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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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and now the latest information on the progress of the special operation. our correspondent denis alekseev joins us. denis, welcome. yes, denis, welcome. well, as you know, zelensky said that he allegedly wants to organize a second counter-offensive, well , of course, you can listen to him, but really look at what is really happening. really on the battlefield, so what is the situation on the fronts? yes, let’s be realistic: up to 5,000 militants in the ssu have been eliminated, the next advantageous positions have been occupied, ukrainian formations are retreating west from avdiivka, this is if, in general, about our successes over the past week, well, the work is in full swing, there is no other way to say it, the enemy’s advanced positions, our military are methodically ironing out artillery, loitering ammunition, without even giving a chance to relax, exhale and... carry out
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a rotation without losses, so one of a thousand examples, footage of the destruction of a tank by our kamikaze drone, it is clear that the crew somehow tried to camouflage the car in a wooded area, but this did not save it, everything happened in the avdeevsky direction. what they are probably preparing for what was announced zelensky’s 2:0 summer counteroffensive of last year’s first was not enough to understand everything was bad in the ukrainian army. zelensky called him don’t stop. successful, here is information from a high-ranking source in our ministry of defense. what is called in kiev not so successful is 166,000 militants in the ssu, killed and wounded, 789 destroyed tanks, almost 2,500 armored vehicles, 132 aircraft. so that the kiev regime does not have its own weapons, our military, of course, let’s be honest , has a hand in regularly destroying military infrastructure, production sites, where. they assemble drones and other
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equipment for the needs of the ukrainian armed forces. the ukrainian rear is being targeted with precision fire from our long-range precision weapons. from april 6 to april 12 , the armed forces of the russian federation, in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage the oil and gas industry and energy facilities of russia, carried out one massive and 47 group strikes with high-precision air and sea ground-based weapons. as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, for fuel and energy facilities and military-industrial complexes of ukraine. in addition, logistics bases and temporary deployment points for special operations forces ( ukrainian armed forces) and foreign mercenaries were hit. all designated targets are hit. among the carriers of modern long-range weapons are our su-35s multi-purpose aircraft. they are equipped with
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an advanced information and control system that helps the pilot in combat. these are supplied to armaments in batches, several times a year. the first in this was transferred to the vks the day before russia. these aircraft are assembled at the gagarin plant in komsomolsky on amur. state defense order for 4 years ahead. this is so, regarding the question of prospects, it’s somehow more pleasant when there are specific plans. otherwise, supplies from partners and the president of ukraine are constantly on tour. the outstretched hand knows this very well; they tend to contract at the most inopportune moment. well, now to the floods in the russian regions: flood in the orenburg region. first, the urals flooded orsk, then large waters came to the regional center, the worst floods in the last decade. the flood in the region was given the status of a federal emergency, but spring floods threaten not only orenburg, but also other regions. so, the strongest
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floods in several decades swept across several russian regions, the kurgan, tyumen, and especially the orenburg regions. the risk zone is samara, ulyanovsk, tver regions, altai territory, and the republic of buryatia. in some regions of the country, a state of emergency was declared; in total, more than 13,000 houses were flooded. eliminate consequences help volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations to the victims. a government commission operates on behalf of the president. in orenburg, where mass evacuation has been announced. the water level in the ural river has reached 1.154 cm, that is, more than 11 m, local authorities report. the dangerous level was exceeded by 2 m. more than 5,000 houses and the road to the europe-asia road were flooded in the city. the water continues to exist. sirens sound in the city. the ministry of emergency situations sends out sms messages about the need to evacuate. the authorities are calling on residents of the grand park residential complex in the villages of imeni kuibyshev and solar. microdistrict of uralskaya street,
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danguskaya street, air city and ovchinny gorodok districts, as reported by governor denis pasler , the discharge from the iriklinsky reservoir in orenburg was reduced to 447 cubic meters per second. this is necessary to minimize the recharge of flood processes. we are currently continuing to defend grandpark, we have problems on donguzskaya street, we will also strengthen donguskaya street and install additional cladding. in our country at the moment, all educational institutions are working, except for one school, this is the lyceum number two, children were sent to distance learning, all kindergartens, the rest are all in working order. and roscosmos showed what the flood in the ehrenburg region looks like with photographs, satellite images, and these frames, they clearly show that almost the entire city is flooded, let me remind you that the flood dam broke in several places at once. the tyumen region will pass through
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the flood with minimal damage. this assessment of the flood situation in the region was given by the minister of construction and housing and communal services. there is a lot of work, it is organized, the governor’s team is working hard, so there are basically no questions no, but some surprises can always arise, so we discussed all areas of activity, including road workers and builders, housing and communal services specialists, rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of emergency situations, of course. and i think that the preparation that is organized in the region today will allow us to get through this whole situation with minimal damage. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but
