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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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this is the russia 24 tv channel, right now the main facts of this. how is the fight against floods going in russian regions? in orenburg, water has reached high-rise buildings, are the rescuers coping? in neighboring orsk the situation is stabilizing, damage calculations have begun, serious problems will arise in the kurgan region when the peak of the flood is passed.
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the angara 5, a5 heavy rocket launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. what does this mean for the development of our space? this launch is a real gift for cosmonautics day. and now they are already talking about launching from the east manned ships. when will this be possible? the fsb and the russian ministry of defense stopped the landing of saboteurs of the armed forces of ukraine on the tendra spit of the kherson region. we will tell you about the joint operation of the military security services, as well as about the plan of the militants of the kiev regime, which was not destined to happen. come true. the verkhovna rada of ukraine approved a law tightening mobilization. it provides for criminal liability for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office when summoned. and this is just one detail. zelensky promised to announce demobilization along with these amendments, but about that not a word. when will the new law come into force? the countdown has started for ukrainians. the israeli air force attacked rafah. the development
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of which could be an attack by iran on israel, the western media writes that this issue has been resolved, how will the situation develop? vladimir putin will today hold a video meeting on floods in the orenburg, tyumen and kurgan regions, dmitry peskov announced. the president's press secretary also noted that putin is a significant part of the work.
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infrastructure, also in the kurgan and tyumen regions, taking into account the emerging today's situation. the most important thing is to restore housing and urban safety for our citizens, providing them with everything they need, and here, of course, it is very important to organize work to restore reliable energy supplies and resume transport links as soon as possible. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility of compensating for losses incurred by enterprises. in flooded areas.
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the flood affected about 40 russian regions. over the past 24 hours , the water level in the tom river has increased significantly. from the regional center at least three villages in tomsk have already been cut off, and about 70 houses have been flooded. a state of emergency has been introduced in the city of abaza in the south of khakassia. due to the ice jam on the yenisei, flooding of summer cottages began there. rescuers in kamchatka warned of possible flooding of low areas. there is a large body of water in the kurgan region. is moving towards the capital of the region, almost 5,000 people have been evacuated, local residents have joined the work to strengthen the dam, in the tyumen region the water level in the ishim and tabol rivers continues to rise, nine have been sunk low water bridges. in orenburg , the level of the ural river continues to rise, already about 11 m. the most tense situation is developing near the grantpark apartment buildings. the equipment worked there all night. also the water came close to the cube. the peak of the spring flood in
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orenburg will pass today, then the water of the ural river will flow in the direction of the village of ilek, the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler, announced this, and is now coming to us. the evacuation is in full swing, all the emergency situations ministry employees are on duty, rescuers also come from other regions to provide assistance, volunteers are working, evacuation is in full swing, because the water is actually rising and has almost reached the level of 11 m.
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new microdistricts, new flooded microdistricts have not been added yet, but in those snts where there is now water, it is increasing in level. i now propose to listen to the comment of a resident who... today we evacuated together with the ministry of emergency situations. our water arrived within a day. she started coming yesterday morning at 7 am, but it was quite dry. in the evening the house was not flooded, but today at approximately 6 am water began to flow into the house. i i am grateful to the guys, because our situation is very difficult, my mother is 97 years old, she practically does not move, they are wonderful. thank you very much, the owners are returning for their pets together with the rescuers of the volzhsky rescue center; today in this snt a real rescue operation was launched to evacuate several
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pets. the difficulty was that the water on the street was over 2 m, and in order to get into the house, rescuers had to go through... the building through the attic, open the attic together with the owner, go down into the room, into the water and to get animals out of there, three dogs , one cat were saved, all were safely delivered to land and i suggest you listen to the commentary, today i finally managed to save my little animals, thanks to the kind people, the emergency workers, thank you very much for this, the dogs are all alive, everything is fine, they work in orenburg and head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov, together with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler, they are in the central region of the city, where
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water-filling dams were deployed, near high-rise buildings, there now the water is rising, the dams are being strengthened in order to... minimize the consequences of the flood, i note that about 500 people now live in this microdistrict, and today the minister of construction of the russian federation irek fayzulin also arrived in the city on a visit, they also inspected the consequences of the flood and talked with local residents and i suggest listening to his commentary, what kind of rodents are there, rodents, generally speaking it’s funny, these are generally technical procedures that... were already prescribed there hundreds of years ago, we know how to count, we know how to design dams, so that means protective dams, so let’s figure it out, i’ll note that today in orenburg 3,968
