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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, i want to emphasize that we are for, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, but if why am i saying this, because if the need arises, i will allow myself to contact you, maybe we will continue consultations with you in this area. they call it a peace conference, well, if they want to talk about peace in ukraine without us, but the gentlemen are with them, our position is that they can there we can only agree on how to intensify the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there cannot be a peace process, well, maybe they are right that they do not invite us there, because what can we talk about with them?
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and now we find ourselves in a rather difficult situation. kiev has legally prohibited itself from entering into negotiations. for some reason the west doesn’t stop him. none of this sounds like there is any interest in a settlement. but adding fuel to the fire, that is, pumping up the kiev regime with weapons, on the contrary, continues. the west has already disrupted it once the peace process, which began precisely with the mediation of minsk. at the meeting, the leaders revealed new details of the negotiations that began in belarus and continued in turkey. it was you who carried out peaceful
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two cities, then the negotiations moved to belarus, we started this with teams in turkey, in istanbul, there we practically completed this work, a lot of it for a long time, it went on, initialed on both sides, with the ukrainian one too was initialed, this paper was initialed, this document, then, under pressure from the west , the ukrainian... let me remind you that then we were told that we cannot sign documents , ukraine cannot sign with a pistol , we need to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, immediately after we did it, our the agreements were thrown into the public domain, i remember this process and you later copied these documents and handed over the documents to me.
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they will find a response from ukraine, they will find it from the military, oddly enough, here i am ready to get tired together with you, and to work in this direction. kiev is apparently trying to prove to its patrons that it is capable of harming russia, sending its drones to civilian fuel facilities, and even the head of the pentagon is already asking ukraine to stop attacking russian refineries, since this could affect the global energy situation. russia is responding to these ukrainian attacks with targeted attacks. and effective strikes, i want
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to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not launch any strikes in the winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities , we were forced to respond if everything comes full circle in solving the issues that we spoke about initially, and the attacks on the energy sector are also related to solving one of the tasks that we have before ourselves put, and this...
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flight, according to lukashenko, brought the republic to a new level of participation in space programs. our cosmonauts, the first woman cosmonaut from belarus, returned to earth. we also have a good event today. our new rocket took off with new cosmodrome, heavy, this is another stage in the development of the space industry in russia. thank you for the space. it is clear that if it had not been for your decision then, there would have been no flight. but we agreed that it should be a belarusian woman who would fly, you suggested, and out of more than two thousand we chose six, then two, the main cosmonaut and the backup. according to lukashenko, new joint projects are being prepared, in particular to launch
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a new satellite into orbit. evgeny ryshatnev, polina gomzikova and kirill malikov, news! russia, in response, announced nongrad's persona is an employee. the slovenian embassy in moscow, the russian foreign ministry is now reporting this, but the tas agency is publishing footage of the slovenian ambassador in moscow driving away from the building of the ministry of foreign affairs. the russian ministry of foreign affairs reports that this step was a retaliatory measure; a strong protest was expressed in slovenia in connection with the groundless deprivation of accreditation of an employee of the embassy of the russian federation in the republic of slovenia. in addition, information is now appearing in telegram channels that the ministry of foreign affairs russia. the italian ambassador arrived in moscow and publishes footage of the japanese ambassador visiting the foreign ministry in moscow. so far, nothing has been reported about the reasons for these meetings and these summons of ambassadors to the foreign ministry. we will monitor incoming information. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin
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is working today in his constituency in saratov. on cosmonautics day, he laid flowers at the monument to the first cosmonaut of the planet and visited the oldest flying club in dubki, where yuri gagarin attended for the first time. everything is connected here with the first cosmonaut of the world, the flying club must develop, it is necessary to create an opportunity for everyone to get in touch with our history, thank you again , thank you very much, have a good one, alfa friday,
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where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere,
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lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. the state television and radio fund celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year. today, his archive contains about one and a half million films. records from the soviet period. how in demand are archival records now and how is their digitization going? read more about this and more in the director of the vgtrk branch of the state television and radio fund, alexander shafinsky, spoke to our channel in an interview. hello alexander stanislavich. good afternoon. we are communicating with you on the fiftieth anniversary of the state television and radio foundation. first of all, congratulations. and secondly, please tell us what the archive is like today, how many records are stored in the fund? well, i must say that from...
