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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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uk monitors the situation on the ground, she joins us. rita, good morning, which areas of the city are currently in water? are there reports that power facilities may also be flooded? yes, alexander, greetings, according to the latest data, 10 districts are flooded in orenburg, all snt in them, which are located in the floodplain of the ural river and partially in the floodplain of the sakmara river. also, these areas are now really cut off from electricity... there is indeed a risk of flooding of energy facilities, but i note that according to the latest data at 8 am the river level in the urals is 11 m 29 cm, now the evacuation of the population continues actively both at night and during the day, that is, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are working around the clock, helping people evacuate to safe places, 99 people were evacuated during the night, nine of them were children, during the day 9 were flooded
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, all schools institutions are open except for one school, this is lyceum number two, children were sent to distance learning, all kindergartens, the rest are all in working order. i would like to note that there are currently 165 people in temporary accommodation centers, despite the fact that the water continues to remain, the growth rate is decreasing and we expect the peak today, and in an intensified mode. volunteers are also working,
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now they are actively collecting humanitarian aid for all the victims in orenburg in the orenburg region, people, city residents are carrying everything they need, these are basic necessities, non-perishable products, in general, everything that is needed for first aid, now i suggest listening to comments volunteers collected more than 7 tons of water and, accordingly, we had 3 tons of water, 4 tons of water were divided into orenburg. well, today the mayor of orenburg will meet with residents of the affected snt and will have a personal meeting with them. let me remind you that people affected by the flood can... take advantage
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of various support measures, this is 20 thousand rubles. one-time payment of 50,000 rubles. for residents who have partially lost their property and 100,000 rubles. those who have completely lost all their property. alexandra. thank you, our special correspondent margarita semenyuk was in direct communication from orenburg. now in the tyumen region, where they are just preparing for the arrival of big water. the main blow of the elements the city of ishim will take over. they are now strengthening protective structures for residents of areas that will be in the flood zone, and 24 temporary accommodation centers have been opened. our correspondent ksenia usolsova joins the broadcast from tyumen. ksenia, hello, how quickly is your water flowing in general now, how do experts assess the situation in the region? alexander, greetings, we are now in the city of yelutorovsk. here, one after another
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, large cars and dump trucks come, they dump the lady in order to secure residential buildings from the possible arrival of high water from the tobol river, more than 40 pieces of equipment are involved, we talked with the local population and propose to listen to what their mood is today, we are not collecting anything yet, but there is nothing yet, even there is everything between tobol and tobolchik it’s dry, everything is dry on the meadow here, so why pack our things, what kind of things do we have? it will take a long time to get ready, no, no, not yet, big water, just like what they are threatening, it seems to me something like this will not happen, for now it’s like this, the day before about the situation in tyumen region governor alexander morta reported to vladimir putin that 51 settlements and 1,847 residential buildings fall into the zone of probable flooding, which is almost 7,300 people, for evacuation. of this number of people in
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municipalities are ready to deploy more than 100 temporary accommodation centers with a maximum capacity of up to 13 thousand people, also , according to the governor, only 70 were surveyed. 70% of people are ready to move to their friends, acquaintances, relatives, only 30 to use temporary temporary accommodation. in addition, tyumen has announced a recruitment of volunteers to work in the zone possible flooding. they will undergo special training and in case of high water, they will be ready to help the population to the ministry of emergency situations employees. i suggest listening to how volunteers are trained. this is topography, well, in order to...
