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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, we continue to monitor the situation with floods in russian regions, the most difficult situation is still in the orenburg region in the area of ​​orenburg itself, where the water level in the ural river has reached 10 m 54. figures are constantly changing, almost every half hour there is an update, but here is the latest data that is available at this moment: in total , more than 12 thousand residential buildings, over 1,400 household plots remain in the region in the flood zone, while about 7,500 people, including almost 2,000 children. within 24 hours, 630 residential buildings and 706 household plots in eleven settlements were freed from water. we are waiting for direct communication in the near future from representatives of the orenburg government. region, we will discuss how the region
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copes with the natural disaster. in addition, a difficult situation remains in the kurgan and tyumen regions. in the tyumen region, the ministry of emergency situations is expecting a flood wave by the end of the week. water-filling dams were delivered there by the ministry of emergency situations. 4 km of water-filling dams, they brought it there to reduce the consequences of the flood and protect residential buildings. and now we have connections with the first deputy chief . department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the tyumen region vladimir zakutaev. vladimir olegovich, hello, tell us what the current situation is in populated areas. the situation in the tyumen region is not yet entirely favorable. well, according to data as of this morning, the void level in these mountains has not reached. unfortunately, the
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connection quality is not very good, it’s difficult to understand the content of what you are talking about, i will now ask my colleagues, they will call you back, we will try to establish communication so that we have the opportunity to communicate with you and ask questions, and now let’s move to the orenburg region, we have a minister of communications. economic development, investment, tourism external relations of the region, ignat petkhov, ignat evgenievich, hello, they tell me that you just had a meeting with business, yes, if so, tell us what issues were discussed and how seriously business has suffered in result of a natural disaster? yes, but the situation is very tense, really great grief has come both to families and to the city, and in general, probably, this is a grief of such a federal scale, people suffered,
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and accordingly were left without homes, but today we also met with both people and with enterprises, with businesses, they asked what kind of help is needed, because now we are just putting together a package of support so that no one is left alone with this misfortune, that is , our priority task is to take maximum care of both people and entrepreneurs, so show business so that they continue to exist and recover, so today there were many such questions, including a lot of questions to banks, because we see that there is a large, high lending rate. and many businesses that really suffered, well, in fact , were left without property, they are now forced to pay high interest rates to banks, and banks announced credit holidays, but many say that it will be necessary to recover, take out new loans, and 20- 25% is hard, they won’t pull it, so we now we are forming those support measures jointly at the regional level, at the federal level with the ministry of economy, which we can formulate for business, but we already understand that this is for sure, we will allocate large sums, this is in billions of rubles, plus new...
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all payments are suspended regarding loans, well, today, of course, business is partly satisfied, but business colleagues say that more serious help is needed, so we have now agreed to formulate specific proposals at the federal level, we will also send them, and we will send today. tell me, are there any estimates of how much damage has been caused to the economy and what areas of the industry have been mainly affected? and the industries are different, we have , respectively, recently i myself just went out to the flooded part, we looked at these shops, and retail facilities, and
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some textile shops, small-sized enterprises, furniture, respectively factories and production, well, that is, everyone is different, but this is a lot of damage, the costs that... have now been incurred are calculated in billions of rubles, many had new equipment, new, new machines, recently purchased, our task is to help, our task is not to leave them alone with this big problem, and of course to accompany them at every stage, many still have not reached their production facilities, have not visited the inside , have not seen what is happening there, but of course, if the office or production where it was was flooded under the roof, then all the property there will most likely be damaged, but ignat evgenievich, tell me, in the case of residential... buildings, it’s clear, and the ministry of construction has already commented on this situation , what will be compensation if damage is caused there in the event of a complete loss of property, if it is damaged and requires repairs, but what about business, what is the general mechanism for compensation for damage if it has already been proven to have occurred? well, there
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are several blocks at once that we have identified in the package that we are now preparing, this is, first of all, support for restoration, that is, these are various subsidies, grants that we will provide so that... the business can start, of course , we will do this together with the federal ministry economy, because we cannot cope here alone. the second is to support labor relations, that is, we pay funds to all employers who suffered from the flood so that they can pay their employees, that is, if in march they paid their employees 10 million rubles. as a wage fund, we also provide them with these 10 million rubles for april. the third area is everything related to insurance and banks, these are various credit holidays. support at the level of legal assistance, because we see that not everyone insurance companies, well , they responded in a humane way, some are starting to include very bureaucratic procedures, so to speak, but our task is still here, so that we have human assistance, care for everyone, so that business is in no