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the soviet period is of great interest not only among the domestic audience, but also naturally among neighboring countries, as well as abroad in more distant regions of the world, where our compatriots, where our compatriots are, the gosterlerfond is simultaneously engaged in... cultural and educational activities, popularizing the soviet heritage on social networks, vkontakte,
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odnoklassniki, telegram, as well as on the yandex-zen platform. the demand for materials from soviet television and radio, while ensuring equal access to digital copies, obviously, the total audience of the five channels of the state radio fund is at the end of the twenty-third year. 7.5 million subscribers with more than views 2.5 billion, this audience, as i already emphasized, and kazakhstan, belarus. uzbekistan, germany, the usa, that is, where our compatriots are. and we are communicating now at the foundation, the digitization process is currently underway, tell us how it is being built and what technologies are used here, are they russian? well, given the fact that all our content is recorded on film media, and over time, of course, we understand that the quality of the recording is deteriorating.
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one of the main objectives of the fund is to preserve our national... wealth by transferring archival materials from film media into digital format, well , adigitization is such an expanded concept, it implies not only frame-by-frame scanning of film, but also color correction and digital restoration of the resulting digital copy. until now , advanced technologies from foreign countries have been used for digitalization and storage, as we see in a scanner. which is already converting the film into digital format, well, already this year we have set our sights on the long-term preservation of digitized material, we are purchasing tape a library where already digitized material from russian manufacturers is stored. are there any exclusives in the fund, exclusive tapes, recordings that you are proud of? at the very
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beginning of the conversation, you talked about the content in general, which is stored here today in the archive, what is it, just that? films or not, content - this is implied, this is a set of all the material that is on film media, that is, not only films, not only films, yes, it should be noted that, in principle, all materials that are on stored exclusively in the year-fund, these are original versions of television films, including serials, produced by central film studios commissioned by the ussr state radio, as well as republican and regional television studios. and included in the golden collection of soviet cinema, thousands of programs of artistic, informational, documentary, scientific, educational, musical and entertainment content, these are films that are known to everyone, this meeting place cannot be changed, irony of fate or with light steam, the seventeenth of spring, and many, many others, this is the material that was released on television, not widely
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shown in cinemas, on television, also... a magnificent collection in the genre of television theater, blue lights, concerts, television lessons, children's programs, news, reports from all over the vast country abroad, television travel, stories about animals, author's evenings, performances of artists, opera and ballet, sports reviews and much, much more, in the collection of radio recordings, fairy tales, programs for children, unique recordings, performances with voices legendary artists, soviet-era literary readings, pop concerts , broadcasts, educational educational programs, also great content - this is directly for children, these are cartoons, well, in particular, they recently carried out a complete restoration of the popular cartoon in the blue sea in white foam, and how can you get
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access to the archives that are stored here? well, in principle, there are no problems, anyone... can order a copy of the necessary material that is stored in our fund, well, for this, just contact us, already our employees will advise those interested on all issues of the collection, technical parameters of materials, and an accessible way to obtain them. well, i understand correctly that, in principle , absolutely any footage of guests can be viewed on the internet in the public domain. look, yes, but don’t use it in your works, because well, in any case , there are rights to these works, so that’s all, naturally, those who want to use it in their interests should call us, and we will resolve all these issues, today is 50 years in guest of the television and radio fund, what are the prospects
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for the next 50? first of all, i would like to note that... the project is designed until 2027 , the implementation of this project is now in full swing. alexander stanislavovich,
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thank you for the interview, good luck in achieving all your goals. thank you. he wants to find his mother. what if my mother was shot in the past, maybe the pirates are holding her there. we will see this 100 years from now. “i understand that you miss your mother, i will believe it too, i don’t just miss you, i’m going to get her out, soon, there is engine starting, the flight is normal, there is mountain a5, this is colossal power concentrated in a relatively small mass, to keep this power in this small mass, this is the task facing the designer, angara, it first launches the space head part into a reference orbit of 200 km around the orbital block is leaving the earth. composites are the main trend of modern rocketry.
