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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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that is, the ordinary life of a citizen would clearly not have arisen. anastasia ivanova draft dodgers are in trend.
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housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so don’t delay, please, prepare for this in advance , please, anton gernovich, add something in advance, we are in contact with the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, calculations are being prepared, the money will be allocated immediately, there are resources in the reserve fund, great, well, the ministry of health is working, local... doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is set up, in general, i hope that there will be such well-coordinated work continued, and we minimize everything, both risks and consequences. as the governor of the orenburg region noted at the meeting, the water level in the ural river has reached its maximum in the entire history of observations. at the moment, it is already almost 11 m. in the regional capital , there may be high-rise flooding in the flood zone. complex
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, dams are being built on site and water is being pumped out in orsk, where thousands of residential buildings were previously flooded, the situation has stabilized, the first six hundred buildings have been freed from water and local residents have the opportunity to appreciate the scale of the what the elements have done, our special correspondent margarita semenyuk is monitoring the situation in the region , guys, help, the bedridden ninety-year-old grandmother is being evacuated first, because the water is rapidly...
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watered, and today at about 6 am the water began to flow into the house, i am grateful to the guys, because our situation is very difficult, my mother is 97 years old, she practically doesn’t move, they made her great, i’m calm, thank you very much, the water is rapidly rising, but the rescuers are ahead of it, let the residents of snt, come on, thank you very much, well... in orenburg and the region, over 45 household plots and 2,500 houses were flooded, 1,332 people were evacuated, including 136 children. people did not expect such a flood and did not immediately leave their homes. they said that we would have about 10 centimeters of neighbors on our property, and since there was nowhere to put the dog, i sat there and didn’t evacuate yesterday because i thought it would suddenly stop. they approach the house
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along the roof of a neighboring building, several dogs are whining here, rescuers open the attic and go down through the hole to get the animals. rescuers from the volga rescue center now they are helping dogs get out of a blocked house, here the water has risen almost 2 m, in some places even higher and you can only get to the house through the roof, there is another dog in the house... three rescuers will now get another dog. there are dozens of rescued dogs and cats, and even more grateful people. today we finally managed to save our little animals, thanks to the kind people, the emergency workers, thank you very much for this. the dogs are still alive, everything is fine. and this is the embankment of the urals, people are preparing for to the worst. here we gathered with our neighbors and organized it. we recapture the territory
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that is lower. a meter-high water-filling dam was deployed at 3 km; water is pumped from the river into a flood control sleeve. the complex should protect the solnechny microdistrict near the urals from the approaching flood. over 5,000 people live here in apartment buildings, and people are strengthening the dam with their own efforts. there is one understanding that the urals are still increasing. this means there is an understanding that it is big. sections, there is also an understanding, we see that our dam is being strengthened all the time during the day since yesterday, the water has been coming, and the peak of the flood has not yet been passed, as of 20:00, the water level in the river is already 10 m 90 cm, it is expected that the figures will exceed
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the value of 11 m. we have exceeded all historical figures of all years in the entire history of observation, it seems to me that everyone already knows. in this part it continues, it is clear that this volume of water, i think, will stabilize over the course of today, that is, from morning until the next morning, i think that we will reach the peak, well , then, of course, there will be some that time of being at the peak, well, certainly decreasing, therefore, the situation today will be at its peak, this is my forecast, i think that i am unlikely to be wrong. the governor reported to vladimir putin that, according to preliminary estimates, the damage from the flood in the orenburg region exceeded 40 billion rubles. the minister of construction of russia and rek faizulin is working on site. no one will be left without support. there are questions regarding the garden partnership, but we will also work out
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the mechanism. so that we can also support them not only at the municipal level, but also at the regional level, so this is the task in front of us. and so in general. in general , countries have experience in dealing with such liquidation of consequences, so we will work together on all structures. for the third time , the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, also flew to orenburg. the military is also providing assistance; the peak is expected at night and in the morning. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov. news: orenburg. the president of belarus arrived in russia on a two-day official visit at these minutes. vladimir putin receives alexander lukashenko in the kremlin. in the program "negotiations and business dinner." a press conference is not scheduled today, but the belarusian leader nevertheless voiced several theses. before the meeting, he answered questions from the author of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. after vladimir putin’s victory in the presidential elections, it was alexander
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lukashenko - the first foreign guest in the kremlin , he arrived in moscow in particularly high spirits. the whole of belarus is now honoring the first woman in the history of the country, the first woman in the history of the country.
