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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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we will expose all fakes. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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vladimir putin received today in the kremlin the head of bashkiria, radiy khabirov, and discussed the state of affairs in the republic, major projects in the petrochemical industry and the upcoming elections of the head of the region. more details about everything anastasia efimova. 39 regional support measures worth more than 7 billion rubles over 2 years. specific forms.
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dachas would not be possible without a functioning economy. the republic is starting to create its own machine tool cluster, so from the beginning of 2026 they plan to independently produce what they currently buy in belarus. at the same time, the region is actively attracting investors, both large ones in the traditional petrochemical industry of the republic, and small entrepreneurs. everyone is welcome. please note, we have grown 52% over 5 years, cumulatively, this is a lot.
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history, but bashkiria is not only an oil refining region, but also an agricultural one, despite the decline in last year’s indicators, the june frosts were to blame, big plans, 56 million were invested in the modernization of the industry, speech before just about modern technology, the traditional priority is the social sphere, we have good housing construction, housing construction has been going on all these years, vladimirovich, healthcare, they all... the vast majority are also growing, our average life expectancy is 73.17 according to the past year, we have interesting facts, i can’t say how in all regions, we have an increase in the number of large families, that is, third birth, fourth birth, support measures that are all there, they work very effectively, so here is this history, you need to pay attention, of course, to the number of emergency doctors, he probably knows this, we have one here... we are not
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meeting the national indicator, we will definitely fulfill it, we have taken a number of drugs and vladimirovich will definitely work, this is very important , intensive, this is how radiy khabirov assessed the development of the republic, which... he has been in charge for more than 5 years and is ready to continue his work. my term of office expires in the fall, in this regard , i wanted to ask if i have your trust, to continue this job. i would try to ensure the plans that exist, this pace of development of the republic, but i will certainly be guided by your decision and your trust. in general, everything is working out, there are many plans, and results. good, so for my part i will do everything to support you, well, of course, the choice will be up to the people, you need to work with people, especially during this period, directly meet more often, listen, because you still can’t see the workers from their offices and
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you hear, we need to work closer with people, receive feedback, and the region is also developing international relations, the main foreign partners are belarus and kazakhstan, together with which... by the way, an interregional forum will be held in ufa this year. as the head of the republic emphasized, of course, the president is also welcome. anastasia efimova, lead. the russian economy continues to develop confidently. consumer activity is growing, as can be seen from retail trade turnover. mikhail mishustin stated this at a strategic session on the development of supply-side economics. the prime minister outlined the conditions under which the russian economy can enter the top of the strongest. it is necessary to update the infrastructure, build up productive forces with a balanced labor market, provided with qualified personnel. our proactive policy here should contribute to solving
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a number of systemic tasks that were identified by the head of state. first of all , this is the achievement of technological and financial sovereignty, as well as strengthening food security. required further. increase russia’s role in global trade, but first of all, through the supply of non-raw materials, ensure domestic demand, and achieve further improvement in the quality of life of our citizens. it is necessary to support this attitude, guided primarily by the national development program that the president outlined in his message to the federal assembly; by 2030, russia should become one of the four largest economies in the world in terms of parity, purchasing power,
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russia. sergey kirenko for more than 10 years led rosatom continues to actively participate in the development of the industry. at today's meeting we talked about what the team is doing to ensure the safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of a large-scale series of attacks that began over the weekend. today, the training center, a unique facility, came under attack. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale reactor workshop simulator in which the reactor is real. it was once brought from crimea from a non-operational nuclear power plant. the only thing here no - it's nuclear fuel. employees behind the nuclear power plant undergo training here and practice technological operations, including in the reactor hall. as a result of the attack , neither the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack
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was recorded by employees of the international atomic energy agency, who have been working at the site for more than a year and a half, and the attack happened just 10 minutes after inspectors passed by the building. inspectors, as always, omitted that the threat comes from ukraine, that russia is interested in cooperation with magatay and the un secretariat on the issue of attacks on a nuclear facility, said sergei lavrov, but the answer, the minister insists, must be direct, without any prevarication when we agreed to the presence of experts. tt permanent presence at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we were, among other things , guided by the need for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how nuclear security is ensured there, but of course, we proceeded from
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that such attacks against the largest nuclear power plant in europe will be recorded. kyiv patient. stable the ukrainian energy atom stated that there was no drone attack, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some kind of accident that has already happened at the plant. fire support in this information war came from germany. agent brought out a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking energy facilities in ukraine, that is, they did everything possible so that the viewer i thought that russia was hitting its own people, but in the story itself they quote stuff from kiev propagandists. the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian defense ministry blamed the incident on russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation. the puppeteers were also not original to the us state department. even
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nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, noted the ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. encouraging zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife. slovenia expressed concern about a direct hit on the nuclear power plant, and the head of the republic’s ministry of foreign affairs spoke. on the phone with the head of magathe , she stated that the country is calling for a meeting of the un security council to discuss global nuclear security, but official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that attacked. russia, soon after the start of a series of attacks, advocated convening an extraordinary session of the magathe governing council; according to preliminary data, such a meeting could be held the day after tomorrow. elizaveta khramtsova, lead. in the bryansk region, two people died during shelling by armed forces. ukrainian troops attacked the village of klimovo, the blow, as reported by the governor of the region, alexander bahamas, hit the very center.
