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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the kremlin is in contact every day with the heads of the regions affected by floods, but nevertheless the situation is changing hourly, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on eliminating the consequences of the floods. in which regions the situation is the most difficult, what support measures were discussed, anastasia efimova knows, she is broadcasting facts live. we welcome the tasks the president has set for the heads of regions and relevant departments. giving help.
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the damage exceeds 40 billion rubles, but this of course, this is a very preliminary assessment, all life support systems are working, the epidemiological situation is calm. to date, 41 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed, with a total capacity of 15,433 people. in the region, 7,800 people were evacuated, including 2,117 children, of whom 1. are in temporary accommodation centers
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. municipalities and settlements potentially falling into the flood zone, continuous work on information, warning and preventive evacuation of the population has been organized since that time preparations have been organized for the deployment of 99 temporary accommodation centers for citizens with a total capacity of 25,287 people. for the purpose of primitive evacuation and actual evacuation , 6,151 people were resettled from flooded areas. the river can also reach its maximum level. based on the experience of the flood of previous years, the tyumen region takes into account all even the most negative of possible scenarios, so they began to inform citizens in advance in accordance with the instructions given by the president, as you instructed, to inform citizens in advance to provide full assistance in removing valuables there and evacuating them. people, we
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have walked through all the households that are exposed to the flood zone, informed all people about the possible risk, distributed reminders, now... we pay special attention to families with children, especially those families that are under our control, as problematic ones, where the parents are, therefore, we are working with them and transporting them to the temporary detention center. in order to carry out the evacuation, i indicated the number of people on the territory of the municipalities, deployed 101 a temporary accommodation facility with a maximum capacity of 13,000 people, but judging by the surveys we conducted, about 70% are planning...
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rossen, still a large amount of resources will be needed, this is wallpaper, cement there and so on, which means gas, electric meters , which means that this should not be imitated, so we will also work on this work together with our colleagues, as the president emphasized, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but the head of state demanded that we think about restoring housing and infrastructure now , money for everything the necessary work will be done...
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vladimir putin asked the head of the ministry of emergency situations to report on the situation with floods in the regions daily, in fact, exactly the same as what is happening now. let's continue one of the main topics of this day and the main central theme. in general
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, 12.00 houses and about 15 thousand plots remain flooded in the orenburg region. for the third time, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to the region. two l76 aircraft of military transport aviation and the ministry of defense. head of the rospotrebnadzor department for the orenburg region elena dektereva, elena vladimirovna, hello, thank you for joining our live broadcast, let's start, probably, with the situation in orsk, where there was a lot of water, but it is gradually receding, here in the village there is an old biofactory in orsk, it is reported that it is thoroughly flooded. cemeteries here, of course, it is clear that other cemeteries can stand in the water in the flood zone, how dangerous is this, what could be the consequences, the consequences of flooding of cemeteries, of course, this is also a problem, but in any case this situation is controlled, that is, this danger may
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come from the sources, which also may not come out that far, so naturally we control, first of all, the water, which may be located nearby, including cemeteries. as for photomobiles, if it is dangerous, we are in any case dealing with the fact that we do not have burial grounds in the flood zone, so in general it is infectious. it doesn’t seem to threaten morbidity, yeah, please tell me, during floods, well, unfortunately, we have to admit this, it’s a fact, pets die animals and livestock, and how do you control the situation with the consequences - such a big one, of losing a pet? now the ministry of agriculture of the rosselkhotnadzor department for the arenburg region has organized the collection of dead animals, that is, in the city of orsk
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, people now used clean water for drinking, but also for economic needs, as is the case now with the centralized water supply in flooded regions, it is possible should i drink tap water? what quality is it? in any case, for the prevention of infectious diseases diseases, due to the fact that flooding, including wells, may occur, we strongly recommend that the population under no circumstances drink unboiled water, that is, drink only boiled or bottled water, and under no circumstances drink water from unknown sources, because that all this poses a risk of developing infectious diseases, but besides this, we monitor the water that is supplied to the network, but in any case, if , for example, there is no water in the village, then...
