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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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so that they join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. one gets the feeling that giving children, citizens of ukraine, to these same social workers in the eu countries. the kiev regime is paying its masters for european military and financial assistance. these people are looking for protection from anyone, they want their children back, they are going to russia, they understand. that our country, despite the machinations of western kiev propaganda, despite all these intrigues, despite all the pressure that we experience, we are not their enemies, the very people who became victims the zelensky regime, and we are the only ones who can truly protect them in this situation, they understand this, naturally, we could not help but respond to... these pleas,
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these are not requests, these are entreaties. we have repeatedly drawn attention to this problem, including at the united nations. and finally, kiev deigned to remember its citizens. apparently, the problem has reached such a scale that it is simply impossible to keep silent about it. last week, the commissioner of the verkhovna rada. human rights dmitry lyubenets in an interview ukrainian media reported on the seizure of 255 ukrainian children by the secret services of european countries from their parents, where zelensky’s regime was all this time, and i’ll tell you where, they ensured zelensky’s participation in various cultural events at the sites of the very countries where the children disappeared, citizens of ukraine, has already constantly shown off at some forums, festivals, which in no way are ever...
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given by the sons of the daughters of their countries, thanks to the fact that russia once saved them. there are many such examples, dozens. this is what russia is doing. so, let's go back to where the kiev regime was. all this time, he was running along the corridors of various international structures. he bombarded western, american and other editorial offices with false press releases. nato-centric media, talking about the fate of their children, who are allegedly kidnapped by russia, while 225 children were seized from their parents in the european union. the most depressing situation is in germany, where 71 children were seized from ukrainian parents. things are no better in other countries. poland - 33 child, italy - 25. czech republic 24, sweden - 17,
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these are all children who were taken from their parents, and the parents found themselves without any rights to ensure for...
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now their conclusion about the threat that the work of the great writer poses for the security of ukraine, it is argued that he, this direct quote from all russian writers of that time, stands closest to the current ideologists of koremlev’s justification of ethnocide in ukraine. according to kiev propagandists, bulgakov, direct quote: hated ukrainian desire for independence, stood in the positions of the white guard, approved of the expansion of russian communism. in this regard, the institute demanded that the bright name of bulgakov be erased from memory, monuments and memorial signs be demolished, streets and other geographical objects associated with him be renamed. i have the impression that if someone ever, for
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some reason, decides to write a sequel to master margarita, then the action will absolutely transfer to kiev. this. i think no master would have come up with the idea that you just need write down, describe, it will be a terrible work, not artistic, documentary, but the founder of the kiev bulgakov museum, konchukovsky publicly criticized this decision, not fearing the consequences, but because it is really no longer scary to retreat further and there is nowhere to go, further abyss, dehumanization, remarkable. back in february of the twenty-first year, zelensky is the same, well, i think that bulgakov quoted the same video address to the ukrainians, you won’t believe it, moreover, he quoted, commenting on the fake about the ban on sales his books. zelensky then in the twenty-first
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year called bulgakov a direct quote from a ukrainian writer, whom, like the ukrainian territories, kiev is nobody, as zelensky said in the twenty-first year. was going to give or give away. end of quote. what happened? what is this amazing reversal? the answer is simple. bulgakov spoke, wrote, thought in russian, but the current russophobic ukraine does not need this. from her point of view, this simply shouldn’t happen. therefore, as he was recently announced as a ukrainian writer, he was quickly turned into a fierce ukrainian hater and spokesman.
