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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the rdc terrorists are exhausted. they write that they have completed the hot phase of hostilities in russia, what was and what was left of the neovlasovites after the defeat on the border. the interview with the polish mercenary turned into a refutation of western narratives. stormtrooper naimit unexpectedly told the truth. about the sister legionnaires, the situation of the armed forces at the front, the mobilization and goals of the north military district, he has already helped to track down and destroy one czech vampire. new reconnaissance drone connected to fulfilling the tasks of the svo, why was he called a stingray? they are rushing to the ukrainian deputies to cross out the name of aircraft designer sikorsky. what did not please the native kievite who flew overseas? who else has been registered as a ukrainephobe? in france,
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they have prepared a bill to legalize euthanasia, and in canada they are already actively using it. those in need ask to be put to sleep. how do western politicians lull the desire to live? so, let's start with the very peculiar theses that were voiced today by militants of the banned rdk. on the one hand, they promised russia new sabotage to carry out the so-called sleeping cells, that is, once again. confirmed their terrorist nature and this certainly does not surprise anyone, but at the same time, there is much more noise around the words of vyrus, and quote: the end of the burning, or rather hot phase of hostilities, they say they are abandoning attempts to attack our regions, directly breaking through the border, because at the moment, such raids are impractical and here, of course, there is a paradox, because quite recently the same characters claimed that they managed not only to enter russian territory, but also significantly
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to go deeper, allegedly taking control of several settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions at once. well, in general, it would seem that the vlasovites should now develop their declared success by providing fresh content to ukrainian propaganda, which expected a lot from them. however, instead they actually go to the bottom. why let's figure it out with the help of anton potkovenko. the rdk terrorists are clearly tucking their tail between their legs, the notorious russian volunteer corps, which is not russian. because there are no one there, germans, romanian mercenaries, staff members of the ukrainian gur and not the corps, because the losses are such that the terrorists only have time to count them, and so they write that the time has come, they say, to honor the memory of the dead soldiers, what kind of damage should there be, that the neo-vlasov claaka cannot even hide it able, but because our soldiers from the group covering the state border gave them a lot of unforgettable impressions, here are shots from the camera of one of the group of terrorists landed by
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helicopter, they froze for a while among the trees, then ran to the houses, well in order, apparently, to take up defensive positions, well, here is a clear result on the footage of objective control, these bright spots are traitors, some have already been destroyed, some are still on their feet, now there are craters, all that is left of them, about saying goodbye, that means, to their comrades in arms , they are not each other’s comrades, it’s as if saying goodbye is, by and large, no longer...
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absurd, i wonder what kind of hot phase they have come to an end, isn’t it the one when they were bullied at the border, this is the reincarnation of those same vlassovites who were in the great patriotic war, vlassovites of the 20th century, the most in fact, ordinary tik-tok troops, that they can finish, they didn’t start anything, we can finish with them once and for all, they filmed videos in ukraine, passing off their villages as ours, rdk and other trash, like prohibited in russia.
