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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the kiev regime rightly sees this as a mortal threat to its power, so it is tightening the screws in every possible way. thus, at the beginning of the month, the conscription age for ukrainians was reduced from 27 to 25 years. and, judging by how things are going with the ukrainian army at the front, it may soon reach 17 and 18 years. at the time of his ogoni , hitler, as is known, relied on hitler-jugent in the defense of berlin.
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agreements, and then in april of twenty-two they did not allow peace to be concluded with russia. of course, we didn’t hear today that the human rights situation in ukraine continues to rapidly deteriorate. the head of the kiev regime, which usurped power, canceled elections in the country and threw everyone who disagreed with his dictatorship into prison, none of his western sponsors dares to pull back. meanwhile.
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the fact that, of all the russian writers of that time, he stood closest to the current ideologists of putinism, krivlev’s justification for ethnocide in ukraine, is a quote. a person with a healthy psyche would not write such a thing. he will not fight art or destroy books burn them in squares. only the nazis did this in the thirties and forties of the last century. and their ideology is doing exactly the same thing today in ukraine.
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they are so accustomed to automatically turning a blind eye to any crimes and ugly antics of the kiev regime that they manage not to even notice the direct shelling and drone attacks they resumed a few days ago at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which risk causing a nuclear disaster in the very center of europe. we will discuss this topic separately during a special meeting on april 15. we hope that a fair assessment of what is happening.
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thus, he confirms what we have said repeatedly. ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company, fighting for the west and with western weapons until the last ukraine. very soon, the only topic for any international meetings on ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the kiev regime. i advise you all
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to prepare for this in advance. thank you. it was a broadcast from a meeting of the un security council, and a few minutes later the duty department was on our air.
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a tall man in handcuffs out of the cabin and hand him over to a convoy, so under heavy guard the police brought the probable killer of vasily buryakov for questioning to the investigator, he was taken early in the morning, not far from the city of bely, in the tver region. detained, mother, for what? for suspicion of murder. there is obvious disappointment on buryakov’s face; he spent several days running through the woods from the police, and at some point he probably even believed it. that he managed to outwit the security forces, but in the end he got caught, he was hiding where the wheel is, you admit your guilt, i admit, where the motorcycle is standing in the forest, and indeed, later the police found vasily buryakov’s motorcycle deep in the forest, the fugitive prudently disguised the transport with spruce branches and in general the so-called pawnbroker he hid from the security forces with knowledge of the body, and that the knikoster itself is gentle, so as not to be exposed , but even the cunning experience of the fugitive did not help him hide from law enforcement officers. the special operation to search for vasily buryakov lasted more than three days and ended with the arrest
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of the probable killer. as a result of operational search activities, employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs detained a suspect in an attack on police officers of the police department in the losino-petrovsky urban district. according to the investigation, last sunday closer in the evening, vasily buryakov arrived at the territory of snt in the moscow region to pick up 2 kg of miphedrone from the container. and there he was ambushed by police officers sergei. efimenko and grigory sirov. they were tracking down a drug dealer, but when they tried to detain buryakov, he allegedly opened fire on the law enforcement officers. senior warrant officer efimenko died on the spot. detective sirov was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. now it is already possible to approximately track the route of vasily buryakov immediately after the attack on police officers in the area podmoskovny asnt azon. the probable criminal jumped on a motorcycle and drove towards tver. judging by... that buryakov was detained in a forest belt near the town of bely, tver region, he traveled more than 450 km. there is
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information that vasily buryakov chose this route not by chance, allegedly he wanted to get through the forests to the leningrad region, cross the border from finland there, and then leave for ukraine. little is known about the probable killer; until 2017, he lived in istra near moscow. according to media reports, during his military service buryakov received the profession of a signalman, after worked at nika for a short time. law enforcement agencies, from where i moved to a commercial organization. in his free time, the detainee was fond of extreme sports. he published this video several weeks before the attack on the police. it is also reported that buryakov is well versed in firearms, this is confirmed by the results of a search in his garage. criminal investigators, in collaboration with operational officers , discovered the accused’s cache, which contained a cache of weapons. vasily buryakov kept a kalashnikov assault rifle in the cache, makarov pistol with a silencer, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a sapper's shovel. in addition to
