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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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russia remains open to negotiations on ukraine, but the format should be realistic. this statement was made by vladimir putin at a meeting with his belarusian counterpart in the kremlin. they also talked about the upcoming conference in switzerland, where the focus will be on the ukrainian issue, although it will be held without the participation of moscow. as you know, the idea is being promoted to hold
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some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we’re not going there, it’s actually some kind of nopticum, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t. it’s sad, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there can be no peace process, well, maybe they are right that they don’t invite us there, because what can we talk to them about, what can we talk about with them? talk, if they are trying to gather more than 100 states there, what?
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dictate something to us or persuade us, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that they, well, in any case, the opposite country to a certain extent painted itself into a corner, well, yes, when it refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, to inflict a strategic defeat on her, now they understand that this is impossible, they refused negotiations and now...
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in the winter they did not deliver any blows, meaning that they did not want to leave her without energy supply to social institutions, hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced to respond, i remember this conversation, and even you were reproached in russia, that’s why they need to hit these pain points, the energy sector, you said then, maybe ... in a military way, i feel sorry for people, in kindergartens, in schools, if the energy sector in ukraine collapses, children and people will suffer, but these attacks on sensitive points in russia, well, that’s the appropriate answer, so again i think, that in ukraine there are many people who are mad, but not everyone, i think, they heard it and saw it, and now about the situation with... with floods in
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the regions, and so the river level in the tomsk region increased by more than half a meter in a day, several villages and dachas were flooded. in direct communication from the region, my colleague anna medvedeva, anna, i welcome you, tell us what the forecasts are, in general, and has the peak of the flood already passed or not yet? tatyana, hello, the peak of the flood just began yesterday, in the area, within the city, they are observing the first progress in the evening. along the entire river, in some areas of tomsk, began the water is rising, in one of them the water has risen by almost 2 m, this is 3 m less than the critical point, yesterday the gardens of the partnership were flooded, in baturino and vershinino, villages, more than 180 houses were flooded, almost 100 people were evacuated, among them there are and children, at the moment a...
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according to the regional ministry of emergency situations, by april 15 the water level in the area of ​​​​the village of kozyulina is expected to rise to 1,000 m, while the critical mark... reaches 980 m, that is, 20 cm more, and also at the moment the regional highway is overflowing and kazanka remains, entry there is limited, and travel between the tomsk villages of yar, baturino and vershinino, which are now in the flood zone, is completely closed, you can only get there with special equipment, and temporary accommodation points, temporary accommodation points. located in nearby villages, where emergency services of the ministry of emergency situations are on duty. i will add that this year, due to the accumulation of slush, and under the ice during the flood period, during the period of ice drift, ice formed, because of this
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the water level is rising. there is no ice movement in some places. the regional authorities do not exclude the introduction of a state of emergency if the scenario occurs. along the worst path, then additional blasting operations are possible, sandbags are at the ready in the villages, experts are now making very careful forecasts, those on duty are checking the water level markers hourly, so that if the water does approach the dangerous edge, they can immediately send it there equipment or specialists, and also evacuate those who have not yet managed to get out. for some reason this cannot be done, just to eliminate the consequences of the flood in the tomsk region, it was planned a grouping of forces of the ministry of emergency situations in the amount of 5,000 people, that is, this is almost 1,500 units of equipment, the situation is kept under
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control, and therefore we are monitoring the development of events. in the near future , the villages of chernaya rechka are preparing for a flood scenario, now there is also a rise in water there. because ice has formed nearby, but that ’s all for now, colleagues, thank you anna, flooding in the tomsk region - said my colleague anna medvedeva. and in the country as a whole, the flood situation remains tense. so in another 20 water-filled barriers were brought to the kurgan region by a special aircraft from the ministry of emergency situations. the strengthening of the grit dam is scheduled to be completed today. regional authorities say the body of water is moving to the side. has slowed down, businesses in the orenburg region affected by the flood are being promised a deferment on loans. in this region , another 360 houses were flooded overnight. the water is gradually leaving the orsk region, but the level is rising near the regional capital. in the novosibirsk region, almost
