, here it is. karimov’s approaching water supply is ready, documents and belongings have been collected, electricity has been turned off, and sockets have been removed. look, they lifted the refrigerators onto... the stoves, yeah, that's what they could, they lifted them, a bag on top with carriers, with documents, everything is ready, meanwhile the water is rapidly covering the streets and houses in orenburg, where it was dry in the morning, rivers, getting there you can only use a rubber boat, well, while we were swimming in the reach, now they decided to come to me, i have it there completely flooded, the house, yes, the house, yes, there
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is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is located below, there is only one in orenburg. during the most severe floods, the region was visited by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. together with the regional governor denis pasler, they flew around the entire area affected by the flood. the minister examined the conditions in which those evacuated to temporary accommodation centers live. due to the flood, about 30 cases of intestinal infection were recorded in the region. in temporary accommodation centers , disposable tableware is now predominantly used. vaccination against the disease has begun botkin. we received 50 doses from the federal budget. they certainly do.
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this microdistrict, but the risks of developing intestinal infections are, of course, very high. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard are on duty at snt around the clock. the latter evacuated 13 people today. the regional authorities will compensate all victims for losses, provide financial assistance, and support businesses. alfa group shareholders will allocate 1 billion rubles to help those affected by floods in the orenburg region. drinking water will be delivered in the coming days. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov. news orenburg. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card
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coverage and speed. the state duma adopted the second main reading is a bill that prohibits in some cases the transfer of debts of russians for housing and communal services to collectors. our colleague varvara nevskaya willingly joins the facts. barbarian, welcome, what other bills did the deputies discuss today? georgy natalya, good evening, the big plenary meeting has already ended at the okhotny row, but at the beginning of it, vyacheslav volodin paid special attention to the situation that
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is happening in the regions that suffered from floods. he said that some deputies have already gone to the affected regions, and called on all their colleagues and parliamentarians to immediately follow this example and go to the places to help people. and of course, we draw conclusions so that this does not happen in the future. the agenda is extremely busy. the russian parliament has considered a number of socially significant bills.
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thus, in the third reading, a document was adopted that obliges systemically important banks to apply risk assessment models from january 1 , 2030. the bill obliges banks to govern more strictly. its credit risks in within the framework of the standards of the central bank, while this approach implemented in the law will free up the capital of credit institutions, according to some estimates, by 20% and , accordingly, due to this release , increase the volume of lending to the economy. immediately in the second and third readings, deputies adopted a bill on the creation of a national dictionary fund. this is a kind of single digital resource that has integrated all russian dictionaries of the russian language that have been created over the past three centuries. access to such a fund will be free, use
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anyone from school to school can do it. utilities, major repairs, debts are also added for the rental of residential premises, which local governments provide under a social tenancy agreement, these debts also cannot be transferred, well
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, also... the childhood of participants in a special military operation and those killed during a special military operation, but for all military personnel, regardless of where he died, defending state interests. in the second reading , deputies adopted a bill clarifying the status of young specialists as such, based on the text of the document , citizens of russia who have a diploma of vocational education will be read for the first time
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: a job in their specialty, while the presence of experience, if the student worked, combined his work with studying, will not prevent him from obtaining the status of a young specialist . let me remind you that the agenda was extremely busy today at okhotny ryad, and the deputies did not even have time to consider some of the documents during the plenary session; they were postponed to the following days. studio, davar, thank you, varvara nevskaya spoke about the results of the plenary meeting of the state duma.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake or
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change it. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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