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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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after the shot, the most dangerous moments for the crew: the enemy is engaged in a counter-battery fight, you need to leave this position as quickly as possible so as not to become a target yourself. by this time, air reconnaissance data had already arrived. the enemy stronghold was successfully hit. the car hides in a dense forest belt and returns to the shelter. the commander of this unit with the call sign baikal has also been in the special operation since the first days. during all this time, his car was never hit. if. differences from how the fighting took place in 2022, as it is now? yes, the differences have changed, they have changed a lot, the danger of air is increasing, we have already tuned in to the air, we have protected the car, an anti-drone net, we have installed a thunderstorm system so that drones cannot escape. the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army of the eastern group is on duty in the hottest sectors of the front, the task of the artillerymen is to provide... support to the attack aircraft, who
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are consistently knocking out the enemy from fortified positions. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. now there's a short commercial, that's what will be further on our broadcast. no matter how much you hit the wall, don’t fight, but there are still no new patriots in ukraine. the kiev regime has decided to switch to tough diplomacy, how they will beg from the west and whether clumsy rhetoric will bring closer the supply of air defense systems.
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anyone can deposit up to 16.5% per annum with gazprombank. open a deposit on there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. to the author, and we are with gifts, where all this comes from, everyone has their own good car, find it in retirement, in vtb retirement the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, everything will work out. the russian armed forces launched a massive attack on the energy facilities of the kiev regime, as the ministry of defense emphasized, all targets were hit, which disrupted the work of enterprises ukrainian military-industrial complex, and the transfer of reserves to the combat zone was disrupted. as a result of the attack of cruise missiles and gyrania, including
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the destruction of the trypillian tes in the kiev region, this station provides electricity not only to the ukrainian capital, but also to neighboring regions. about the consequences anna voronina. it’s just that the whole power plant is on fire, it keeps exploding, it’s just terrible, there’s just been another arrival, i just close the windows, charge your phones, stock up on water and get ready for a complete blackout, this is the message from the locals residents of the kiev region received authorities after a targeted strike on the trypilska tes; an emergency shutdown schedule for electricity and water is being introduced in the region; water will also be available from six to nine.
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in the morning for about an hour, then they turned it on, but it is impossible to drink it, since it is black, they say that after lunch there will be no water at all. trypilska tes was the most powerful power plant in the kiev region and supplied electricity. also in the cherkassy and zhytomyr regions. previously, ukraine was left without uglegorsk tes. in addition, the zmeevskaya tes in kharkovskaya was destroyed areas. after the destruction of the trypillya et, most likely kiev will begin to experience truly real interruptions in the supply of electricity and ukraine will also have to reduce the volume of electricity production at nuclear power plants for the reason that without...
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experts believe that by the fall ukraine risks being left without only without electricity, but also without heat and gas, and here you will have to
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either purchase resources from europeans, or force local residents to leave their homes and leave cities to die, because kyiv refuses to negotiate. anna voronina, ivan kuznetsov, anna nikulaesh, news. a high-ranking source of the russian ministry of defense today commented on zelensky’s statement about the preparation of the armed forces of ukraine. the ongoing counter-offensive, on this occasion our defense department was reminded that the previous attempt at a counter-offensive cost the enemy more than 166 troops, almost 790 tanks and about 2,500 other armored vehicles. moreover, in the absence of volunteers, the kiev regime is promoting a law on forced mobilization to fill the shortage personnel is literally cannon fodder, in the matter of providing equipment, it relies exclusively on the west, since the square has not produced anything of its own for a long time, all this, according to the same source of the ministry of defense, will be fraught with complete disaster
