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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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it can no longer be returned to the ground, so on the ground there will be a flight control center, or designers or managers, who will solve problems if they arise, if they do not arise, then quickly enough again, but usually uh satellites, for example, which are put into orbit , usually they are tested for about six months and after that, after that they are only connected to operation, yeah. it ’s now exactly 12:00 pm moscow time, there may be a few seconds of delay, let’s see what’s happening at the eastern cosmodrome before launch, so the engines turned on, everything is fine, the carrier engine is starting, contact has passed.
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rocket launched 10 seconds normal flight 20 seconds pressure in the combustion chambers of the engines is normal 30 seconds stabilization of the launch vehicle is stable. seconds the flight proceeds according to driver program 695 to exit five 50 seconds the launch vehicle engines are running steadily, the central block engine is switched to thrust throttling mode.
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70 seconds, all launch vehicle systems are operating steadily, after 213 seconds the first stage will separate, this cloud is passes through certain layers of the atmosphere, humidity turns into steam, so it is visible, this is normal too, this cloud is the passage of certain features of the atmosphere, no, but it seems so, because for the first second it... flies vertically upward, and then turns gradually begins to move sideways along the earth in order to accelerate to enter orbit around the earth, so the effect is that it seems to be already falling or decreasing, in fact it is flying normally and is simply moving away from us, yeah, 120 seconds, the control system is working normal, 120 seconds, that is, there are still about 100 seconds left before the separation of the first stages, maybe we even have them... 140 seconds,
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the design parameters of the launch vehicle are normal, the rocket is aimed now it’s coming out for the winter for 150 seconds, but in the direction almost exactly to the east flies.
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yesterday it was almost at the moment of ignition, that is, something was wrong, the sensors showed something abnormal in the ignition system, that is , seconds before the start, now the start almost happened as expected, that is, everything is fine, and now, judging by by broadcast, which we hear that the flight is normal, this means that telemetry is going normally, and visual telemetry shows that everything is fine there,
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the first stage, unfortunately, we do not yet have a video signal from roscosmos at the moment, and so i am now monitoring the message about department there is also no data, but most likely this is also a slight delay in the arrival of information, no, well, they apparently just stopped the broadcast at this stage, that is, this also happens here, it was just necessary to find out in the broadcast plans. earlier, what they will show for how long, but now i would draw attention to the fact that these steps fall not just anywhere, but these are specially designated areas in sparsely populated areas, in this case the first steps generally fall simply into the taiga, and there are
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locators that determine the places where they fell; in the next few days , helicopters will be sent there; they will be evacuated, that is, it is happening now. complete clearing of falling parts from those, those places, the second stage should separate in just a few seconds, yeah, the second stage should separate, in six and a penny minutes the second stage should separate, the second stage is already falling in the area of ​​​​the shore of the tatar strait or even. into the tatar strait into the water, there is also a locator on the shore, which also detects, and will also be found very quickly, and the third stage is already falling into the sea of ​​okhod further there, only 12-12 minutes pass from launch to launch into orbit, 12 yes
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and 4, 12.4, based on the results, that is, after 12 minutes we can talk about the success of the launch, right? yes, of course not, well successful launch, here the situation is like this, now the launchers are celebrating the successful launch, these are the zincs who launched the rocket, then after 12 minutes the rocketeers who divided the rocket will celebrate, then after the completion of the tests those who made the upper stage will celebrate the successful launch, that is here igor adolfovich, well, for now i can congratulate you on the launch, it turns out that it’s stratospheric. yes, yes, and it tells me that we have a connection with our correspondent who works at the vostochny cosmotrome, where we have evgeniy nipot in amurskaya areas. evgeniy, hello, can you hear us? yes, i welcome you, i welcome you, our esteemed guest, expert, i want
