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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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one of the main holidays of riza bayram, it marks the end of fasting in the holy month of ramadan. festive prayers were held in mosques throughout russia. spontaneous rallies in gagauzia against the president of moldova maisandu. the head of gagauzia , eugenia gutstsu, spoke about the policy of the new authorities of the autonomy about the upcoming elections in moldova in an interview with our channel. and let's start with the flood situation in russia. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are 40 regions in the danger zone. more than 13,000 residential buildings were flooded throughout the country. the most difficult situation is still on the border with kazakhstan. the water is in the kurgan region, where the most powerful flood in the entire history of observations is expected. preventive evacuation was carried out in three districts, as well as in gardening communities. the water in the tabol river, in the village of zverinnogo golovskoye, is rapidly flowing. difficult situation in the south. the volga
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flooded houses and roads in bashkiria, samara, saratov, ulyanovsk regions, mordovia and tatarstan. in the tyumen region , more than 3,500 residents of tobolsk may end up in the flood zone. in the chelyabinsk region , high water is already receding, but still approximately 80 garden plots remain flooded. more than 100 houses in the water in the altai territory, and on the rivers near the kamya, spills are expected in about a week. i'm busy dealing with the consequences. specialists and 800 units of equipment. to assess the situation with floods in the tyumen region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived there. alexander kurenkov visited the yaloturovsky district, which is most prone to flooding. the minister personally monitored how preventive measures were organized in the region. a flood wave is expected in the region in the next few days. and to the topic of floods, we also we'll be back this hour, waiting for the direct ones. inclusion
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of our correspondents from the orenburg region. the re-launch of the angara launch vehicle will again take place today at the vostochny cosmodrome. the day before, the launch was postponed due to problems with the automation in the central unit of the rocket. our correspondent in the amur region, evgeniy nipot, has all the details. the state commission cleared the rocket for launch. civilian spaceport. the launch is scheduled for which should be its first start from today at 12:00 moscow time at 18 local time. includes booster rocket arion block with test payload. the upper stage, after separation of the rocket stage, helps to launch the cargo into the required orbit, doing this with the highest specified accuracy. let me remind you that on the eve of the command , the launch signal sounded 2 minutes before the possible start at 11:58 moscow time. the automation worked, the launch
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was postponed for technical reasons, roscosmos general director yuri borisov made a statement, he said, i will quote: the process was stopped due to a failure in the pressurization system of the oxidizer tank, the central unit, meaning rocket launcher. in such a situation, fuel draining is provided; the launch was scheduled for a reserve date, that is, i repeat, for today, april 10. if the start is postponed, experts say, the reasons for the situation are carefully analyzed. the emphasis is on safety, it comes first. place. in total, during the tests, heavy and light versions of the angara family of missiles made six launches from the plesetsk military cosmodrome. and now the launch is planned from the civilian vostochny cosmodrome. angara, first of all, is a space heavy-duty vehicle, superior in performance to the currently used proton m, whose service life is coming to an end. i angara must come and change. the main advantage of the new russian rocket is environmental friendliness. proton fuel is toxic heptyl, and angora has an oxygen-hydrogen pair, which allows it to be used for output and automatically.
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in the region, special services detained an sbu agent who was preparing a terrorist attack against the russian military. according to the press service of the department, operational officers of the fsb of russia in the zaporozhye region detained a resident region, which assisted criminals in preparing a terrorist attack. ukrainian security service officers coordinated her activities and supplied her with explosives. it was also established that she received explosives from sbu officers through a cache and should have. hand it over
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to members of the sabotage and reconnaissance group. during searches , tnt bombs and components for making an incendiary mixture were found on the woman. the government increased payments to class teachers in schools and curators of groups in colleges and technical schools, since march they began to receive 10.00 rubles monthly, which is twice as much as before. the decision was made on instructions from the president, which he gave following his address to the federal assembly. by the end of the year , almost 3 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget to increase payments. it is also already known that from september 1 , advisers will begin to receive a monthly bonus of 500 rubles.
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scientists would like to hear how you assess the results of 2023, a very important task that we are now tasked with, you too noted that this is the demand for scientific results, if previously there was a kpi, this is publication activity, then we have now introduced the demand for scientific results, that is , we are creating databases with departments, with high-tech companies, including government tasks, we have started working with new ones...
