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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the eurasian economic union summit, the brix summit, which our country is also chairing this year, the st. petersburg international economic forum, the eastern economic forum, the russian energy week and many others are planned, at all these events we will be glad to see our friends in the commonwealth, and of course of course, we will work to ensure that all today’s agreements come to fruition. to a practical draft of documents for approval by the heads of state, thank you, well, a few words, in addition to to what sergei viktorovich said, i would like to emphasize that the successful holding of a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs, of course, would not have been possible without the active support of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of belarus.
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using this terrorist attack, this proposal and desire to consolidate our efforts, to intensify cooperation in the fight against terrorism, was supported by all the ministers who spoke, the orclaves of the delegation of the commonwealth countries, but i cannot say a few words in general about the successful chairmanship of the russian federation this year in the commonwealth of independent states, a meeting of the economic council was held in moscow on march 29. cis under the chairmanship
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of the cis, under the chairmanship of the russian federation, now we have completed a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs, a meeting of the council of heads of government will be held in ashgabat on may 24, and the head of the turkmen delegation once again confirmed that turkmen colleagues are preparing for this important meeting, meeting of the council heads of government of the commonwealth countries. representatives of the cis countries at a high level will participate in the st. petersburg economic forum, as far as i know, and of course the main organizational event will be the summit of heads of state on october 8 in moscow, the day before today it was decided to hold the next meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs in moscow 7 october. this is what i would like to report: big plans, sergei viktorovich. i listed
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some events, i want to say that there are many more cultural, humanitarian, and security events, well in particular in minsk, here... july the next meeting of the council of ministers and the council of defense ministers of the osg countries will take place on july 3, precisely on the date when belarus will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic from the nazi invaders. the mood of our chairmen of the russian federation is so militant, active, and we, as secretary general, would like to express confidence, working closely with our chairmen, that... all planned events, i am convinced, will be carried out successfully, thank you, komsomolskaya pravda newspaper, no so long ago politicians called the cis a club for civilized divorce, how would you characterize
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the commonwealth now, and mr., if you have anything to add to sech’s answer, we will be grateful, thank you, if you take it. such an image, it often happens in life when people break up, they begin to feel more the value of mutual connections, they understand, perhaps more acutely than in marriage, the need for mutual support, and it seems to me that this is a
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situation when after... passed, so the reality turned out to be different, many of the expectations that existed, appeared in the countries of the commonwealth, after the creation of this commonwealth, they, unfortunately,
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did not live up to these expectations, and life itself dictated to us the need for close consolidation, taking into account the many centuries-old, one might say, ties between our countries and peoples,
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which means contacts, mutually beneficial cooperation with western countries, we we are simply forced to interact more closely, this meets our desires and our needs. facts suggest that we have now intensified our interaction, at least one example, trade turnover between the cis countries, over these years when we were subjected to this pressure, it grew by about 30-35%. thank you. tv channel belarus 1. good afternoon, sergei viktorovich, yesterday the leaders of belarus and russia discussed the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. the president of our country, alexander lukashenko, proposed returning to the draft istanbul treaty. i would like to note that the first three rounds, which led to some
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result, took place on the territory of our country. considering that ukraine was initially ready, is it possible at the current stage to revive the negotiation process, and what did the istanbul agreements specifically mean? well, of course, we were not talking about a specific document as a basis for possible agreements, because it was a draft agreement. which was ready to be initialed in istanbul, it reflected completely different realities: it was, as i understand it, about the principles on which the dialogue should be conducted; at that time, by the way, the kiev delegation was still capable of negotiations, the principle was to realistically assess the situation, realistically assess each other's legitimate interests, legitimate security interests in broad terms.
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the then british prime minister forbade zelensky to finally sign this agreement, saying that the war needed to be continued. now, if it is not the ability to negotiate, which already clearly characterizes the kiev regime, if it persists, then it is very difficult to imagine a situation when it will be possible to do something, instead of direct dialogue without any ultimatums, the west... imposes the so -called copenhagen process, is preparing a conference in switzerland, at which this
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is directly stated, they want to formulate, bring to mind the notorious 10 points of zelensky’s peace formula, then present it to the russian federation, but the fact that this is a road to nowhere, to put it mildly, is obvious to any normal political observer, that ’s why our... position yesterday during a conversation with alexander grigoryevich lukashenko , russian president vladivich putin once again stated it clearly, understandably, and in general i have nothing to add, we see no desire either in kiev or on the part of its owners to conduct business honestly. thank you, and one more question to sergei nikolaevich lebedev. we know that today we discussed a document regarding security.
