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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department in the maksimov studio. investigative committee. criminal cases on the financing of terrorism in russia by senior us and nato officials. the inspection was initiated by state duma deputies. it turned out that the oil and gas company burisma holdings could sponsor the terrorist attacks for several years. it is located on the territory of ukraine. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating on the territory of ukraine, over the past years have been used to... carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. in 2022 alone , security services prevented more than thirty terrorist attacks and five sabotage attacks organized by kiev.
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last year there were already 153 terrorist attacks, 15 acts of sabotage and dozens of assassination attempts, explosions on railways and substations, and arson of various objects. to keep customers investigators are checking all connections of the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks. with foreign curators, organizers and sponsors. in the burmon region, investigators continue to interrogate the person accused of attacking the regional governor, andrei chibbes. more and more details are emerging in the case. the security forces have already reconstructed in detail the picture of the crimes and found out the motives of the attacker. the governor himself is on the mend, with a long rehabilitation ahead. word to oleg posobin. andrey chibes is undergoing rehabilitation at the murmansk regional clinical hospital, where he was taken by air ambulance helicopter. there is no doubt that he strictly fulfills all the doctors’ requirements in order to restore health and performance as quickly as possible. this is confirmed by a new post by officials on a social network; in the video, andrei chibes moves along the bed and carefully tries to sit up, the footage complements the text in the first person. i’m slowly getting back on my feet and
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walking, doing everything the doctors say and hoping to return to full-time work as soon as possible. i'm sure my optimism will help my body heal faster. andrei chibis seriously wounded us. after a meeting with local residents in apatity on the evening of april 4, the blade passed a centimeter from the aorta, this saved the leader’s life, doctors operated on the official for more than an hour, his condition is still improving, of course, thanks to his good health from the doctors, the most dangerous period has passed, today we are translating he is from the intensive care unit, the surgical department, we are continuing the therapy we started, the person accused of... attacks on the head of the region, alexander bydanov, is undergoing treatment earlier on a field trip meeting, the kirov city court of the murmansk region placed him in custody for 2 months. the arrest took place in ward number eight of the apatity kirov hospital. bydanov was wounded in the leg during his arrest. after recovery, he will be sent to pre-trial detention. and under what
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conditions, what is it? ward? during the investigation , new details of the assassination attempt became known. according to some reports, bytanov tried to take revenge. with a lapwing in his own car, on which he brought the crime weapon, a knife, according to information from the investigative committee, the motive for the attack was hostility towards the head of the region, bydanov’s acquaintances claim that he always looked like a balanced person, worked as a foreman on the railway, and they don’t hire others there; in apatity they do not rule out that the man had serious problems, and without solving them, bydanov took out his hatred on the leaders of the region, not friendly relations you visited the governor. published a video from the gym shortly before the assassination attempt, perhaps the energy that
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is different, the statesman, will help his recovery, according to preliminary data , a press conference with with the participation of the governor, oleg posobe. dmitry kvasnyuk news, duty department morman region. the proposal of the president of the country vladimir putin on the appointment of irina podnosova to the position of chairman of the supreme court was received by the federation council. the federation council committee will consider her candidacy on april 16. let me remind you that earlier the highest qualification board of judges unanimously nominated irina podnosova to the post of head of the supreme court of russia. large waters are arriving in the orenburg region, rescuers continue to evacuate people from their homes, who have been affected by flooding or are at risk of it. meanwhile, the police are carefully patrolling the area to prevent cases of robbery. in the kurgan region , active preparations are underway for a possible flood; the river level there is also rapidly rising.
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report by alexander mostova. large waters reached orenburg, helicopter footage shows a flooded private sector, roads washed out. head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. arrived again in the region. the areas hit by the disaster are clearly visible from a bird's eye view. the area of ​​flooded areas has increased over the past 24 hours. critical situation in orsk. people continue to be evacuated en masse, in some areas the water has entered the courtyards, the first floors of residential buildings are flooded, boats are plying the streets, residents are being helped to escape the captivity of the elements, and pets are being rescued. eight additional groups of the russian ministry of emergency situations from other regions are operating in orenburg, and two mi-8 helicopters were also sent to the region. in the flooded areas of the villages, electricity and gas were cut off. in orskie , police groups are being strengthened for... from the moroders, more than 900 employees of the ministry of internal affairs are involved; they patrol flooded areas
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around the clock so that residents do not fear for their property and quickly leave their homes. those affected by the flood are being placed in temporary accommodation centers, which have been deployed throughout the region; one of these centers is located in a school; all conditions for living have been created here. packages of bottled water are delivered to this tap by truck and distributed to residents. hot meals are provided here.