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200 more areas fell into the flood zone. authorities are monitoring and targeted help to residents. this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. in the tyumen region , another fifty houses were included in the possible flooding zone. in khakassia, several holiday villages were closed to the public; in one of the villages of kusbas , rescuers literally removed people from the roofs of their attics; in the south of the urals in the volga region and in the center of the european part of the country, the flood situation has generally stabilized. in the orsk region, which was one of the first in the region to suffer from floods, the water is gradually receding. rescuers patrol flooded villages every day, for people who decide stay in...drinking water and food are delivered to their homes. our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, set off on the flight. the water in orsk is receding, but rescuers continue to monitor the situation in the flooded areas, as you can see, there is still a lot of water, now
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the following problem has arisen: there are many people who decided to return to their homes, there are people who did not leave, so a rescuer is brought them. the most necessary things - water, food, humanitarian aid, all this has to be done on a daily basis, we walk with the rescuers on the zodiac through the streets of orsk, this is the guys' tenth flight today, they say in the world, you can go 20 more times, pensioner nina vasilievna needs a candle to take her to the matches, valera from the tenth house near akuchayevskaya asked for aa batteries for a flashlight, they can’t refuse, they are already like family here and always ready to help, we had... our own, so to speak, acquaintances, we fought with my grandmother for two days, we even brought my grandfather so that my grandmother would agree to go with us, yeah, they brought their grandson, she didn’t go, they brought my grandfather, so the second day she agreed to leave with us, earrings 100, will you take some water, no, there is,
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guys, thank you, there is, how are you, yes, as usual, as on the titanic, tatyana waits every day, guys, she’s always happy to chat, today i decided. to invite us for a visit, we moor at the first entrance, make our way inside, the water is above the knee, hello, hello, come on in, today there was still water on this step. now it’s gone, so, it’s leaving, yes, it’s leaving right before our eyes, you know what, guys, give me a job, yesterday, i don’t remember what kind of volunteers, dog food, and we have cats, when the high water began to flow, tatyana decided to stay at home, the cat maruska, she is very afraid to leave the apartment, so they while away the time, now they have time together, there is no light, but the main thing is water flows from the tap, we have water all the time, it has never been turned off , that is, we can wash the dishes and heat the water.
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walks around, takes pictures, sends them to neighbors, of course, in many places we look, people are already walking up to their knees, it’s still deep here, cars were floating, the white car was completely under water, completely, boats were driving right over it, even, and the red one there was only a roof, in the entrance besides tatyana there lives another family who refused to evacuate, they cook food for everyone on the burner, in the refrigerator there is what the rescuers and volunteers brought, and what does not spoil for a long time, our refrigerator is defrosted, it is me...
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ramel and his neighbors evacuated a day before the water arrived, they decided to go to the house, check if everything was okay, but the boat let us down, the boat couldn’t carry two people, i just checked the apartment, what was going on there, all the trees, there was a full refrigerator there, everything is probably gone there, and most likely, well, i want to see, you never know, maybe the apartment is already hidden, thanks to the rescue, so we drove up to the house, the apartment, well, there is a slight smell, of course, so everything seems to be fine, having collected the documents that are most necessary things, we are in a hurry to get out, the mood of the level has noticeably
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improved, the walls and home are helping, well , let’s go, stinky, let there be a trace, having reached the shore, we met some more rescuers, for several days... the guys tried to get to the flooded dovecote in old city, but the current didn’t allow it , today it finally worked out, just yesterday we were on the dam, the water seemed to be under the window, while i was taking the boat back and forth, some special pigeons, some kind of breed, well, yes , of course, he managed to save the cat, but now they are together, and this is the main thing, because trouble can only be survived together, stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov, news, orsk, orenburg region. and now news from the economy of alexander business, who suffered from floods in the orenburg region,
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can use credit holidays, the regional government announced this, tell us, how long will this grace period last? tatyana, from 6 to 12 months, i’ll start with a different topic. vladimir putin instructed the government to develop the basic principles for preparing new national projects by the end of the month. let me remind you that the president announced in her address to the federal assembly. plans for the implementation of projects “family, long active life, personnel, data economy and youth of russia, they should contribute to improving life russians. in addition, by june 15, vladimir putin instructed to prepare a proposal for the development of shipbuilding and update the plan for the creation of civilian ships, including for the export of russian products. at the same time , the cabinet of ministers must allocate funds for the development of space nuclear energy. a business that was damaged by the flood." organizations have already begun to work in this
