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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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for us this is now the main key task, we have oriented the republic in such a way that we really have no more important task, this is, first of all, the support of our soldiers, who we have in bashkartstan, a large number of guys are fighting our guys, by your decree, unfortunately, posthumously we they awarded the title of hero of russia to lieutenant colonel migunov, a battalion tank commander,
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they did, my term of office is expiring in the fall, in this regard, i wanted to ask, if you have your trust, to continue this work, i would...
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the russian economy continues confidently develop, consumer activity is growing, this can be seen in retail trade turnover. mikhail mishustin stated this at a strategic session on the development of supply-side economics. the prime minister outlined the conditions under which the russian economy can enter the top of the strongest in the world; policy here should contribute as necessary. update the infrastructure, build up productive forces, with a balanced labor market provided with qualified personnel. our proactive policy here should contribute to the solution of a number of systemic tasks that were identified by the head of state, primarily the achievement of technological and financial sovereignty, as well as strengthening food security, it is necessary to further increase russia’s role in global trade, but primarily through... through the supply of non-raw
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materials to ensure domestic demand, to further improve the quality of life of our citizens. it is necessary to support this attitude; i am guided, first of all, by the national development program that the president stated in his message to the federal assembly that by 2030 russia should enter the top four largest economies in the world in terms of parity and purchasing power. of course, we must act very actively in... several directions at once. the southern direction of the moscow high-speed ​​diameter will be connected to the warsaw and simferopol highways. this will happen this year. and in the future, the highway will connect kaluga, kiev and minskoe highways. this was announced by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin, who inspected the progress of construction of the route. we are in the south of the capital we form a new road frame. connection work in progress.
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the moscow high-speed diameter will connect with kaluga, with shss with kiev and minsk, thus incorporating a whole number of highways and... seriously unloading the moscow ring road and improving the transport provision of hundreds of thousands of residents of moscow and the moscow region. andrey vorobyov checked the progress of construction of the leonid rashaliv children's clinical center in krasnogorsk. the facility is almost 90% ready. the hospital will be equipped with the most advanced equipment. a unique one will work there a robotic surgery center, a pediatric mobile intensive care service and a helipad.
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there will be a huge flow of children under 18 years of age who need emergency assistance as well as planned assistance, and for this we have opened a whole program. attracting doctors, there will be about 550 doctors here, and about 800 more people will be paramedical personnel, work here will begin on june 15, commissioning will begin earlier, from may 15, in the month of june, on july 1, this hospital will definitely begin work. when it seems like things can't get any better, pinoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold,
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and help save on air conditioning and heating. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. catching a pyro firebird is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. batrider is an innovation in plant protection. instantly identifies and destroys major garden pests. safe for humans. pest. batrader will win. on easter russian lotto brings people together. and when we are together, our help is greater. in the easter charity draw , 10 rubles from each ticket sold. will be transferred to works of mercy. we will be giving away thousands of cash prizes,
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every second ticket wins. these are the hands of masha petrova. they think that next spring they will introduce a new crop in a large agricultural complex, and rightly so.
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american military-industrial companies will receive $50 billion from the additional aid package to ukraine, the minister made this statement.
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he needs to continue supporting ukraine show moscow the power of nato during exercises. readers of the publication do not agree with this position. the idea that russia will go further seems absurd, even upon the slightest critical reflection. because of these militant generals and the kiev clown, everything ultimately falls on us. are they blind or
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what? everything is wrong, especially due to the lack of resources, and we continue to donate billions. why? in any case, we will have to negotiate. so, what are we waiting for? this war can have only two outcomes: either the defeat of ukraine, whose military the means are significantly inferior to the military means of russia, a nuclear power, or a transition to immediate negotiations at the negotiating table.
