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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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the race began in a nearby ditch, the police issued fines to the young man for speeding and driving without a license, there were no other complaints against the boy, because the owner of the car himself put him behind the wheel. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release is now complete, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. closed on all sides, no drone can get close. megamangal on a russian tank, how these shields from drones save our equipment, why don’t our enemies make these for their own. kleu and
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abrovets. from american prisons to ukrainian trenches. street thugs, drug dealers and illegal immigrants serving us prison terms could become mercenaries for the kiev regime. what are these thugs capable of? rooks are now hitting the enemy right on the front line. our aviation received absolute air superiority. it turns out that the ukrainian air defense has given a long life. for sick hatred of russia will come.
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artillery fire, and some giant turtle makes its way in front of them, resonant footage from one of the hottest areas in the donetsk direction of the northern military district, where, without exaggeration, an amazing armored vehicle made its debut. actually, this is also our t-72 tank, but it looks, of course, akin to a transport from a science fiction action movie, since it is completely covered with something like a metal shell, from under which only shows the barrel of a cannon, that is, the obvious case is that an ordinary anti-drone visor, or whatever it’s called... you need a whole fortress on tracks, in short, it’s an impressive sight, here they’re not used to calling mangal no longer enough and you can argue, although some who has quite reasonable questions, they say, does such protection affect, firstly, maneuverability characteristics and secondly, the crew’s visibility, but in general there is nothing to worry about here, because the engineers did everything wisely - anton was convinced potkovenko. not only does it have an unapproachable appearance, this tank is actually invulnerable to drones. an example of military-technical. mikalki in the square
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is our t-72, what is called a completely covered metal box, not a single drone can reach it, they simply break on this impressive armored capsule, on this screen, which, in addition, turns the damage to the armored vehicle received in battle into an advantage, according to data from the primary source, this tank was damaged, its turret rotation mechanism was destroyed, it could not tank there it was customary to rotate the turrets and fire fully. the decision to make something like this, roughly speaking, a massive canopy covering the tank on all sides in order to use it as such a means of breaking through and guiding an armored group, in fact, with which it coped with dignity, that is, it is such a ram, so to speak, as can be seen on the quick rewind, the tank rides ahead at the head of the armored group, taking the blow from the drones, it can also shoot, at least only forward, and behind it through enemy fire, through the rings of explosion. another one is already coming
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our equipment, performing a combat mission near krasnogorovka, is from the northern marinkas. the tank was equipped with a very large king-screen, king-barbecue. and as we can see from the video, in general, the idea worked. the danger comes from drones, as well as the danger from a number of anti-tank missile systems, the enemy, well, for example, the same belted jewellins that have an attack mode from above. forced our armed forces to think about protecting tanks from attacks from above even before the start of a special war operation, as showed combat operations, such screens are quite justified, but they have taken root well and the front-line humor is of course indestructible, the inscription on the side of this tsaramangal, close it behind you, but why is it actually called a barbecue, because that’s what they called protection against drones of a very characteristic type at the front a canopy on... four supports, indeed,
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reminiscent of a barbecue, this is what one of the first looked like, the ukrainian media and western media laughed at the russian idea, but the drones crash. into the grill without causing harm tower, where is the thinnest armor? in fact, this became the key incentive for the creation of all these barbecue-like structures, and, accordingly, the further development of all sorts of these, almost like a hangar by the tank itself. barbecues, of course they giggled and laughed at them, but nevertheless, the tank’s chances of surviving are much higher. the ukrainian media segment no longer laughs, but talks about how effectively turtle tanks are protected, this is not true about our grills. and about the rap from their fpv drones, but what’s so special here, it would seem to reason, when the tsakhal entered the gas sector without barbecues, the famous israeli merkava tank immediately received a reset from the copter onto the turret, remember, what was the name, in fact, then
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the israeli army urgently took the lead and equipped its tanks with bars, following the example of ours, it put on there are metal anti-drone grills on the equipment, and now it’s gathering dust. on the road with protection without being embarrassed, but kiev, kiev has a completely different approach, on leopards, which burn so brightly after being hit by our lancets, on abrams, which burn in the same way, there are no visors on them, there are no barbecues, and why, does the ukrainian armed forces really believe so much in western miracle weapons, maybe they just haven’t gotten around to them yet, it’s also possible, perhaps there is a direct ban on the installation of such structures for western armored vehicles for... for some image reasons, let's say, of the owners of this equipment, well, if they are afraid to spoil the silhouette of the gifted prodigy with a barbecue, then our fvedrons and lancets only leave scrap metal from him, very good, no need to put on barbecues, let abrams and leo naked
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they're forcing it at the front, we'll get more, even through the so-called knockout panels that cover the ammunition load of western armored vehicles, they still burn for their sweet souls, the presence of these very... knockout panels does not allow us to cover the abrams and leopards' towers from above with those very barbecues, well simply for the reason that if the ejector panels are triggered, they simply have nowhere to fly out. but our tanks leave the factory with visors. the tower, as if under a corrugated metal roof, and even a net around it , goes to the front. maybe just where the t-72 with an impenetrable royal screen was noted. adequately. a response to the challenges of modern war, when an invented , assembled, as they say on the knee, brazier by kulibins becomes a syrian instrument, but it’s not for nothing that kiev has laughter stuck in its throat. at the front line of the northern military district in the karmennaya area, today a film crew from the lugansk state television and radio broadcasting company came under fire, and
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the enemy’s actions were clearly purposeful, because the airborne fighters simply could not help but see who they were attacking, and moreover, the first strike was followed by another drone raid, that is, ukrainian formations firmly... intended to kill the journalists, as a result, our colleagues were injured and shell-shocked, the officer accompanying them, the press officer of the ministry of defense, was killed. chronology of events in the report by nikolai dolgachev and artyom youngbos. every day , the film crew from lugansk goes out to conduct military reports, as we call them, to show the work of our combat units. today our reporters artyom yundes and denis shum were with the tank crews.
