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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. closed on all sides, no drone can get close. megamangal on a russian tank, how these shields from drones save our equipment, why don’t the enemies make these for their leo and abrovtsy. from american prisons to ukrainian trenches. street thugs, drug dealers and illegal immigrants serving time in the united states can become mercenaries of the kiev regime. what are these thugs capable of? rooks are now hitting the enemy right on the front line. our air.
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dependencies, three russian tanks are storming enemy positions under heavy artillery fire, and some giant turtle is paving the way in front of them, resonant footage from one of the hottest areas in the donetsk direction of the northern military district, where an amazing armored vehicle debuted without attracting attention. in fact, this is also our
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t-72 tank, but it looks, of course, akin to a vehicle from a science fiction action movie, like warhammer, since it is completely covered with something like a metal shell, from under which only the muzzle of a cannon peeks out, that is, on its face case when an ordinary anti-drone visor, or as they used to call it, a barbecue is no longer enough, and a whole fortress on tracks is needed, in short, it’s an impressive sight, you can’t argue with that, although some people have quite a reason. the question is, they say, whether such protection, firstly, affects the maneuverability characteristics, and secondly, the crew’s visibility, but in general there is nothing to worry about here, because the engineers did everything wisely, anton potkovenko, anton, was convinced hello, but it looks like he doesn’t need to turn the tower, hello, yes, there’s really no need, and i’ll tell you why now, and what’s most important is that the idea really worked perfectly, it not only has an impregnable appearance, this tank is really invulnerable to drones, military-technical
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savvy squared off with our t-72, which is called completely covered metal box, not a single drone can reach it, they simply break against this impressive armored capsule, against this screen, which, in addition , turns the damage to the armored vehicle received in battle into an advantage. according to the primary source, this tank was damaged, the mechanism for turning the turret was destroyed; he could not turn the turret or drive the tank. the fire was full, it was decided to make something like this, roughly speaking, a massive canopy covering the tank on all sides in order to use it as such a means of breaking through and guiding an armored group, in fact, with which it coped with dignity, that is, this is what it is, conditionally speaking of a ram, it can be seen in fast forward, the tank rides ahead at the head of an armored group, taking a hit from drones, it can also shoot, at least only forward, but... and behind it, through enemy fire,
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through the rings of explosions, comes another of our equipment, carrying out a combat mission near krasnogorovka, these are northern marinkas. the tank was equipped with a very large king-screen, king mangala. and as we can see from the video, in general, the idea worked. the danger from drones, as well as the danger from a number of anti-tank missile systems, the enemy. well, for example, the same belted jewellins, which have an attack mode from above, forced our armed forces to think about defense tanks from attacks from above, even before the start of a special military operation, as combat operations showed, such screens are quite justified, yes, great, they have taken root, and front-line humor is of course indestructible, the inscription on the side of this tsaramangala, close it behind you, but why actually? it’s called
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because that’s what they called the defense against drones at the front, a very characteristic look, a canopy on four supports, really reminiscent of a barbecue, this is what one of the first ones looked like, probably a russian idea. doesn't laugh, but talks about how turtle tanks are effectively protected, they are so talking about our barbecues and about rap, from their fpv drones, and why, it would seem, is there much to discuss, when the tsakhal entered the gas sector without barbecues, the famous israeli
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merkava tank immediately received a reset, a reset from copter on the tower, remember, what was the name of the army back then. urgently took the spotlight and equipped its tanks with grilles, following the example of ours, attached metal anti-drone barbecues to the equipment, and now it is gathering dust along the road with protection, without being embarrassed by anything, that’s kiev, kiev has a completely different approach another, on the leopards, which burn so brightly after being hit by our lancets, on the abrams, which burn in the same way, there are no visors on them, there are no barbecues, and why, does the ukrainian armed forces really believe so much in the western miracle? weapons, maybe they just haven’t gotten around to it yet, it’s also possible that they have them. perhaps there is a direct ban on installing similar designs on western armored vehicles, for some image reasons, let’s say, of the owners of this equipment. well, if they are afraid
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to spoil the silhouette of the gifted wunderwaf with a barbecue, then our fpvidrons and lancets are only from him they leave scrap metal behind, it’s very good, there’s no need to put on barbecues, even if they’re naked, but... our tanks are already coming out of the factory under canopies, the turret looks like it’s under a corrugated metal roof, and there’s even a net around it , they’re going to the front, maybe right where the t-72 with an impenetrable royal screen was noted, an adequate response to the challenges