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mine works shoulder to shoulder with the police colleague andrei ivlev, this is what he says about the situation: this is a water patrol with police officers on a motor boat, we are now heading to residential buildings, where everything is in the water, the task of the police officers is to monitor the situation, prevent looting, and, in general, keep order. meanwhile, in kurgan, at a meeting of the government commission, the development of the flood situation was discussed. the most difficult situation
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today is observed in the orenburg region. negative forecasts are coming for the kurgan and tyumen regions. in in accordance with the instructions of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimovich putin, a government commission was created. today, as part of her work, we are hearing speakers about the current flood situation. and tyumen region, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations are put on high alert. alexander mostova, sergey velichko, andrey ivlev and khalimat kuchmezova. news, duty department. in moscow, in a solemn atmosphere , a memorial plaque was unveiled to the hero of the soviet union, participant in the great patriotic war , dmitry vasilyevich kaprin. event took place near a residential building on marshal vasilevsky street, where dmitry vasilyevich lived for many years. the opening of the plaque was attended by honored guests and members of the hero’s family. his son, the chief oncologist, expressed his gratitude.
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the ceremony ended with the solemn laying of flowers at the memorial of hero of the soviet union, participant in the great patriotic war dmitry vasilyevich kaprin. a massive failure occurred in the work of the state traffic police databases. technical problems were noted in a number of regions of the country, including the capital, moscow areas. queues formed at the traffic police department. i walked in in shock, and now i’m wondering what to do. what is there, there is a queue just from the entrance, they say whatever you want, wait, if you want, take the documents, but how long
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to wait is unknown, due to problems it was simply impossible to register a vehicle or change a license, by this time the capital’s traffic police had already reported that in moscow divisions they managed to cope with the technical failure, in addition, they promised to extend the working hours of the traffic police divisions in order to accept all those who applied citizens. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin met with his colleagues from regions where rapid activity of teenage gangs was noticed; the task of the security forces is not only to stop their daring attacks and showdowns, but also to carry out prevention, about how the fight against street gangs of teenagers is being carried out. sultan zeganov. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin holds an operational meeting with the heads of regional departments of the agency. juvenile crime is on the agenda. alexander bastyrkin briefly summarizes: in a number of regions the situation is tense.
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the insufficient efficiency of the work of the commission on juvenile affairs, which is entrusted with responsibility for consolidation, deserves special attention. the chairman of the investigative committee raised this sensitive topic for a reason. the other day, our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program released a new film, street gangs with limited liability. they said that in a number of cities, including belgorod, tambov, ulyanovsk and volgograd, minor hooligans for fun random passers-by were attacked. in january of this. year, a belgorod gang of fighting bumblebees, as juvenile hooligans called themselves on social networks, almost took over a local shopping center; they drew inspiration for their violent videos from films about the dashing nineties. i'm here for this street. for no reason, the teenagers attacked strangers; among the victims was a foreign medical student . they hit me, and they hit two
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guys from the belgorod outback. i thought it would be a normal conversation, like with... then here it is has this conversation already happened? yes, there was already uh, in general , we just approached them and immediately a fight began. it was not difficult to identify the gang members; among them were college students, already expelled students, one had a drug conviction. the security forces call the seventeen-year-old boy amil gafurov the most aggressive. in addition to hooliganism, he is charged with inciting national hatred and attempted murder. now look at it for yourself . it is noteworthy that in the investigator’s office the young groupers repent and regret; believe in the sincerity of these feelings very difficult. some, however, don’t even like this kind of theater, for example, the young leader of the so-called tambov wolf cubs, seventeen-year-old karina, decided to make the victims themselves guilty of everything, i understood