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case alone one didn’t stay, because well , the grief is really great, okay, well, if the machines you ’re talking about were damaged, can some kind of fund be created from which direct compensation will be given to this lost property or... to the injured property or business, these are the risks you should deal with yourself? and once again, that is , priority as citizens, yes, an enterprise, some kind of basement, was flooded, there was a machine there, it was damaged, will the state compensate for this damage or is it a business risk and, accordingly, he himself must - insure himself there or somehow take it on himself? no, what are you talking about, what are the business risks? this is a federal emergency like never before in the history of the region. this did not happen, we will definitely not leave anyone alone with this problem, we will make every effort for every citizen, person and business, so if in your example about machines, of course, this is the question that we are now talking about, people need first grants for reimbursement, well , what businesses are asking for, second, accordingly, these are preferential loans so that
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they can purchase this new property, provide it, and, moreover, for a long period, well, that is, a long period - it’s 7 dash 10 years, so now we are preparing all this, by this evening we will form it with the business like this . our first aid package, and we’ll continue promptly, as needed, new and new everything is formed. ignat evgenevich, as for the housing stock, is there a commission working now that assesses the damage? are you also part of it as a representative of the ministry of economic development? no, my colleagues and i are now divided, that is , today i have all my work, it is connected with citizens, with people, with business, who are with employees who work at enterprises, our commission is included, accordingly the ministry of construction is working today, today we have. big question too related to the activities of the mfc, we switched the mfc to work seven days a week, we have specialists from all over the region helping orsk, so that we have, well, a large number of people, especially the elderly, they do not use government services, but electronic gadgets, they come in the mfc, so
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here we also provide great support, literally in 2 days we opened the number of windows, we doubled the number of windows, and now today we are launching another mfc, so that it would be more comfortable for people from different regions to apply for... tell me, huh? what help myself business providing assistance to flood victims? yes, here i really want to say that the business of orenburg is probably right, the business of russia has united around this common misfortune that happened, charitable foundations have been created, they are transferring humanitarian aid, but it really comes, so here i wanted to say such a big thank you to the business that helps in this difficult time, and moreover, we agreed with our employers in orsk that we must have a responsible person for each employee... person behind the employee who was injured, and the head of the enterprise personally controls whether he received payments or not, and we check this data daily so that god forbid not a single person is left without a blow who suffered, so we have a control system with employers we did it, the business launched
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a special campaign, the business helps, helps with humanitarian aid, helps with transfers, helps evacuate people, when there was such a critical situation, so this misfortune paid decent people. are there medium-sized businesses or large enterprises in the region that were seriously damaged by the flood? but today we have
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an unfavorable situation in orsk, and it is also developing in orenburg, we don’t see large enterprises in orenburg yet, but we predict that it shouldn’t be, if we see risks, then of course we will have enterprises too evacuate and transfer all measures to take, in orsk, accordingly , we see that now we have a number of enterprises, well, it would probably be correct to say, medium-sized, which are in the zone flooding. turned out to be, well, everything was the same there , so there were no casualties, the damage , of course, we will understand a little later, is there, but it is isolated there, well, from the point of view of the business, which is the largest, there is no such scale, that is, they work , continue to work and continue to produce their products, as for image losses, are there at least some preliminary estimates and maybe from you personally, to what extent investors after such a large-scale natural disaster will actively enter into... do you think not is there any concern that this could happen again? well, first of all, we are now
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thinking about creating, well, restoring , in fact, comfortable living conditions for people in orsk, so that they can work comfortably and live comfortably, and here, of course, we are talking about employers, that is, in no case it is impossible to create conditions for reducing wages, for some kind of forced vacations, and so on, so employers must pay so that people have a place to work, the second thing is, of course, comfortable living conditions. these are restored roads, tram tracks, squares, parks, all this is our priority, right now our colleagues from the ministry of construction are working on the first assessment of the damage, and then they will work to compensate for these costs, well, to create normal conditions for life here after such a disaster in the city. tell me, the housing and communal services system, on which small and medium-sized businesses, i think, are also very tightly tied, how much damage do you estimate, how long will it take to install it? well now we're... bye i’m not ready to say a figure, my colleagues are now calculating the damage that exists in lifting pumping stations, in transportation,