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as part of the community in support of the activities of journalists, we are extremely interested in ensuring that our activities are covered and reported objectively. i have repeatedly said that, unfortunately, the activities of the commonwealth of independent states are not always covered in sufficient detail and objectively, the emphasis is on disagreements, on some. problematic moments, but on the positive that we have, and it is significantly
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more, of course, in our activities, unfortunately, this is not always described, in this regard, taking this opportunity, i would like to suggest that the representatives of the press present here often look at the website of the cis executive committee, the cis internet portal, where we cover in detail - the activities of our organization, as for this document, then... it found unanimous support from the heads of the delegation, yesterday at the conciliation meeting there we took into account the wishes, including today, in particular from the armenian side, those additions that, in our opinion, made this statement even more meaningful, it will be published, you will see its text, i will not cite it now, but most importantly, we... are in favor of ensuring that no obstacles are built
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to the activities of our journalists. as for the cis space, there are actually no such obstacles, right? and today, during the discussion of this topic, we just drew attention to how the freedom of activity of the media in the west is violated, the restrictions that are introduced for many... news agencies and companies of the russian federation, the republic of belarus, they, of course, do not fit into the norms of this.
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anti-russian approach, we repeated this in 2008, in 2010, we agreed, by the way, within the osce on the indivisibility of security, the west at the highest level made a solemn commitment that not a single country, not a single organization in the osce space would lay claim to dominance , in fact, nato was engaged in exactly this very
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dominance, which is why they are incompatible. approaches from china from switzerland, which is only fulfilling the order of the united states and its allies, and i don’t see how it’s possible to have a hedgehog and a tremulous doe in one to put a team, it’s hard to imagine, but the chinese approach, it absolutely corresponds to our common philosophy , including in the context of the now intensified discussion on how to ensure...
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in the space of the former ussr, was the topic of interference by external forces in affairs discussed at today’s meeting countries of the cis members, but it was discussed at a meeting in a narrow format, sergei nikolaevich just mentioned this. everyone understands everything perfectly well, the usa and its satellites are trying to invade all regions
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of our common space, they are trying to undermine the agreements on stabilizing the situation in the caucasus, in particular in the south caucasus, they do not want to allow the implementation of the agreements that were reached with the assistance of russia. between armenia and azerbaijan, are also trying to penetrate into central asia in a very active way, are creating various formats that are openly aimed against the russian federation, it is publicly stated that we need to ensure the real sovereignty of countries in the post-soviet space, to ensure that they leave from the shadow of the russian federation, the same line is drawn.
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npp, what they discussed and what conclusions they came to, we’ll talk about this with the permanent representative of russia to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov, he is now in direct contact with the studio. mikhail ivanovich, hello,
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tell us how you evaluate the past meeting, were all the issues managed to be discussed and are there any concrete results? you know, we are satisfied with how the extraordinary meeting of the board of governors went. we managed to do the main thing. almost everyone spoke about the inadmissibility such attacks, without naming ukraine, only one syrian ambassador, our good friend,
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directly pointed to the guilty party, but all the other speakers, especially from countries in asia, africa, latin america, quite definitely spoke about the inadmissibility of violating the security principles in zaporozhye, formulated by the general director of the agency. in general, the ukrainians received the necessary signal, it seems to me. and you said that the ukrainian delegation disputes involvement in these strikes, and what arguments do they make, how do they explain what is happening in in that case? you know, it was important for ukraine to avoid the impression that russia was calling it out on the carpet, as they say, calling for an extraordinary session of the board of governors, so they, following us, also asked for a convocation.
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emergency situation, and a routine one, we were not satisfied with this, because we see the wording of the corresponding agenda item , we were categorically not satisfied, then the ukrainians wrote a note where they stated that on april 7, a russian drone struck ...
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words are serious, as far as i can understand, no one perceives this, ukraine’s responsibility, well, it is obvious to almost everyone, it’s just that ukraine’s western partners are trying to somehow obscure this topic, they talk in general terms about not striking, not violating security principles, but they also switch to. ..why
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does this happen? well, first of all , because the function of identifying the guilty country is not part of magater’s mandate, the same thing happened in the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, the westerners had to convene a conference of the state of the participants and fraudulently push through a decision. that such a function is included in the mandate of osho, magata does not, but in relation to the zaporozhye eco, the situation is a little different, after on may 30, 2023 , raphael grossier announced five specific security principles in the security council, he pledged in the event of any violations of these principles, immediately report it in the public space, in this case
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he has a mandate. i understand that magatay is afraid to do this, will do it, name the guilty party if the agency will have 100% proof of this, uh, now the strikes are carried out not by missiles, not by artillery shells, but by drones, which, like a cat, walk on their own, fly from right to left from left to right, the very fact of the presence of a drone is obvious. the very fact of the strike is also obvious, but apparently the agency cannot prove 100% that the drone was controlled from the ukrainian side; if the strikes continue, then sooner or later the fact will be established, but i hope that this will not happen after yesterday’s meeting and after security council briefing, which is scheduled for monday, i hope that
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the ukrainians are one. that striking their own nuclear power plant is indeed absurd, but this is reality, they are delivering these strikes, and magata, and not only magata, understand this very well, but this is the reality, of course, it is extremely dangerous, including for itself ukraine. this is an important topic, even if you go beyond magathe, why do you think kiev’s european allies continue, well, either...


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