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that, having gathered the same teenagers around her, she bullied and beat anyone who attacked her. i don’t like it, but walking around omansha... often, juvenile delinquents admit that they harbored a grudge against people when they themselves suffered. however, dubious content on the internet and some popular films about youth gangs also contribute to the formation of such special personalities, and even in... but after the boyish romance, gray everyday life behind barbed wire or a hospital bed with a broken head. these are shots from a bar alley in ulyanovsk. young people here staged massacres, so they sorted things out among themselves, and not only fists were used, but also painless blows. security forces detained five druchens, and three more were put on the wanted list. there was some kind of scuffle, it started with
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a fight, i defended myself when i was beaten, i didn’t hit anyone on the head, i hit them on the legs. two strikes each hit two people somewhere, why did i do it, because it seemed to me that they wanted to fight with me. law enforcement agencies hastened to declare that there were no youth groups in ulyanovsk, but rumors spread among the townspeople, clashes in a bar alley were nothing more than an open confrontation between rival gangs. here is another outrageous case from volgograd, young people. in front of witnesses they beat a man with their fists and kicks, simply because he reprimanded them, they started fighting when he opened the door, they had already pulled him out the victim went outside, they knocked him down and began to attack the one who was trying to separate them on the street. in the courtyard of a residential building , the hooligans found a new victim, but soon the police detained these volgograd
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hooligans as well. the investigative committee opened a criminal case, many of its defendants are under eighteen, but given that... with such frenzy they knocked people down, you shouldn’t count on an age discount, representatives of the legal community note that the beginnings of youth groups are a clear signal to pay attention to the problems of teenagers. for a teenager, especially when hormones play, he has both black and white, it is clear that the processes that take place in our society certainly affect teenagers, because if a teenager sits all day on the computer on social networks,
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teenage crime , a month later , alexander bastrykin demanded reports on the work done in this direction, a special demand from the heads of those investigative departments in whose territory the situation is most aggravated. sultan zeganov, eduard petrov, andrey scroba, denis novozhilov, ekaterina romanova. news, duty department. one of the most high-profile criminal trials in the history of the khantamanti autonomous okrug is at the finish line. in the capital of the region , trials began in the case of the murder of district prosecutor yuri. bederin and two other people, in the dock, the former auditor of the ministry of finance, yuri chekin, who was hiding from the security forces for almost 20 years, and even now he continues to delay the process, demanding the recusal of judges and
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the prosecutor, however, he is not short of cunning. details about the history of the escape to the bunker apartment, once an official, and now an accused, my colleague eduard petrov said. in his film, he detailed the entire chronology of the crime and learned from chekin himself how he managed to remain invisible to investigators for two decades. they came up with a move, don’t leave, stay in khantemansiysky and, so to speak, pretend that i just disappeared, lay low, and thought through the security system, that’s all, they threw away the phone, of course, even careful secrecy did not help him evade justice, already the court will rule soon decision in this case, and there is little doubt that the verdict will be guilty, for 20 years investigators have found more than convincing evidence of involvement. phantom's tv to a high-profile murder.
