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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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let's save your parents, personal path and 13 galaxies of all 100 years ago, forward, delicious, very, because made with love, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went. am i ready? russia to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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the rdk terrorists are clearly tucking their tails between their legs, the notorious russian volunteer corps, which is not russian, because there is no one there, german, romanian mercenaries, staff members of the ukrainian guru and not the corps, because the losses are such that the terrorists only have time to count them, so here they are they write that the time has come to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers, what kind of damage must there be, that the neo-vlasov klaaka is not even able to hide it, but because our soldiers... from
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groups covering the state border gave them a lot of unforgettable impressions. here are stills from the camera of one of the eliminated militants. a group of terrorists landed by helicopter, they froze for a while among the trees, then ran to the houses, apparently to take up defensive positions. well, here’s a visual summary from the objective control footage. these bright spots, traitors, some have already been destroyed, some are still on their feet, now there are craters, all that remains of them.
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yes, they filmed videos in ukraine, passing off their villages as ours, rdk and other trash, like legion banned in russia, they were so raked from our troops that now they can only express themselves in ukrsmi. they had previously tried to present themselves as supposedly the russian underground, as was actually written in the training manual from western intelligence services, but now they have reached such a point that this character, we have a lot of supporters, even among the elderly. maximilian
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enlists people of advanced age as his supporters, who would believe this? well, maximilian andronik needs, he needs to see a narcologist, firstly, this time, as for grandmothers, that means grandfathers of 70-80 and 90 years old in russia, who watch his videos, well, let him... read them, they don’t even know about him, the militants also refer to schoolchildren, saying they saw their videos on social networks, well, it’s difficult to discuss seriously, of course, terrorists don’t have support in russia, they don’t and never have, they only relied on agents, they found maximum tiktok support in the liberal tiktok troops, and even then it was minimal and was actually bought, this is the fifth the column that the west formed in russia, and this column has always been distinguished by the fact that they knew how to speak loudly. and the gurus, who also
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died with them, but they wanted to disrupt the elections in russia, but in the end there was no media impact, the planted videos did not attract views, much less any success on the battlefield, here are gorgeous shots, like a tank with a blue rag of terrorists on the tower, he gets a lancet into this very tower, everything is standing, burning, this is how the neo-vlasovites ended their hot phase, and now what will the funeral and disintegration be like?
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and suddenly told the truth, cook he and other instructors began training ukrainians back in 2021, after the start of his own, libsky signed a contract with the ministry of defense of ukraine, he ended up in an assault unit in a foreign legion, he didn’t want to go, quote: with the americans and the british you can only go on safari to afghanistan or iraq. in confirmation of a fresh liquidation in the area of ​​yara's watch, an american. cedric charles ham came from texas to kill the russians, but he himself only lasted a couple of months, if the americans are already operating on the ground, and we are not we know whether they are mercenaries or dispatched specialists from special operations forces, but
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since this tip of the iceberg is already visible, one can imagine how serious the infusion and influence military specialists have on the course of hostilities. who are engaged in organizing communications, organizing combat control, organizing interaction, transferring intelligence data, the guru attracts american mercenaries to attacks on our belgorod land, filming from the surveillance camera of one of the militants, a stupid question, but we cleared this building. finish like this on a black screen, the polish mercenary michael libsky just doesn’t want it, he says, there’s another war in ukraine, colossal losses. there are almost no of us left. at the moment i have
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19 people in the hospital, let’s say there are the same number of vacancies, and 17 cases of unauthorized departure from a unit where i have 60 people in my infantry company. i don't expose myself to bullets like i used to, i work harder. instructor, this is a different war, now there is a stream of adventurers who come to ukraine, ah, maybe not very prepared, but at the same time with a great desire to earn money or getting certain emotions has been greatly reduced, because the dead don't need money. here is the fuse of the attack aircraft lipsky paugas, death himself does not want to go, but he guides others, he understands that there is only one outcome. the poles take an active part in the battles against the russian federation and, accordingly , rely on purely personal national interests and for them money may not be the most important thing; they will most likely be compensated by the polish government for their participation in hostilities
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. poland is engaged not only in the supply of legionnaires and equipment, they patch both another on its territory. 13 hospitals are now calling for help. blood is needed to become a donor in warsaw, and not only on the battlefield. the collection of blood in polish hospitals, in particular , is associated with large losses and injuries of ukrainian units along the line of the special military operation. many military personnel , including nato instructors, are now in krakow for treatment. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine are large, the preparation is weak, it takes less than a month, libsky spoke about this. the soldiers don't know what a trailer is. and what is the motivation of these new ones? no motivation. the motivated are already in cemeteries. this means they come because they were simply forced to come. it's a bit like russian captivity during the 19th century uprising. somewhere they catch people on the street and bring them here to the front. this is not a planned mobilization, because
