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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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with the help of the municipality, in this case the authorities will issue certificates for housing repairs. and one more important message - the amount of compensation for lost housing has been announced. here, as rek fayzulin stated, if housing is completely lost, then a decision is made at the rate of 68,700 rubles for 1 to 68,700 rubles. this is the current cost according to the ministry of construction in the first quarter of twenty-four. perhaps the price will change in the second quarter,” fayzul said. we are closely monitoring incoming information and will return to this topic later. now to other events there is a failure in the engine launch control system caused the repeated cancellation of the launch of the angara a5 heavy launch vehicle. the start was supposed to take place today at 12:00 moscow time. and now it has been postponed for another day, said the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov. we are at the initial stage of flight testing of okro amur. this stage precisely provides that...
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amounted to 2 trillion rubles. this data is provided by the head of the bank of russia. elvira nabiulina spoke in the state duma. my colleague, natalya, is ready to tell you more solovyova, she is in direct contact. natalya, hello, what other statements were there? yes, yuri, hello, the annual report of the head of the central bank is, of course, a key event here on a regular basis. elvira nabeulina received more than 100 questions from deputies. of course, she did not have time to answer everything during the session, but this does not mean that some question will not be answered. one of the important ones, which... worries not
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only deputies, but also many residents of our large country, is, of course, the high key rate, now i will remind you that our main the regulator keeps it at the level of 16%, since structural restructuring of the economy is additional expenses, and nevertheless, the first results of this tactic have already justified themselves, the peak of inflation is behind us, elvira nabeulina said today, but, of course, they will reduce the key rate this will be gradual, calls on everyone to be patient with...
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and the responsibility of officials must be mandatory, and i’ll add that today the deputies intend to discuss about 60 bills, everything that they won’t have time to do today, which means this will already be decided during the next meetings of the state duma here on the willing row. yuri, yes, natal, thank you, my colleague natalya solovyova was in direct contact with the studio. now there is a short advertisement, and we will continue, do not switch. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. try the sushi, try all the salads, try the soup, soup, everyone needs this, they need it, again
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now footage from the presidential press service. let's start our meeting with those events, which you and the ministries are pursuing to achieve the goal of equalizing social support measures in different regions of the country. let me start by saying thank you. for designating 2024 as the year of the family in our country, a lot has been done in recent years to
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support families with children and support traditional family values, but i am sure that there are decisions that we still have to make, i hope that i am even sure that that work, which we will carry out jointly with the constituent entities of the russian federation, with our social partners, with public organizations to develop effective solutions aimed at increasing the birth rate in our country, we will be able to offer as part of this work. today, precisely on your instructions, we are working to provide social support measures in the simplest and most convenient format for our citizens throughout our country. we started our work at the federal level. we called this initiative the social treasury initiative, which introduces simple and understandable mechanisms for our citizens to receive certain measures support. first of all, we need to say what they are.
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support, and a striking example of such a mechanism or the application of the social principle is a single benefit for children under 17 years of age and pregnant women. today, such benefits are assigned on the basis of a citizen’s application submitted on the unified portal of public services. the social fund receives this application, collects all the necessary information through interdepartmental requests from interested departments, and i note that this is in order.
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we strive to provide support measures to our citizens even without a statement about the onset of this or that life situation, here a striking example is maternity capital, starting from 2020, we provide maternity capital only upon the birth of a child in the family, that is , young parents only need to register the child with the tax registry, expiration within 7 days , the maternity certificate for maternity capital will be sent to your personal account on the unified government services portal, which citizens will be able to use. at the same time, we work not only i want to say that since the twentieth
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year we have already provided 3 million certificate capital in this way, while we are working not only on, let’s say, the processes of providing funds from the certificate itself, we are also working on processes to simplify the procedure for using maternity capital funds, today, for example, directing funds within maternity capital for a down payment within the framework of mortgage programs is quite simple, this can be done through our... we lack some information, we we form a draft document, that is, a so -called fish document, which
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we send the citizen to her personal account, the citizen checks the necessary information, puts an electronic signature, on the basis of this we make an appointment, it is in this mode that we are now making the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, then we pre-fill the citizen with all the necessary information, he checks the correctness of filling it out, in the future we will, of course, switch to a full proactive mode without the need for confirmation to the citizen. it was necessary bring and confirm on paper so -called certificates of incapacity for work to enterprises, which indicated that he was on sick leave, today information from the medical organization goes directly to the social fund, it is electronically received by both the employer and the citizen in his personal account, thus the citizen no information is required to be provided to the employer
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and sick leave funds are automatically accrued. today we have already provided 216 million of them. sick leave sheets, this is very convenient for our citizens, and i understand that in the future this service will be in maximum demand. another example of such a practical purpose is the monthly cash payment that is paid by a veteran to citizens with disabilities. today, it is assigned proactively without the need to submit applications from our citizens using the details contained in the information when assigning a pension. that is, we immediately make an appointment and make a transfer to the same card on which these citizens receive their pension. in such format, we have already assigned 2.5 million monthly cash payments, and citizens are also actively using this, but i would like to note that the social treasury format applies not only to payments, it also affects a rather complex complex of social services, as an example we can consider here changes in approaches to organizing medical and social examination.
