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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast morning news. this is what we have learned so far. during the counter-terrorist operation in kambardino-balkaria, two militants were eliminated. according to the national anti-terrorism committee, they were planning terrorist attacks and sabotage. automatic weapons and ammunition were found at the scene. earlier it was reported that the bandits were blocked in a suburban area. they were asked to lay down their arms and surrender, but the criminals opened fire in response. orsk,
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which suffered the most from the flood in in the orenburg region, the water level is steadily decreasing; 14 cm have dropped in a day. now they are doing everything to minimize the discharge of water from the ireklinsky reservoir and are already discussing a project for the construction of a new dam on the ural river. the operator of the state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk, who was wounded as a result of ukrainian shelling, was operated on and is being prepared for discharge. the correspondent is already at home, recovering from a concussion. the ukrainian armed forces attacked the film crew the day before, a senior officer of the press center of the west group of troops, who accompanied the journalists and died. the head of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission, wanting to disrupt the upcoming friendship games, tried to enlist the support of an african politician. a russian prankster performed in this image. via video link, european officials offered to sign a document calling for people not to participate in competitions. russia, before that
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they claimed that they were supposedly fighting for sports outside of politics. the flood, which has already affected more than thirty russian regions, has reached tomsk region. over the past 24 hours , the water level in the tom river has increased significantly. at least three villages have already been cut off from the regional center, and about seventy houses have been flooded. more than 50 people were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. children are being evacuated near tomsk. from the lyceum and children's sanatorium. earlier , authorities warned that today a sharp rise in water was expected in two villages in the vicinity of tomsk and urged residents not to refuse to evacuate. and now to the situation in the orenburg region, the water level in the ural river is gradually decreasing in orsk, which previously suffered from dam breaks, but at the same time began to increase in orenburg. our special correspondent margarita semenyuk is in direct contact now.
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works in the region. margarita, good morning, how critical is the increase now and what area is already under water in the city? yes, alexandra, greetings, but i want to note that now we are just approaching the very peak of the flood in orenburg, in the orenburg region, measurements are taken every 2 hours, and according to the latest data, the river level in the urals is already reached 10.10 m 69 cm and the water is still rising.
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the water continues to remain; it is predicted that more than 25 residential buildings and the same number of household plots may end up in the flood zone. all emergency services are now working in an enhanced mode , and employees of the ministry of emergency situations are constantly traveling in those areas where the most dangerous zone is. i suggest listening to the commentary of the governor of the orenburg region. we have exceeded all historical figures of all years for... the history of observation is already, it seems to me,
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everyone knows, work in this part continues, it is clear that this volume of water is, i think that for today for these days. will stabilize, from the morning until the next morning, i think that we will reach the peak, well, followed by, of course, being at the peak for some time, well , certainly decreasing, so the situation today will be at the peak, this is my forecast, i i think that i’m unlikely to be mistaken, five temporary accommodation centers have been set up in orenburg, and there are also long-term accommodation centers for... in total , more than 1,200 people were evacuated, almost 300 of them are children, and are now actively struggling with the supply of water to apartment buildings, a water-filling dam has been deployed here, which can reduce the risk of flooding, i suggest you listen to the synchronized speech of the head of orenburg,
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the tense situation in our country is most intense near the apartment buildings of the grand park, equipment was working there all night. now we will transfer water-filling dams there, which were transferred to us from the ministry of emergency situations, they still need to be deployed there, and accordingly, the water has already approached us, but so far there are no critical marks yet, dubki residential complex, that is, there is nothing to worry about, well, everything else is actually up to us have already seen you and you have already been on the water, many of you, in fact, our microdistricts are no longer growing, we will say so, they are growing only in terms of water level, as for the orenburg ... district, seven settlements there are now flooded, more than 2,500 residential areas are under water houses and garden plots, more than one and a half thousand people were evacuated in the orenburg region. alexander, thank you, margarita semenyuk
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spoke about the situation with floods in the orenburg region. but in fact , other regions are also suffering; kamchatka was warned about possible flooding of low areas. a large body of water is moving towards the capital of the region, almost 5.00 people were evacuated, residents joined in the work to strengthen the dam. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 750 people are already participating, and neighboring regions are also helping. so the svertlovsk region sent several hundred tons of soil. in the tyumen region , 10 settlements may fall into the flood zone . according to the ministry of emergency situations, water in the ishima and tabol rivers is still rising. the department's plane delivered water tanks here. yes. to combat flooding, in the center of the european part in russia, in the moscow region, tver and kaluga regions, the flood is subsiding, the situation in some regions of the volga region is stabilizing, in the astrakhan region the flood is expected to begin only next week. the condition