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for ukraine if zelensky nevertheless goes over to implement your new plan. they offer to spend one night with him in kharkov, the words of the so-called minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba, who seems to be ready to do a lot if only the western partners would throw a handful of equipment to the kiev regime. well, however, the character still does not intend to sell himself personally, to americans and europeans. the subject of bargaining, according to his idea, should be the suffering of civilians due to attacks by russian missiles and drones on supposedly civilian infrastructure, they say, if sponsors assess the situation not in absentia, but directly on the spot, the supply of new air defense systems, in particular to patriots, will not force themselves wait. of course, kuleba, firstly, cannot help but understand where our high-precision weapons are actually flying, and secondly, he is hardly interested in some of the foreign guests saw the truth. he himself seems to be in no hurry to visit the aforementioned kharkov, but what can you say for the opportunity to beg for the desired
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anti-aircraft missile systems, although on the other hand it looks as if bandera’s junta is still tired of begging, because, to quote the head of its foreign ministry, it is quietly calm diplomacy didn’t work, and now kiev is going to set a course for some strict demands, and what does this mean, we’ll figure it out together with boris ivanin, boris, hello, will they really take away the air defense systems? strength? alexey, greetings, well, no, of course , neither kuleba, nor zelensky has enough strength or resources for this, all the steam, as they say, has gone to the whistle. kuleba, like a cult leader, made seemingly threatening statements in the american press, which turned out to be politically very clumsy. the washington post itself emphasizes: the fate of ukraine depends on the supply of western weapons, then where kuleba is going to use the style of tough, as he says, diplomacy in negotiations with sponsors, probably. will begin to beg harshly, that is, much more than before, yes, he himself admits, he might even be hated in
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the west for such persistence, but kuleba’s boorish insides are desperately torn out, what kind of diplomacy is there, i wouldn’t say that dmitry kuleba was polite, neat and affectionate with western partners before , and he allowed - not just elements of rudeness, he allowed whole - such boorish models, as far as toughening is concerned. rhetoric of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, then it is connected, of course, first of all with the fact that the party is moving to enspiel, now there is a question about the departure of dmitry kuleb himself, he... clearly does not achieve its goals and results. tough, so far there are only memes on social networks about how kuleba receives an assignment from zelensky. the minister himself says that he has counted more than 100 petriot batteries abroad that are supposedly free, and at least four of them, according to him, should be immediately transferred to ukraine. however, the demands: give it
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to us, these damn patriots remain only in loud headlines. the american congress is still delaying the approval of the new package.
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from this constant whining, a lot of pain kulebal, folk art is not in the eye, in the eye. he himself is trying to fight off ridicule, they say where there are memes, there are tanks, this is a response to the kalash in leopard fur coats, the same annalena berbak, well, where did these german leopards disappear, burned in ukrainian fields, that’s why american patriots are in no hurry to hand over to kiev, so that the vaunted weapons of the united states have not turned into a pile of scrap metal, but kuleba pretends that he does not understand this, apparently because he bangs his head on the hay a lot like him...
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but these dances, apparently, are few in the west who are impressed, like other intricate, but not at all diplomatic floods, zelensky called for russian assets frozen abroad to be used to support ukraine, but achieved nothing. this is called tough diplomacy, which, in general, has lost its shores and does not see any edges. this
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suggests that after the death of international law, comes the death of diplomacy, diplomacy as... some kind of international instrument for preventing or ending conflicts, they are stupid, but not to the same extent as not to understand that, well, conditionally speaking, a butterfly does not stick to a vest, and families do not dress over a tailcoat, well, here is a clear example of how threats from kiev can turn into a boomerang, the west softly lays down and sleeps hard ourselves. ukrainian politicians just want to ask, after this, what about the fox, kuleba, because if ukraine risks ruining relations with arms suppliers, then tough diplomacy, kuleba kuleba, will turn into a deadly game for the entire kiev regime. boris ivanin is a known blackmailer. we'll be back after a short commercial, here you go. what i'll tell you about. any weather is good when
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you are a draft dodger. new trend in ukrainian. in tiktok , they didn’t appreciate the joyful everyday life of the non-mobilized people sitting in the trenches. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive it. supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re in the softconk, we take out loans, and kindly quickly, we at sofcombank. loans that know everything we bring from savito's travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback
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bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. in the left together appetite. only dad will shorten it. i consider one of gazprom’s most significant and responsible projects to be the expanded social gasification program, now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant facilities.