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household plots and 2,326 households are flooded, over the past 24 hours this year 1,500 households have been added to this number i... now i propose to listen to the governor’s comment orenburg region, we have exceeded all historical figures for all years in the entire history of observation, it seems to me that everyone already knows, work in this part continues, it is clear that this volume of water, i think, will stabilize over the course of today, with morning until the next morning, i think that we are... at the peak, well, followed by, of course, being at the peak for some time, well , certainly decreasing, so the situation today will be at the peak, this is my forecast, i think , that i’m unlikely to be mistaken,
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i’ll also note that we personally go around all the dangerous areas of snt, residential areas where water flows, and we can say with confidence that emergencies ministry employees are working everywhere. margarita semenyuk works with us in orenburg and monitors all the information that flows there. but we will try too accumulate all the latest data that relate specifically to this region. in general , 12,000 houses and about 15,00 plots remain flooded in the orenburg region. for the third time, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to the region. and two l76 military transport aircraft of the ministry of defense delivered over 90 tons of humanitarian cargo to the orenburg region to help flood-affected residents. after the flood and orsk, the dam that protected the city from the ural river broke on
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april 5, flooding more than 5,500 houses with personal plots, what is the current situation in orsk, we find out from our colleague stanislav bernwald, he gets in direct contact with the facts, stanislav, hello, yes, stanislav, welcome, that’s what concerns the dam, just a few minutes ago information appeared on the agencies that that the main place of the dam break in orsk, because of which began... all the events that began to flood the city, they were filled up in this place, but tell us about what you observe, what is the current situation in this city and, to what extent we've heard already they began to calculate the damage that was caused by these floods, well, look, they are actually trying to fill up the dam now, they are filling it up, making it a higher level, for now this is a temporary structure, let me remind you that a decision was made to build a new one. slowly but surely, as they say,
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it is already directly noticeable, we went out on the boats today, indeed, those places where the oar did not reach the bottom before are already reaching, well, that is , just 40 centimeters, experts say, for it is worth saying that the water the water has gone to orsky over the past 24 hours, but to talk about a complete exodus of water from orsk in the next one and a half to two weeks is impossible, well... the fact is that the water surface is very large , there are still areas where the water has nowhere to go, so now experts are thinking about how to divert it, they will break through some special channels, but in general there is a lot of work there, meanwhile people, ordinary citizens, come to the headquarters tents of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, and there they are actually emercom employees on boats, and people ask to take them home in order to to take. some things, some documents, who stayed at home, and just check
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apartments, houses, because after all , there are looters, they meet, but it’s worth saying that the police, and the national guard itself, are working very actively, catching these bad people, let’s say, and against them, of course criminal cases are being initiated; today we received emergency services on one of the flights. so the man asked to take him home, he lives on the fifth floor, that’s how he got to his home, of course, we returned now, well, i’m just checking the apartment, what’s going on there, christmas trees and sticks, there was a full refrigerator left, everything was probably gone there, here’s my leg, thanks to the rescuers, they rolled up to the house in the apartment.
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to go around, god forbid, the screw doesn’t damage anything, and the power engineers are starting to restore their infrastructure, today we were also at the novgorodskaya substation, it was flooded, it supplies 20% of the city center, approximately 10 percent, if we take the entire city , at the moment, 1000 subscribers are powered using a backup circuit. there really were a lot of losses, the water was about one and a half meters deep
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minimum, respectively, the equipment that was flooded is almost completely replaced, the power engineers are trying to dry something out, but basically this is still a maximum replacement, specialists, russian grid specialists are restoring, now substations, let's listen to how... and what they are doing we began restoration of emergency repair work. on april 9 , 114 people, 23 units of special equipment were involved in our facility, the equipment was cleaned of silt and dirt. we continue to monitor the situation here in the city of orski, all the latest news on our air, of course, colleagues, i give you the floor. stas,
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thank you, together with you we are following what is happening in orsk. stanislav bernwald was in direct communication from the city, which was just recently. well, almost completely under water. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing? everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip. what's more, today at noon the heavy-class carrier rocket angara a5, for the first time launched from the vostochny cosmodrome, it launched the oreon upper stage with a test payload into orbit. later,
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oregon launched the gagarinets small satellite into oreon. the last launch was the first launch of a rocket. the angara family from vostochny, as well as the sixth russian space launch since the beginning of the year, the second launch of the year from this cosmodrome, as the head of roscosmos noted, the enterprises of the state corporation still have a lot of work to do to ensure the reliability of the heavy launch vehicle, so in 4 years the launch from vostochny should take place the launch of a manned spacecraft using the same launch vehicle of the angara family. in addition, as the state corporation said , flight design tests of the space rocket will begin from the launch of hangar a5.
