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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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nine people in the case of embezzlement of almost 3 billion rubles. the money was supposed to go towards upgrading the electrical system. cosmonautics day on april 12 , 1961, yuri gagarin made the first flight into space. what achievements can russian cosmonautics boast of today and what are its plans for the coming years? two people were injured in belgorod during a drone attack. this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. earlier, the ministry of defense stated that five ukrainian drones were shot down over the belgorod region. all the details we’ll find out from our on-site correspondent igor pikhanov, he’s in direct contact with the studio. igor, welcome that you know about the consequences of the attack. what is the current situation in the region? hello, daria, the situation in the region is still alarming, especially in the territories bordering ukraine.
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territories today at about 10:00 am , ukrainian militants using an aircraft-type combat drone attacked belgorod, a drone loaded with explosives crashed into the wall of a resource supply enterprise building at that moment - on the territory of in the courtyard, as well as in the adjacent parking lot , there were many people, these were visitors, as well as employees of the enterprise; after the explosion , two people were injured by shrapnel, as well as striking elements, one man was wounded in the leg, the second in the arm and leg. first aid was provided to them by their colleagues, every enterprise in the belogorod region conducts training in providing first aid to victims of mine explosion injuries and this saved the men, soon employees arrived here with doctors arriving, all the victims were hospitalized in...
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the belgorod region is regularly attacked in the ssu, militant drones hit civilians, most of the drones are destroyed by air defense units, in order to protect residents from attacks in the ssu, the people's front created a special mobile application, it is called radar, with the help of this application every resident belgorod region may participate in...
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he hasn’t fired at us for quite some time, that is, now rocket artillery already indicates that work is underway on the border, and we thank the military for what they are doing so they provide us with security, but it is much more difficult to fight drones, because they are not so easy to detect. in all the territories that were subject to drone attacks in the ssu, now... igor,
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thank you, igor pikhanov is monitoring the situation in the belgorod region. the russian foreign ministry announced the identity of one employee of the slovenian diplomatic mission in moscow. this is a retaliatory measure for the expulsion of a diplomat from our embassy. in the morning she was summoned to smolinskaya square, a strong protest was expressed to her in connection with the groundless deprivation of accreditation russian diplomat in ljubljana. the russian foreign ministry stated that another unfriendly step on the part of ljubljana is aimed at destroying russian-slavic ties. also today, the chargé d'affaires of italy in moscow arrived at the ministry. the reason for the diplomats' visit to the ministries has not yet been specified. and besides, footage appeared in the media of how ambassador yapo arrived at the russian foreign ministry. and the reasons for the turnout are also
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still unknown. the flood situation in the regions remains tense. the strongest flood in the orenburg region. over the past day, the level of the ural river near orenburg increased by 69 cm and, according to the latest data, exceeded the dangerous mark by almost 2 m. in the region today they promise a peak flood, and in a couple of days the water level should begin to decline. floods covered the region of siberia. the water level in the reservoirs of the kemerovo region continues to rise. one of the villages was flooded . 40 houses in novokuznetsk have been ordered to partially evacuate residents due to the flood; in the novosibirsk region , almost 200 areas are in the flood zone; the authorities are monitoring and providing targeted assistance to residents. level the river in the tomsk region grew by more than half a meter in one day, and several villages and
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dachas were flooded. in the south of the urals in the volga region and in the center of the european part of russia, the flood situation has generally stabilized. the movement of ice began on tobol in the northern region of the tyumen region, and preparations are being made for the arrival of high water in the trans-urals. river floods in the regions are expected any day now. defense structures there are now being strengthened, and residents are preparing for a possible evacuation. our correspondents are monitoring the development of the situation on the ground. in kurgan stanislav vasilchenko works, ksenia usoltseva works in tyumen, they have direct contact with the studio. ksenia, let's start with you. hello, what are the populated areas? points in the risk zone in the tyumen region, what is your water level? hello, daria, indeed the region continues to prepare for the arrival of big water, it is expected in the floodplains of two rivers, these are ishim and tabol, several
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municipalities fall into the zone of probable flooding, we are now in elutorovsk, dam filling is actively underway here, large vehicles are arriving, dump truck for dump truck, in addition, they also got involved... volunteers, caring people who help pour sandbags, also to strengthen the structure, the main task is to prevent water from approaching a populated area, to residential buildings, and here a tobol can spill, i suggest you listen to measures taken by the head of the city of yutarovsk, vyacheslav smelik. since all of our hydraulic structures are designed for approximately a level of 8.5 m, we are promised more than 9 m, so accordingly, we are now carrying out a build-up exercise. dump, additional earthen embankments, we pack sand, respectively bags and carry out these works, today we have 46 dump trucks working on filling soil, two bulldozers, four excavators, two loaders, plus we have volunteers, organizations help, we pack sand into bags, we we talked