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now there is operational news that our editorial office receives directly from the news agency’s feeds, so at these moments the cheryomushkinsky court of moscow is deciding the issue. about the arrest of two employees of the state institute of russian language named after alexander sergeevich pushkin. according to investigators, philologist marina balburova and her colleague, mr. tarasenko, they actually traded in the russian language. for money, they gave migrants certificates of fluency in speech, knowledge of the history of the country and the foundations of our legislation, that is , they actually covered up the illegal migration channel. at this time, charges have been brought against five employees of the institute, but only two are in court so far. and in the fishing port of murmansk right at the pier. the ship sank beyond the polar region, and rumors immediately spread throughout the region that someone could have drowned it intentionally. footage of the incident was published by eyewitnesses, a relatively small ship unexpectedly developed a leak,
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counted minutes and lay down on his side. there was no crew on board and no one was injured. another interesting thing is that the ship behind poljariy has already been involved in international scandals, for example, it was detained in spain due to problems with documents and debts of the owner, and according to some data earlier, it was also listed as evidence in the criminal case of the former influential official alexander togushev. mormon region, the ship was partially scuttled, no injuries. investigators are inspecting the scene of the incident, organizing a set of verification activities, aimed at establishing all the circumstances, causes and conditions of what happened. for the last 5 years, the ship has been standing at the pier virtually unattended, and recently, judging by information from open sources, the federal property management agency put it up for sale, but instead of new voyages, the ship with a difficult fate suddenly sank to the bottom. hundred trillion, the chelyabinsk court began the process of collecting the gigantic assets of the former regional governor mikhail yuryevich and former state duma deputy vadim belousov at the expense of the state. according to
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prosecutor's office, in violation of the law, they closely intertwined high positions and their business, which allowed them to amass a huge fortune. denis novozhilov has details. the increased interest of journalists in the meeting in the central court of chelyabinsk is quite understandable. here they began hearing the search of the prosecutor general's office for the recovery of property. former state duma deputy vadim belousov is hiding abroad, their interests are represented at the trial by 12 lawyers. at the preliminary hearing there was not even enough space for the defense lawyers, they had to put additional chairs and table. previously, the accounts and assets of belousov’s relatives were arrested. yuryevich for the astronomical amount of 100 trillion rubles. according to the supervisory agency, the assets of mikhail yuryevich and vadim belousov are of corruption origin,
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since they combined. business with work in government agencies. vadim belousov was among the top 100 richest deputies and officials in the country. he became famous after he made an important statement, proposing to legalize the flight of bees. in conclusion, i would like to turn to the topic of bees. still these insects fly without a law regulating their activities. and later , mr. belousov and his mother-in-law got into a corruption scandal, they were convicted of receiving the largest bribe in the history of the country - 3.5 billion rubles. in august 2022 , the verdict was read out in the moscow city court for 2 days. on the first day, mr. belousov appeared at the trial. how do you feel about the accusations that are coming your way? and then he disappeared. his lawyers made vague excuses to journalists. was going to show up today. we hope he's okay. now we we will deal with this issue. and you somehow tried to contact him, call him. we called him, but his phone does not answer.
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the defenders then were sad in vain. everything is fine with mr. belousov; according to media reports, he managed to leave the country and is now abroad. the bank accounts, land plots, non-residential premises and 78 apartments belonging to belousov and his mother-in-law were converted into state income. last december it became known that the supreme court upheld the cassation appeal of the ex-deputy’s defense and overturned the verdict, the case sent for new consideration. the former governor of chelyabinsk is also facing charges in the same case.
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has been hiding in london for years, has cypriot citizenship, but neither he nor the fugitive deputy belousov have lost ties with their homeland, they continue to control business in the urals through third parties, some of the assets were allegedly transferred to a cypriot offshore and received dividends through it. according to rosfinitoring , about 2 billion rubles are transferred annually to cyprus and the uk. simi managed and the final beneficiaries of this property and will not be acquired precisely these persons. specified. the central district court of chelyabinsk has just begun to consider the claim of the prosecutor general's office, the next hearing is scheduled for may 6. denis novozhilov, olga ozhurenkova, mikhail zhilin, news. duty part. especially dangerous bananas. in the kaliningrad region, police seized 76 kg of colombian cocaine hidden among boxes of fruit. an unusual shipment of goods was discovered by workers at a logistics center in the village of zaozerie, in the gurevsky
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district. investigators established that this a batch of bananas arrived in germany by sea from colombia, then transported by road to klaipeda, and from there imported into the kaliningrad region. police officers have opened a criminal case, and are now finding out who was the real customer of a large shipment of drugs. the entire operational news feed of legal news is on telegram. channels show the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release this is over, maksimovchan was in the studio, see you on the rossiya24 tv channel at 21:30, well , right now on the russia 24 channel, again
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the main facts of this day, the difficult situation with floods continues in several regions of russia, vladimir putin is keeping everything under control, minister of construction izhikakh was sent to orenburg. what tasks it faces, we will tell you about what is happening in the kurgan region, where about 60 settlements are in the flood zone. for the third day in a row, the ukrainian armed forces carry out drone strikes with explosives at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. each new arrival is more dangerous than the previous one, a provocation threatening a nuclear disaster. moscow is waiting for a reaction from the international community, because general security is on the horizon. it is urgent to take action against the crimes of the kiev regime. and for now...


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