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of modern war, when an invented , assembled, what is called a brazier on the knee of kulibins, becomes a serial instrument, but it’s not for nothing that kiev has laughter stuck in its throat. anton potkovenko and impenetrable defense. at the forefront of the northern military district in the kremennaya area today , a film crew from the state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk came under fire, and the enemy’s actions were clearly purposeful, because the armed forces of ukraine simply could not help but see who they were attacking. moreover, the first strike was followed by another drone strike. that is, the ukrainian formations firmly intended to kill journalists. as a result, our colleagues were wounded and shell-shocked, and the defense press officer accompanying them died. chronology of the event, report by nikolai dolgachev and artyom yuyundos. every day the vesti film crew vesti lugansk goes to war reports, as we call them, to show the work of our combat units. today our reporters artyom yundes and denis shum were together with
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the tankers west of kremennaya, accompanied by the press service officer of the ministry of defense evgeny polovodov. major polovodov died. denis shum is now in a military hospital with shrapnel wounds. artyom yundes, despite the shell shock, found the strength to work and describe the events of that day. that's it, which way is better? enemy shell explosion, hot fragments scatter with a whistle, there are wounded, evacuation, in the sky, enemy copters, soldiers shoot at them, quickly under the trees. there is no bird here, bird, bird, no, buzzing, baby, they cut off, come on,
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major evgeniy polovodov, our escort, was mortally wounded, we arrived together at the tank battalion in the serebryansky forestry near kremennaya, the enemy figured out the location, several blows from cannon artillery, operator denis. the shells fall one by one next to the uaz, we evacuate the wounded behind the car an fpv drone is rushing, open the door behind you, there is another one, a drone, a drone is nearby, where is the day, help, medics of the tank battalion of the thirty-sixth regiment provide assistance to the wounded right on the move.
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the wounded and the body of the deceased officer were taken out. evgeny polovodov, our comrade, senior officer of the press center of the west group of forces. we don't have much footage of him, but he also reported from the front. there was fire from the tank. two enemy infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed, on the line of defense of the sixth combined arms army, evgeniy was sociable, knew how to joke, responsible, we respected him, he is survived by his mother, wife and little son. officers of the information department and the information support unit of the armed forces risk their lives every day organizing the work of journalists on the front line. for people to know the truth about the war, to know about the work of our soldiers, he gave his life. where is zheka? artyom yundos, our correspondent, won’t tell much about himself,
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fearless, always ahead, helped during the evacuation of the wounded, will recover from a concussion and go back into battle, cameraman denis shum underwent surgery, they took out a shrapnel, now he remains in the hospital, losing comrades, friends with whom we work, when one of our colleagues is injured, it is difficult, painful and scary, but we still continue to do it. work that we consider important, along the entire front line, the entire journalistic corps. artyom yundos, denis shum, ekaterina tehmanovich and nikolai dolgachev. news. forward to new adventures. epitaph on the gravestone of an american mercenary. brian young went to fight as part of the ukrainian special operations forces, but this adventure ended in tank shelling in his zone and graves, well, somewhere in california. the same fate applies to many us citizens who decided to serve... the kiev regime. according to ria-novosti, in american cemeteries one can increasingly find the graves
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of militants killed by the russian military during a special operation. correspondent agesta, in particular, recorded a fresh sign at the national military cemetery in the suburbs of washington. there is not even a monument at the site of this burial yet, although the retired marine grady kurpasi was killed back in the twenty-second. in a few months after the start of the svo. for a long time he was considered missing, and his remains were only brought to his homeland. now, but however, it is already clear that not all american mercenaries will be lucky with an accountable burial, as the foreign intelligence service previously reported, the white house decided to send criminals from the mexican and colombian drug cartels to ukraine, no one expects them back, what this could be for the contingent, boris ivanin clarified, boris, greetings, well, the armed forces of ukraine are no strangers to drug dealers, yes, greetings alexey, absolutely true, however perhaps, such seasoned players who, under the influence of drugs, are capable of literally anything... have never existed before, well , at least in such numbers. ukrainian
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neo-nazis at the front may be replaced by criminals from the united states and latin america. real gangs of thugs who are used to robbing, killing, and selling drugs overseas, the contingent is no match for the kiev regime. the british newspaper zsan, however, hastened to refute these data to russian intelligence, but immediately admitted the obvious. here's a quote: american prisons are full participants. ecuador, haiti, these are both representatives of small street gangs, and notorious repeat offenders and simply frostbitten, who, even under horror , continue to organize their gangster showdowns. i saw a couple of these while working in america, i was a translator in court, i saw these guys, what they are afraid of is only russian frosts, so i, so to speak, talked about this, but you can’t hope for that. they don’t care who they kill, the task is to ensure at least the appearance of victory in ukraine at any cost, they will do it
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do, believe me, if repliloids from mars appear tomorrow, they will recruit them into these ranks. well, this is what these thugs are capable of , literally five beheaded and burned bodies in mexico, this is the result of a bloody redistribution of the market by local drug cartels, the dealers first took hostages and one of them was later forced by torture to shoot the others. and costa rica generally breaks records, so to speak, for the number of brutal murders. 2 years ago, there were more than 600 cases, last year there were almost a thousand, and that’s just in for several months, the number of clashes between gangs has increased among.