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group of disabilities, he is a pensioner, that he is still a student, a hooligan, hiding behind his grandmother, and galletian intellectual of faith, this is the hero of a motivational video. as part of the mobilization and express all their standard excuses for serving in the armed forces of ukraine, only the camera zooms out and it becomes clear that the military commissar’s uniform is wearing tricolor, well, recruitment accordingly takes place in the russian army, so what about the soldiers for berlin? in general, the creators of the video are clearly trying to intimidate ukrainian men, they say, if you don’t go to the armed forces of ukraine, you’ll have to go with the russians to berlin, as they say, where are the downsides? but
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lvov military commissars think it should work; the video itself presents it as a response to a certain russian company to evade the ukrainian army, although if escaping from the shopping center is kremlin propaganda, then how will the western military registration and enlistment office, or rather the western military registration and enlistment office, explain the new trend in ukrainian tik-tok, in which videos appear en masse. about how wonderful it is to be a draft dodger, or rather a hooligan, the best, the best will be shown by anastasia ivanova, anastasia, good evening, well, what are the arguments, hello, alexey, well, the more draft dodgers, the more ukrainians will remain alive, but they mock the vtsushniks, of course pretty much, the whole country - this is a hashtag for draft dodgers, a great irony for those who sit in okupas, but who actually asks them when they wanted to boast about what would seem to be an absolutely human freedom?
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they smell it from video to video, some writing cherished words against the backdrop of mountains, some just walking down the street in ukraine itself or sitting with friends on a bench with foam. anything is better than dying for the kiev regime. previously, they boasted about something else, someone boasted about how he would go and fry kebabs from the colorados, how they would shell donbass. now the trend has changed every ukrainian understands that he is doomed, this rebellion, the passive rebellion of the doomed, it... well, does not evoke any emotions other than compassion for these people, and even those who inside ukraine boast, this is such despair of the hopeless. hope is felt by those ukrainians who managed to leave, fly away, cross the river in the end, but in the videos, as a rule, the guys don’t show their faces again, but some are tempted to tell the unfortunate mobilized involuntarily where tiktok was filmed from, vi ukrainians fight, and we fight from mak.
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in italy, and i escaped from the ukrainian tyrant regime, in which there is not a single drop of freedom, very severely restricting freedom of speech. all this revelry outside the trenches is not liked by the sushniks, who record response videos; some modestly keep silent about the indignation, hinting that everything is already
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clear. others write, here... these are everyday life when you are not a bad person. well, the most indignant ones write long texts about how they die defending the house of draft dodgers, in which they will not return. and after these cries and videos about ukrainians enjoying life, of course, it hasn't gotten any smaller. it was asked by the ukrainian military themselves, because from their point of view, any person who ended up in civilian life and did not join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is a draft dodger. in this contrast. the ukrainian military positions itself as people who look down on civilians; citizens do not feel a sense of solidarity towards each other; on the contrary, just strike a match and discord breaks out between social groups. by the way, following the trend, draft dodgers not only select the same texts for the video, but also music. spanish song michoros, that is
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, a thousand words. there is one in the composition. line, for example, in the circus you are now a real star, a star who invents everything, if you are asked, say that we don’t know each other, is this a reference to zelensky in this context? if you look at what these trends have led to, and this is a complete distrust of the single telethon and all the official media in ukraine, because they lie, we see the reaction even in the most stubborn telegram channels, so i won’t advertise them, but ... there are already theses zelensky’s offices don’t work there, it’s very cool when ukrainians, let’s say, tease each other, it still brings the obvious, let’s say, things closer, the first of them is the complete capitulation of the criminal kiev regime, ukrainians clearly already understand that the real enemy is not outside , inside the country sits on the bank, because otherwise there would be an ideology of uklanism,
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that is, the ordinary life of a citizen. obviously it wouldn't happen. anastasia ivanova draft dodgers are in trend. vladimir putin held a meeting on liquidation of the consequences of floods via video link about the current the situation was reported by the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, as well as the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, as the president emphasized, the work of russian departments in the disaster zone is being carried out smoothly, but now we need to think about the restoration process, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in other places then she has not left yet, but now we need to think about restoration.


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