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the dead, a woman and a child. five people were injured, according to the local central hospital. about 25 thousand residents of gagauzia will have the opportunity to obtain a card from one of the russian payment systems. this statement was made today by the head of the moldovan autonomy , evgenia guzzul, during a visit to moscow, where she held a meeting with the leadership of promsvyaz jar. natalya solovyova will continue. this meeting in moscow is fundamentally important. autonomous gagauzia is under an economic blockade of chisinau. the moldovan authorities are dissatisfied with kamrat’s independent position and seized treasury accounts as soon as money appeared there from external investors and partners in the region. over 15 million lei are now frozen, but should have been used to finance social, infrastructure and economic projects. unfortunately, we are now facing a lot of pressure. gogoluzey, as for our residents we have partners, we have
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international friends who would like to help the gaguz people, but unfortunately, the current government is doing everything to block it. access to the russian payment infrastructure will help overcome the economic blockade. promsvyaz-bank will provide a convenient platform for transfers, and will also open accounts for public sector pensioners in gogozi. it is important for us to ensure cross-border payment. it is important for us to ensure the possibility of using other products and we even agreed that those are, in a good sense, representatives or relatives of gagauzians who live here in russia will receive additional special, let’s say , services at a separate rate, under a separate program so that, as they say , they can expand the scope of this and that.
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now the economic news is short: in russia the growth in demand for preferential mortgages in new buildings has stopped. at the end of the quarter, the number of applications increased by less than a percentage, to 307. this is
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data from the house of the russian federation, which is provided by the tas agency. authorities tightened conditions in december issuing such loans. the initial payment was increased to 30%, and the maximum loan size was reduced to 6 million. the central bank announced the cooling of the mortgage market today. the growth rate in the first quarter is estimated at 2.5%. another forecast from the regulator is a new record for profits in the banking sector. this year it may exceed last year's maximum. this was stated by deputy chairman of the central bank olga polyakova at the banks transformation economy conference. back in march, the regulator expected sector income. no more than 2.800 billion rubles. current forecast - at least half a trillion more. visa and mastercard subsidiaries in russia sharply improved their financial performance, despite the cessation of work in the country. thus , at the end of the year, mastercard earned more than 5 billion rubles in net profit against a two-billion-ruble loss a year earlier. a visa for
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a year reduced losses six times from 120 million rubles to 20. according to the businessman, the reason is radical. expenses and revaluation of foreign currency assets, despite the work stoppage, companies are not yet planning to close their divisions. and the financial times called chaos in european ports. they are crowded with cars and look more like parking lots. the reason is the increase in car imports with a general drop in demand. the publication notes that last year supplies from china alone grew by 58%. distributors are increasingly using port car parks as... out of warehouses instead of storing cars at dealers, this is due to logistical problems, including a shortage of drivers and trucks, cars can sit idle for a year and a half until they are sold. it was economic news short. andrey vorobyov checked the progress of construction of the leonid roshal children's clinical center in krasnogorsk. the object
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is already 90% ready. the hospital will be equipped with the most advanced equipment. a unique center will operate there... there will be a huge flow of children under 18 years of age who need emergency care, planned care, and for this we have opened a whole program to attract doctors, there will be about 550 doctors here, and about 800 more people will be paramedical personnel, this is where the work begins. from june 15, the commissioning will begin earlier, from may 15, in june, on july 1, this hospital will definitely begin work. today in moscow a memorial plaque to the hero of the soviet union dmitry kaprin was unveiled; the bas-relief was installed on the house on marshal vasilevsky street, where dmitry vasilyevich lived for many years. a participant in the great
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patriotic war, commander of the iskadili assault air regiment, made 130 combat missions. dmitry kaprin took part in the battle of stalingrad in the battle for the dnieper, liberating ukraine and lithuania from the fascist invaders. with great respect and warmth about he was remembered today by his colleagues and his son, academician andrei kaprin. in peaceful labor, we are also raising a generation of people who must follow the call that their homeland gives, and i was brought up in such a family, just with elena dmitrina, with my sisters, who had no idea that a person cannot do, there was only one reasoning, what a person should do, vasilyevich, this is a real patriot of our homeland, who started the war, a laborer, a laborer of this war,
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he was a pilot of attack aircraft, went through the entire war, after the war he continued his journey in aviation and made a great contribution to its development, to the development of new types of aviation. the launch of the angara a5 heavy carrier rocket may take place tomorrow, preliminary.
