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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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well, the last story, connected specifically with the ukrainian tranches, yes, the dynamics that we are now seeing in congress, well, apparently, it still confirms my forecast, and i continue to adhere to it, yes, as for in may we won’t see these very ukrainian trenches, yes, because there were, yes, these are ukrainian. again they found themselves with nothing, there were attempts by the republicans to come to an agreement with the white house, they even put forward two ideas that could be exchanged for ukrainian tranches: the first is still carrying out a sane migration reform, the biden administration did not agree to this, because there are already lobbyists for uncontrolled migration, they are in fact much stronger than ukrainian lobbyists, that’s because there is already big business there and the story is not about billions, but about hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars, well... the second point
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is related to the export of liquefied gas from the united states of america, yes, that is, what the biden administration is now trying to hold back, or rather imposed such a temporary embargo on the provision of new contracts, yes, on export of liquefied gas, this is what the republicans wanted to cancel, but as we see, they didn’t make concessions here either, and accordingly in this situation, the majority of republicans are against the provision of ukrainian tranches, well, i think the lion’s share.. .democrats are against giving any money to israel, yes, but it was all formed into one such big package, that’s why i think that now, of course, it won’t be possible to get 2/3 of the votes in support of this very bill , and there you need 2/3, because that this is an accelerated program of adoption there without the possibility of putting forward any new amendments to this same linen, and accordingly, if we don’t see any progress in the coming days, they most likely won’t happen, april 18...
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the whole west supported ukraine , that in general we expect, we need to give up as quickly as possible. well, many of our frightened patriots also, so to speak, believed that russia would not be able to withstand this very united west. hence these conversations that it’s time for us to reconsider our nuclear doctrine, it’s time to use nuclear weapons there in ukraine, and it was understood that our own conventional conventional weapons were clearly not enough. now i would like to turn this around. your attention to the fact that all these
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conversations have completely died down, no, no, i still think, by the way, in the west too, i believe that quite tactical nuclear weapons for bringing, as ... our military believes, tactical nuclear weapons, so to speak, on the battlefield, nothing would fundamentally change, especially in conditions when such new weapons are now appearing western weapons to ukraine and bridges across the dnieper, well, three-ton, so to speak, adjustable aerial bombs appear, which in their effect are already somehow comparable to tactical nuclear weapons, it’s really not scary.
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it, so to speak, remains an economic giant, at the same time it has never ceased to be a military dwarf, and nothing has changed here over the last third of a century, all this talk about independent european military power, they will remain talk for any foreseeable future
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perspective. all military conflicts in which europeans have participated over the past centuries, they participated only under the control of the americans with their closest military... technical assistance, be it the south crisis, be it the company in libya in the eleventh year, all other, so to speak, examples of participation europeans in some military campaigns outside of a united europe, and without, as it turns out, without the americans, the europeans are simply not able to independently conduct a military campaign, even against the regime, for example, muammar gaddafi, as he finds out. what can we say about the nuclear superpower for a moment in the person of the russian federation 126th regiment and 125th there is a previous one no what i do n’t know that i don’t know honestly i don’t know but the 126th regiment is a famous regiment, so to speak, it
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took part in the war of 1812, so to speak, well, after that there was completely liquidated, then it was revived, but recently it participated mainly in all sorts of so-called colonial expeditions, like operation barkhane in mali, and some other results deplorable everywhere, it should be with us in the museum, and it probably is, hanging there, it’s quite possible that heavy weapons failed such tasks, this regiment doesn’t have it, it only has light armored vehicles, and what are they going to do there in ukraine, in general it’s completely unclear what military tasks to solve, but...
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for decades this man will destroy the french colonial empire, so to speak, delivering a fatal blow to indochina, well, it’s quite possible that the stay of the 126th regiment, so to speak, will have for france has the same negative consequences for citizens taking weapons, let us recall their day, and the united states is, so to speak, not at all happy with the prospect of direct participation in the ukrainian conflict, for a simple reason. they already have several such conflicts, so to speak, fraught with very serious consequences, this is the middle east, this is the indo-pacific region, where at any moment the situation around taiwan and in the south china sea can flare up, so to speak. , and
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so to speak, in the middle east, in connection with a sharp deterioration of iran-israeli relations and so on, and if we say in europe more... and, so to speak, before the houthi gdp , the americans, so to speak, still have to grow and grow, as they say, as we found out yesterday, to their
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institute of rocket science, for sure, good, well, they really remembered the french anthem, and there the day of glory came, but here it is long gone, the day of glory is long in the past and they will no longer... will not be able to achieve anything, this is understandable, but if we talk about the americans, that they started talking about willpower, everyone i have my own associations, i have an association with a very beautiful, talentedly made, but notorious documentary film by leni riefenschal, a triumph of will, which is closely connected, despite the talent of the director, is closely connected.