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as for the grandmothers, that means grandfathers of 70-80 and 90 years old in russia, who watch his videos, well, let him not dream, they don’t even know about him, the militants also refer to schoolchildren, they say they saw their videos on social networks, well, it’s difficult to discuss seriously, of course, terrorists do not have support in russia, they do not and never have never, only on agents and hanging out, they found maximum tiktok support in the liberal tiktok troops. and even then it was minimal and actually purchased, this is this fifth column that the west formed in russia, and this column was always distinguished by the fact that they knew how to speak loudly, but when it came to specific matters, they were incapable of doing serious work, in this case combat work, there were actually only a few of them anyway, and
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under their guise were hiding the gur special forces, who also died with them, and yet they wanted to disrupt the elections in russia, but in the end it didn’t work out... the media hoax, the fake videos didn’t get any views, much less any success on the battlefield, here’s some great footage of a tank with a blue terrorist rag on the turret getting hit with a lancet this very tower, everything is standing, burning, this is how the hot phase of the neo-vlasovites ended, and now what will happen, funeral and collapse? daily losses in the ssu in the ovdeevsky direction of the special operation amounted to up to 240 manpower, among the enemy equipment ... guns made in the usa, this is information from the ministry of defense, which clarifies that the russian military in this area has again improved the tactical situation, in addition, they have successfully repelled 11 counterattacks from the line
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of contact, report by alexander katsuba: protected seconds, our high-precision projectile reaches the target, here every strike is one. the hit target and enemy object, in the arsenal of the artillerymen of the group of troops, the center has adjustable ammunition krasnopol m2. aerodynamic wings that open after a shot, as well as the projectile engine, allow it to glide to a given distance. drone operator , yes. detects, finds the target, determines its coordinates, transfers the settings to me, i program it with the key, the installer takes no more than 30 seconds, that’s it, and it’s ready to fire, krasnopol high-precision rocket projectile, 152 mm caliber, aimed
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using a laser sight and flies over a distance of more than 20 km, hitting any enemy target. calculation of a self-propelled artillery mount. urgently leaves the firing line, the enemy can respond at any second, the result of combat the commander gets work a little later. three projectiles, three targets. one tank, self- propelled gun and towed gun, within 15 minutes three guns were destroyed. accurate artillery fire on the enemy allows the assault units of the
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center group of forces to develop an offensive in the vdeevsky direction. alexander katsyuba and anton musikyan, lead. they are joining the ranks of the demoralized. fighters of the armed forces of ukraine , a multinational rabble with a penchant for armed violence, the russian foreign intelligence service, about the desperate methods to which are resorting to the united states in order to somehow support the combat effectiveness of the ukrainian armed forces. russian intelligence services have received information that they are preparing to send thugs from mexican and colombian drug cartels who are in prisons in the united states to ukraine. recruitment is carried out by american pmcs and the fbi drug enforcement administration. they promise amnesty to prisoners as retribution for... ukrainian business trip, but the truth is, of course, no one is expecting them back. the first batch of several is expected hundreds of latinos will be sent to the kiev morgue by the summer, but if the pilot project is successful, the program for recruiting criminals for the armed forces of ukraine will be expanded to other countries with a difficult crime
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situation. but however, as the foreign intelligence service emphasized, attempts to gain a tactical advantage on the battlefield due to the influx of foreigners are doomed to failure, especially since even ideologically motivated hiring... told the truth, he and other instructors began training ukrainians back in 2021, after the start, islipsky signed a contract with the ministry defense of ukraine ended up in an assault unit in a foreign legion, he didn’t want to go, quote: with the americans and the british you can only go on safari, to afghanistan or iraq. in confirmation of the recent liquidation in the yara watch area, american cedric charles ham. came from texas to kill russians, but he himself lasted only a couple of months, if
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the americans are already operating on the ground, and we don’t know whether they are mercenaries, or whether they are sent specialists, special operations forces, but if this tip of the iceberg is visible, we can imagine how seriously the military specialists who are involved in the organization have an influence on the course of hostilities. the polish
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mercenary michael libsky does not want to end up with such a black screen, he says there is another war in ukraine, colossal losses. there are almost no of us left. at the moment i have 19 people in the hospital, let’s say there are the same number of vacancies, and 17 cases of unauthorized departure from a unit where i have 60 people in my infantry company, i don’t expose myself to bullets as before, i work more as an instructor, this ... take an active part in the battles against the russian federation and, accordingly