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sphere will continue, and noted its great importance for solving a variety of problems. i hope today is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is the day when we celebrate the achievement of the soviet union, which means our common, common achievement of all the republics of the former soviet union, now without space it is impossible to solve at all. one effective task on earth, this is increasing defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, this is where you can’t point a finger, everywhere there is an application for space technologies, we are very we are seriously working on joint programs between belarus and russia, we are doing satellite programs together, we have preserved the plant since soviet times. we are working together with the russians on the production of satellites, now manned flights, i persuaded
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vladimirovich that we will continue to work together, he supported me yesterday, the optics are yours, yes, that’s without question, our optics, by the way, are no worse than in the west, yes, yes, good. vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the large pyak family, hereditary reindeer herders living in the tundra on yamal. the president met them at the beginning of the year on... was a hereditary reindeer breeder, lived for more than 100 years, in yamal, yes, in yamal, increased
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the number of deer by 10 times, deer, that is, you have such an outstanding family, one might say, with outstanding performance , and of course, the most important thing in all your success is your family, the basis of everything that happens in life, in every movement forward, all the best to you, we hug you and wish you all the best, congratulations on your holiday, thank you , i also join in the congratulations of the president of russia, congratulations you, golden wedding, this rarely happens, moscow regards the words of the estonian ministry of internal affairs, the russian orthodox church, as an encroachment on freedom of religion, this was stated at the embassy of our country in tallinn, the ministry of internal affairs recognize the estonian orthodox church estonia today made a proposal to the moscow patriarchate as terrorists that
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boris ivanin knows what was the reason and how the kremlin reacted to it. the bells of the alexander nevsky cathedral in tallinn are the main orthodox church in estonia, now as if on baht, after a resonant announcement by local authorities, in the russophic frenzy, the baltic republic wants to recognize the russian church as a terrorist organization. to whom police orders are given, otherwise it is difficult to describe the words of the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs. we
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would not like to think anything about such statements; in any case, the statements of this gentleman can hardly be classified as the most intelligent statements. the baltic states are persistently trying to squeeze out the orthodox faith; in winter , metropolitan evgeniy of tallinn of all estonia was essentially expelled from the country, in fact decapitating the community. he remains the ruling bishop, but remotely from russia.
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officially there is a big difference, human rights activists say. another thing is that there have always been attempts to declare the church terrorists and recognize the moscow patriarchate in estonia. the alexander nevsky cathedral, which is included in the state register
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of cultural monuments, was even going to be demolished 100 years ago, they say this symbol of russification towers too much over the old city. this will not affect parishioners, it does not mean that churches will be closed, but it does mean that ties with moscow will be severed. the minister of internal affairs pointed out that supposedly this will not affect ordinary citizens, ordinary believers, this is a lie, the fact is that the criminal legislation of estonia, as well as international legislation, refers to european documents on the fight against terrorism. indicates that if a certain organization is recognized as terrorist, its property will be transferred to the ownership of the state, that is, there will be mass confiscations and with the possibility of transfer to other organizations, that is, for example, religious organizations there, perhaps of an evangelical nature, the catholic church, which operates in estonia, which is also actually adding
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fuel to the fire, precedents for the illegal seizure of church property from the moscow patriarchate have already... been created by ukrainian neo-nazis, now in tallinn the orthodox are talking about the inviolability of genuine shrines they offer prayers, which are especially important now during the days of lent, before easter. boris ivanin and olga alvukhina, lead. in moscow , an attempt was made on the life of former sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozorov. his the car was blown up this morning, he was injured and is in the hospital. previously worked in the central office of the sbu at the headquarters of the anti-terrorist center, and then chose the side of russia and even collaborated with our intelligence during the ato in eastern ukraine. in recent years he lived in russia and investigated the crimes of the kiev regime. our correspondent anastasia ivanova has all the details. sitting in the trunk of his wrecked suv, he seems to be trying to calm those around him.
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these images were taken immediately after the explosion. through in a few minutes vasily prozarov will be placed on a stretcher. it is clear that he is gesturing, saying something to the doctors, prozorov’s assistant has already confirmed that everything is fine, don’t worry, he is alive, everything is fine with him, he will continue to work. friday - midday, northern region of moscow. vasily prozarov approaches his car, inserts the key into the ignition and an explosion is heard, parts of the car fly apart, everyone bursts into tears. the option is that it was a low-power device, but i again do not consider it based on the nature of the damage, because if... was low-power, then there probably would have just been some kind of explosion, there would have been smoke, but the doors would n’t have been kicked out like that, it was an attempted murder, 100%, judging by the lack of damage to the driver, thank god that the owner of the suv, he foresaw this situation was established either on the bottom or or under
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the rug, some kind of armored plate was placed, it is reported that... obviously, this is the ukrainian security service, recently in the ukrainian, in the ukrainian media they published a table, people who were eliminated in the new territories, in russia, ukrainian special services, i looked at the list, about half of my... acquaintances were there, i was there as those who had not been shot, they will continue their terrorist activities, they continue, we must be prepared for this.