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previously, a disabled person had to independently collect the entire set of certificates, documents, and medical examinations. which are available in a medical organization in order to bring the complete package to the medical and social examination, undergo examination and receive the required disability group. accordingly, during the on -site verification of documents, it happened that the medical and social examination requested additional information, then the citizen had to return to the medical organization. the first thing we started with was a joint order from the ministry of labor and the ministry of health, with michael murashka , we signed a joint order, which regulated an exhaustive list of examinations for each type of disease. that today there is a comprehensive order that says that if a citizen has such and such a disease, then there is a clear closed list of examinations that must be submitted to the medical and social examination. secondly, starting from july 1 , 2020, we organized electronic document flow between healthcare institutions and medical and social examination institutions, that is, today the entire package from the healthcare system institution
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is sent to the medical and social examination, undergoes formatological control and it is already ready to consider medical and social examinations. in parallel with this, we have provided for the opportunity for our citizens to undergo a medical and social examination in absentia, that is, immediately being in a healthcare institution, the citizen determines whether he will personally attend the meeting of the commission, or the commission will take place in absentia, but he will retain the right to appealing the decision if he does not agree with it. we see that this measure is in great demand today from our citizens, we have more than 80% today undergoes examination in absentia, namely. the electronic format of documents has allowed us to significantly reduce the time required for conducting a medical and social examination; today it does not exceed 10 working days, and for certain categories of citizens and participants in the mtr, especially if the person has an imputation, we have reduced it to three working days. and the system allows us to maintain strict control over the timing of the implementation of these decisions. today we meet the ten-day deadline for the participants of the mtr, within three working days. at the same time,
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thanks to the fact that we, together with the ministry of digital worked out and created a system of personal accounts for ours. that is, through his personal account he has the opportunity to check the stages of the passage of his documents and decisions, and after the completion of the examination itself and the medical and social examination , information about what individual rehabilitation program has been assigned to him is received in his personal account, including a list of technical means of rehabilitation that we are determined, and after that we are already a citizen, let’s say.
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or through the electronic certificate system, electronic certificate system today is gaining popularity among our citizens, it is very convenient and today already 25% of all technical means of rehabilitation in our country are purchased through an electronic certificate, that is, a citizen only has a plastic world card, which is linked to his account in the federal treasury and social systems fund, and he has the opportunity in any retail chain to purchase the technical means of rehabilitation that he needs and which is most suitable for him. separately, i will say a few words to the system informing our citizens on life situations, today we have eight life situations on which we have. like the creation of a young family,
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pregnancy, the birth of a child, that is, here a person immediately has a whole, a whole block of support measures from the state, which is aimed specifically at him, we have a special situation today in new regions, the fact is , that the introduction of the principles of social treasury is temporarily difficult there, due to the fact that the bases are not digitized, we do not have uniform data formats for the information systems that exist there, so for new entities we have created, let’s say, special, special conditions for the dissemination there of those social support measures that are provided today. i want to say that starting from the first row of the twenty-fourth year, all social support measures that are provided for by federal legislation are implemented in the territory,
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we immediately take into account through their independent processing, sometimes we we see that people do not have enough documents due to loss or some problems with confirming their conditional experience or some other areas.