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there is the first category - those who have just arrived, they do not yet have any status, the second category - those who have shown leadership qualities, they are training newcomers, there is a general for prisons, a general for the streets, a general who is busy with internal investigations, hence the natural question is how prepared these gangs are to conduct military operations. terribly civilian population, yes, they may well, like to organize sabotage, which they are resorting to more and more often now the kiev regime, the patience of luck on the battlefield one after another, they can fight like foreign mercenaries, although, if you remember, even former military veterans from colombia with army experience posed for a short time under the estuary, very quickly they ended up in a hospital bed, and this is in the best case,
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back to the front, even for a lot of money, this legionnaire is in no hurry, this is not the same as shootouts. in favelas or somewhere else, when they attack police cars from around the corner, this will be where army operations, when they have to do engineering, mine a sniper, aviation, air strikes, artillery, all these are drones, this is what they don’t know how to do, they don’t know, and most importantly it’s not clear whether they want to learn this, perhaps these thugs are like since it was created in order to commit large terrorist acts, if they are used to it, in this... relationship, the kiev regime is already terrorist for us, but here we will most likely see an even greater connection with the americans, which in general are, in principle , the founders of all terrorism. it is possible that the united states, while recruiting criminal elements with the tacit support of the cia and fbi , cares not so much about supporting the kiev regime as about its own security, and they may well send
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illegals of all kinds to ukraine so that the texas border does not finally turn into a line of military contact . at the same time, washington will be able to relieve pressure on american prisons. the white house has been trying to solve this problem since the early 2000s. some states even banned solitary confinement congested prisoners, but now, in order to reduce budgetary expenses for their maintenance, the excess can be cynically dumped into the ukrainian meat grinder. firstly, these are people who have no education. secondly, in 90% of cases these are drug addicts. and we know that in all units of the ukrainian armed forces. free access to ordinary, very marginal drugs, this is an important, by the way, criterion for why they will go there, thirdly, these are people who killed, you don’t need anything to kill, fourthly, it’s very important, they are cheap, this ordinary cannon fodder, convicts from various prisons, latin america, the usa, north
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america, great britain, europe will now go as cannon fodder. however, as experts admit, even the ocean gangs... thugs will not be able to prevent our armed forces from fulfilling the goals of a special military operation, but the cries themselves will lay down their heads in the pursuit of adventure. boris ivanina and thugs for the kiev regime. ukrainian authorities will take away driver's licenses from draft dodgers; if a family has more than one car, then they can take away the rest for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. such norms are included in the new law on mobilization, which the verkhovna rada has begun to consider. the document was discussed for many months, thousands contributed to the project.