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how to make the life of children with disabilities as comfortable and rich as possible? the second all-russian forum “inclusive school - the success of every child” was held in surgut. organized by the agency for strategic initiatives and the government of the khantemansky autonomous okrug of ugra with the support of the russian ministry of education. main the focus of the forum was transit planning. that is, building individual development paths for children with health limitations throughout their lives. educators, representatives of ngos, and psychologists discussed
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the continuity, seamlessness and maximum connectedness of the factors of human well-being in an inclusive society, from medical support of education, rehabilitation, habilitation to socialization programs. as the organizers explained, this year the task was to find new solutions for the formation. society, in addition, throughout the forum featured an exhibition of best inclusive practices. over the past year, 1,223 requests were received regarding assistance to children with disabilities. it should be noted that the main block concerns preschool, school, and secondary vocational education. it is important for us that conditions for continuous support of such families are created throughout the country, for this we have developed ... a strategic program, it is called support throughout life, our task is to make this assistance seamless, we start with the protocol for communicating the diagnosis, in the moment when the family finds out what’s wrong with their
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child, it is important that the message of the diagnosis be as ethical as possible, but now let’s talk a little more about the main topic of the forum, it sounds, let me remind you, like transit planning, it’s about how we. .. may a person’s life, his well-being from the moment of birth throughout his life’s journey, this is what the forum experts included in this transit planning of a person’s well-being: family, socialization, self-realization, training and development and health savings. the final memorandum of the forum included eight proposals based on these five areas. on this list, for example, is the creation of an institute of social curators for families.
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while preparing for the forum, we were faced with two important vectors that require maximum elaboration, and this is the creation of maps, a landscape, each domain of well-being, on which we can prepare the necessary action plan for each age stage so that a parent can properly socialize his special child, because if we don’t lay such foundations at the beginning of our journey, then... in order to consistently
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follow the correct process step by step. another feature of the all-russian forum held in surgut is that not only experts, but also parents and children participated in it; they will play an important role in transforming the scientific research results of working groups, in turn, into design and methodological materials. a total of 1520. this is 269 families with children from 78 regions. more than 100,000 people joined the online broadcasts. we are lucky that we got into the group of the right to happiness, they come out on stage, the child is autistic, with autistic signs, there are many different problems, and this forum gives us the right to hope from the state that there will be new
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projects. moscow guys. not only are we developing ourselves, but we are also developing blind hockey throughout russia, we are teams, we come to different cities, our vast homeland, and open teams, well, at least we show how it’s done, we conduct open training sessions, we conduct masters -classes, we attract coaches, parents, interested parties, we hope that in kantamansiysk after our departure there will be no they will forget that in russia there is already casual hockey. the location of the inclusive forum was also not chosen by chance. the khantemansi autonomous okrug has built a systematic approach to supporting families with special children. in 2017, the region became the first russian entity to define the concept of comprehensive support for people with autism spectrum disorders and other mental disorders. the region has created a special program to accompany special children from
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two months of age. to educators. organizations a model for children with various disabilities has been introduced, and an inclusive education center also operates. there are career centers in the colleges of the antamansil autonomous region that help in finding employment for special graduates. the support of parents is also of great importance in a situation where a demanding child is being raised in a family. any additional efforts, the request of the ugra residents was that if we create certain conditions for opportunities and choice, then this is not only for the child, but also for further accompaniment of an adult . well, by the way, in 2025 the inclusive school forum will be held in sakhalin, the governor of the sakhalin region announced this.
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according to him, it is necessary to continue creating conditions so that children with special needs receive a quality education and can realize themselves in a variety of fields. almost 90% of our schools are inclusive, children with special needs, health, also receive additional education, all this is important for them. socialization in society, further professional activities. undoubtedly, working with such children requires special knowledge and constant professional development. and i propose to hold the third inclusive school forum in the sakala region next year, and i invite you to take part in it. at the forum, experts
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paid special attention to the employment of people. with health restrictions. interesting moment. today there is a state task to involve people with disabilities in economic life. but everyone talks about the advantage of employment. meanwhile, more than 50% of young people with disabilities want become entrepreneurs. this is the data provided by the director of the social projects support fund, natalya kremlyova. among the main areas of work for people with musculoskeletal disorders are design, animation, and carpentry. and blind people often become massage therapists, there was a cultural program, a sledge hockey tournament, and a fashion show at the forum in surgut. participants demonstrated their athletic and creative abilities. models presented special clothes for children with disabilities, designers from ugra, moscow, kazan and yekaterinburg. the forum was also attended by actor gosha kutsenko, the founder.


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