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, rely on purely personal national interests and for them money may not be the most important thing; they will most likely be compensated by the polish government for participation in hostilities . poland is engaged not only in the supply of legionnaires and equipment, they patch both of them on their territory. 13 hospitals are now calling for donations in warsaw. blood is needed, and not only on the battlefield. blood collection in polish hospitals in particular is associated with large losses and wounds of ukrainian units on the line of the special military operation. many military personnel, including nato instructors , are now in krakow for treatment. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine are large, the preparation is weak, it takes less than a month, libsky spoke about this. the soldiers don't know what a sight is. and what is it? the motivation of these new ones? there is no motivation, the motivated are already lying in cemeteries, so
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they come because they were simply forced to come? it's a little like russian captivity during the uprising of the 19th century, people are being caught somewhere on the street and brought here to the front. this is not a planned mobilization, because everyone is afraid of this word, but a raid. the most important revelation of the polish mercenary, the russians do not need land, the goal is the elimination of militants, that is, demilitarization. and denazification. they could easily break through the front with the available resources, but for some reason they don’t. they prefer hard battles of attrition. they have reached the point that they don’t just want to occupy the territory, but they want to destroy the ukrainian army. back in january, the russian ministry of defense announced that there were 13,500 on the side of the ukrainian armed forces foreigners. 5900 of them died. the hirelings come from the usa, the netherlands, new zealand, poland, and romania. norway put on the wanted list today the mercenary of the ex-deputy of the sami parliament of norway sandra eira until 2026
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in her country on a boat she fished, but apparently the muddy ukrainian waters attracted more, but ahead of either liquidation or 18 years in prison, like another 700 mercenaries wanted by russia . ukrainian militants hit the training center of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and the drone attack occurred soon. after a staff visit to the site maga. ukrainian nuclear terrorism will be discussed on thursday at an extraordinary session of the board of governors of the international atomic energy agency. in the meantime, the reaction of the world community to the situation around zas is very strong. it’s static, everyone is concerned, but no one clarifies that the kiev regime is engaged in shelling the stations, although the state corporation rusatom categorically condemned the unprecedented attack over the weekend and warned that such actions in the armed forces of ukraine could lead to irreparable consequences. elizaveta khramtsova is monitoring the situation. the future of the station and her safety is the focus. the first
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deputy head of the russian presidential administration paid a working visit to the zaporozhye npp. sergei kirenko led rosatom for more than 10 years. and continues to actively participate in the development of the industry. at today's meeting we talked about what the team is doing to ensure the safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of a large-scale series of attacks that began over the weekend. there are currently no signs of damage to critical nuclear and security systems at the site. all efforts of the station personnel are aimed at maintaining a safe operating mode. however, in addition to protected power units, there are a number of facilities at the nuclear power plant site. such as a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, the damage and destruction of which can lead to a disaster. today, the training center, a unique facility, came under attack. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale
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reactor workshop simulator, in which the reactor is real, it was once brought from crimea from an unlaunched nuclear power plant. the only thing missing here is nuclear fuel. zas employees undergo training here and practice technological operations, including in the reactor hall. as a result of the attack, neither the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack was recorded by employees of the international atomic energy agency, who have been working at the facility for more than a year and a half, moreover, the attack happened just 10 minutes after the inspectors drove past the building. the explosion report matches magat's observations. there is no threat to nuclear safety this time, but the latest incident once again emphasizes the extreme seriousness of the situation. the inspectors, as always , omitted that the threat comes from ukraine, that russia is interested in cooperation with magatay and the un secretariat on the issue of attacks on a nuclear facility, said sergei lavrov, but the answer, the minister insists, must be direct, without any or prevarications. when we agreed to
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the presence of magate experts, a permanent presence at... the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we were guided, among other things, by the need for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how nuclear and physical safety is ensured there, but of course, we assumed that this type of attack against the largest nuclear power plant in europe would be recorded. the kyiv patient is stable. the energy atom of ukraine stated that there is no attacks. there were no drones, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some accident that has already happened at the station. fire support in this information war came from germany. agent duchveli released a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking ukrainian energy facilities, that is, they did everything possible to make the viewer think that russia is hitting its own. in