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direction; depending on the bank, they consider each financial request of the borrower individually. how to spend and save correctly, educational programs will teach you this my finances relay race, which will cover all of russia. the start of the first stage was given by deputy minister of finance pavel katochnikov. main task: the ministry of finance's shares are to help everyone who wants to master the basics of financial literacy. the age of the participants is not important; many educational projects created with the participation of the ministry help achieve results. the organizers reviewed more than 300 applications from thirty regions from the kaliningrad region to the primorsky territory. the authors of the projects taught how to handle finances in the format of quests, kvn, launched thematic telegram channels and created audiobooks. you can join the relay not only in person; there will also be activities online. the ministry
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of finance has been working on the topic of financial literacy for more than 10 years together with the constituent entities of the russian federation, together with the bank of russia, together with ours. today we see that about 70% of our citizens demonstrate an average or high level of financial literacy. intermediary measurements show that the share of citizens who plan their financial decisions and plan their budget has increased to 48%, plus 3% points compared to last year. this is a good result, but of course, we cannot stop there. the world bank believes that foreign financing plays a major role in the ukrainian economy. this is the only way she manages to maintain relative stability. last year it received $42.5 billion, but experts have growing concerns about the timing and size of future tranches. ukraine’s budget for 2024 plans for $37.3 billion in external funding,
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obtaining it on time will be critical important to allow the authorities to maintain macroeconomic...
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the hypothesis of ukraine's defeat is again on the agenda 2 years after the start of the conflict. according to french politicians cited by the newspaper, ukrainians are asking paris for help in order to simply, quote, hold out this year, and
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promise a new offensive in the coming year. but only 20% of ukrainian men are for... this is data from a ukrainian public publication, it also follows: 63% of citizens do not want to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the same number have a negative assessment work of military registration and enlistment offices. the fact that the idea of ​​a new counter-offensive was stillborn was recalled in the russian foreign ministry. according to diplomats, kiev’s bloody initiative will finally exterminate the citizens of ukraine. however, the alternative, both banking and its main sponsor, the pentagon, does not see the escalation. exceeds the entire production of the alliance.
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the united states, like other nato countries, will not dare, military analysts believe, russia is threefold. the russian military-industrial complex works not based on profit, but on state interests. the management has no problems with the launch production lines, in the west the defense industry has been privatized and money is at the forefront. owners do not want to invest in weapons that may become irrelevant a few months after peace negotiations. this kind of thinking is having an impact on european manufacturing. russia is strengthening its defense industry and the economy as a whole, this despite the sanctions storm from the west - summed up. the print edition writes that the ukrainian army is being destroyed and no help can save it. moscow win this war, the only question is how far west will it go? troops. emil mersaev, news. now it's time for sports news. alexander, sensation, in the quarter finals of the europa league. tell me, which one? tatiana,
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the main favorite of the tournament. liverpool lost to atalanta in the first match with a score of 0:3. let's start with hockey. magnitogorsk metallurgy has only one victory left to reach the final of the gagarin cup. in the semi-final series against motorist, magnitogorsk took the lead with a score of 3:2. in this match of the series , denis zernov scored a hat-trick, with the first two goals zernov abandoned it in the first period. further, the motorist recovered from a 0:2 deficit at the beginning of the third period to level the score 2:2. for the second match in a row, the motorist found the strength to make a comeback. 2 days ago they returned to the game after 0:3, but this time it did not help them win. the fate of the match was in fact decided by the removal of the ekaterenburg team. just 3 minutes after the score was level. the removal was carried out by daniil vovchenko. it was. the winning goal in the match. metallurg eventually won with a score of 5:2 tomorrow, if they win in yekaterinburg , magnitogorsk will qualify for the finals of the gagarin cup. we overcome well. therefore, well, the fact
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that the score was 3:3 and that we broke down, no, we played at that time, i think it’s better. today, on the contrary, by the way, there was a moment when the score really became 2:2 and well , they could have scored us a third, so it’s good that we earned this sending off. in the national hockey league, tampa bay forward nikita kucherov continues to rack up points in his record-breaking, historic season. last night kucherov gave two assists in the match against ottawa. thus, the russian already has 141 points according to the goal plus pass system. first place in the list of leading scorers, and most likely a future award for the most valuable player of the season. before the end of the regular season , each team in the nhl only has two or three matches left. in the europa league, the main sensation in the first quarter of the final matches occurred in liverpool. jurgin klop's team unexpectedly lost at home to atalanta, and liverpool lost heavily 0:3.