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respectively, of gas systems between interregional gas, so now we will calculate, that is, a figure, most likely in the next month it will be announced in advance, well, even preliminarily next week, and more precisely in the next month, in the field of fiber optic telecommunications there are already some preliminary estimates or at least ideas about how large-scale the destruction will be. serious efforts to restore everything, and are there any problems at all in this area, and we are working very closely with the federal ministry of digital development, the ministry of digital development, we deployed it as part of the federal emergency, all base stations work for all operators, in order to prevent the loss of cellular communications, we quickly lay optical fiber, twisted pairs, too, in our temporary accommodation centers, that is , on the contrary, businesses, especially those that deal directly with the internet and those. broadcasting, he also meets halfway and deploys both wi-fi and the internet, that is, we are working on all this,
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so now in global, that is, the situation is tense, every hour, probably, some things are happening there, new challenges that we have to cope with, but for now , thank god, we’re working through everything, and uh ignat evgenevich, one more question, if i may, what do you think, is business generally ready and uh will invest money in construction, including protective infrastructure. how attractive is this area for business? should it be somehow monetized or should all these efforts fall on the shoulders of the state? listen, i’m not ready to say now, we need to deal with this misfortune and grief, and then talk about some things about the future, but there has never been such a flood in the history of orenburg. yes, ignat evgenevich, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the questions in detail live, i will remind you that the connection with the studio was the minister of economic development, investment, tourism, external relations of the orenburg region, and the head of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for i managed to establish contact with the first deputy
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of the tyumen region, they tell me that the region is vladimir zakutaev. vladimir olegovich, yes, hello, once again, tell us what the situation is at this time. yuri, good afternoon, currently in the tyumen region there is constant monitoring and analysis of the hydrological situation in the rekamen region. the moment of dangerous adversity has not reached the level, but since monday we have already been living in an emergency, preparing for the worst-case scenario for the development of the situation, but nevertheless, we have already begun to carry out preventive measures, build up dams, deliver sand, crushed stone, and also today, as you correctly noted at the beginning, 4 km of water-filling houses arrived on board the russian ministry of emergency situations to strengthen the tyumen-omsk federal highway, which in the near future we will already set the time. tell me, do you think evacuation will be necessary, and if it
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is required, how large will it be? yuri, whether it will be necessary or not, time will tell, of course, but we are ready for anything, we already have all temporary accommodation centers have been deployed where medical care, food, and a room for the mother of the child are provided, for personal belongings, cars, animals, accommodation places have been prepared for citizens who have already been notified, sms messages are being sent, a hotline number 122 has been opened, where you can call, ask any question and get feedback.
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advice to those who may find themselves in a flood zone, what do you recommend doing, and what should you absolutely not do? you know, well, the very first thing here is what they talk about local authorities, for timely evacuation to temporary accommodation centers, there is no other option here, it will be warm, satisfying, and people will not be destitute, they will not be, as in the example of cities where, unfortunately , disaster has already occurred, they cannot hold out for 2-3 days somewhere - on the roof, but there is no light there, it ’s cold there, food is brought there, food is brought in, in temporary accommodation places everything necessary for human life support will be presented. yes, and one more question, vladimirevich, how effectively is communication with the population and notification organized now? population, can you be sure that people receive information on time? yuri, communication with
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the population has been established, starting from i don’t know telegram. canals and signs near stores, that there will be an upcoming evacuation, that a flood is approaching, to evacuation warning systems, the one that at a certain point in time will simply be given and people will hear a siren signal from all devices, some you are now taking additional measures to stabilize the situation and minimize the damage, so you said: about water-filling dams, about the fact that the group has been strengthened, maybe something else? you know, literally today, on behalf of the minister of the ministry of emergency situations of russia , a request was sent to the central office for the allocation of additional federal forces from the reserve of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, so we will probably wait until the peak of the flood, we will be ready for our colleagues
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to also support us from other cities, where, fortunately, the most favorable situation has now developed, therefore. let's hope for their help, well, we ourselves have already switched to emergency situations, with if necessary, we will work every other day or change the hours, and as for the peak of the skid, there is information that it is expected by the end of the week, what is the forecast from the ministry of emergency situations? and according to the forecast of roshydromet, on the 14th-15th we will already reach high levels; by the twentieth , unfavorable temperatures are expected. water level by twenty -third to twenty-fifth, according to roshydromet's forecast, we assume that water levels may be higher than historical maximums, that is, all events will develop over the next week, and it may even be more, a week or two, i think yes , yes, thank you for your comments, vladimir olegovich, i wish you success, i will remind you that
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the connection was the first deputy head of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the tyumen region, vladimir zakutaev, it was. programs of the fifth studio, we are closely monitoring incoming information, including on our information broadcast, we will return to this topic.