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at the end of march, mount a5 was brought to the launch pad of the amur space rocket complex from the installation and testing building to the launch complex of site 1a. the flame from the rocket is diverted through this gas duct, its length is 140 m, its depth is approximately 24 m, which is comparable to an eight-story building. puskkan mountains with vostochny launches flight development tests of the amur space rocket complex with heavy-duty launch vehicles. first of all, it is a space heavy truck, its performance superior to the currently used proton m, the service life of which is coming to an end, and the angara must be replaced. the main advantage of this new russian
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rocket is environmental friendliness. the fuel of protons is toxic heptyl, and the angara has an oxygen-hydrogen pair, which allows it to be used for launching both automatic and manned vehicles in promising orbital and interplanetary missions. in total, during the tests, heavy and light. and angara family rockets made six launches from the plesetsk military cosmodrome. if the start is postponed, experts say, the reasons for the situation are carefully analyzed, safety comes first. everything is controlled by computers that are located in the bunker, protected, and they process information from sensors. yes. so some sensor showed abnormal operation. the computer immediately stopped the startup process. yes. that is, people could not say. this is nonsense, let's fly on, they need time to understand why this remark is serious, or with this remark the rocket can fly. now angaro
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is again being prepared for launch, which is tentatively scheduled for wednesday, april 10. evgeny nipot, mikhail devyatkin, ivan kuznetsov and alexander prokhunov, presenter: vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. let's continue talking about the topic. flood in kurgan began preventive evacuation from areas of possible flooding. authorities remind about the need to evacuate due to the flood of the ural river orenburg. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of centraphobe, vadim zavodchenkov. he's live on facts. vadim, hello. you previously warned that rain would increase in flood-stricken regions. are these predictions confirmed? yes, indeed, tomorrow cloudy fields of cold atmospheric air will move across the region. on uralskaya street in orenburg,
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leninsky district, is protected by a bulk dam, at the same time, the nearby snt is already in the flood zone, summer residents are taken out on trucks, who make their way through flooded areas with difficulty. previously, some orenburg residents managed to get out of gardening partnerships in their own transport, but were already knee-deep in water. orenburg authorities with unfavorable forecasts and...
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the most difficult situation is upstream in the village of proryvnonogolovsky municipal. district, the flooded tobol river is advancing from several sides at once. due to the rapid rise of water, today we had to close the road that leads to this settlement. the tension is really rising. at the end of last week, the water level in tabol in zverino-golovskoe gradually rose by 20-30 cm per day. during the day from 8:00 am monday to 8:00 am tuesday he.
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jumped by more than one and a half meters, and today almost the same, in just 6 hours. the regional authorities draw attention to the fact that upstream on the territory of kazakhstan, 12 km from the border with russia, the water level is already approaching 11 m. the difference with the zverennogolovsky district is more than 3 m, all this water goes downstream, from tomorrow the weather will interfere with the flood processes . the region will be covered by cloud fields of a cold front, so that the rain will intensify. in some places in orenburg in the south of bashkiria , about a third of the monthly volume of moisture may fall in a day, and snow may be mixed with the rain along the northern ekaterinburg-kurgan lines. along with the clouds , cooler air masses will break into the region,
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but this cooling will not have any effect. serious influence of snowmelt in the mountains, for example, tomorrow, even in the mid-latitudes of the urals, the daytime temperature will be +2 -7, in the south of bashkiria and in the orenburg region the thermometers will reach up to +10-15. in such a situation , about 10-12 cm of snow will melt on the slopes of the southern urals by the end of wednesday. in a rainy season, this will provide additional supply. reservoir of the region is about 600 cubic meters of water from every hectare of the river valley, such an influx will certainly increase the flood impending on orenburg, adding at least another 10-20 cm to its crest.
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the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the financing of terrorism by us officials and other western countries previously, with a request to conduct an inspection in state duma deputies contacted the investigative committee. investigators found that money, including through the oil and gas company burisma holdings, was used to organize terrorist attacks in russia. it was established that funds received through commercial. operating on the territory of ukraine, over the past years have been used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. consequence are checked in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence.


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