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to tell you about this, i witnessed the start of unions from baikanur, from the east, and now i felt it for the first time. rock from the cosmodrome, this is without exaggeration, when the angara launch vehicle again of a heavy class took off for the first time from the east, there was literally a calm, such a moment, a flash, it had already taken off from the ground, it was already going up , now it covered with this wave, it was really a very strong sensation , really it is long-awaited launch, let me remind you that there were two postponements, but as experts and representatives of roscosmos say, this is really a normal process, since we are talking about... testing, angara a5, i remind you, i repeat, this is a heavy-class rocket launcher, it’s like as the name suggests, this is a space heavy-duty vehicle that is designed to launch various vehicles into orbit,
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including manned ones, but why? because angara a5 runs on environmentally friendly fuel, oxygen steam, kerosene, that's what 's interesting, it should come... ahead separation, so now, excuse me, yes, the separation of the first stage has already been reported, and also 12.5 minutes after the completion of the three stages, the arion upper stage with a test payload on board should begin operation, this is for acceleration. block is also the debut launch and what’s interesting is that a lot of guests came here and not only from neighboring regions, from other regions, for example from st. petersburg, moscow, from vladivostok, there are also many local residents who came from
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blagoveshchensk to see this launch, here for residents of the city of svobodny, for some this is even the seventeenth rocket launch, but still returning to the angara. this is indeed a very important stage for the entire russian cosmonautics, since i repeat, the angara family of these rockets will again have to become such workhorses, they will have to... will perform a lot of tasks, that’s what’s interesting, the angara family of rockets, angara - they include light rockets angara 1.2, they have a payload capacity of approximately 3.5 tons, here is the angara a5, it has a payload capacity of more than 24.5 tons, and this is 2 tons more than the m protons that are currently in use, their use is actually coming to an end, and of course, work is now underway to create a hydrogen version. hangars and there the carrying capacity can exceed 37.5 tons, all this will
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happen, all these launches will take place from the vostochny cosmodrome, along with this launch, ice begins for the design tests of the amur rocket complex, and it is specifically designed for launches of rockets, carriers heavy class, such as angara again, well, returning to history, what can we say, rockets of the family. the hangars were launched six times, this is already the seventh launch, before this launch they launched from the plesets cosmodrome, that is, from the military cosmodrome, now we are talking about launching from the civilian cosmodrome of the vostochny cosmodrome. colleagues, we are now asking for a comment from representatives of roscosmos, we are eagerly waiting for 12 and a half minutes to find out how they will work out. stages and how the arion upper stage will behave with the test payload. daria, i
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i give you the floor. evgeny, thank you, congratulations to everyone on the successful launch , our special correspondent evgeny nipot was in direct communication directly from the vostochny cosmodrome. and right now a message comes that the angara a5 launch vehicle launched the arion upper stage with a payload into orbit after launch from the vostochnaya cosmodrome. this was announced at the time. roscosmos broadcasts. well, further on the air of the program there is a solution with maria and kudryavtseva: russian universities cease to be just personnel forges and begin to work in conjunction with business. how do market requests turn into finished innovative products, what unique gadgets and medical technologies have already appeared thanks to such partnerships, and how does government support help make scientific breakthroughs? watch it now.
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what associations do you have with the word science? it’s not just experiments in laboratories or publications in journals; business has a request for new personnel and breakthrough developments, and those companies that are already working in tandem with universities will be able to receive it faster. result, and therefore ensure technological sovereignty, and what solutions already exist to strengthen this partnership, this is precisely the advanced engineering school to take students who will study technologies and solutions with us, that is, the technology of the day after tomorrow , if we are to build a campus, then according to the best canons that exist in the world. any scientific development requires speedy implementation in hardware, and if
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there is something else right next to the laboratory where you can saw and build something, that’s great. the company not only participates in federal program, the construction of university campuses, but they themselves finance the construction of advanced educational and research infrastructure, a good example of a partnership between the state and business in human resource development. national potential of the country. the legendary baumanka is the future square of the central cluster. very soon all these buildings will be united by a transparent dome. initially, it was decided to build 25 world-class campuses across the country by 2030. later president vladimir putin program expanded. we are talking about creating 15 more campuses by 2036.