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of journalists from state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk, who were injured during shelling the day before. on the part of the armed forces of ukraine, doctors assess it as satisfactory. operator denis shum should be discharged today after a successful operation; he will continue to recover at home. correspondent artyom yundos, who was shell-shocked, has already been discharged after treatment. let me remind you that the place where the film crew was working was first hit by cannon artillery, then the car in which the journalists were trying to leave was fired upon from a drone. an officer from the press center of the ministry of defense, who accompanied the journalists, died. he's already working on the case. investigative committee. at the vostochny cosmodrome today they are again expecting the launch of a heavy launch vehicle of the angara family. it was rescheduled twice: first due to problems with the automation in the central block of the rocket, and the day before due to a failure of the engine start control system. new
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the start is scheduled for 12:00 moscow time. let me remind you that this will be the first launch of angara a5 from a civilian spaceport. to achieve this , the entire infrastructure in vostochny was modernized. the rocket will carry the arion upper stage with a test payload into orbit. angara should again replace the proton m. the new model is considered environmentally friendly, it does not have toxic fuel components. in addition, unlike its predecessors, it can launch more cargo into orbit. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar is trading around the 93 ruble mark. a euro costs about 100.5 rubles. and... this morning it is trading around the mark of 12 rubles and 95 kopecks. the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading at 10 moscow time was 3.442 points, and the rts index was 1.158 points. and to other topics: the super service
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of enrolling in buz online will become even more convenient for applicants. it is planned to expand its functionality. minister of education and science valery folkov stated this in an interview with my colleague maria kudryavtseva. he also spoke about how construction is progressing university campuses. we very much hope that this will also be the main channel of interaction. last year it proved, well, that it is the most popular way of interaction between school graduates and universities, this year we are finalizing it for targeted training, and we are improving it taking into account the wishes of applicants last year, the wishes of universities last year, by the way, those who graduate today from a number of universities will definitely be able to study on newly built campuses, and this is a feature of twenty fourth year. we first started in the twenty-first year; we will deliver what we conceived and designed several years
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ago. watch the full version of the interview with the minister of science and higher education valery falkov on russia-24 today after 14:00 moscow time. in the meantime, we ’ll stop for a while, then there’s advertising. one for all, all, all for one, there are classics that you like more and more every time, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, which you really want to repeat, the classics are already it’s waiting, it’s delicious, period - you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, just like that, so,
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rights, a fine is expected for violation legislation on defense and mobilization from 17 to 22,000 hryvnia, i explain from the point of view of a lawyer, this is the head of the center’s staff, he didn’t like someone or they just want, well , they can’t take someone’s property within their means, that is, they can impose these fines apply in unlimited quantities. those limited fit for service will be sent again for examination. all those liable for military service must clarify the data in the tsk, they assure that this is just a formality, but in reality... in practice, after such data reconciliations, ukrainians find themselves in trenches, say prisoners of war. lately they have become more active, they are caught literally everywhere, bus stations, subways, bus stations, they would like to catch them and send them, that’s all, he is no longer interested. they want to return the mobilization resource from abroad, they have not
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registered and have not completed the documents at the consulate. they still want to take these passports, they still want not to give them. that is , actually deprive people of citizenship, those who are abroad, so that these people also do not forget about our power. the lawlessness of shopping centers in ukraine has reached such proportions that it is impossible to remain silent i couldn't. ombudsman at the verkhovna rada. lviv region, right? lviv region, the latest example, a famous volunteer who was detained at night. at night, a meeting of the military medical commission was allegedly held right there. in 15 minutes they established that he was absolutely healthy, signed this conclusion and in the morning they took him to the collection point. but those who sign the contract are promised a certificate for the purchase of the vehicle and nothing that it may soon have to be equipped with a manual transmission. at the same time, the bill exempts from mobilization of course, employees of the national police, the prosecutor's office, the executive service of punishments, heads of state authorities and local self-government, some civil servants,
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parliament deputies and up to two of their assistants, fair questions from ordinary ukrainians. i just have one more very big question, but you are sitting there, the most important thing in the bill is that there is no demobilization in the armed forces of ukraine, it will not be possible to leave them, it is expected that the vote in the second reading will happen tomorrow, some people’s deputies would like to see the commander in chief, minister defense and even zelensky, obviously share responsibility for unpopular measures, but the desire of ukrainian deputies is hardly equal... to the desire of the above-mentioned officials. egor grigoriev, alexander parkhunov, lyubov strovoitova, news. hmm, she smiled, so she recognized it. he smiled, which means he was real. they will find out.