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we tell the guys about this, let me remind you that a state of emergency has been in effect in the region since april 8, all forces have been put on alert, this is more than 12 thousand people, more than 300 pieces of equipment, including , of course, watercraft , in the obbatsky district they are ready to deploy prefabricated dams about 4 km long, and this structure... was delivered by the ministry of emergency situations b76 the day before, also the federal road is currently being filled there, the object is extremely significant, of course, it is important to secure it now, and warehouses have also been deployed above so that people can bring their own property, furniture, household appliances, some
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things, and according to the latest information from the tyumen region inftab, from april 13 to 17 on the ishim river near the village of ilyinko , the water level is expected to rise to... unfavorable event levels, the head reported tyumen center for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring tatyana morozova, but we will continue to monitor the situation in our region, if we talk about the water level in the tobol river, where we are now, it is now at 382 cm, the water has increased by 26 cm over the past 24 hours . alexandra, let’s continue working, i’ll give the floor to the studio. ksenia, thank you. ksenia usolsova spoke about how they are preparing for the passage of floods in the tyumen region. in general, the flood situation throughout the country remains tense. to kurganskaya 20 more water-filled barriers were brought to the region by plane from the ministry of emergency situations. the strengthening of the embankment dam is scheduled to be completed today. according to
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regional authorities, the advance of the body of water towards kurgan has slowed down. during the day, the tobol rose by 10 cm. the peak of the flood in the regional center is expected on april 14-15. in the novosibirsk region , almost 200 areas are in the flood zone, the authorities are monitoring and providing targeted assistance to residents, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. the river level in the tomsk region increased by more than half a meter over the course of a day, villages and dachas were flooded, and in kakasii for visits were closed to several holiday villages. in one of the villages of kuzbass, rescuers literally removed people from roofs and attics. in the south of the urals in the volga region in the center of the european part of the country, the flood situation has generally stabilized. the tula region collected 100 tons of humanitarian aid for orsk, which suffered from the flood, and sent drinking water,
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medicine, food and basic necessities. read more about helping the flooded region, vitaly motorin. boxes and pallets rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations. transported through the loading ramp into the cargo compartment il-76. mutilated water, vegetables and non-perishable foods, clothing, medicines, in a word, everything that is urgently needed by flood-affected residents of the orenburg region. humanitarian supplies for the residents of orsk in trouble, on behalf of the head of our region, alexei dyumin, were collected as quickly as possible. industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs and simply concerned residents from all over tula came to the rescue. from the weapons capital, the goods were delivered by truck to an airfield near moscow, where they were sent three special aircraft il-76 of the russian ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense were immediately deployed. these heavy transport planes landed at orsk airport at night with more than 100 tons
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of humanitarian aid from the tours region. this is one of the largest events organized for residents of the orenburg region by our compatriots in the stulsk region. first of all. i would like to thank the governor of the tula region alexey dyumin, thank those enterprises, organizations that took part in the formation of this cargo, ordinary residents, thank you very much. already in the morning, these humanitarian supplies, disassembled into small trucks and minibuses, were delivered to temporary accommodation centers, where residents of the flooded areas were evacuated. all of our houses have gone under the roof; we can’t even imagine what’s wrong with the houses. according to the orenburg ministry of emergency situations, since the beginning of the flood , rescuers have evacuated more than 7,500 residents of the orenburg region, and more than 2,500 of them lived in orsk. for this help they thank tulyakov and... the region, there is also tea, condensed milk, this is for towels, this is canned food,
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sugar and oatmeal, these are boots, well, boots will come in handy for us, someone needs a blanket to cover themselves with, this is mine, and here is a first aid kit, a first aid kit, that’s also good, thanks for the big first aid kit.
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line, a tank that was hitting russian positions was destroyed. the hidden firing point
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was located in a forest belt; our drones struck the target. today is cosmonautics day in russia. on this day, april 12 , sixty-one, yuri gagarin made the world's first flight into space. the vostok spacecraft with a soviet cosmonaut on board stayed there for 108 minutes, completing time alone. the historical event marked the beginning of space exploration; our cosmonauts conveyed congratulations directly from the iss, thanking everyone who works on earth for the benefit of space, designers, engineers and technicians. now let’s move on to a short advertisement, then we’ll talk about the situation on the oil market. alpha friday: super cashback every week from alfa bank. this
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dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they are. seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they are all broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and
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i was the victim, russia has become a leader in... oil supplies to india and china, they are talking about this data from the april opec report. more than 80% of our export raw materials go to the countries of the asia-pacific region. we’ll find out how the global market is changing from alexandra nazarova, she’s joining me, good morning. tell us, what forecasts are made for the price of oil? experts? sash, good morning, it can reach $100 per barrel. at the end of february, russia became the largest supplier of oil to... india and china , opec came to this conclusion. for us, these markets have also become key; we ship our main export varieties there: west siberian euroлs and east siberian espo. india has become the key buyer of the eurol variety. indian oil refiners actively purchased this grade during the twenty-third and twenty- fourth years. well, accordingly chinese
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direction actively collaborated on the espo variety, yes, that. the port of kozmino is a direct supply through the scavardino-mahe pipeline project, which has a connection on chinese territory. accordingly , these two markets are probably now the key ones for the sale of russian oil. there is also a turkish direction and other directions that continue to work. in february, we provided almost a quarter of all oil imports in china and a third in india. next in the top three suppliers in both markets were saudi arabia and iraq. last year we sent more than 80. of our exported oil and a third of petroleum products to the countries of the asia-pacific region, as deputy prime minister alexander novyk noted. we were able to completely redirect the volumes that fell after...