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over the summer, my students and i laid all this cotton wool in several layers in order to gradually reduce the background noise here. this is also a laboratory of the bauman university, only in mytishchi, where they conduct acoustic tests and even create a domestic subwoofer. businesses are already waiting for the development, but working on the new campus will be much more comfortable. these chambers must be built on a separate vibration-isolated foundation. the new campus was specially built these two cameras. music was listened to on loudphones
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at the beginning of the 20th century, and you could put your favorite record on the potyphon. in the thirties and forties, we turn the handle to compress the spring and install the needle. and this is the same song, only we listen to it on modern membrane speakers. they were developed by yuri metyunin’s company. he has been playing guitar since he was 14 years old. now in two groups. the secret of the innovative speaker is a membrane made of composites. situation center, and there they suffered for 10 or 11 years with classic speakers, could not do anything, with the head project, we climbed up to the technical floor, what we saw there, about a thousand mattresses, this is how in the village the roach is dried in the attic, in order to somehow improve the acoustic conditions, we hung everything with our speakers,
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they don’t have such a problem, among customers and this is the home of vintage music, a true paradise for music lovers. there is equipment here that could be seen on the beatles' hit recordings or thomas edison's first phonograph. is this what they sing? well, it took you and me a few seconds to understand that we were nothing. not understood. christina and her husband have been collecting this collection for more than 20 years; she says that perhaps music would be listened to on such devices if it were not for the partnership between inventors and business. thanks to him. now at concerts here the acoustics of yuri metyunin are heard, but at the same time you are on the minus first floor, the ground floor, that is, here it is just an ordinary house, the neighbors do not complain that we make noise late, because these are the kind of speakers that do not create this effect when everything shakes inside you, when you get drunk hoots from ears to toes. yuri mityunin
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works in partnership with the laboratory in baumanka and is also waiting for their move to the new campus. requests began for the development of software for acoustic devices. measurements, they are now waiting for the subwoofer to be released in cinemas with domestic sound equipment. our task is to set new standards for cinema sounds. are the cinemas ready? we are talking about testing with another network, but while we are testing, we will be finishing up our domestic processing. as a rule, universities design campuses from the very beginning under ourselves, that is, not by transformation, not by bunion, it is very difficult to look ahead, far beyond the horizon, but the campus. we need to adjust to what will happen in 10-15 years, we are doing a lot of work to ensure that universities change in ideas, and not just in architecture, so that they say what kind of research they need, sometimes universities live their own lives, but there is no customer for this research, the functionality of universities is expanding, of course, until recently i often
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heard what a university is, well, it’s like finishing, there must be a sufficient number of qualified graduates. today , the idea of ​​a university is radically changing; in order to ensure technological sovereignty, one must engage in science and be able to work with technology. the downside to campuses is the 20-30 priority. the walls change here, the presentation and the spirit of the university change there. just recently we were here in baumanka, and there were still empty classrooms, now laboratory work. the student should be comfortable, he should, for example, live in hostel.
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since the start of the priority 2030 program, which is being implemented under the national project science and universities, the number of university grants has been growing, starting from 15 billion rubles, last year there were almost 34. even more interesting is how much funding for the program was managed to attract from extra-budgetary sources from business. in the twenty-first there were more than 28.5 billion. a year later , the figure increased significantly, in the twenty- third it became more, almost doubling the agreement. developments with universities also increased by 36%. the astronaut holds replaceable cartridges with material in his hands. for the bioprinter, this is a joint development of the russian one. companies with partners and scientists from the university of mrs. the device has been around for several years since the thyroid
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gland of a mouse and human cartilage tissue were printed on the international space station in zero-gravity conditions. imagine, when we make a snowball, we make it from different sides at the same time, but we don’t make it in layers. in microgravity conditions , the so-called memory effect begins to work in cells, that is, they themselves are already distributed. they themselves are in conditions in microgravity, cells begin to distribute themselves. yousaf khiswani, co-founder of the company. which was the first in the world to print organs in space, yusaf opened his first laboratory in his third year of medical school, in 2013 they began to create bioprinters, these robotic hands can create soft tissue right in the operating room, the patient has some kind of injury, and you print directly on the body or inside the body of a person, during an operation, there is always little space in the operating room, we do not always have a defect in the horizontal area surfaces, these could be... some angles, this is curvature, the printer must be able to print at different angles. another technology also allowed russia to become the first in the world. here is a fusion of two programs: advanced engineering
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schools and priority 2030. we managed to attract talented students to the work, buy materials, equipment and create a consortium of scientists, doctors and manufacturers. we came up with some kind of development, there is a bone implant, cool, we came to biologists, look, we made it, like that, cool, how is it?