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about 25 thousand residents of gagauzia will have the opportunity to obtain a card from one of the russian payment systems. this statement was made by the head of the moldovan autonomous republic evgenia gutsul during a visit to moscow, where she held a meeting with the management of promsvyaz-bank. natalya solovyova knows what they managed to agree on. this meeting in moscow is fundamentally important. autonomous gagauzia is located in the economic blockade of chisinau. the moldovan authorities, dissatisfied with kamrat’s independent position , seized... treasury accounts, as soon as money appeared there from external investors and partners of the region, over 15 million lei are now frozen,
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but should have been used to finance social, infrastructure and economic projects. unfortunately, we are now faced with very great pressure, both on the authorities of gsuuzia, as on the residents, we also have partners, we have international friends who would like to help the gaguz people, but... unfortunately, the current government is doing everything to block, access to the russian payment infrastructure will help overcome the economic blockade, promsvyaz-bank will provide a convenient platform for transfers, and will also open accounts for public sector pensioners in gogozi. it is important for us to ensure cross-border payments, it is important for us to ensure the possibility of using other products, and we even agreed that in the sense...
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residents of the ggu autonomy, we asked
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the management of promsvyaz bank to we were able to provide the residents of gogluzi with humanitarian assistance, that is, additional funding from our partners. according to evgeniy gutsol, no matter how the moldovan authorities try to denigrate russia, the country’s residents see who is a friend and is ready to lend a helping hand in a difficult moment, but in the information field. chisinau started a real war. moldovan foreign minister mihai popsoi, while on a visit to berlin, said that if not a day, then a hybrid attack, if not a protest, then russian propaganda. republic of moldova. moldova is trying with all its might to cope with hybrid attacks, we use a variety of means to do this, both in the security area, where we invest in defense capabilities, and in the area of ​​responsibility of our intelligence services. right now , the moldovan military, along with colleagues from nato countries, are participating in the sea shield 2024 maneuvers, they are taking place in romania, a state that the chisinau authorities are trying to achieve with all their might. the prime minister of romania
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recently stated that he supports the idea, including through the republic’s accession to the european union. in gagauz they said that if moldova goes to this autonomy will leave its composition, declaring its own independence. it is clear that gagauzia is a small state entity, it is located in the south of moldova, and, probably, does not have its own resources, including armed forces, but the people of gogoze have the right. for self-determination, there is no question here, there is no doubt that the situation has reached a critical point, in kamrait the forecast on this score is gloomy, it does not exclude that chisinau will send troops and dissolve the gogauz autonomy in case of declaration of its independence. the official authorities of moldova have so far refrained from commenting, but tomorrow the country's president, mayasda, is going to visit the region. natalya
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solovyova, olga albukhina, lead. the launch of a heavy rocket, the carrier of the angara, can again take place. a preliminary reserve date was announced in roscosmos, today the launch was stopped 2 minutes before the launch by automation, it was supposed to be the first in history from the vostochny cosmodrome. our special correspondent, evgeniy nipot, reports from the scene. april 9, 11:58 moscow time time, the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle is preparing for its first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. a start cancel command has been issued . the automation worked. we will finally understand the reasons and the start is tentatively scheduled for a reserve
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date for tomorrow. let me remind you that the state commission made a decision to refuel the launch vehicle on april 8. the flame from the rocket is diverted through this gas duct, its length is 140 m, its depth is approximately 24 m, which is comparable to an eight-story building, the launch of the mountain from vostochny gives rise to flight design tests of the space rocket complex cupid with rocket launchers.
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chechnya and ingushetia! uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs. and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for a business, ural sip bank, nothing extra, well, now a message
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from lenten inform agencies with reference to the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, he stated that the commission for assessing damage due to floods must prepare in advance and start. work immediately after the water leaves the area. and one more message. main reasons large-scale floods in russian regions were caused by natural factors. waterlogging of the soil, subsequent freezing in winter, significant snow reserves, sharp spring warming and heavy precipitation. all this has led to the fact that more than 10,000 residential buildings are currently flooded across the country, the ministry of emergency situations noted. well, another message. and alexander kurenkov, against the backdrop
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of the flood, instructed the regions to keep temporary accommodation centers in readiness, create a supply of food, water and medicine, and ensure the operation of warning systems. water has reached multi-storey buildings on uralskaya street in orenburg; the leninsky district
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is protected by a bulk dam, while at the same time the nearby snt is already in the flood zone. summer residents are transported in trucks, which have difficulty making their way through flooded areas. previously, some orenburg residents managed to get out of gardening partnerships in their own transport, but only at their knees.