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about defense and mobilization from 17 to 22 thousand hryvnia, i explain from the point of view of a lawyer, this head of the center’s staffing, he didn’t like someone or they just want, well, from someone ... a limited number of those fit for service will be sent again for examination. all persons liable for military service
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must clarify the data in the tsk. they claim that this is just a formality, but in practice, after such data spheres, ukrainians find themselves in the trenches, say prisoners of war. recently they have become more active, they are caught literally everywhere, bus stations, metro stations, bus stations. they should grab it and send it, that’s it, he’s no longer interested, they want to return the mobilization resource from abroad, they haven’t registered, they haven’t processed the documents at the consulate, they still want to take away these passports, they still want not to give them, that is, in fact, to deprive him people of citizenship, those who are abroad, so that these people also do not forget about our authorities, the lawlessness of the shopping center in ukraine has reached such proportions that the obbudsman at the verkhovna rada could not remain silent, the lviv region yes... the region is the latest example, a famous volunteer who was detained at night, right there at night, they allegedly held a meeting of the military medical commission, for in 15 minutes they established that he was absolutely healthy,
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signed this conclusion and in the morning they took him to the collection point. but those who sign the contract are promised a certificate for the purchase of the vehicle and nothing that it may soon have to be equipped with a manual gearbox, while the bill exempts national police officers from mobilization, of course.
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powerful high-explosive aerial bombs without the slightest resistance, as if they were training over a training ground, all these are panic reports from the ukrainian media, which publish, for example, this very eloquent video, allegedly filmed directly at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, in the still occupied part of donbass, if the stated geolocation is correct, we can conclude that our pilots are now working not just near the formal line of contact, but actually cross it, flying quite deep. in general, looking at similar ones...
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there is no point in supplying new equipment to the nazis. it's like receiving a large bag of candies for new year, and a couple of days later discovering that at the bottom there are only tasteless candies left. the times of plenty have come to an end. for several months, not without reason, ukraine, considered one of the most air-protected countries in the world, is again somewhere at the bottom of the ranking. remnants of former luxury, scattered radars and air defense launchers continue to burn. and even the most about...
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russia has reigned supreme in the skies since the beginning of the northern military district, but the western owners of the square tried to limit the action of our aviation and packed it into the northern military district to the fullest extent, delivering hundreds of soviet installations to the enemy. cheetahs mainly bury and use them on infantry, it would seem that the sky of ukraine should be on lock, but as they say, something went
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wrong. this system, it must be launched vertically and horizontally, a line of short-range air defenses or small air defenses is created, which begin to work on the enemy and transmit these targets in depth, this zone, overlapping each other, should create a continuous zone with a depth from zero to 500 km, we don’t see this in ukraine, they cannot create this... the collapse of independent air defenses is somewhat explained by experts: the first thing is what western journalists say, physical exhaustion, ammunition is running out, and the systems themselves are being knocked out by our weapons. they lose a lot, and even lose it recklessly somewhere, they go to the head, get hit on the forehead, and accordingly lose a lot. and therefore here, probably, comparing their side, their
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opposition. yes, of an aviation nature and ours, of course, is heaven and earth. the second reason is the competent actions of our aviation, when the west filled ukraine with air defense systems, russian pilots simply changed tactics and ammunition. we have fabs, fabs with planning these shirts, in this case they begin to fly further and further, this time, to hit the target more accurately, in this case we... almost do not enter the affected area, we drop it, it flies, more there are 20, 30 km is already enough for you to perform an anti-missile or anti-aircraft maneuver and go to a new maximum altitude, but the third reason for the anti-aircraft failure in the mtr is the strength of russian weapons. it turned out that the best nato vehicles have very low effectiveness against relatively simple targets, aircraft missiles and drones, but
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this is not so bad. europe. from the usa they became convinced that we have hypersound, which even in theory not a single system of theirs is capable of shooting down, and this dealt a blow not so much to the combat capability of the armed forces of ukraine, but to the desire of the west to help kiev, that’s why give modern weapons worth billions to a proxy army if they will burn anyway. local air defense remained with the kiev junta only in the kiev region. as for other cities, they have an even more or less strong air defense system. air defense systems, kharkov, sumy is not covered, chernigov is not covered, the enemy has very few air defense installations left, the west is not eager to supply the kiev khunti with more air defense installations, because our aerospace forces find them, destroy them, in the west they understand that soon in principle, they themselves have nothing
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will remain, and kiev... will deny supplies, as they said today in the bundestag, there are not enough patriots themselves, and the americans spoke out even more clearly. the other day they announced the sale of air defense-related equipment to ukraine, not just launchers or radars, but repair kits for obsolete hawk systems. evgeny tishkavets and open. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. you will have to answer for your sick hatred of russia. criminal cases of zygorirenka agents. has their pro-western attitude really worn off? pen for which post marshenkulova's term is shining.
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