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have started ice construction tests, which are designed to identify all the shortcomings, all the nuances to ensure reliability in the future during serial launches of the angara, this is only the fourth launch of the heavy angara in 10 years, the rocket has not yet reached the required level of readiness, this a natural process, this is a new... this is a completely new start, an automatic start. for the angara a5 heavy rocket, this launch was the fourth in history. the previous ones were carried out from the polesetsk cosmodrome. the first took place on december 23, 2014. the main developer and manufacturer of angara family rockets is the
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khrunichev state space research and production center. well, a little about the characteristics. angara a5 is a three-stage heavy-class launch vehicle. capable of launching 24 tons of cargo into orbit, as roscosmos reports that angara will replace rockets with the proton-m carrier. it is also more environmentally friendly, as it does not use toxic fuel components. as experts note, the russian hangar again surpasses all launch vehicles in the world in its technical characteristics, second only to elon musk’s falcon 9 rocket. roscosmos said that the launch of the angara a5 was absolutely open. a new chapter in the history of the vostochny cosmodrome, because it took place from a new launch complex, state corporations call vostochny one of the most large-scale projects in russia of the 21st century. in in 2016, a launch complex for the soyuz-2 rocket was put into operation, and in 2018 , construction began on a second launch complex, just for angara class rockets. it is designed to carry out ten launches annually. well, now
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dmitry kononykh, writer and engineer, presenter of radio russia, is in direct contact with the facts. dmitry, hello! not the first time, but nevertheless everything happened, what do you say about this, maybe there was no need to rush anywhere at all, you know, it was necessary, yes, colleagues, it was necessary to be present at the site where the launch crew gathered, where representatives of the customer of the ministry of defense gathered, more than half a thousand people who participated in this, i... also your colleagues, journalists will show it, it’s just a sea of ​​​​human joy, tears, joy, people were just jubilant, everyone was exhausted by this week of preparation and... delaying the launch, today's launch, and of course, it was all, it was a colossal three days that invested two, two joys, i was present at the observation deck,
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where people came from surrounding cities, from the city of tsalkovski, free from the city, people came with small infants, it was just a sea of ​​jubilation, tourists came and you had to hear people shouting, russia forward, hurray, it was just that. phenomenal, and i think that this is truly a new page in the history of our cosmonautics, because the free cosmodrome is becoming the main cosmodrome of our country, this is the basis of our manned astronautics, all blocks of the new russian orbital station under construction will be launched from the free cosmodrome, this is actually our main thing capital, now the space capital in the far east, if we talk directly about the angara, before it was launched only from a landing stage, as we know, now for the first time, well, one might say from a civilian cosmodrome, in general, if you want to know more about this rocket, what kind of rocket it has
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the main advantages of what it will be capable of if it faces other goals of the task, well, regarding what happened now, for me this is a personal story, because 28 years ago, as a young engineer, i was counting on the angara launches from plesetsk and the future... the cosmodrome, which was supposed to be built in the far east, even then this rocket was supposed to become the most modern, but it changed its appearance compared to what was planned 28 years ago, its main difference from those rockets to which we are used to, this is a fully automatic operation, starting from all operations, docking the rocket with the ground infrastructure of the cosmodrome, it uses environmentally friendly... these are fuels, kerosene and liquid oxygen, no chemicals, nothing that could damage environment, and this is quite the case, this
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rocket is now three times more powerful than the soyuz rocket, which we are used to using for progress in delivering cargo into orbit and for launching astronauts, in the future it can now lift 24.5 into low orbit tons from the cosmodrome. eastern in the future, when there will be a hydrogen block, a hydrogen upper stage, as yuliy ivanovich bolisov spoke about, up to 37 tons, this is quite significant for russia’s promising programs, it is convenient, it is robotic, it is much easier to maintain, this is generally a new word for russian cosmonautics, it should become, i think , a very good working machine for our cosmonautics, this will be the main machine. this is for the delivery of cargo, for the delivery of cosmonauts to the russian orbital station, well, in fact, the main rocket in russia now, but in general, yes, about
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the prospects of our cosmonautics, about the prospects of this industry, what opportunities opens up, in particular, the use of the vostochny cosmodrome, here in this regard, what do you think about this? you you know, i came here at the invitation of the press service. space, which i believe, in the conditions of these two failures, worked flawlessly, cool, instant press approaches that told people why the failure, why this, that, and this created this level of trust in roscosmos, and i walked along the streets of the free city , i talked to people, and people said that they feel more and more like a space city, they worry about saleswomen in stores, in hotels they ask, in the local history... well, how is it, well , i absolutely agree with you, free this cosmic atmosphere reigns, thank you very much, congratulations on the upcoming cosmonautics day and the launch of the hangar as
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such. writer, engineer, presenter and expert in the space field, dmitry kananykhin, was in direct contact with us. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday , april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex col, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, just like that it’s necessary, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this, at the megamarket there’s a tefal electric kettle for 4,499 rubles. hello! i am a bank employee, do you confirm the transfer? you usually call, oh, i can’t get through to you now, of course, at your place. the
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to act, to identify, to prevent such terrorist acts; if such joint work is established, then, of course, this will allow us to identify these terrorists and prevent such crimes. now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. we have connections. kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. we communicate almost every day, but nevertheless the situation changes hourly, so i would ask the governors, first of all, to report on how...


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