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during the counter-terrorist operation in kabardi. two militants were killed in balkaria, according to the national anti-terrorism committee, they planned terrorist attacks and sabotage. automatic weapons and ammunition were found at the scene. earlier it was reported that the bandits were blocked in the suburbs of nalchik. they were asked to lay down their arms and surrender, but the criminals opened fire in response. the information center of the national anti-terrorism committee reports that as a result of a counter-terrorism operation in the suburbs of nalchik
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, two bandits were neutralized in connection with the establishment of the location of armed persons involved in terrorist activities. according to available data, members of the bank group, who were part of an international terrorist organization, who were killed during a quick firefight, were planning to commit a number of sabotage and terrorist acts in the territory of the ruble to support those affected by the flood and eliminate the consequences of the emergency. also, companies in the orenburg region are providing equipment for evacuating people and collecting
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humanitarian aid for them. alexandra nazarova has all the details. russian business is actively helping flood victims. in federation of trade unions of the orenburg region noted that large enterprises were involved in this work. in particular, they keep salaries in the flood zone in full and amount to: lists to provide assistance not only to employees, but to their relatives, one example of russian railways: the flood zone currently includes 2,397 railway workers and members of their families, all of them will be provided with financial assistance from the russian railways company and the trade union organization. employees and non-working pensioners of the industry have already begun to receive priority payments assistance, in the future, after determining the damage , additional financial support will be provided. retail chains ensure that the region is provided with food and, if necessary, increase supplies; for example, x5 group has increased the shipment of drinking water to local stores several times.
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federal retail chains very quickly realized the need to reconsider their logistics routes and the workload of stores in the city of orsk. the biggest need that has arisen in orsk is, of course, distilled water, today 400... are arriving in the city of orsk, now 800 tons of retail chains are different, these are magnets, pyaterochka, and tape will begin to supply to the city of orenburg, taking into account the population of one second city, financial organizations are not only introducing credit holidays and restructuring loans, but alphagroup, by decision of shareholders, will allocate billion rubles to help those affected by floods in the orenburg region. azber promised to provide comprehensive support and opened it. collection points in the region for those who find themselves in difficult situations. the head of ural steel denis safin transferred 100 million rubles of own funds to a charitable foundation for promoting the development
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of novotroidsk, including for the restoration of the infrastructure of orsk and novotroidsk. volunteers from the plant actively participate in rescue volunteer groups, and they also organized the delivery of food and necessary items to temporary accommodation centers. the perinatal center of orsk also received humanitarian assistance. the plant helps in every way it can, the plant allocates equipment, we fill up the dams, we have been allocated a dozen units of equipment, we purchase and supply it to the city of orsk humanitarian products, pumps, pumps, beds, food, essential products , everything that people may need, industrial enterprises help with the evacuation of local residents and liquidation of the consequences of floods, for this they use, among other things... transport and special equipment of the gazprom neft orenburg company . and the rusol company, by decision of the shareholders , allocated 100 million rubles to eliminate the consequences of the flood.
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the director of the company, sergei, allocated the same amount. the regional operator priroda will carry out the necessary purchases and work as soon as territories will be cleared of water, funds will immediately be allocated to purchase special equipment and gather people in order to eliminate the consequences of the flood, remove all construction materials, all buried garbage, because it is necessary to prevent the next disaster, so to speak, fires, 200 million rubles are primarily aimed at eliminating the consequences of floods in the orenburg region, rubles. today are aimed at purchasing humanitarian aid, these are primarily heat guns, pumps, and generators in order to send them to the city of orzk. in turn, the avita service launched a quick search for help for flood victims in the orenburg region, from free things to temporary housing. all advertisements can be found using the hashtag “i’m helping.” on the very first day, offers from 600 people appeared on the site, and in a few days
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thousands will already be confident in the service. the ad is quickly available to all victims, we as a platform compensate all promotion costs for placing these ads, they automatically fall into a special section, and any you can additionally write a request to the avitor mailbox, and we will help with accommodation and any other questions, and we see that users responded very well to this, as experts say, what is most needed now is the resettlement of victims... foster care of pets, drinking water and basic necessities.
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not just higher education, universities are starting to work in conjunction with business, what unique gadgets have already appeared thanks to such partnerships, the program has a solution with maria kudryavtseva. in kabarda in balkaria two militants who were planning sabotage were killed. and terrorist attacks. earlier , a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced in the suburbs of nalchik. the criminals were blocked and asked to lay down their arms and surrender, but in response they opened fire and were eliminated. according to the national anti-terrorism committee, no one among the villagers or local residents was injured during the operation. participated in the counter-terrorism operation.


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