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to the local population, of course, the main thing now is that they are informed about the possible flood. all this work is underway, they are being offered temporary accommodation centers, that’s what the local residents are saying, we’re not collecting anything yet, well, not yet, not even there yet between tobol and tobolchik everything is dry, on the meadow here everything is dry, why should we collect things, what kind of things do we have for old people, it will take a long time to get ready, why no, no, there is not yet this big water , just like what they are threatening, it seems to me that this will not happen, let it be for now. the day before , the governor of the region, alexander mor, reported to the president of the country, vladimir putin, about the situation in the chemen region, so 51 settlements fall into the zone of probable flooding, these are 1,847 residential buildings, almost 7,300 people, all of them are ready to be accommodated in municipalities, will
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if necessary, more than 100 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed, which can accommodate up to 13,000 people. in addition, recruitment continues in the regional center. behind the stations, and you also need to teach the guys how to use it, here’s an additional plus - this is work with alpines, this is a program where you can navigate, look, and so on, where some point is in order to get there as quickly as possible, and accordingly, guys,
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we tell the guys about this, let me remind you that the state of emergency continues to operate in the region, it has been introduced in advance, all means are ready, this... a group of 12 thousand people, more than 3,000 units of equipment, including watercraft in the obatsky district will be ready to deploy a prefabricated dam, its length is 4 km, the structure. delivered by the ministry of emergency situations il-76 the day before. in addition, the situation on the tyumen-omsk highway, also in the obad district, is now under control. it is strengthened on both sides, filled with 4-5 km, the main thing is to preserve the artery and the communications along it. in addition, according to the latest information from the tyumen information center region, from april 13 to april 17 , an increase in level is expected on the ishim river near the village of ilyinka. water to unfavorable levels of more than 7.5 m,
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besides, ice has already begun to form on the river, we will continue to monitor the situation, that’s what concerns the tobol river, where we are, and its level has risen by 26 cm in a day, today it is 382 cm , as the local administration assures, this level is quite safe, and i am now ready to give the floor to my colleague, he is working in the mound... while this level is fixed at 4 m, the peak of the flood, according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, is directly in
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kurgan itself is forecast for april 14-15, so preparations for meeting the elements are, of course, proceeding at a very fast pace, dams are being installed along the entire bank of the tobol river, their length is already about 30 km, experts are increasing the dam level in the most dangerous areas from eight , ten. up to 11 meters . more than 200 pieces of equipment and about 1,400 people work around the clock. such structures are being installed, these are ordinary bags with foot, but such quantities of these sandbags, of course, will be in the future represent a serious obstacle to water, every day, day and night , thousands of residents of the kurgan region work in such difficult areas, these are volunteers, this will be erased.
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there only then according to the instructions, as the elders will tell us, and how long we have to work, that is, you are here from early morning until late evening or at night, too, from seven it turns out we arrive, they will still bring us there, about an hour will pass, the drivers will hire young people, well, it turns out that until five they told us, it’s also crazy here, the rest of the organizations are working, well, some come before two, some come at second, well, i know that they also work at night. yes, there is also a second shift, we haven’t had to here yet, no, not yet, it’s only the second
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day we arrived, yesterday we were on sunny boulevard, there were volunteers, there were a lot of people there, the mood in general was positive, fighting, yes, ok, thank you, but good luck to you in your difficult task, but for now i will continue due to the fact that the situation has not yet reached its peak in the kurgan region, but is already... so serious, it has been decided to strengthen these fencing structures, these dams, water-filling dams, just tonight a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 such dams to kurgan, they were delivered from the amur region, where they have proven themselves successfully. a water-filling dam in general is a sleeve that is filled with water and creates a barrier to the flood, preventing large amounts of water from overflowing through it. well, for now, here’s how... this situation is developing directly - throughout the region, according to the ministry of emergency situations
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, 205 houses and 320 household plots have already been sunk. the most affected area is dverennogolovsky, where the water is fast at a pace that swallowed up the villages of breakthrough, lake and the eponymous zverinogolovskoye, the latter are very close to the tobol river, so when the water level there rose to 10 m, the houses that were in the first line, private houses, they, of course, were all flooded and became just didn’t...