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everyone is afraid of this word, but a raid. the most important revelation of the polish mercenary. russians don't need land. the goal is to eliminate the militants, that is. demilitarization and denazification. they could easily break through the front with the available resources, but for some reason they don’t. they prefer tough fights to exhaustion. they got to that point. that they don’t just want to occupy the territory, but want to destroy the ukrainian army. back in january , the russian ministry of defense stated that there were 13,500 foreigners on the side of the armed forces of ukraine, 5,900 of them died. the hirelings come from the usa, the netherlands, new zealand, poland, romania, and norway. the mercenary of the ex-deputy of the sami parliament of norway, sandra eira, was put on the wanted list today. until 2026, she fished in her country by boat. fish, but apparently the muddy ukrainian waters attracted more, but either
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liquidation or 18 years in prison, like 700 more, lies ahead mercenaries wanted by russia. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. sino-russian trade can withstand pressure from america, under this headline... an article was published following the visit of us treasury secretary jeanette yelin in the state-owned chinese publication global times. illustration for the article eloquent. brown bear panda at gunpoint from american guns. the publication was a response to the statement of the head of the us treasury that chinese companies are not must provide material support to russia in the ukrainian crisis, otherwise they will face serious consequences. what the article notes, despite external pressure, is china’s readiness to continue trade and economic cooperation. with russia will not change; moreover, beijing may take retaliatory measures. china has not yet loudly
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declared its protest against this formulation, but simply warned that, as always, no one will be able to quarrel between russia and china. china has not said any answer, but it is very likely that there will be restrictions for the activities of any american companies in the chinese market. in a global times article. i would like to emphasize that western countries should not denigrate the normal state relations between china and russia, should not damage the legitimacy of china and chinese enterprises, and china will take decisive measures to protect its legitimate position. beijing’s rather harsh rhetoric is quite understandable: russia and china are strategic partners. the volume of trade between countries in
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the first 2 months of this year reached 37 billion dollars, which is 9% higher than the result of the same period last year. exports from china to russia increased by 12.5%, imports by almost seven. at the end of the twenty-third year, the volume of trade between countries reached a record 240 billion dollars, an increase of 26%. russia and china actually ... us finances in beijing became the consequences of the overproduction of chinese goods, which,
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according to washington, could negatively affect american companies. the world market is filled with chinese products at artificially low prices, which puts threat to the viability of us and other foreign companies. we have seen this story before, and i have made it clear that president biden and i will not accept this reality again. the results of the negotiations, judging by the statement. the states have arranged it, although for now the agreements are of a framework nature. the chinese side expressed a fundamental agreement regarding the reduction in the volume of industrial output, however, it is important to emphasize here that specific volumes were not agreed upon, among other things, not discussed in the context of certain specific feed products. during a visit to china, elena. emphasized that china is a key market for american goods and services. the united states is not seeking to break off
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relations with skaener. moreover, washington believes that such a development would bring catastrophic consequences for both economies.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 10 , 1864, mexico turned into an empire, and its first, let me immediately note, its last emperor became the austrian archduke, maximilian. this did not happen in mexico, in maximilian’s castle on the adriatic. a mexican delegation arrived to see him and he accepted a new title for himself. it all started with military intervention in mexico, france, britain and spain, due to the fact that they refused to pay their debts. the british and spanish soon left, but the french remained, wanting to subjugate this latin american country and turn it from a republic into a monarchy. they held a referendum, of course, under their control. arriving in mexico, maximilian
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was crowned, but the republican forces, led by benito juarez, pressed the french at the beginning. 80 years ago, on april 10, 1944, the red army liberated odessa. the nazis declared the city the fuhrer's fortress, but this did not help. the offensive was carried out on land, at sea and in the air. plieva entered the german rear from the west. kuban cossacks and tanks, stunning the enemy, burst into the odessa streets. at the same time, the order was given to the artillerymen not to fire, and to the pilots not to drop bombs. we took care of the city, historical buildings, and cultural monuments. the germans mined the famous
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opera house, but it was saved by soviet sappers. that evening, moscow saluted the winners. and on the same day, april 10 , 1944 , the soviet pilot alexander mamkin performed a feat in belarus. he saved orphans, inmates of an orphanage in polotsk. in 1941 they did not have time to evacuate them. the germans were going to give some to germany for adoption. use others as donors for their wounded soldiers, kill the sick. the partisans managed to transfer the children to their camp in the forest, but they had to be transported to the mainland. commander of the first baltic front. ivan bogramyan ordered the pilots to do this. the operation was called asterisk. we flew one at a time, without navigators, saving space in the cockpit. over the course of 2 months , almost 200 children were evacuated, taken out in groups at night. alexander mamkin, an experienced pilot at 27 years old, also made eight flights. april 10 was his ninth flight to pick up children. here are some miraculously preserved
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newsreels taken from the partisans by cameraman maria sukhova. she died soon after. mamkin is planting. plane, seated in a cabin for two seven kids, three more a teacher in a container under the fuselage, in containers under the wings of two seriously wounded partisans, a total of 13 people, in front of the front line already on the night of the eleventh plane was shot down, the cockpit caught fire, the pilot was wounded in the head, but he held the helm, he caught fire legs, arms, glasses melted into the forest, the cabin partition burned down, the children's clothes began to smolder, momkin held the helm, was able... to fly to his own, landed the car, everyone remained alive except him, momkin's hands were burning, his face was burning, everything was burning , he himself died, and we were all left alive, but we will never forget the pilot, mamkin, in our life, he died in the hospital, during the operation the star, guard lieutenant