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breakthrough village of the zverenogolovsky municipal district, the flooded tobol river is advancing from several sides at once, due to the rapid rise of water today it was necessary block the road that leads to this settlement. tension is really increasing; at the end of last week , the water level in tabola zverenogolovsky gradually rose by 20-30 cm per day per day from 8:00 am on monday to 8:00 am on tuesday; it jumped by more than one and a half meters. and today almost the same amount in just 6 hours. the regional authorities point out that upstream on the territory of kazakhstan, 12 km from
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the border, from the border with russia, the water level is already approaching 11 m. the drop from in the zverinnogolovsky district is more than 3 m, all this water goes downstream. and tomorrow the weather will interfere with the flood processes; the region will be covered by cloudy fields of a cold atmospheric front. that the rains will intensify, in some places in orenburg in the south of bashkiria , about a third of the monthly volume of moisture may fall in a day, and the northern line ekaterinburg-kurgang with rain, snow mixed with the rain, cooler air masses will break into the region along with the clouds, but this cooling will not have an impact serious impact of snowmelt in the mountains, for example, tomorrow even in the middle latitudes of the urals, the daytime temperature will be +2 -7, in the south of bashkiria and... in such a situation , about 10-12 cm
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of snow will melt on the slopes of the southern urals by the end of wednesday. with rains, this will provide an additional supply to the region’s reservoir of about 600 cubic meters of water from each hectare of the river valley. such an influx will certainly strengthen the flood approaching orenburg, adding at least another 10-20 cm to its crest. so, well, now we have a message from news agencies. with reference to michal mishustin, mikhail mishustin and the prime minister of kazakhstan discussed joint measures to overcome the consequences of floods in the border areas of russia and kazakhstan link to the cabinet of ministers. previously, it was repeatedly reported that it is russia and kazakhstan that are coordinating the work to combat floods, which this year simply broke some, breaking all anti-records.
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residents of orenburg can. documents lost during the flood within 24 hours after the request, the city administration announced this. christina kuruma knows the details. more than 14 thousand applications were received from residents of the orenburg region for payments in connection with flood through the state services portal. more than a thousand applicants have already received financial assistance. after the break of the dam in orsk , more than 10 thousand residential buildings were flooded in the region, and almost 6,500 people were evacuated. victims can count on several types of compensation: the largest in case of serious injury to health is 4,000 rubles. in case of loss of essential property - 50 or 1000 rubles. temporary accommodation centers received about one and a half thousand people, and residents of orsk who did not go to these centers can count on for a monthly compensation of 10,000 rubles for
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rent. payments are due... the mayor of orsk stated this. to receive payments for the complete loss of housing, it is necessary to submit documents confirming ownership of the housing, as well as taking into account its area. however, payments to those who have lost their homes and other property will not begin until the water recedes. after this, the commission will assess the damage. meanwhile, workers are preparing to... settle losses, but probably the insurers will help with a simplified region of few insured houses. the emergence of insurance in russia is not at a very high level, in general it is about 10% if we are talking about
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insurance. real estate of individuals, that is, every tenth house or apartment alone is insured, if we talk about areas that were under water, where there was a flood, there, of course, the percentage of insured property is even smaller, because 10%, this includes moscow, st. petersburg, krasnodar region and so on. damage to the region's infrastructure was preliminary estimated at 21 billion rubles. and at 65 million, agro-industrial complex. the work of the orsk oil refinery has been suspended, but this will not affect the shipment of petroleum products. first of all, reserves are directed to the needs of the region and local consumers. there are stocks for the next 2 weeks. in addition, some volumes may come from neighboring regions. this means that during this time it will be possible to solve problems associated with flooding. it will be possible to expect, or rather, it will be possible, that
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all possible environmental impacts will be assessed. risks associated with the resumption of activity of this plant and the plant will most likely restore its work. water is gradually leaving the flooded areas of the city. orsk authorities are recording a decline in the level of the ural river. in the region, the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. this is a big information evening. that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the rdk terrorists are exhausted, they write that they have completed the hot phase of hostilities in russia, what was there and what was left of the neovlasovites after the defeat on the border? the interview with the polish mercenary turned into a refutation of western narratives. stormtrooper naimit unexpectedly told the truth about the recoverable legionnaires, in a high position...


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