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greater asia, greater west. according to opec, in february russia reduced production of liquid hydrocarbons by 40,000 barrels per day. according to the forecast, taking into account all voluntary restrictions under the opec plus deal. this year the figure will decrease by 2,000 barrels per day. on average we will produce daily 10.750. and next year
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it won’t work at 130, but it has not yet been possible to agree on any measures to increase its efficiency. the west has exhausted any direct methods of influence. on russian exports, that is, at the physical level, ban something, limit something, they can no longer, all levers have been used, all that remains are steps to tighten administration, implement all these sanctions, already adopted sanctions regimes, change the ceiling, i i doubt that it will give any effect, if it does, it will be completely short-term, why, because the existing ceiling does not in any way affect the dynamics of exports and oil and gas revenues. are growing, in january-march they almost doubled; according to calculations by the ministry of finance, we received about 3 trillion rubles. the world bank admitted that russian oil exports remain
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stable, this was one of the reasons for the improvement in the forecast for our gdp, they expect that this year it will increase by 2.2%, next year 1. foreigners are talking about the sustainability of our oil supplies industry experts. despite the fact that in there are sanctions against russia, as well as a ceiling on oil prices from the group of seven, we see that oil flows from russia have not decreased at all, they have simply moved from one market to another. forecasts for the cost of oil are also growing. the us takminergo made a percentage correction. on average, the ministry expects to see $87 per barrel this year next year, because march was the third month in a row of growth for the brand brand, this. associated with attacks on commercial ships in the red sea, geopolitical tensions in the middle east and the situation around ukraine. now they offer about
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$90 per barrel. the price of oil is now in an upward trend, we see that over the past few days, over the past week it has increased significantly by more than 20%. accordingly, forecasts now from various world banks, investment and so on, structures that are associated with... oil indicate that due to certain circumstances, both fundamental and geopolitical, oil may reach the level of 100 dollars, or even exceed it. meanwhile, opec slightly lowered its forecast for the growth of supply in the market; in 2 years it will add a little more than 2 million barrels per day, but demand will grow almost twice as fast. sasha, rost, they are waiting for offers, for example, from the usa and norway. thank you sasha, it was alexandra nazarova with a story about the situation on the global oil market. and let's move on to other topics. the collapse of ukraine's armed forces is highly
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likely to happen very soon, bloomberg writes about this with reference to western officials. according to them, ukraine is in its most vulnerable position since the conflict began. emil mersaev has all the details. kyiv's position is becoming increasingly precarious. this is exactly the epithet to describe the situation. french journalists from the publication figaro chose the battlefield; they write that after the failed counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces last year, they are forced to retreat, while the russian army exerts constant pressure, breaking through enemy lines. extreme lethality of combat operations due to increased transparency of the battlefield and precision fire, makes any attack apu is labor-intensive and expensive in terms of human lives. this state of affairs is becoming more and more dangerous every day, the hypothesis of the defeat of ukraine. is again on the agenda 2 years after the start of the conflict, according to french politicians cited by the newspaper, ukrainians are asking paris for help in order to simply quote:
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hold out this year, and in the coming year they promise a new offensive, but only 20% ukrainian men of mobilization age are ready to join the army, this is data from a ukrainian public publication, of which it also follows: 63% of citizens do not want to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the same number negatively evaluate the work of military registration and enlistment offices. the fact that the idea of ​​a new counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces was stillborn was recalled in the russian foreign ministry. according to diplomats, kiev’s bloody initiative will end. i have nothing to announce at this time regarding the existence of any plan b, the focus now is on working with congress to pass the request for additional funding, which is the most pressing need. however, in any case, fight with your own hands the united states, like other nato countries, will not dare,
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the military believes. russia is strengthening its defense industry and the economy as a whole, this is despite the sanctions storm from the west, the print concludes, it writes that the ukrainian army is being destroyed and no help can save it. moscow is winning this war, the only question is how far west its troops will go. emil mirsaev, news. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack in a synagogue in moscow. it was prepared by a citizen
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of one of the central asian countries. was going to cause an explosion at one of the mass meetings, during arrest, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized; during a search , a ready-made homemade explosive device was found on him. another terrorist attack on a military facility was prevented by the fsb in donetsk. it was prepared by six citizens of one of the central asian states. they were detained. during the search , two ready-made bombs and hand grenades were found. the terrorists carried out assignments from curators from ukraine.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a dep fake, change voice. we will expose all
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fakes. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the first female cosmonaut from belarus. on
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the order of gagarin from:


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