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alexander mamkin saved 90 children, in just 2 years of service he took more than 280 to the rear . monuments and obelisks were erected to him streets, an airplane and even a variety of black currant are named. on april 10, 1981 , the memorial museum of cosmonautics, one of the largest scientific and historical museums in the world, opened its doors for the first time in moscow. it is located in the basement of the one hundred seven-meter monument to the conqueror of space at vdnkh and is one with him. this impressive titanium obelisk in the style of soviet modernism was installed during the lifetime of yuri gagarin. the museum is unique. about 100,000 storage units. among the exhibits. the first artificial earth satellite, the spacesuit of the first six cosmonauts, cardiograms of the birth certificate of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin, the real soyuz spacecraft,
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the real first lunar rover that traveled 10 km on the moon, the base unit of the mir orbital station and much more. in front of the museum there is a park with a gallery of space heroes and busts of astronauts and pioneers of rocket science. this is what this day in history was like. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. the president instructed to extend the family mortgage program until the thirtieth year, that is, the support will not end in july, as originally expected. they will continue to support large families with 450 rubles to repay the purchase loan. land for the house of its construction or mortgage. we will tell you more in 5 minutes in this episode of the program. instructions. so i'll repeat myself, the family mortgage program will operate
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for another 6 years, and millions of russians will still have time to take advantage of it. this preferential mortgage is suitable for those who have recently added to their family. it doesn’t matter whether this is the first child or the tenth, the main thing is that at the time of concluding the contract he should be no more than 6 years old. parents whose children are adopted can also take part in the program. again, the main thing. child's age. let me also remind you that right now the following rule is in effect from last year: the program can be used by all families with two or more more than minor children, that is , both of them must be under 18 years old at the time of concluding the contract. according to the president , the mortgage rate for families with children under 6 years of age will be preferential to 6% per annum. the maximum mortgage amount at a preferential rate is up to 6 million rubles. in moscow and the region in st. petersburg and the region up to 12 rubles. down payment of at least 20% of the purchase price, term up to 30 years. the family mortgage program is valid if you want to refinance
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an already issued loan and reduce the rate on it. but refinancing only works if you bought a home from a developer; you cannot refinance a mortgage for building a house. when the key rate became 16, market mortgage rates were around 17%. family mortgage is still 6%. so, accordingly, there is a difference in payment, i asked to calculate the average loan size there at 5 million, the payment for a market mortgage is somewhere around 72,600, and for a family mortgage it’s a little over 35, that is, well , twice, if possible, the marital status has changed, appeared children then of course, it is reasonable to use a family mortgage and... try to refinance your market mortgage on new terms , taking into account the opportunities that the state provides. support measures can be combined, for example, using
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maternal or family capital, but not to pay off monthly payments, but for the down payment on a mortgage. some banks allow the use of matkapital for early repayment. the president also ordered the extension of mortgage subsidies for large families, also until... 2030 the state is ready to repay them 45,000 rubles. a family mortgage can be combined not only with federal, but with regional support measures. in some cases, the savings on interest on payments are very, very significant. there are more than 600 regional support measures, they can relate both directly to mortgage loans, and to some related benefits and support measures that. related to the purchase of real estate, on the website ask domrf there is a catalog of programs where these measures are collected, most often regions - these are additional measures
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support is used and offered for certain categories, that is, they expand the terms of the federal program to the category of citizens that are most in demand in the regions, for example, they can be teachers, doctors and employees of certain industries, enterprises, and so on. with a family mortgage, you can buy housing in a new building or a plot of land with a private house, but also from the developer. this loan can also be used to purchase land without a house, with further construction. the key point is that purchases can only be made from a legal entity, for example, a developer, during construction there must be a contract agreement with a construction company or individual entrepreneur. office housing can only be purchased in the far eastern district, only on the lands of rural settlements. the same banks participate in the family mortgage program; now there are almost 70 of them. the full list can be found on the website sprosi.dom. rf section instructions, article banks participants in the family program.
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mortgage, and banks compete with each other for borrower clients, and some of them offer rates lower than those prescribed by law. let us add that family and commercial mortgages can be combined. for example, you want to buy a four-room apartment in novosibirsk, in a new building for 13 million rubles. and you can take out a family mortgage for 6 million, and the rest - a regular commercial one. so let's repeat the main one. the terms of the family mortgage program were extended until july 1 , 1930. the main condition is the presence of a small child or two minor children in the family. at a preferential rate of no higher than 6%, you can borrow up to 6 million rubles. in metropolitan regions are twice as many. for up to 30 years. the down payment is not less than 20% of the purchase amount. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about other measures to support the real estate market, write to us on the telegram channel,
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send your questions, we... address them to the experts, we’ll tell you everything in the next issues of the program. instructions: i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear?
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. i always like how well we were taught at school, especially literature, here is a wolf forever shkori, well, this is proto, that is, this is absolutely pretending to be peacemakers, such sheep, and there and of course now it’s fun to review all the propaganda.


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