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it is extremely important now for people to get some kind of plan actions, what preventive measures should be observed by residents of flooded areas? many people still adhere to this, based on your observations and recommendations, or has a case of, for example, poisoning or infection already been identified? well, as for prevention, i would say let me remind you again. that you should only drink bottled water or boiled water in any case; in addition, during the liquidation of the consequences of a flood , it is necessary to carry out a cleaning procedure for treating open house and house areas, then in any case, now and the municipality is starting to deal with this, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, thoroughly wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet, and also before eating food. now work is being carried out, work will be carried out to deratotize the territories, including the need to treat the territories. households, because it spreads infections that are associated with animals, these are primarily rats and
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mice, they are carriers of, well, many diseases, for example, hemorrhagic licorate with renal syndrome, which is, in principle, common in the orenburg region. in addition, residents and we strongly recommend that when the first signs of the disease appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor, in order to prevent the spread of infection, it is imperative to separate residents from their relatives who are sick. give them separate dishes and so on, so that the spread does not occur. uh-huh, yes, thank you very much, let me remind you that the deputy head was in direct contact with us department of rospotrebnadzor for the orenburg region, elena dektereva. moscow and st. petersburg will be connected by a high-speed railway. travel time will be reduced by almost half and will be 2:15 minutes. a large-scale project for the construction of a new road is underway. under the personal control of the president, today it became known that 16
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stops are planned to be placed along the entire hsr route. four of them are provided in the capital, these are the zelenograd-kryukovo station, petrovsko-ramovskaya, orizhskaya, leningradsky station. after entering into the ssm, passengers will be able to quickly reach not only two megacities, but also veliky novgorod and other cities, for example, from moscow to tviri it will be possible to travel in 39 minutes, and the road from the capital to valdai will take... 1:15 it is also reported that by trains will travel between moscow and st. petersburg at a speed of 200 km/h, and between cities 400 km. the hsr is expected to open in 2028 . the length of the entire route will be 679 km. according to russian railways, construction has now begun on the most difficult section of the leaving moscow. and the highway design itself is more than 60% complete. according to forecasts annually. the hsr will be used by at least 23 million people. let me remind you that vladimir putin
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launched the construction of the new road on march 14; in april, the president instructed the government to provide 300 billion rubles from the national welfare fund in 2025 for the implementation of the project. britain developed and supervised sabotage against the russian military. today, the fsb reported the suppression of a special forces landing prepared by british specialists. armed forces of ukraine on the tender spit in the kherson region. details about the planning of this attack were provided by a captured member of the drg. what did he say? our correspondent denis alekseev knows. joins us live - denis, hello, so what this prisoner said, what data has now become public knowledge. yes, welcome, well, another story about how they wanted to outwit, but in the end they were too clever, everything went downhill, and the event was planned as an outright window dressing, a pr campaign for selfies in the background
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ukrainian flag on russian territory, involving a huge amount of... resources, time, personnel, equipment, but also money exclusively in foreign currency, it is not specified how many hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of pounds sterling were spent on the operation, which had no results did not bring anything, but there is no longer any doubt that in preparing the sabotage in the kherson region on the tendra spit, the british intelligence services played the first fiddle; the russian fsb has reinforced concrete evidence. the fsb of russia is developing units of the ssso of the armed forces of ukraine and gurmou, carrying out sabotage activities on the territory of the russian federation. as part of this work , proactive information was received about the sabotage action planned by the british with the landing of sso-apu troops on the tendra spit, which made it possible, together with the russian ministry of defense, to successfully stop this attempt.
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full operational video footage. kits and boats of saboteurs, there is also their arsenal, explosives, machine guns, grenade launchers, but the most valuable thing is the testimony of the armed forces of ukraine, who was captured, the rest were liquidated place, and his story is interesting and sheds light on the close relations between kiev and london. ukrainian soldiers in this bunch, as always , are puppets and expendable material; the british military continues to act as instructors. senior soldier of the 73rd naval center. special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine evgeniy gorin was mobilized and sent not to the front line, to the deep ukrainian rear in the uk. when we flew to the uk, we landed somewhere near the town of southbury, about half an hour's drive away there was a military base. as far as i know, it was called five
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riffles, we were introduced to the instructors who were assigned to us and they started us off. tasks were set, the british curators, now different, provided all the necessary information about the sabotage operation, the actions were practiced on mock-ups, an almost exact copy of the terrain, here we see a training ground, which is located near kherson, a police training ground, where we underwent training before landing on the tendra
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spit, our preparation included practicing assault operations. on tendrovskaya in the spit, models of the terrain and models of buildings were made using tapes, on which the assault groups practiced the order of passing these buildings, but when they came to the implementation of the plan, everything did not go as in theory, the british could train the ukrainian mobilized as much as they wanted, preparing them for serious operations , the all-ears could nod and speak as much as they wanted, everything was clear, but as always, one decisive factor was not taken into account. first, the svo, the fsb of russia regularly receives operational information about the participation of representatives of western intelligence services, firstly it’s the british turn to train ukrainian special forces. we have established the supervisory role
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of british special forces, ss, sbs, and in the vast majority of sabotage units. istic actions against ships of the black sea fleet of the russian ministry of defense and the infrastructure of the crimean peninsula. well, also, if you believe the words of the same captive vsushnik gorin, it was british instructors who trained the ukrainian military for sabotage on the msp-17 drilling rig in the black sea. the fsb also has information that british intelligence services supply the armed forces of ukraine new samples of explosives, reconnaissance equipment, well... everything that you wouldn’t want to experience on yourself, all these special operations generally resemble nothing more than an experimental circle, and few people care about the fate of their wards or test subjects? well, now reports from the middle east are coming with data on possible escalation in this region. the american press warns that iran may soon strike
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israel. in response to the israeli air force attacking the iranian embassy in damascus earlier this month. we will find out about the situation from the boss middle east news bureau of sergei pashkov. sergey, hello. what is happening in the country now? hello colleagues, yes, indeed. israel froze in tense anticipation of an iranian response. let me remind you that on april 1 , six missiles hit the iranian consulate building in the city of damascus, where high-ranking officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps were located. seven people were killed , including two iranian generals. iran has no doubt that this is an israeli action and promised a very tough retaliatory strike. what whether this blow will occur is not reported, but according to data.