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already the labor inspectorate, medical and social examination, employment service, while at the same time the question arose regarding the staffing of the budgetary network of both our social block and other departments, that is, this institution is healthy. and cultural and sports institutions, recruitment of personnel was predetermined from the point of view of the need to form a new system under labor. the new system was introduced starting from the twenty-third year, it involves a twenty-five-digit tariff schedule, it was launched in all four constituent entities of the russian federation. at the same time, i note that starting from january 1 of the twenty-third year in zaporozhye, lugansk, donetsk, the republic in kherson, the russian minimum wage was adopted from january 1 of the twenty- fourth year. rur 19,242 and also now it is used in calculating wages and basic social benefits payments, but with taking into account the fact that initially, let’s say, we
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were just forming the service, actively using the tool of sending employees from other entities to the new territory, and also involving our units from 75 other entities in terms of remote processing of the information that came to us, why? cash payments, of which more than 220 thousand have already been assigned, a single benefit for children and pregnant women of 247,000 has already been assigned in these territories, and today, according to some
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decisions, we have extended our planned transition periods beyond the framework of the twenty -fourth year with the fact that we understand that in some areas not all the infrastructure is ready and we are simply not ready to remove these features within the framework of the current legislation; of course, now we have a question regarding staffing. rebuilding enterprises on the territory of trading entities, in the conditions of the current state of the labor market, the labor market for job seekers, in the russian federation as a whole, we see record low levels of unemployment, we see serious requests from on the part of employers, especially on the workforce, but in new entities this situation is especially reflected, because they require specialists of narrow specialties, these are production cycles, these are construction work, these are drivers. transport, in connection with this, we launched the work of employment centers in these territories, organized retraining, today about 87% of citizens
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who contact the center... as part of retraining, out of 3,700 people who contacted us, we have also already found jobs for more than 3,000, respectively , now together with local enterprises and constituent entities of the russian federation, we are actively developing a program to involve citizens in employment. at the initial stage, of course, these were public works from the point of view of attracting people to clear the rubble and carry out repair work. now already. it is necessary to improve their qualifications and attract them to certain areas of a particular production sector. in general, we aim to ensure that our level of social policy throughout the country is uniform. of course, subjects have powers somewhere to provide a larger volume of social support measures for certain categories of citizens, but we are aimed at developing a minimum uniform requirement and standard for the provision of these services. we are working to ensure that new territories can enter.
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okay, thank you very much, this was footage of vladimir putin’s meeting with the minister of labor and social protection anton katyakov. april 10 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 10, 1944, liberation of odessa. the troops of odessa general malinovsky liberated odessa from the nazis. noon before the formation of distinguished units raised a red flag over the opera house. odessa was one of the first to receive the high title of hero city. the occupation of the city by romanians and germans lasted 907 days and claimed the lives of 82,000 inhabitants. now economic news, briefly. negotiations on new sanctions against russia are difficult for the european union. and most likely, the fourteenth package will not contain new restrictions, but only measures to combat violations of the previous ones. this was stated by the first deputy
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head of the european commission valdis dombrov. according to him , there is less and less room for maneuver, and discussions between eu countries are becoming increasingly heated. now they are discussing the shipping sector and the oil price ceiling. the new package must be agreed upon before the summer. the big four oil service companies increased their profits in russia by one and a half times. we are talking about weatherford and schlumberger, the russian divisions of american companies, as well as obur-service and ofs technology. these are now the former haliburton and baker structures. hughs. over the past year they earned almost 31.5 billion rubles. the statements report this. let me remind you that the four are reducing their presence in russia from spring of the twenty-second year. the business of haliburton and becker hucks has already been sold to russian management. the successors of the zara and bershka stores summed up the results of their first year of operation. the revenue of the new fashion company, which includes maak, acrew and dab , almost doubled, to 21 billion rubles. however.
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it was not possible to obtain due to the high costs of restarting; it cost 25.5 billion rubles. as a result, a net loss of 5.4 billion rubles against a net profit of almost 4 billion a year earlier. and fitch lowered the outlook on china's credit rating from stable to negative. the agency saw increased risks to the country's financial condition. against the backdrop of growing uncertainty in the economic outlook. the reason is the transition to a new development model. fitch expects china's gdp growth to slow to 4.5% this year. in response , the chinese ministry of finance expressed regret and stated that the agency's assessment methodology does not effectively reflect the real economic situation. it was economic news. short. more than 13,000 residential buildings are flooded; the flood situation in russia remains tense, according to the ministry of emergency situations there are 40 regions in the danger zone. where is the most
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difficult situation now? 68,700 rub. per square meter, the ministry of construction announced the amount of compensation for lost housing. what other statements were made at the meeting of rek faizulin with residents of the orenburg region. the situation with floods in the tyumen region and the measures taken were monitored by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. our correspondent assessed the situation together with the minister. the president is greeted with protests and spontaneous rallies are taking place in gogauzia. muslims around the world today celebrate one one of the main holidays in islam, eid al-adha, symbolizes the end of the longest difficult fast in the month of ramadan. how is the celebration going?


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