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gianlucas scored a double for the italian team kamaki, another goal was scored by croatian mario pasalic. atalanta's russian midfielder alexei miranchuk entered the field as a substitute in the eighty-ninth minute when the score was already 3:0. before the match, bookmakers estimated atalanta’s chances at a huge odds of 7. liverpool’s chances were interrupted. to correct the extreme situation of winning back the 0:3 deficit, liverpool will be at bergoma in the return match next thursday. in the other first quarter final matches , bayern beat westham 2-0. bayern is still undefeated this season in all tournaments in which it takes part. benfica beat marseille 2:1 and roma were stronger than milan in the italian confrontation (1:0). world racket karen khachanov emerged victorious in the russian confrontation with daniil medvedev at the prestigious masters series tournament in monte carlo. the opponents spent almost 2
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hours on the court, 6-3-7-5 in favor of the silver medalist of the tokyo olympics. the match started unusually for men's tennis. in the first four games, the opponents took each other's serves. everything was decided at the end of the game, when khachanov managed to take medvedev's serve for the third time. in the second set, khachanov made one break and did not give up his serve. this was enough for victory. karen khachanov reached the quarterfinals for the first time in his career at the monte carlo masters. for a ticket to the semi-finals of the tournament, the russian will compete with the twelfth racket of the world, the greek stefanos tsetsipas. this match will take place today. and at the end of the issue there are beautiful shots from spain, where athletic bilbao celebrated their victory in the national cup. athletic held a championship parade on the river. team with trophy took a ride on the barge. according to spanish media reports, take a look. about a million people came to this event, which is three times the population of the city of bilbao. the idea is that this copa del rey was the first trophy for the club in 40 years, and athletic in
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1984 sailed with the championship parade on the same barge. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. and about the progress of the special military operation , the artillerymen of the southern group of forces struck the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction. shot. the fire was carried out at night time from howitzer d-20. the firing range was more than. 17 km, the actions of the crew were adjusted in real time, this made it possible to destroy the personnel of the enemy position as quickly as possible with
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the expenditure of a minimum amount. targets arrive, they detect, within one minute we work it out, the first sighting, 20-30 m, the second is already control, most often they rotate at night, in russia today is cosmonautics day, on this day, april 12, 1961 , yuri gagarin made his first world flight into space, vostok ship with soviet i tried it as an astronaut on board. 108 minutes, during which time it completed one revolution around the earth. the historical event marked the beginning of space exploration. our cosmonauts conveyed congratulations directly from the iss. they thanked everyone who works on earth for the benefit of space, designers, engineers and technicians, the feeling of your involvement in something great.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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floods expand geography. now kusbass has been added to the sinking regions. what is the peculiarity of the flood on the siberian rivers and how much longer will the level of the urals rise in orenburg? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zabuchenkov. hello, the anomalous flood is covering more and more areas. in orenburg, the water continued to rise the day before, by the evening the level of the urals reached a record high: 10 m, 92. this is what it looks like from space: the damage to the region from the flood will probably amount to more than 40 billion rubles, this amount was announced by the governor on wednesday: people, as best they can , are saving their property; the day before in orenburg, for example, the most savvy motorists, here are the rafts we're on...


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