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they completed the task brilliantly. the church of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. it was built with efforts to strengthen. we are located in the area city ​​of solidaro. and here are some of the largest salt deposits, you were a special correspondent, but why are you a signalman? and the homeland said, dubai, dubai to the ring, dubai to the ring, the terrain is very difficult, and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen, they stroke, their eyes are focused on them, look carefully, guys, you know where to shoot, yes, yes, shot, that's it, little bird, you need to take cover, you need to spank quickly. here is a war of intelligence, motivation, at the end of the operation all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot. life insurance is not
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only the opportunity to get a financial airbag for a rainy day; from the fifteenth year, part of the costs of the policy can be returned through a tax deduction, that is , insurance can be called a profitable investment, how does the system work, how much? can be reimbursed and what policies are needed for this, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, the main condition for the policy is that it must provide for payment only in certain cases, there are two of them: survival to a certain age or death of the insured for any reason. rest conditions, for example, loss of ability to work due to injury or illness, do not count; if the policy is broad and includes payments not only in case of death or age, then it is a tax deduction. it is still possible to attribute exclusively the money that goes to cover these two items. to apply for a tax deduction for such a policy, you need to divide the contributions and indicate how much you spend
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on risks associated with surviving death, and how much on other cases. this can be done when applying for a policy or later, then you need contact the insurance company and ask for a certificate with the amounts for each type of risk. there are requirements for the term of the policy, it... in such a situation, the policyholder, as a tax agent, will be required to make a decision whether to withhold personal income tax from such amounts, or not to withhold personal income tax from such amounts. so, in
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a situation where previously, under such an agreement , the taxpayer applied a social tax deduction, then the policyholder, when paying funds to the taxpayer in the event of termination of the agreement, as a tax agent , will withhold the corresponding amounts of personal income tax. another important condition: who is the beneficiary of the contract? for example, you took out a mortgage, and the bank insisted that you also insure your life just in case, and if something happens, the bank will receive the money, not you or your heirs. in this case, the contract is not eligible for the deduction. a life insurance contract can be concluded not only in favor of the taxpayer himself, but in favor of a certain category of persons who are close. this is the taxpayer’s spouse, well, of course, the spouse’s spouse, including, of course, vodova’s widower, because it is clear that in the case where
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the agreement is concluded at the risk of death for... yes, yes, parents, including parents who adopted the taxpayer himself, can also be beneficial purchasers, and children, and moreover, children are not only relatives, but adopted by the taxpayer himself, or located under his object. the insurance contract must be issued to the payer himself or to a member of his family. you can pay for your spouse, parents or adoptive parents, children or wards. the age of the children does not matter. role, an agreement can be concluded to insure an adult child. if parents paid the premiums, then they can apply to the tax office for a deduction. you will only need to show that it was they who paid the money, for example, by check or bank statement . from january 1, the maximum amount of social tax deduction is 150,000 per year, that is, you can get back up to 19,500 rubles. for the past year, you can
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submit a social deduction up to. 120 thousand. moreover, you need to remember that the limit is general for other expenses for which social deduction, for example, under a voluntary health insurance agreement or for drug costs. this year you can get a deduction for expenses that you had over the previous 3 years, that is, for the twenty- third, twenty-second and twenty-first years. we talked about other nuances of the social tax deduction quite recently. if you want to take advantage of the increased limit. already now, and not wait until the end of the year, you can apply for a tax deduction through your place of work; we also told you how to do this in one of the previous issues. well, here’s an important point: not all types of income are suitable for filing a tax deduction, but paid personal income tax is a necessary condition for the deduction. you cannot take more from the budget than was transferred there. not all income can be subject to a social deduction under an
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investment life insurance contract. and can be applied to income from labor activity, from income from civil contracts, income from renting out housing, and can even be applied to income from the sale of property, real estate or vehicles, but to so-called passive income, to income from the sale of securities or income in the form of dividends, such a deduction does not apply, let's repeat the main thing: since 2015, you can receive a tax deduction for payments on voluntary life insurance, the main condition for risk insurance death or upon reaching a certain age, the contract must be for 5 years or more, and the beneficiary under it must be the insured himself or his close relatives, and not a bank or someone more. the total limit on social payments from this year is 150,000 rubles. do you have any questions, do you want to know what else you can get a tax deduction for and
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get your money back? write to us in the telegram channel for part of the taxes paid, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our program. more than 10,000 people were evacuated from the zone. heating in the orenburg region, where the floods peak at the destroyed dam, our correspondent is working now, we are waiting for the live broadcast. ukrainian drone attack on belgorod, injured two people. let's ask our correspondent in the belgorod region about the consequences. joint operation of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs in dagestan. nine people were detained in connection with the theft of almost 3 billion rubles. the money was supposed to go towards
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electrical modernization. systems cosmonautics day on april 12, 1961, yuri gagarin made the first flight into space. what achievements can russian cosmonautics boast of today and what are its plans for the coming years? two people were injured in belgorod during a drone attack. this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. and earlier the ministry of defense stated that it was over the belgorod region. five ukrainian drones were shot down. we will find out all the details from our on-site correspondent igor pikhanov. he is in direct contact with the studio. igor welcomes you, what do you know about the consequences of the attack and what is the current situation in the region? hello. daria, the situation in the region is still alarming, especially in the territory bordering ukraine.


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