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really in orsky is leaving, today it went down by 20 as much as 4 cm, yesterday by more than even a meter, and this positive dynamics cannot but rejoice, we can already safely say that the peak of the flood has passed, now the water will recede, but the process, of course, is not quick, and regional
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and municipal authorities have begun to eliminate the consequences of the flood, as far as possible, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations are helping with this, many people come to the operational... the headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations ask them to be taken home, because many have forgotten their documents there, maybe they say something has survived, at least some things can be collected, but the actual flights take place almost hourly, motor boats are running, and special watercraft of the russian ministry of emergency situations are helping people as best they can, but to say that we should fully begin to assess the damage and bring the city is in order, until... there is no need, there really is a lot of water, and as experts say, it will not go away very, very quickly, so today we managed to talk with the deputy minister of agriculture of the orenburg region, there is also a big problem there, but in -firstly, the sowing season was about
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to begin, but it won’t start on time, this is understandable, plus a big problem is pets that were in private households, now this is probably
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something we can say specifically, here i am now i am at the administration of the city of orsk, and here now there is a meeting with residents, the fact is that the minister of construction and housing and communal services erik fayzeev has arrived in orsk, he and the governor are meeting at this very moment today and directly in the city administration, the issues are clearly pressing, but on behalf of the president, and the minister came to explain to people how the restoration of their homes will take place, here is all the latest information as it becomes available , we, of course, will broadcast it, daria, yes, stanislav, thank you, for the situation our special
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correspondent, stanislav bernvalt, is monitoring the flood in orsk, one of my friends didn’t have enough gigabytes, the internet has run out, you’re not on the megaphone yet, look, the megaphone is being given bezlivit on social networks, everything is mormelady, and there’s also constant and unlimited video, connect megapower there will be jega . only in a megaphone. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period is 120 days, starting every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. hunting. this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to get yours in 15. here for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. you have a form, for
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power unit number six of the station, the attack hit the dome, also the training center, the attack on power unit number 5 of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was repelled. on april 8, a kamis drone was shot down over the station, it fell on the roof of the turbine room of power unit number 6. on april 9, the ukrainian armed forces attacked the zaporozhye training center nuclear power plant, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. russia raised. the issue of attacks by the kiev regime against the zaporozhye nuclear power plant both at the international atomic energy agency and in the un security council. russia called on the agency's leadership to give a direct assessment of ukraine's criminal actions, without any tricks, evasions, or insinuations. on our initiative,
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an extraordinary session of the magathe board of governors will be convened in the very near future. question about ukrainian there will also be attacks on the station. raised during a briefing by the un security council, we intend to seek recognition from relevant international organizations of what is happening not only around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but around ukraine in general. this should be an open, direct, fact-based conversation. i think he's already overripe. and the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the clearest confirmation of this. at the same time, of course, we are aware of the fact that. westerners have taken the path of silence, they literally blocking the appearance of news on this matter in their own streaming propaganda media . moreover, here and there we even hear direct approval of the criminal actions of the kiev regime, including those committed against nuclear facilities. the kiev regime is generally allowed everything, and
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there can be no exceptions here, as they think in the west. we will make every effort to ensure that... such complicity in the crime of the kiev regime did not go unnoticed by the sensible majority in international community. and at the same time, the kiev regime does not stop terrorist activities against civilians and the civilian infrastructure of our country. on april 2, the ukrainian armed forces shelled the city of kokhovka, kherson region. three civilians were injured to varying degrees of severity. the power line was damaged, and the hospital building was destroyed in the urban settlement of novaya beacon. village hospital from april 3 to 7 due to shelling in residential areas of donetsk, gorlovka, yasenovataya, makeevka dpr , four people were killed, 41 people were injured wounded, including five children. over the past week, bandera members have repeatedly opened fire on populated areas of the belgorod, bryansk, kursk regions and belgorod itself.
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unfortunately, there were casualties and destruction. neo-nazis of the kyiv regime continued. actively use drones to attack peaceful targets on april 4, in the kherson region , an unmanned aerial vehicle rammed a gazelle that was carrying food to a store in the village of babina. two people died, including a wounded man who tried to escape. bandera finished off with a second drone. in new kafkhovka, they dropped a bomb from a drone on a repair team that was restoring mobile communications. two workers died, one is in serious condition in the hospital. one of the dead could have survived, but the militants. su began firing drones at the ambulance crew that arrived at the scene of the tragedy. as a result , it was not possible to help the wounded man in time. on april 7 , in the village of shagarovka, belgorod region, a girl died from shrapnel from a downed ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle, four person suffered closed craniocerebral injuries. among them are two children. on april 5,
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russian air defense systems intercepted and destroyed 51 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles. most of the 44 drones were shot down in the sky over the rostov region, six more over the territory of the krasnodar territory , one over the saratov region. in the morozovsky district of the rostov region , eight people were injured during the liquidation of the consequences of a drone crash. the sbbu and the gourmet defense of ukraine hastened to declare, this is a direct quote: about the success of this attack and their involvement in her. it was alleged that the targets of the drones were military airfields, where they were allegedly destroyed. almost dozens of planes were damaged, in fact, this turned out to be another fake of kiev propaganda, and people, civilians, the civilian population, they really suffered. on april 7, the ukrainian armed forces attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant facilities with drones, as i mentioned. in this context , the facts set out in a report by the american cnn channel on april 2 look quite remarkable. so, in this
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story it was stated that in order to attack russian civil infrastructure facilities, including oil refineries, are used by the armed forces of ukraine. long-range drones involve western experts in selecting targets, and the route of the drones is plotted and adjusted in real time using foreign intelligence data. all of the listed atrocities, firstly, are reflected with such increased dedication. but at the same time they are still carefully recorded by our law enforcement agencies, and the persons involved in them are identified and brought to justice responsibility. i wanted to move on to the very section that has become for us: already regular, we are talking not only about crimes, we are talking about punishment for them, almost 10 years ago kiev began the so-called
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anti-terrorist operation in donbass, remember how it all began, after all, this was a direct consequence of the armed coup d’etat that took place in february 2014 with the support of the leadership and the leadership of the west and the coming to power in ukraine. the decision of the national security and defense council of ukraine dated april 13 comes into force the fourteenth year on urgent measures to overcome the terrorist threat and preserve the territorial integrity of ukraine. on april 15, 14, turchynov announced the beginning of the power phase, the so-called ato. it is significant that this was done.