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we arrived together at the tank battalion in the serebryansky forestry near kremennaya, the enemy has figured out the location, several strikes, cannon artillery operator denis shum, wounded in the leg, continues to film,
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shells fall one by one next to the uaz, we evacuate the wounded. where dan, help, the medics of the tank battalion of the thirty- sixth regiment are treating the wounded right on the move. the wounded were taken out and the body of the deceased officer, evgeny polovodov, our comrade, senior officer of the press center of the west group of forces. we have little footage from... but he also reported from the front, artillery in the petropavlovka area was destroyed by fire from
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tank, two enemy infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed, on the line of defense of the sixth combined arms army, evgeniy was sociable, knew how to joke, responsible, we respected him, he left behind a mother, wife and little son, officers of the information department and information support units of the armed forces take risks every day your life.
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ukrainian special operations forces, but this adventure ended in tank shelling in the northern military district zone and a grave somewhere in california, and the same fate for many us citizens who decided to serve the kiev regime. according to ryan news, in american cemeteries you can increasingly find the graves of militants killed by the russian military during a special operation. the agency's correspondent, in particular, recorded a fresh sign at the national military cemetery in the suburbs of washington. there is not even a monument at the site of this burial yet, although it is a retired naval officer. a few months after the start of the svo,
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for a long time he was considered missing, and his remains were only brought to his homeland now. well, however, it’s already clear that it’s far not all american mercenaries will be lucky enough to receive an honorable burial. as previously reported by the foreign intelligence service, the white house decided to send criminals from mexican and colombian drug cartels to ukraine. no one is expecting them back. what kind of contingent could this be? boris ivanin clarified. ukrainian neo-nazis at the front may be replaced by criminals from the united states and latin america. real gangs of thugs who are used to robbing, killing, and selling drugs overseas, the contingent is no match for the kiev regime. the british newspaper the san hastened, true, russian intelligence refuted this data, but she immediately admitted the obvious. here's a quote. american prisons are filled with members of mexican and colombian drug cartels. there's an assortment of people behind bars...
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well, that's what these thugs are capable of, literally five beheaded and burned bodies in mexico, this is the result of a bloody redistribution of the market by local drug cartels, the dealers first took hostages and one of them was later forced by torture to shoot at the others, and costa rica generally breaks records, if that's possible to put it in terms of the number of brutal murders, 2 years ago there were more than 600 cases, last year there were almost a thousand, and this is just in... a few months, the number of clashes between gangs in the middle of the day has increased, all this under the influence of drugs. these are the kind
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of fanatics who are in american prisons, as well as those who have succeeded in extortion, robbery and theft. all these groups have a clear organization, as one allegedly former member of the drug cartel said in an interview with american leaders. true, he affectionately calls the gang family. our family is like paramilitary structure. many cartel members came from the marine corps. they, the former marines, borrowed most of the military hierarchy from the armed forces. we have captains, lieutenants, commanders. there is the first category - those who have just arrived, the second category - those who have shown leadership. there is a general in prisons, a general in the streets, a general who is busy with internal investigations, hence the natural question is how prepared are these gangs for combat operations, to terrify the civilian population, but they may well, as they suit sabotage, which the kiev regime is now increasingly resorting to, patience with luck on the battlefield one after another,
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they will be able to fight as foreign mercenaries, although if you remember, even former military veterans from colombia with army experience... did not pose for long under the estuary , very quickly they ended up in a hospital bed, and this is in the best case, back to the front, even for a lot of money, this legionnaire is in no hurry. this is not the same as shootouts in favelas or somewhere else, when they attack around the corner police cars, army operations will take place here, when they have to do engineering, sniper mines, aviation, air strikes, artillery, everything... these are drones, this is what they don’t know how to do, don’t know, and most importantly, it’s not clear, will they want to learn this, perhaps these thugs were created precisely in order to commit large terrorist acts, if they are accustomed to this, in this regard, the kiev regime is already terrorist for us, but here most likely we will see even more connection with the americans, who in general
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are, in principle, the founders of all terrorism, it is possible that the united states, while recruiting criminal elements with tacit support, the cia and fbi care not so much about supporting the kiev regime, but about their own security, but they may well send illegal immigrants of all bridges, so that the texas border does not finally turn into a line of military contact. at the same time, washington will be able to relieve pressure on american prisons. the white house has been trying to solve this problem since the beginning of the 2000s. in some states even banned solitary confinement, condensed prisoners, but now, in order to reduce budgetary expenses for their maintenance, the excess can be cynically dumped in the ukrainian one.