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10:22 am
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, they are preparing for the start of navigation on rivers and canals; seven new civilian vessels may be launched on the line this year. in addition, according to on behalf of the president of state transport leasing company, a new program is being prepared. leasing for at least two hundred passenger river vessels. dmitry akimov will talk about the development of the domestic fleet. the ice melted from the neva just a week ago, the ship crews of the northern capital are preparing for the opening of navigation. here, at the srednevsky shipyard , two catamarans of the kotlin project are already rushing to the route. but they promise to launch it from these slipways in the next 3 months. five new civil vessels in order to keep up with orders, the plant opened 300 new jobs, passenger ships are entering production, which means that the shipbuilders
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will have work, just have time to do it, the city of st. petersburg needs a large number of different passenger ships, modern ones, so they are more comfortable, more economical, more navigable, so i think that we will be working on this program for another five years. six at least, maybe more. and this is the situation at shipyards throughout the country. at this shipyard near st. petersburg , two brand new electric vessels are being prepared to be sent to the capital, which named, by the way, in honor of moscow rivers. this is pakhra, this is the heater. this shipyard is unique; electric ships are built here, which are woven into the moscow transport system. now at the electrical shipyard. they are building another batch of water trams, and next to the building there are new models of the electric vessel moscow 2.0. our vessels are operated in
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two more regions besides moscow, this is nizhny novgorod and... accordingly, next year we are definitely going to perm and laying the moscow 2.0 type here, they will presumably be laid down for five regions of our countries. there are so many orders that this company has already begun to expand; its capacity will triple in order to increase the production of electric boats from 14 to 65 per year next year. in fact, now the most significant element that we use is a foreign one - this is a battery, so taking into account the plans of the russian industry to launch new battery factories, we hope that we will also win this story, then we will have almost 100% domestic amount. such vigorous development of the river passenger fleet became possible thanks to the preferential water fleet leasing program launched on behalf of vladimir putin is being implemented by a state-owned transport and leasing company. these are
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investment projects using. funds from the national welfare fund, and a unique product today is just for water, for river passenger ships, the rate is 2.9%, the client rate, well , imagine cheaper, probably only for nothing. under this program, 87 vessels of various classes have been ordered, 14 of them are already ready. the next step, of course, is for permanent routes, the next step for a single ticket, the next step for the base carriers, so that wherever ours is. passenger, he had the opportunity to enjoy transportation on the river according to the highest standards of modern russian ships. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg.
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hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, we continue to monitor the situation with floods in russian regions, the most difficult situation is still in the orenburg region in the area of ​​orenburg itself, there is the water level in the river the ural reached the mark of 10 m 54 cm, the numbers are constantly changing, everyone. in fact , the update has been going on for half an hour, but here is the latest data available at this moment: in total , more than 12,000 residential buildings and over 14,000 household plots remain in the region in the flood zone, while about 7,500 people have already been evacuated, including almost 2,000 children. in one day, 630 residential buildings and 706 private plots in eleven settlements were freed from water. we are waiting for direct communication from representatives of the orenburg government in the near future.


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