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will be very painful, and we will feel the pain of this departure ourselves too, vitaly toevich said at the beginning that the americans will surrender eastern europe, western europe, and ukraine, who would argue, of course, just as they surrendered in afghanistan and iraq, in egypt and ukraine already many handed over, they will pass, but the fact is that... in the middle east, this process will be
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bloody, painful and difficult, they are leaving the middle east region, this is visible to the naked eye, and this can be seen from the numbers, they are no longer so dependent on energy resources from the middle east, the doctrine of cartor, who at one time proclaimed that the persian gulf is an area of ​​vital interests of america, is also a thing of the distant past, because the americans themselves now produce oil, are among the leaders in oil production, export, the same goes for liquefied gas, malik mentioned the struggle between republicans and democrats over liquefied gas contracts, but the fact remains that the americans have tripled the export of liquefied gas over the past 2 years. to europe, and they sell it to poor and stupid europeans at prices three
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times higher than they bought russian gas, so the united states is no longer dependent on the near middle east, but is leaving there, slowly, leaving there, leaving a whole chain of its military bases they leave there, creating. additional chaos in an already difficult region, their activity has now put this region on the brink of a major war, any day now we are expecting an attack from iran or iranian proxies on israeli targets, it is not yet clear which option will be chosen or option, which will immediately lead to a big war or... an option that will allow this action to be postponed a little, but
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the contradictions between the jewish state and iran are so great that we are only talking about postponing this big war, the americans, who all this time have been dragging their feet on all the processes in the middle east, have failed to keep the region from such a scenario and have failed to... their faithful ally israel, because not only the israelis missed the terrorist attacks of october 7 , they were missed, that they were warned, they were missed, their faithful partners, the americans, the americans say that... for some reason the results look similar. the israeli leadership is now unable to define strategic goals. the israelis themselves say this. he writes about this for example, david horowitz, founder and editor of the publication time israel. he writes
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that the hostage problem has not been resolved. the problem of radicals has not been solved. groups in the gaza strip, such as hamas, they continue to operate, the problem of who should govern the gaza strip and how has not been resolved, should it be governed by the palestinians, or suddenly the israelis want to manage almost 3 million people in the gaza strip, nor not one problem has been solved, not a single problem has a clear strategic answer, and yet the israelis are now...
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of will, and this is not a triumph of will, it’s just americans admitting to their incompetence, but calling up some myths from the past, and some that are more like not myths, like monsters, like terrible monsters that threaten us from the past, well, it sounds tragic because i'm watching. well , today is a holiday, and tomorrow the day after tomorrow such a war could begin, and what israel says is that they are going to strike iran’s nuclear facilities, and what about deeply protected and in-depth ones, that is, there will be non-gliding bombs there, they are they use nuclear weapons, well, in fact, we
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warned about this, it will be terrifying. at the same time, the americans, who do not see any violations of human rights by israel, well, is it clear how the arab world treats them now? turkey, which for the first time, yes, allowed itself to impose sanctions against israel, well , yes, and israel says: we will be there now and we will now put pressure on america so that america imposes sanctions against turkey, but let me remind you that turkey is a nato country. let me remind you that germany, berbo says now we are all israelis, we we don’t see anything, we don’t see what’s happening, we fully support israel. the arab world, which strongly dislikes the palestinians, well , let’s put it politely, generally looks and says: what’s going on? hamas is actually a turkish issue, why are you bothering iran? uh-huh, well, hamas is a purely turkish issue, these are muslim brothers, well, these are not shweits, this is of course, of course, that is , right there, it is clear that iran somehow supports everyone who, as they
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call it, is fighting for their rights, but initially hamas is small, we remember who i said give money to hamas, yes. bebe netanyahu, who believed that in this way he was causing a split in the palestinian movement, he directly stated this, this is who is more than anyone, well, there is more than everyone, but who were some of the main sponsors of hamas, european organizations, americans, they raised this monster , well, in fact, the israelis themselves strengthened this organization as a counterweight to arafat’s party, and now they’ve got nuclear armageddon in this part of the world, and by the way, we have our military personnel there.
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cooperation between russian and chinese alliance, even a joint action, so to speak, of russia and china against the west, and this was 2006, and this was the year when hudzentau and vendyabau were in power in china, people who, so to speak, carried out, were staunch supporters of market reforms, in general, it was difficult to imagine that they would embark on any serious confrontation with the west, primarily the united states, it was a time when... and corruption is associated specifically with the west. remember the famous case of boselay, a candidate member of the politburo, mayor of one of the largest chinese cities, which is there through some.
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which were discussed there, because the issues of both bilateral cooperation and the structure of the future multipolar world were discussed there. this suggests that
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the task of joint movement towards this multipolar world and the development of common views on this very world is clearly posed. the second very important question is the schedule, so to speak, those opportunities and places where there will be meetings at the brix summit between sizinpin and vladimir vladimirovich putin, but then it was generally said very interestingly, vany gave out the following formula, the formula of a double confrontation between russia and china against the double containment of the west, that is, in fact, the chinese foreign minister said that in this, so to speak, confrontation, it is already from the chinese side, russia and china will be in a double confrontation, and another very important issue that was discussed there
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is that only chinese banks are participating in cross-border payments, but that’s where they get into this system, not directly, but through intermediaries, but in fact
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our large banks, medium-sized banks, even regional banks are already allowed, there are more than thirty of our banks now standing, so to speak, for participation in this particular yuan system, because there is simply no other currency there, and this naturally creates the foundation for further development of mutual trade, so to speak, on the one hand there are some questions, some problems, on the other hand there are questions about what, well, complaints against china, that it does not allow small medium-sized countries to develop, because
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produces too much, yes, questions about subsidizing chinese industry, well, in general, just some nitpicking, and in order to somehow increase pressure on china. she spent 4 days there, went to mcdonald's, well, like mcdonald's, which is an american living.
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bloc, others are not allowed there, these are new zealand, australia, great britain, the united states and canada. so, it seems to me that all these situations, this kind of pressure on china, it just gives rise to what was discussed during our minister's visit.
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security issues, regional security issues, a joint view of a joint approach to these problems, this is a new very important topic, you see, that is, there is a complete feeling that gradually our relations, difficulties, problems, a certain mistrust, there are a lot, a lot of questions, but this natural, but they are moving and moving in the direction of mutual rapprochement, it seems to me that this is a very important, very serious sign of our time.
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all their worst mistakes.
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it's easy to get lost in facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a zip fair.
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blame all the fakes. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if you are the boss in this world. as soon as you?


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