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the goals of a special military operation, but the cries themselves will lay down their heads in pursuit of adventure. the ukrainian authorities will take away the driver's licenses of cloners, and if a family has more than one car, then they can take the rest for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. such norms are included in the new law on mobilization.
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edits, now every man from 18 to 60 years old you must always have a military registration document with you and present it upon request, although it is not clear to whom, calls from employees of territorial recruitment centers no longer work, i don’t care, they let me in, ukrainians have stopped being afraid of lure catchers, but amendments should fix this, except for weaning. .. i’ll explain from the point of view of a lawyer, this is the head of the center’s staffing, he didn’t like someone or they just want, well, someone’s property cannot be taken away within their means, that is, they can impose these fines in unlimited quantities, limited those fit for service will be sent back for
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examination, all those liable for military service must clarify the data in the shopping center, they assure them that this is only a formality. not to give, that is, to actually deprive people of citizenship, those who are abroad, so that these people also do not forget about our power, the lawlessness of the tsk in ukraine has reached such a scale that it was impossible to remain silent.
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europe from the consequences of a possible nuclear disaster. rosenergoatom general director alexander shutikov gave this description to the employees of zaporozhye npp today. he emphasized that, despite the constant threat from the apu , all necessary measures are taken for the stable operation of the station, and special attention, for obvious reasons, is paid to safety issues. today rosatom, together with law enforcement agencies, is doing everything possible to ensure the safe operation of the zaporizhia station. i want to emphasize once again that. a station is not only power units with reactors loaded with nuclear fuel, it is a complex mechanism with a large number of auxiliary production subsystems, disruption
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of which can lead to irreparable consequences. well, in the russian world today they noted the stubborn reluctance of the collective west to at least somehow react to the attempts of ukrainian formations to attack our nuclear facilities and, above all, the same zaporozhye nuclear power plant. according to maria zakharova. moscow will continue to seek public comments from the united states and europe on this matter in order to break the information blockade of unfriendly countries. we intend to seek recognition from relevant international organizations of what is happening not only around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but in general around ukraine. this should be an open, straightforward , fact-based conversation. it seems to me that he is already overripe, and the situation around him.
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debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with holwa. russian planes literally dominate the sky and non-stop drop powerful high-explosive bombs without the slightest resistance, as if they were training over a training ground, all these are panic reports from the ukrainian media that are published, for example, this one is very good. a rare video, allegedly filmed directly at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, the still occupied part of donbass, if the geolocation statement, the stated geolocation is correct, we can conclude that our pilots are now not even just working at the formal line of contact, but are practically crossing it, flying deep enough. in general, looking at such footage, it is easy to understand why the mood of the people in the know is openly mournful and why they constantly complain about a truly catastrophic
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shortage. air defense systems, but on the other hand, i want to find out what the prospects are, because the kiev regime seems to promise to find a solution to the problem, how realistic these promises are, we’ll figure it out together with evgeniy tishkovets. it's like receiving a large bag of candy for new year, and a couple of days later discovering that at the bottom there are only tasteless candies left. the times of plenty have come to an end. ukraine, for several months, not without reason, was considered one of the most air-protected countries in the world. somewhere again at the bottom of the rankings. the remnants of former luxury, scattered radars and air defense launchers continue to burn, and even the most pro-ukrainian western propagandists are forced to admit that the skies are increasingly free for russian pilots. ukraine is running out of missiles, while russian aviation operates freely closer to the front and attacks the ukrainian armed forces. russia reigned supreme in the skies at first in the northern military district, but the western masters
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of the square tried. limit the actions of our aviation and packed the heights to the fullest program, they brought hundreds of soviet air defense systems and missiles to the enemy, everything they could, from s-125 to s-300, and opened their warehouses. the americans gave the ukrainian nazis the vaunted nesams and petriots, the europeans, aspits, crotals and irises. the dryers were so intoxicated by abundance that they literally buried gifts in the ground. i know for sure that we... destroyed several cheetahs, but it is unknown why they act against air targets, and they mainly bury the cheetahs and use them against infantry. it would seem that the sky of ukraine should be on lock, but as they say, something went wrong. air defense is a system, it must be launched vertically and horizontally, a line of short-range air defenses or small air defenses is created, which begin to work on the enemy and transmit
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these targets.


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