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allow such strikes, but do not exclude a direct strike from iran itself. iran has large arsenals of ballistic weapons. iran has a huge army of very high-quality drones, so israel is preparing. here there is a four-level air defense system for missiles of various ranges, from short range, this is done by the iron dome to...
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they are preparing on the one hand here in emergency mode, they are now on duty in the hospital, the release of military personnel from combat formations to the north of the country has been stopped , civil defense units have been brought up, which will have to clear the rubble if necessary, but israeli politicians also say that if iran strikes israel, it will be an extreme mistake, that’s what the minister of the war cabinet said the day before . in view of the threats
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from iran, the citizens of israel must know that the capabilities of the state of israel are superior to any country in the middle east in attack defense, our enemies know this well reality understand its meaning, we will know how to use our abilities anywhere and in the face of any threat. "sources in the intelligence community do not rule out, and the media actively quote their statement, that israel may respond by striking nuclear facilities in iran and for this purpose special exercises are now being conducted by the air force and israeli ground forces, and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says in general, which is essentially at the center of the middle east conflict, including the conflict with hamas in the sector.
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colleagues, hello, but the best way to characterize the situation in iran and in general now throughout the islamic world is a video that has now been widely circulated online, which is also being circulated by the iranian media and is depicted in it. the streets of the largest israeli cities, such as tel aviv and haifa, are captured, over these streets, shadows from missiles float in ominous silhouettes, and the video,
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as they say, speaks for itself, because the likelihood of a direct attack by iran on israel has never been so high. moreover, in tehran, the attack on the consulate in damascus, which occurred on april 1, is regarded as nothing less than a direct attack on the islamic republic. this was once again stated by ayatala khamini, the supreme spiritual leader of iran, during a festive speech the day before, during a prayer dedicated to the holiday of raza bayram. that's what he said. if they attack our consulate, then it’s the same as if they attacked our territory, these are internationally recognized norms, the vile regime miscalculated in this matter, it must be punished and will be punished. and so an interesting detail: olikh imeni took his favorite dragunov sniper rifle with him to this performance, a detail that
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really speaks volumes in general. going to sermons with small arms is a long-standing iranian custom, especially for some important ones, and in this regard the appearance, in this regard , the appearance of weapons in the hands of the supreme leader of the islamic republic speaks of the highest degree of readiness of the country for any action, as if hinting enemy at gunpoint. iran has already closed its airspace until april 13 for civil flights, explaining this is because training launches are being carried out in the country. but israel’s allies, in particular the united states, say that yes, there will be launches, but they will be far from training, this is what the bloomberg agency says about this. us allies believe major missile or drone strikes by iran or its proxies against military and government targets in israel are imminent, which would mark a significant expansion of the six-month conflict, according to people
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familiar. with intelligence data, potential an attack, possibly using precision-guided missiles, could occur in the coming days. as the islamic revolutionary guards stated, countermeasures taken by israel, such as turning off the signals of global geopositioning systems in the country, will not help israel avoid just retribution, this is what the islamic revolutionary guards stated in this regard. informed source. in the aerospace forces, ksir stated what the response would be to gps blocking in israeli settlements. iran has already thought through a solution to this problem, all of our rockets built in the last 12 years do not use gps or similar positioning aids. well, in general, the situation in the middle east continues to deteriorate, so the us fifth fleet in the persian gulf was put on 100% combat readiness today, and the
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iranian foreign minister in the last few... hours had several emergency telephone conversations with his colleagues from iraq, qatar, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. an iranian strike on israel is now a question of when, not if, after all, a strike could occur in the coming days and even hours, in which case, of course, it will be better from the point of view of propaganda, but the islamic republic can give a military response much later, for example, in a few weeks over the course of...
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now footage from kremlin. okay, today we will discuss the development of the european union; there are many questions that are in our constant attention and useful. the president held a meeting with permanent members of the security council. so, the kremlin is in contact every day with the heads of those affected by the floods.


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