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once again confirm the relevance of the tasks of a special military operation to denazify, demilitarize ukraine, eliminate threats rising from its territory, as the russian leadership has said repeatedly, they will be implemented, now we briefly touched upon, now i would like to dwell in more detail on the ruling of the un international court of justice on temporary measures, the fact is that on april 2 , a meeting of western countries took place in gaga under the amazing name: restoration justice for ukraine, i don’t know from what year they count the need to restore justice for ukraine, well, since they decided to talk about justice for ukraine, we are ready to support this topic. of course,
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the political declaration adopted at the mentioned meeting, it was called that, was filled to the brim with outright lies, as one would expect from another propaganda trick of the west, but what caught my eye was a dirty attempt to cover up. authority of a high international authority, because there is an international court from 16 march 22 years old. the declaration claims that it is a prescription. valid, moreover, that it is supposedly legally binding, i understand that we should recommend that the drafters of the declaration familiarize themselves with the basics of international law, but i will not do this, because it is useless, you see, if the ideology is the same, it obviously, if on the one hand they have bulgakov, then a ukrainian writer, then a ukrainian writer, then the same thing... they don’t use it or are they able to implement it in all other areas? let's deal with
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jurisprudence point of view. firstly, on march 16, 2020, the un international court of justice adopted so-called provisional measures. these are not court decisions, the mandatory implementation of which is enshrined in the un charter. these are not them, these are temporary measures. secondly, the westerners, as is usually their custom, hid the most important fact, so we got to the main thing regarding this prescription. the international court 2 months ago, on february 2 , 2019, already issued a court decision in this case, in which it recognized complete lack of jurisdiction over all charges brought by ukraine against russia. these charges related to russia's actions in conducting a special military operation. recognition of the dpr and lpr as independent states, which ukraine demanded to recognize as contrary to
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the genocide convention, allegedly russia, as it was formulated, abused it. it was on the basis of these accusations that the court introduced so -called temporary measures in march of the twenty- second year, but in a decision dated february 2 of the current twenty-fourth year, the court supported the russian federation's objection and confirmed that these accusations are true. yes in donbass. finally, i would like to remind those westerners suffering from amnesia that
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the temporary court measures introduced in march of 1922 concerned, of course, not only russia, but also ukraine. the court then demanded from kiev, quote: to refrain from any actions that could aggravate the dispute or complicate its resolution. end of quote. the proceedings are now limited to the question of whether the kiev regime committed genocide, but the hague declaration of 2 this april. for some reason there is no demand for kiev to immediately stop mass shelling of residential areas of donetsk, belgorod, kursk, voronezh and our other cities, which are being attacked by the name, i mean, the pre-seev regime regularly, there is nothing there about the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, there is no about bloody terrorist attacks and murders on russian territory, this shows that the west does not need any justice in ukraine. with attempts to restore it, this is exactly what propaganda acts like the one mentioned are aimed at
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declarations, but this is not propaganda, this is propaganda of lies, there is a difference, it is one thing to propagate, promote, defend, popularize, talk in every possible way about your point of view, about important, fateful, i don’t know, decisions, or about prospects for the future, but it's another thing to spread lies. this is what was done at this very meeting under the name of restoring justice for ukraine, this is an example of a blatant, and the concept of fake news, and false news, disinformation, blatant, everything, literally everything cries out that the declared the west’s goals of verifying information on... combating false news, all this is crossed out by their current situation
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, if it is beneficial for them to hold such a conference, they will use any arguments, no matter that they are broken by just two pages of text prepared by real experts, but they will do it anyway in order to attract the attention of the world audience at least for a day, two, or a week, to create a feeling. and participation in something right, great, necessary, no matter what later their actions, their statements will be disavowed, with facts in hand, as we are doing now, but then... they achieved their goal, terrible, dirty, false, for which enormous amounts of money from western taxpayers are spent, held an event, once again disseminated misleading data , which in no way have anything to do with reality, but we will continue to fight these fake
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news, we will disavow them, we will cite them as an example in our section: which has been created for many years acquaint a wide audience with all the insinuations and dramatizations in the information environment of these very ideologists of the so-called western liberal democracies, who turned fake news into an instrument of their aggressive policy in the international arena, also from the world of information confrontation, first with...
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information- communication technologies are provided by foreign intelligence services, and they operate mainly through the hands of ukrainian hackers, is n’t that convenient? it’s no secret that ukraine has become a springboard for anti-russian aggression and information space, the kiev authorities speak openly, and moreover, they are proud of carrying out cyber attacks against our country, often even trying to take credit for fictitious operations and the most
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advertised by the kiev regime and their western patrons is the so-called... it army, this structure is controlled by the ministry of defense ukraine and is supervised by nato member states. it is actually a conglomerate of criminals who specialize primarily in the banal theft of funds. by according to sberbank of russia, there are more than 1 thousand fraudulent call centers in ukraine, which, by the way, are already terrorizing the whole of europe. we have also talked about this many times. i would like to remind you that the military-political leadership of nato continues to build up its military potential. with an eye to the russian information space for the preparation and conduct of cyber operations by the united states and its allies , a network of centers controlled by the nsa along the perimeter of the borders of our country is used, these are estonia, latvia, finland, romania, in the future they want involve moldova, unfortunately georgia, and where they are created cyber laboratories will be created
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intended for operational and technical support of groups and members of the cyber command or forces. special operations of the unit, they are also used to monitor the digital space for collecting intelligence data, processing scenarios, and launching strikes using information and communication technologies against russian critical infrastructure facilities and information infrastructure. all this serves as further proof that western countries, hiding behind slogans about the protection of so-called democratic values, they use information and communication technologies as one of the tools of the hybrid war unleashed against russia. along this line, we , together with the majority of developing countries in the global south, advocate for other principles and other approaches. at international negotiation platforms, we defend the formation of a fair, equal system of international information security, the development of observance of uniform rules of the game for all digital sphere. we are convinced that this is the only solution that will
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ensure compliance with the principles of sovereign equality of states and non-interference in them. internal affairs will contribute to the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts in the field of using information and communication technologies, but also from the same sphere, so to speak, but not in cyberspace, in reality. i would like to say a few words about the attacks on the russian embassy in lithuania on april 7 and 8. and according to lithuanian media, the police has already detained an attacker who allegedly threw a molotov cocktail two nights in a row. our representative office in lithuania. it was only by luck that none of the employees were injured, but the building was damaged. we consider what happened to be the result of a deliberate, purposeful policy of russophobia.