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said the director of the educational institution, as well as one of the residents of the current temporary accommodation center. our residents are provided with bed linen, provided with bedding, blankets, hygiene items, for all guests three meals a day, three hot meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner are organized, we have a tea room where we serve tea, coffee, sweets, the mood is very positive, we feel very good here, we like everything, everything is pleasant, the food is also very tasty, satisfying, i have a nephew here with me, he really likes everything, he met the guys, and so do i, everything is generally great, it’s just not even better to say, well, the situation in the kurgan region is really difficult for now, but it’s clear that this is how at such a pace and in such large groups
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people who are really for their region, it becomes clear that... everyone here will obviously be protected from the flood, yes, indeed, a lot of work is being done now, thank you about how to prepare for the peak of the flood in the kurgan region, for the arrival of big water in the temen region, said stanislav vasilchenko and ksenia usoltseva. the tula region collected 100 tons of humanitarian aid for orsk, which suffered from the flood, and sent drinking water, medicine, food, and basic necessities. read more. vitaly will tell the flooded region about the flight boxes, the rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations is transported through the loading ramp into the cargo compartment of the il-76. bottled water, vegetables and non-perishable foods, clothing, medicines, in a word, everything that is urgently needed by flood-affected residents of the orenburg region. humanitarian supplies for
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the residents of orsk in trouble, on behalf of the head of our region, alekseyamin, were collected. in the shortest possible time, industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs and simply caring residents from all over the tula region, from the weapons capital, the goods were delivered by trucks to an airfield near moscow, where three special il-76 aircraft of the russian ministry of emergency situations and the country's ministry of defense were used for shipment. these heavy transport planes landed at orsk airport at night with more than 100 tons of humanitarian aid from the tours region. this is one of the largest. action, which was organized for residents of the orenburg region by our compatriots in the tula region, first of all i would like to thank the governor of the tula region region, alexey dyumin, thank those enterprises, organizations that took part in the formation of this cargo, ordinary residents, thank you very much. already in the morning, these humanitarian supplies were dismantled into small
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trucks and minibuses and delivered to temporary accommodation centers, where residents of the flooded areas were evacuated. all of our houses have gone under the roof, what’s wrong with the houses, we can’t even imagine, according to the orenburg ministry of emergency situations, since the beginning of the flood, rescuers have evacuated more than 7,500 residents of the orenburg region, and more than 2,500 of them they lived in orsk, for this help they thank tulyakov and the regional government, there is also tea, condensed milk, this is for towels, this is canned food.
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a lot of houses were flooded, a lot of people were left homeless, the whole country united around our grief and is helping us, i express my deep gratitude to everyone. orenburg region with medical assistance,
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sending specialists and mobile equipment to the sunken areas. the land of gunsmiths became one of the first, but far from the only region that came to the aid of the victims. airplanes trains with humanitarian aid cargo is expected in orenburg from all over the country. vitaly matorin, andrey ivanyuk, leopold efemenko and sergey abramov. news. at bikfest, a hamburger costs 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. interest free period of 120 days starts every month, service notice. free forever, which is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. what do we
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soviet. the vehicle on board spent 108 minutes in orbit, during which time it completed one revolution around the earth. the historical event marked the beginning of space exploration. our cosmonauts conveyed congratulations directly from the iss and thanked everyone who contributed to the good space workers work on earth, designers, engineers, technicians. the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the order of gagarin. the decree signed by vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the president awarded the same award to russian cosmonaut instructors oleg navitsky and sergei prokopyev. and today, cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrey fedyaev were awarded the titles of heroes of russia for the courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on international space station. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin is working today in his constituency in saratov. on cosmonautics day, he laid flowers at the monument
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to the first. the planet's cosmonaut visited the oldest flying club in dubki, where yuri gagarin first took to the skies. previously, volodin took patronage of this flying club and now a large-scale reconstruction has already been completed there. a new runway was created, the headquarters building was renovated, a hotel and aircraft hangars were built. holiday throughout the country, but for residents of saradsk region, he is special, because yuri alekseevich gagarin is dear to us, one of our own. studied here, flew into the sky for the first time here, gained wings, then landed here, everything is connected with the first cosmonaut of the world, the flying club must develop, we must create an opportunity so that everyone can come into contact with our history, thank you very much again, have a nice holiday,
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russia - remains open to negotiations on ukraine, while the format should be realistic, this statement was made by vladimir putin at a meeting with his belarusian colleague in the kremlin also talked about the upcoming conference in switzerland.
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this is a total no-brainer.


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