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according to which the kiev regime is allegedly preparing for the next attempts counteroffensive, in this regard , a high-ranking source in our defense department recalled that the previous summer counteroffensive cost the enemy more than 160 thousand personnel, almost 800 tan. and 2,500 units of other armored vehicles, and
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the square is not capable of leveling out such losses of equipment at its own expense, since it has not been producing anything for a long time and is forced to rely exclusively on the west, and the only way for the junta to compensate for the lack of manpower is the law on the forced mobilization of cannon fodder, so the only result of zelensky’s new plan, if it reaches the implementation stage, will be the final defeat of the armed forces of ukraine and a complete disaster for... ukraine the office of the un secretary general today called for an immediate stop to the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but again did not dare to clarify who was behind them, although the picture of the event is obvious to everyone, including magathe experts who work directly in the energy darium, they also prefer not to point out the guilt of the kiev regime. in turn, the russian country is doing everything necessary for the safe operation of nuclear power plants, even in the current very unsafe conditions, will be confirmed by natalya solovyova. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is operating normally, although the situation remains tense. this is how
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the head of rostekhnadzor assessed the situation on the spot. currently , work is underway at the station to prepare for extending the service life of power units and certifying personnel. the first block, the closest one, the operating organization, we are in contact with her, we have already worked, she is preparing a package of documents, we are fulfilling all the requirements of the russian side, we are fulfilling all instructions. including the decree of the president of the russian federation, we use permits from the previous regulator, but we work with colleagues within the framework of the current legislation of the russian federation and within the framework of magato’s recommendations. alexander trembitsky visited the fourth power unit, which is now being prepared for cooldown. i inspected the wells that experts drilled last fall; water from them feeds special ponds that are designed to remove heat from the zas reactors. 250 cubic meters, drilled one sample, test we tried to drill there using hydraulic constrictions,
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at first it turned out to be ineffective, we did it here and showed 24, and this is how we took as much as we needed. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in energodar has six power units, the largest nuclear power plant in europe and a point of constant tension. for 2 years in a row, the kiev regime has been attacking its infrastructure, sending drones towards the nuclear facility. there are some, so to speak. increased voltage at work, we ensure nuclear safety in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation with job descriptions, the work is being carried out, on sunday ukrainian drones again attacked zais, in particular the canteen, the cargo port and the sixth power unit of the station, three people were injured, one seriously, serious damage was miraculously avoided, you are present and see what is happening here, what is happening russian station, nuclear power plant regularly undergoes external influence, which is categorically unacceptable, as on any
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object, especially on an object of extremely high critical danger, like a nuclear one, and you and i see, and we know, we understand where this external influence is happening, the international atomic energy agency admitted that attacks on the missile defense could lead to catastrophic consequences, magatte never demanded that kiev stop these attacks, although rafael grossi said that it was necessary to work on de-escalating the conflict. no one can gain military or political benefit from an attack on nuclear facilities. an attack on a nuclear power plant is absolutely unacceptable; an attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant means a threat to nuclear safety. we should all use everything available leverage to prevent new attacks on zas. this is exactly what i do today. this separate meeting will be held on
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april 15, it has already been announced by russia’s ambassador to the un, vasily nebenden. our western colleagues are so accustomed to automatically turning a blind eye to any crimes and ugly antics of the kiev regime that they manage not to even notice the direct shelling and drone attacks they resumed a few days ago at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which risk causing a nuclear disaster in the very center. moscow calls the international community will condemn the unprecedented attack by ukrainian neo-nazis, and kiev will stop shelling from the consequences of which no one will benefit. natalya solovyova, lead. well, now let's return to the topic of the flood in the orenburg region, the water is leaving the city of orsk, but it is still very difficult for people, reporting by our special correspondent stanislav bernwald, the water in orsk is receding, but rescuers continue to monitor the situation in the flooded areas, as you can see, there is still a lot of water, now the next one has appeared
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problem, but there are many people who decided to return to their homes. there are people who did not leave, so the rescuer delivers the most necessary things to them, water, food, humanitarian aid, all this has to be done on a daily basis, we go with the rescuer on a zodiac through the streets of orsk, the guys have already made their tenth trip today, they say in the light we can go again 20 times, pensioner nina vasilievna needs to take the candles to the matches, valery from the tenth house near akuchayevskaya asked for aa batteries for a flashlight, they can’t refuse they... they are like relatives here and are always ready to help, we had our own, so to speak, acquaintances, we fought with my grandmother for 2 days, we even brought my grandfather so that my grandmother agreed to go with us, yeah, they brought a grandson, she didn’t go, we brought grandpa, and on the second day she agreed to leave with us, saying that you would take
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some water, but no, there are guys, thank you, there are, how are you, as usual, as on titan. tatyana waits for the guys every day, she’s always happy to chat, today i decided to invite them for a visit, we’re mooring at the first entrance, we make our way inside, the water is above the knee, hello, hello, come on in, today there was still water on this step, now it’s gone, so it’s going away slowly, it’s going away, yes, it’s going away right before our eyes, guys, you know what, guys, fix it up yesterday, i don’t remember which volunteers gave me dog food, but we have cats. when the high water came, tatyana decided to stay at home, the cat maruska, she is very afraid to leave the apartment, so they while away the time, now they have time together, there is no color, but most importantly , water flows from the tap. we have water running all the time, it has never been turned off, that is, we can wash the dishes, heat the water, go shopping, that’s it, our water has never been turned off, not once in these 5 days has