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from fascism, but these same ukrainian rulers, who were brought in by the west, didn’t even want to listen to anything like that. all residents of donbass in kiev were accused of so-called treason and terrorism ; the regular army, special forces of the sbu, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine and neo-nazi punitive battalions, the same creepy, terrible, outlawed , right sector, azov, aida. military operations were launched against them, everything is in the chronicle, using artillery and aviation, then the kiev regime bombed residential
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areas of donetsk, lugansk, and other populated areas, it is significant that the united states of america and the eu did not call on the kiev regime to refrain from using force, by the way , this is exactly how they formulated the call, even more so, the demand to yanukovych, from which... they literally expected a display of humanity towards the protesters on the maidan, this despite the fact that the so-called peaceful protesters on the maidan actively used molotov cocktails, burned tires, which apparently were brought to them in commercial quantities by specially trained people, set up exactly non-peaceful tent cities, and something like these paramilitary camps on city streets were destroyed. infrastructure, and then simply moved on to sniper attacks on truly peaceful citizens, provoking
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the development of the situation in the same direction that i was talking about i’ve already said, all these years we’ve been talking about this, we’ve been talking through diplomatic channels, on international platforms, we’ve been talking publicly, we’ve been saying that accusing donbass of terrorism is a fake, it’s a lie, this is the same fake with which the whole world seems to be is fighting, but for some reason the west is actively spreading it. now all this has been confirmed by the un international court of justice, in its decision on january 31, 2024, it refused to recognize the dpr and lpr as terrorist organizations, and also refused to recognize russia as a sponsor of terrorism. this verdic a refutation of the main argument of the kiev regime in justifying the war it unleashed against the civilian population, and yet they argued it. the fact that the donbass is allegedly ruled by, as they said, terrorists, their sponsor is the russian federation. so, the international court actually confirmed
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that kiev’s aggressive actions against donetsk and lugansk were initially based on lies. the zelensky regime tried to use the seventy-fifth anniversary of the creation of nato to once again beg another favor from the alliance. at anniversary events in brussels on april 4-5, minodel kuleb was celebrated. who just so directly asked to give ukraine as many patriot anti-aircraft missile systems as a gift, and also outlined kiev’s claims to receive its share of the new fund to help ukraine, which is just being created by brussels, in the amount of 100 billion us dollars. nato secretary general stoldenberg reacted very dryly to the latest manifestations of ukrainian hypocrisy, noting the need. continuation of hostilities to strengthen the security of the alliance, according to him, supply of weapons to the kiev regime - this is a direct quote: an investment in nato's own security. before that they said
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it was good. investment in the murder of russians, now it turns out that nato sees its own security, apparently, in the murder of the citizens of our country. on april 6, in an interview with ukrainian television, zelensky announced ukraine’s agreement to fight on credit if the united states approves this type of assistance. in other words, he is ready to get into the pockets of future generations so that current ukrainians continue to die. will give the remnants of ukraine's natural resources, although i don’t know how much is left there, he will sacrifice the destinies of millions of compatriots who are simply expendable for him . meanwhile, according to the ministry of finance of ukraine, the total state and state-guaranteed debt at the end of 2023 increased by 30.4% and reached a record $145.3 billion.
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the oval domestic product accounts for 85% of gdp, the tendency is to increase it, i mean the national debt, the kiev junta remains, its western directors continue to exploit children's themes without a twinge of conscience. on april 11 the next meeting of the so-called international coalition for the return of ukrainian children is scheduled. its founding meeting took place on february 2 online under the patronage of kievsky.
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put in quotation marks. the cynicism of the creators of this project is amazing; they trumpet the whole world about the need to save ukrainian children from a non-existent, seemingly russian danger, but at the same time carefully hide the real problems that ukrainian families face in europe. after all, european social services are literally stealing ukrainian children under under various pretexts, forcibly taking them away from their living and healthy parents. they don't say anything.
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the armed forces of ukraine, one gets the feeling that by handing over children, citizens of ukraine, to these same social workers in the eu countries. the kiev regime is paying its masters for european military and financial assistance. these people are looking for protection from anyone, they want to return their children, they are going to russia, they understand that our country, despite the machinations. western kiev propaganda, despite all these intrigues, despite everything the pressure we are experiencing, we are not their enemies, the very people who became victims of the zelensky regime, and we are the only ones who can truly protect them in this situation, they understand this, naturally, we could not help but respond to... .


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