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the saboteur's kit, the security forces found several kilograms of mephedrone, hashish and pills in the garage, apparently. in terms of the abundance of prohibited substances, buryakov was a major distributor of drugs. now the detainee is already being interrogated at the investigative department of the city of shchelkovo. previously, buryakov was charged in absentia and a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention. after the necessary investigative actions, he will go to the pre-trial detention center. andrey romanov, maria bukata, dmitry kamsky. news: duty department. vladimir putin stated the need to begin now to begin preparing for the restoration of housing after a natural flood, in several regions at once. look, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, during the online meeting the head of the ministry of construction made a report, he said, that the relevant ministry is now studying the damage and preparing the necessary program for restoration of flooded houses,
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people, of course, have a number of questions, how will... that means, well, sunken cars, that means some kind of movable property, that means, what kind of compensation will be made for mortgages on a number of objects, that means that requests have appeared regarding mortgage holidays, but here we, too , vladimir vladimirovich, we will work on this work together with the government commission, with alexander vyacheslavovich, which means that the ministry of emergency situations is working continuously at the site of the spring flood, at the moment in the orenburg, kemerovo, kurgan, tyumen regions they continue to fight the elements, it is only partially progressing. the russian grouping is large, with a certain shift from the point of view of moving away from the area further, continuing to move towards the settlement of ilek, we are transferring both equipment and people. in the orenburg region , this year’s flood has already set a record
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and is the largest flood in russia in recent decades. so, big water. in orenburg, rescuers are preparing, local residents are evacuating, dams are being built, embankments are being made, assistance is being provided to those who has already left the danger zone, the progress of work is personally monitored by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov from orenburg, alexander mostovaem, sunny microdistrict, near the ural river in a danger zone, more than 500 people live here, high water has not yet receded from orenburg, near the grand parrk housing complex, excavators they are moving the soil, right now before our eyes, strengthening work is underway. at the dam here they are doing everything possible to prevent the water from reaching these residential buildings, they built an embankment like this, it prevents the passage of water, protective structures should reduce the risk of flooding, but residents are still afraid for their property, how are you going through it all, quite, quite tensely, of course, we are very afraid that
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the level will rise further, of course, this is just salvation, of course, salvation for us, we did a little lower the dam themselves, the setting. difficult, the head of mchas, alexander kurenkov , again arrived in orenburg to assess the situation; together with the mayor and governor, he went to the solnechny microdistrict, the fight against the elements continues here. it is necessary to protect the village of solnechny directly from water, thereby we are blocking the dam, the dam is on the right side. water level monitoring at gauging stations is carried out continuously. water level in the ural river. day has been exceeded, so to prevent the water from finally getting close to these high-rise buildings, they installed a water-filling dam, which is made of composite material. in the flood zone of over 2,000 houses , the orenburg embankment has sunk, and movement there is now only possible by swimming. take him, take him by the engine, ruslan, drag him, then. the disaster has united everyone;
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volunteers, rescuers and police are working at the flooding site. people are evacuated from flood-affected areas and transported to temporary accommodation centers, food, bottled water, medicines are brought, 35 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to the region by a special plane of the russian ministry of emergency situations the day before. there is a single emergency response call center in orenburg; calls are accepted around the clock. the largest number of calls is a measure of support for individuals, the second largest is to save or remove property. the third largest number of calls is an offer of help or a request for help from. dear comrades, you thank you for your work, you don’t have any annoying problems, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, the operators record all requests, sort them and transfer the information to the relevant specialists, what requests? elderly people apply for compensation for material assistance, assistance in providing drinking water. the orenburg region is now experiencing one of the most
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severe floods in its history: rescuers do not stop working, in orsk the situation is getting better, the water has begun to recede, but in orenburg they are just preparing for the peak of the flood. alexander mostovay, sergey velichko and khalimat kuchmezov, lead the duty unit from the orenburg region. now there's breaking news. which our editors receive directly from lenformagency. so, the head of the urban planning department, vasily chernov, was arrested in samara. local journalists report this. we are allegedly talking about a bribe of 6 million rubles. moreover, during the search, investigators had questions for the official’s brother vasily. it is reported that a package of marijuana was seized from him. let me remind you that we monitor the entire information feed and invite you to do this with us. in the stavropol territory the main accused in the so-called novgorod case, antonina martynova, was detained . she almost killed her own child, the girl miraculously remained alive, ran away after the jury’s verdict was announced, and now it looks like she will finally hear the verdict. material by sultan dzeganov.