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the water been turned off, only cold water comes from a hot tap, so it’s a thin trickle, but it’s also cold and... it’s cold, the pressure is calm, they say that in the city they even turned it off, but here we don’t, things are much worse with the water in the courtyard of the house, this is the picture we’ve been seeing for the fifth day , we already have our own favorite marks, which we look at and see how the water is leaving, yes, very slowly, but it is leaving, we take pictures, send it to the neighbors, of course, in many places we look, people are already walking up to their knees, it’s still deep here, the cars were floating, the white car was completely under water, it was completely empty it just stank. they even came, but the red one only had a roof, in the entrance, besides tatiana, there lives another family who refused to evacuate, they cook food for everyone on the burner, in the refrigerator there is what the rescuers and volunteers brought, and what does not spoil for a long time, we have a refrigerator defrosted, i actually have it open, here are the supplies that the volunteers came to give me, i have canned food for those
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products that do not spoil, those products that i more or less needed cold there, they are on my balcony, not we’re staying late, there’s still a lot of work, so we delivered water, food, as i understand it, you have a connection, there is a connection, yes, they support all communications, thank you very much, thank you guys, good luck, every now and then along the route we meet civilian ships , people are rushing about their business, chatting with neighbors we evacuated a day before the water arrived, we decided to go home and check if everything was okay, but the boat let us down, the boat couldn’t carry two people, i just checked. apartment, what’s going on there, christmas trees, there’s a full refrigerator left, everything’s probably gone there already, and most likely, well, i want to see, you never know, maybe the apartment is already hidden, thanks to the rescuer, they rolled up to the house, apartment, well there is a slight smell, of course, but everything seems to be fine, having collected the documents and the most necessary things, we are in a hurry to leave, the level’s mood has noticeably improved,
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in your own home, the walls help, well, let's go to the bass. let there be a trail, having reached the shore, we met some more rescuers, for several days these guys tried to get to the flooded hole, and now there is new footage from the kremlin. dear alexander grigorievich, thank you for coming to cosmonautics day, especially since we have a significant event, our cosmonauts, the first woman, returned to earth.
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now everything is on the rise, in the first months of this year, growth in general is even greater than last year, and diversification is developing cooperation is growing - mutual complementarity, everything in general is on the rise, we are very happy about this, and of course, we will talk about security issues on the western borders...
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it all started with the coup in ukraine, and then, when everything became so hot , it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started it in two cities, then the negotiating teams moved to turkey, to istanbul, there they practically completed this work, it went on for a long time, initialed on both sides. with the ukrainian side was also initialed, this paper was initialed, this document, well, as you know, then, under pressure from the west,
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the ukrainian side refused the agreement, let me remind you that then we were told that we should not sign documents, ukraine cannot sign with a gun to their temple , we need to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it. immediately after we did this, our agreements were thrown into the trash, but now, as you know, the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not there they invite us, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be solved without us.
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let me turn to you, maybe we will continue consultations with you in this area, but as for other areas, you are well aware of this too, for example in the energy sector, unfortunately because if the need arises, we have observed a series of attacks on to our energy facilities recently and you...
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but i repeat once again, if all this loops into the solution of those issues, about which we said initially, and the attacks on the energy sector are also related to the solution of one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, and this is demilitarization, which we, first of all, proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry (the industrial complex of ukraine - and directly, but if we still move on to where i started, let’s move on to
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some conversations, resolving all issues in other ways, of course, as i have said many times, we are ready for this, well, we let's talk about this in more detail, i i’ll tell you everything in detail, thank you for this detail, i can confirm everything you said, because we returned to these issues more than once a year ago, several months ago. concerned them, including the peace process, well, if they want, in switzerland, that’s what they call peace conferences, but if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without us there, but the lord is with them, that’s what i already said , our position is that they can only agree there on how to intensify the escalation of this conflict, without
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russia, which can... put itself in a corner, well, yes, when it refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it, now they understand that this is impossible, they have abandoned negotiations and are now in a rather difficult situation, but we found original solutions, yes, but our goal is not to
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put everyone in a difficult position. we are on the contrary, we are ready to work constructively, but, but no imposition on us of any position, not based on reality, of course, it can’t be, what i’m getting at is that i absolutely support the position of the current russian leadership, your position on the peace process in this conflict, i absolutely support it, today we have everything to sit down and negotiate, they don’t want to, it’s clear why they don’t want to, we. .. this question was answered, if overseas they want to talk about peace, then in ukraine this voice will be heard, so ukrainians should know, especially the population, that this does not depend on us, the ball, roughly speaking, is on the other side, i remember this process, which started in belarus, three rounds passed, the fourth round in istanbul and then you copied all these documents and handed them over to me.
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and an understudy, today we awarded her, in the same way as in russia, she became a hero in belarus and agreed with roscosmos, with yuri borisov, that they would be very happy to work with us on the development of the whole space program, we want for the future and through it can take 2 years to throw a new satellite into orbit with the russians with the greatest opportunity of 25 cm.
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including women are ready.


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