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the story itself, they quote stuff from kiev propagandists. main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. assigned responsibility for the incident against russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation. the puppeteers were also not original; the us state department said that they were aware of the drone attack on zas and continued to monitor the situation; they routinely called on moscow to return the station to kiev and did not admit that it was the strikes from the ukrainian side that created a nuclear threat. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, noted ambassador to the united states anatoriy antonov. encouragement. un security council, which will discuss global that the country is calling for a meeting on nuclear security, but official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that attacked. we call on the leadership of european
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states to immediately respond to direct threats to os security. we also demand from the armed forces of ukraine. russia, soon after the start of a series of attacks, advocated convening an extraordinary session of the magathe governing council; according to preliminary data, such a meeting could be held the day after tomorrow. ilzaveta khramtsova, news. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. cross out name aircraft designer sekorsky is in a hurry by the nordic deputies of ukraine. what didn't please the native? when it seems that things can’t get better,
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and then they burned for quite a long time, raising columns of black smoke in the air, that is, arriving clearly at the address, as it should be, for legitimate purposes, but of particular interest is the method of detecting these targets, according to information from the kalashnikov concern , calculate clusters of tanks, aim at them from such a filigree point , no collateral damage, that’s who helped the surgically precise strike within the boundaries of kharkov, the guardsmen so precisely aim at the target,
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meet the ramp: 350m is typical here, what’s important is that it’s over what is essentially a strategic object of the armed forces of ukraine within the city limits, without resistance, without any signs of rap action, our drone is loitering and adjusting its weapons, that is, this indicates that it is strong, counteracting such drones is extremely problematic due to their small size, stealth, slope 350m... this reconnaissance drone, such devices have the most important, perhaps even key function, to be the eyes of russian high-precision weapons . the stingray is capable of staying in the sky for up to 4 hours, working at a distance of up to 100 km from operators, that is, it flies freely into the operational rear of the ukrainian armed forces, it is extremely difficult to shoot it down, because thanks to the electric motor the drone
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has almost no heat. signatures, and it’s even harder to hide from it. stingray's video equipment scans the surface in the optical and infrared ranges. the skat 350m is a development of the ideas of another aircraft, the supercam, which has already proven itself well in the fields of northern military district. the new model has significantly improved aerodynamic properties of the control system. the large wing span provides corresponding flight time. the electronics have also been developed accordingly - these are communication channels, this is a significant range system and the control payload, this is all in a complex, it gives quality. the drone, as i said, is super modern. it was officially presented to the public only in 2024, while testing of the uav in real combat conditions is already in full swing, this is being done by the russian national guard, a long-standing
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team. in these frames, for example, the guards are punishing a czech vampire who leaned out of cover to fire a missile salvo at belgorod, but unfortunately ended up in the camera lens of a russian uav that will fly to the target detected by the stingray, there is a huge choice, the drone is not just a camera hanging in the sky, it is software integrated into the fire control systems. almost all high-precision weapons of the russian army, as soon as it notices the enemy, the coordinates are transmitted to loitering artillery ammunition, including coalition howitzers, operational-tactical complexes, all this is done quite quickly, today it has been worked out to such an extent that from target detection to her the defeat takes no more than five, maximum 10
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minutes, this is of course...
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the actions of our troops near belogorovka, konstantinovka, selidov and chasov yaro. at the same time, the formation of the kiev regime tried four times to respond with something like offensive attacks, but never achieved success. from the front line in the artyomovskaya area, reporting by nikolai dolgachev. an assault unit on motorcycles is preparing to leave. nowadays, any technology is used to move quickly and mobile. stormtroopers were specially trained to fire on the move. right hand on the steering wheel, in the left machine gun, most importantly on the motorcycle - this is one of the tactical superiorities, that is, you tactically bypass, faster, more maneuverable, move towards the trench, shoot at this moment from the motorcycle, that is , a lot, a lot can be done on it, what can’t be done on foot, you don’t expect action, then you’re on a motorcycle, here’s a group rushing to enemy positions through fields pitted with craters, the enemy will detect large equipment faster, connect...


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