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16 years later, to meet themis, now antonina martynova, the wife of a foreign agent and part-time editor-in-chief of the novaya gazeta europe publication, kirill martynov, will have no chance of escaping from justice, guilty of attempted murder my own daughter was caught by russian security forces in stavropol. the case of antonina martynova, which was popularly called the novgorod case back in 2007, shocked the residents of veliky novgorod, but the fact is that the nulliparous mother still could not arrange her personal life , according to the researchers, she decided to take out her anger on her two-year-old daughter. the drama unfolded on the staircase of an apartment building . martynova, who then still bore the name fedorov, dragged her daughter through the metal bars of the fence and held her for several seconds. alice was suspended, then released. hands, the girl fell, but miraculously survived, received a concussion, a broken jaw, a bruised chin, an eleven-year-old boy who was standing on the floor
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above. we have a body of evidence, not only the testimony of an eyewitness to this crime, but also evidence obtained as a result of other investigative actions. the neighbor's children only confirmed that alisa's mother punished her for the slightest disobedience. yeah, that is, you saw it yourself, well , yes, i heard, even there they shouted at her, well maybe because mom’s nerves couldn’t stand it, that the nerves couldn’t stand it, the attempted murder of a child seemed to unite antonina and kirill, their marriage still took place, martynov did his best to shield his wife, accusing the investigation of bias, after the jury's verdict was guilty, martynov appeared in the novgorod regional court, but already... in this situation, it’s easy to bring her here for the verdict, as it were, but it’s unclear what will happen to her after that, that is, we don’t want to commit murder, so let's trying to postpone the imposition of sentences,
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the sentence was actually postponed, the defendant mysteriously disappeared, various versions were built on the topic of her disappearance , including abduction, after a while kirill martynov himself left the country, a man who clearly helped his wife escape from justice, diligently all these years... until then, antonina martynova will be kept in custody, it is possible that investigators are now working as a fugitive, it is too interesting where she has been hiding for the last 16 years and whether foreign agent kirill is involved in the disappearance of the criminal martynov. sultan zeganov, mikhail shirin, ekaterina romanova, lead: duty unit. the so-called number one thief zaharik. he, shakro young, was hospitalized in one of the hospitals due to heart problems. such information appeared in a number of media. the crime boss turned to doctors to find out the causes of the illness. two weeks ago,
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according to lawyers, kalashovo was released from the colony on parole. the seventy-year-old leader of the underworld was able to convince the court that his health no longer allowed him to serve due punishment. most russian life prisoners dream of freedom and theoretically could end up there. to do this , they must spend 25 years behind bars, and there are such prisoners, while the courts have not yet made a single decision in favor of bloodthirsty criminals who are entitled to the right to freedom, watch petrov’s investigation, clinging to life this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel . the sky is checkered, today in russia there are slightly less than 2,000 people sentenced to life imprisonment, there is no blood on the hands of these nonhumans guilty citizens.
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four children were injured in an accident in volgograd. a lady driving an suv demolished a crowd of schoolchildren who were crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing. the accident was caught on the video recorder. a group of children are seen running across one road, and then immediately rushing to the second, and in a moment they find themselves under the wheels. april 11, 2024, 9:50 am street.
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in russia, in the volgograd region , an inspection was organized into the fact of a traffic accident, as a result of which four children were injured born in 2012. all victims were taken to a medical facility; the condition of the twelve-year-old girl is assessed as serious. however, investigators and criminologists have yet to establish. it is not the fault of the female driver, because according to the rules, pedestrians must also make sure that there are no cars before crossing the zebra crossing, and parents should often remind their children that crossing the road is deadly, often the driver simply does not have a chance to react in time to stop the car, braking distance, which extends to tens of meters. it won't be possible to make a call; the police have detained two gangs of thieves of expensive phones at once. some from the cultural capital acted politely and delicately, deftly, distracting the victims,
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pulling out the pipes. from their pockets and parted after friendly hugs, others from zheleznogorsk, and there everything was the other way around. word from vlada egorova. do you understand why you were detained? i don't understand. understanding may have only come to this gentleman at the police station. in a conversation with operatives , he panuro looks at the floor and reluctantly answers to questions about his three probable accomplices. all of them are suspected of stealing expensive gadgets from residents of st. petersburg. you unlock stolen phones, right? well, i don't know that they were stolen. while yesterday's friends are shifting blame onto each other, investigators are reconstructing the picture of events. they have enough recordings from cctv cameras on their hands, which show in every detail the method of the murdered gang. the swindlers treated their victims in a friendly manner, even with hugs. the owners of the gadgets didn’t even notice how their pockets are emptying. in a public place , a group of strangers approached the victim , entered into a conversation, and after they left , the person discovered his smartphone was missing. pickpockets were looking for those who were dressed
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more expensively. they figured that the mobile phone in their pocket would be a top-end one. during the searches , stolen smartphones were confiscated from them, the price of each was from 45 to 100 thousand rubles, and a criminal case was opened. and this is footage from zheleznogorsk, police detained three local residents for stealing the same smartphones, only this once the criminals acted extremely harshly, they attacked young people, beat them, took away their mobile phones, after which they also extorted money, a quarter of a million from each. the attackers forced the young people to give their personal data and say that they were allegedly involved in drug trafficking, while their words were recorded on video, which they threatened to make public if they refused to pay the money. despite death threats, the eighteen-year-old brothers and their acquaintances decided to turn to our employees for help. attackers quickly detained for extortion by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale, they face up to 7 years in prison. two of them have already been taken into custody, the third was sent under house arrest. vlada
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igorova, elena stepanova, lead. duty department. he taught how to be rich, but he allegedly didn’t pay taxes. the notorious business coach dmitry portnyagin risks becoming involved in a criminal case. according to some reports, the state missed 60 million in allotted contributions. in addition, coaches may also be suspected of money laundering. alina skachkova has details. the secret lodge of the rich, the closed club 500, was turned upside down by the security forces. investigators are conducting searches there, opening safes with boxes and hiding documents that could shed light on criminal cases. the affairs of the owner of the establishment, dmitry portnyagin. he is accused of tax evasion and money laundering. therefore, it is not surprising that the investigative team first came here. the club is not easy; only those entrepreneurs whose income starts from hundreds of millions of rubles are allowed behind closed doors. an important note, all this according to media reports, the security forces themselves have so far refrained from commenting, however, this does not stop them from turning things around.


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