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we did it based on the needs of the economy. of course, we did not do it for the sake of universities, one might assume that i am preparing to shoot a blockbuster, but in fact we are in the motion capture laboratory of a russian technological university. all my actions are automatically repeated by an animated character, in this case a student’s digital assistant, that is
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, you have your own portal of state services, so to speak, not state services, but let’s call it universal services, we really have created our own multifunctional center, how it works, there is an educational department, you can probably come here for certificates, by the way, we are not depriving anyone of the opportunity to come and chat in person, but imagine, literally four years ago, there could have been a line from this door to the stairs and beyond, at this dozens of services have been digitized on the portal, the online schedule is compiled by artificial intelligence, it specialists are trained here to work with russian programs, the university is a participant in priority 2030 and received software at a 50% discount, together with businesses they opened a personnel training program, this one they call it a laboratory. students, why? here students can play around in a good way with those solutions, with the code that is embedded in software products, what does this give? our employment rate exceeds 95% for
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the university as a whole, the most important thing is how many people go to work in their specialty, this figure is really growing for us. will you feel the difference? you will feel that there is no difference at all, we have a joke if accountant maria vanny places a label in the same upper right corner, then for some... time she may not even notice that she is working in a new operating system, because all the buttons are in the same places. roman borisov works for a company that develops domestic software. our partners include more than 400 universities and a whole list of companies that need personnel with the skills to work on domestic software. we are raising a generation that has been using new products since school; everyone understands that the only right decision now is to spend money on russian solutions. here it's a symbiosis we... invest money, clearly understanding that we will receive profit in the future. the university gets itself the newest developments, it teaches its students the most relevant product at the moment, yes, if we
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say that western vendors have left. well, it makes sense to teach them about products, bauman university is just one example, seven more world-class campuses are already being built from kaliningrad to yuzhno-sakhalinsk, which means business will have access to the latest developments, science will have access to customers of specific solutions, and here the priority 2030 program will help , now in there are 143 universities on the list, more than 100 in the regions. for those who did not have time to watch all the episodes of the program, there are solutions, they are collected on the website. look on our social networks to see how to find it, the easiest way is to follow the qr code.
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in st. petersburg they are preparing for the start of navigation along rivers and canals. this year, seven new civilian ships may be launched on the line. in addition, on behalf of the president of state transport leasing company , they are preparing a new preferential leasing program for at least two hundred passenger river vessels. will talk about the development of the domestic fleet dmitry akimov. the ice melted off the neva just a week ago, and the ships of the northern capital are preparing for the opening of navigation. here at the srednevsky shipyard , two catamarans of the kotlin project are already eager to get on the route, and from these slipways they promise to launch five new civil vessels in the next 3 months. in order to keep up with orders, the plant opened 300
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new passenger jobs. they go there in series, which means that the shipbuilders will have work, just have time to do it, the city of st. petersburg needs a lot the number of different passenger ships, modern ones, they are more comfortable, more economical, more seaworthy, so i believe that we will be working on this program for another five to six years, at least, or even more, and this is the situation at shipyards throughout the country, at this shipyard near st. petersburg they are preparing to be sent to the capital. two brand new electric ships, which, by the way, are named after moscow rivers, this is pakhra, this is kamenka, this shipyard is unique, electric ships are built here, which are woven into the transport system of moscow. now on the electric shipyard is building another batch of water trams, and next to the building there are new models of electric sleepers moscow.


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