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diplomatic mission, in the immediate vicinity of our embassy they openly call for a siege of the russian embassy , ​​there are constantly rallies and other actions of an absolutely aggressive nature, we demand from law enforcement agencies of lithuania to objectively investigate this crime and ensure proper security. russian diplomatic mission in strict accordance with the vienna convention on diplomatic relations of 1961, all those involved in this attack must be found punished, and the damage to the building of the russian diplomatic mission must be compensated. so, this was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. well , right now we are joined in the studio by an academician of the russian academy of cosmonautics named after tsalkovsky scientific editor of roscosmos.
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the cancellation was caused by a failure of the central unit oxidizer tank inflation system, please explain in more detail what it is, what kind of failure it is, how serious is it? well , first of all, i would say that it was not cancelled, but postponed, postponed, canceled - this means for a long time or forever, here’s the situation: now the control system is automated for, including refueling of the launch vehicle, that’s some the sensor showed: either high pressure or low pressure in the tank oxidizer, this is liquid oxygen, it is supplied there at a very low temperature, it
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evaporates, a valve is activated, which relieves excess pressure, that is, it is a whole system, the sensor showed that something is wrong here, yeah, what is it from -what could be the reason, well, because of a sensor malfunction, because of an error in the program, because of a valve error, because of an error...
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in the amur region there is heavy cloudiness in the area of ​​the cosmodrome, but can this somehow how to affect the launch, does such weather matter at all at launch
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rockets? our rockets are generally all-weather, there are restrictions only on the wind, and then, as a rule, at high altitude, when the tanks are already empty and the rocket is still flying, but it has become lighter, if the wind is very strong. then there may be restrictions, so specially before launches they launch probes that measure the wind at high altitudes, what wind strength and uh at what altitude, this is for different rockets, completely different requirements for uh hangars one, for different alliances another, for uh other missiles third and so on, that is, they have their own standards for each rocket, yeah, so - no rain, no...
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flying weather is not as relevant for us as for them on board the angara again now, as stated in roscosmos, the test payload, what is it such that in fact , in our rocket launchers on board, we are now mainly testing the launch complex, because it is being used for the first time.
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in addition, in the head part there is an orion accelerating block, this is a new accelerating block, which is made on the basis of already long-used dm block of the dm dm3 series, but a new modification of it, they are just about to test it, and now we have the task of launching this warhead into the reference orbit, this is the upper stage with... payload elements that will to investigate the performance of this block, that is, then the program of this block, it is quite complex, there will be many inclusions, it will change the flight altitude, flight inclination, and so on, that is , the program of its flight, in principle , does not concern us, because it will high long and unseen, that’s why they have it and
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it will fly with us. the task now is to achieve, to wait for the warhead to enter orbit. 20, about 25 tons, almost 25 tons can be carried by the angara super-heavy rocket launcher, i looked that for the falcon 9, this figure is about 22 tons, but again, as the american media write, very rarely the falcon 9 is loaded with 22 tons, because there’s just no need to put so many cargoes into orbit, it turns out we need, well...
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it will rush upward with a terrible roar, yes, of course, but we will see the moment of launch, we will see how the engines start working and this should happen in literally less than 30 seconds, so well, nothing is happening yet, also our news agency feed does not report anything, but it tells me that there are five left , about 5 seconds, already less, exactly 12 o’clock in the afternoon we are waiting. obviously the start has begun, and


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