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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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that many projects include international participation, we are currently summing up the implementation of these projects for the period between the forums, since we are beginning very active preparations for the fourth eurasian women’s forum, before the forum there will be a whole series of pre-forums, that is, forums in the regions and the most... pre-forum , for which we are preparing, will be in the kemerovo region at the end of may, and this forum will be dedicated to the role of women in industrial regions; we, as the chamber of regions , are interested in opportunities for women there were more and more regions every year, we set a task for the next forum, one of the issues to especially
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carefully consider is the mission of women to create peace and trust, so all our activities, of course, are focused on enhancing the participation of women - in the entire agenda of the country , the president, and another task, i would like to emphasize, is promoting a positive image of the country. see you in a week, see you in. hello, friday evening, i’m alexander karyevsky, time to sum up some results of the past week, extraordinary floods continued this week. authorities
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are taking preventive measures to minimize losses from the ongoing disaster. the experience of the st. petersburg region has shown that nature can present big surprises, which is why in other regions, in particular in the kurgan region, where big water has already arrived, the residents themselves have joined the fight against the elements. the presidential envoy to the ural federal district, vladimir yakushev, told us about this today. thank you for finding the time, you have little free time now, a lot of work, despite the fact that the working week is ending, it is clear that the events that are taking place in the ural federal district and in the country in general are worrying people now, it is clear that natural disasters cannot be predicted in detail, but you can somehow prepare for them, this is how this preparation for big water, it is clear that it will not be known? but
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nevertheless , the settlements that are located in the kurgan and tyumen regions are under threat, so naturally preparatory work is underway ; the kurgan region has already arrived, as we say there is a lot of water, so a number of settlements, which are mainly located in the agricultural zone, are subject to flooding, a huge amount of work is going on there, which is being carried out by local governments related to... people, and as we see today, this work is going quite effectively, people are moving in the temporary detention center, they are being helped to evacuate, there is the necessary amount of equipment, so work is very active in this direction, and of course, it is fundamentally important to protect the city of kurgan, where we expect water in about 4 of the day, so all the issues are divided into two large blocks, the first is...
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hydraulic structures, the possibility of strengthening them and additional filling is being done so that the crest of the hydraulic structures becomes higher, and here the work is fully organized, somewhere they are filling with equipment, as well as a large number of residents of kurgan today are working, filling bags and filling up a large number of areas with bags so that water does not enter the city, approximately at these works...
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they organized the work in such a way that the hydraulic structures still stood, but if suddenly the forecasts turn out to be wrong, and more water comes and the water enters the city, then, of course, measures are being taken to ensure that the evacuation is organized and effective, this is being done by the ministry of emergency situations, an additional group has been sent to the city of kurgan today from other regions of the russian federation, the necessary... number of floating equipment has been collected so that the evacuation also takes place quickly, but most importantly, it is happening on a constant basis notification of those areas of the city of kurgan that, as a matter of priority, will fall into the flood zone, notification is sent via sms,
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notification is sent on television, the governor has repeatedly addressed the population and since yesterday has been holding direct meetings with the population, that’s... what a set of works, such the same complex of works is taking place today in the tyumen region, hydraulic structures are also being filled up in those territories where there is a threat, notifications are also being made, heads of municipalities are meeting with the population, so this the work will be carried out until the moment when this wave, which should pass through the kurgan and tyumen regions , leaves our territory, but is there already a certain number of people? which has already been evacuated in advance, or such measures are not being taken yet? no, such events are most actively taking place in the kurgan region, because there is a wave there now, it will come to the tyumen region a little later, more than 6.00 people have already been evacuated today, most of these
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people have moved to relatives today, this is exactly how practice works in our country; about 800 people are already in temporary temporary detention centers. and pfrov, how many of them have already been organized? are there plans to increase them? 910 temporary temporary accommodation centers in the kurgan region today, 100 temporary temporary accommodation centers in the tyumen region, and if we are talking about volume, then these temporary temporary accommodation centers in the kurgan and chelyabinsk regions are ready to accommodate up to 3,000 people, at the moment we consider this enough, but if we see , what do forecasts mean anyway?
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i understand perfectly well that it is impossible to predict what height the wave will be, but are there any technical estimates of how long the dams can withstand or is it still very difficult to talk about this? well, look, it means that according to the forecasts that we received for the kurgan region, that we should expect the water level in the city of kurgan, which means at an altitude of 9 to 11 m, so based on these forecasts, we produce everything today. .. so that the wave that enters the city at around 11 m, and the hydraulic structure must withstand it, so today we are making the most of these calculations all works. is there any help from other regions, then yes, of course,
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there is help from other regions, we interact very well here within the urals federal district, in particular mobilization. equipment on the territory of the kurgan region, both the chelyabinsk and sverdlovsk regions, neighbors, helped very actively here, so there is enough equipment today that is working on these works to strengthen the dam, it should also be noted that the volunteer corps from the khantamansi autonomous okrug has already arrived and deployed to kurgan, because if god forbid, a wave comes into the city, these are people, well, firstly, these are volunteers, but nevertheless these are people... who have been in various troubles, they are very actively working with us today in the donbass region, so they know what to do in such situations, and if suddenly we have an emergency in the city, they know how to help the population, they will organize evacuation, and the supply of water, and the supply of food,
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so we are in this regard don’t relax and take all the necessary measures, and also, as for the group of the ministry of emergency situations, it is , of course, primarily drawn from the regions of... also coming from other regions, this is the sverlovsk, chelyabinsk region, that is, those regions that are located in the ural federal district, but also from other regions of russia, the emercom group will also be strengthened. and vladimirovich, are there any other points that you take into account, based on the experience of problems in the orenburg region, you have already said, the measures that you are taking, but still, maybe there are some other nuances? there are a lot of nuances let's say that when you and i are extremely. situation, then there is every minute when we live in
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an emergency situation, there are a lot of challenges, a lot of nuances, so we try to take everything into account, but the elements are the elements, the most important thing is, of course, i want to take this opportunity to once again address the residents first of all, the kurgan and tyumen regions, ae, you need to respond to those signals that come from local governments, you need to respond to those notices that... are coming, you need not panic, clearly understand how to navigate, how to act, all information is communicated to everyone today, the addresses of temporary temporary detention centers are published on websites today, and local authorities constantly inform about this, but the main thing is not to be in your home and not wait for it to be dulled under the roof, you need to leave it on time, this is probably the main thing that i want to convey to all residents, but we will do our best.
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tyumen region, all the necessary regulatory framework has been adopted, today the first 23 compensations have already been received in the kurgan region paid, i remind you that compensation is paid from the moment when the water has actually entered the homes of citizens, therefore, as this emergency situation progresses, we will see the number of victims, and naturally, when they apply, the authorities will do so as soon as possible they will do it, this and... the region has experience, so we will look here, it is clear that there will be individual cases, somewhere someone
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has not registered their housing, somewhere, it means there are questions with documents, we still have these moments will arise, but nevertheless, we we understand how we will react in these situations. vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much, good luck in your difficult work now, i hope that everything will really be done on time and accordingly. people, of course, depend on nature, but nevertheless, let's hope that they will not suffer so much. thank you, good bye. thank you, good bye. and continuing the topic of floods in our conversation with vladimir yakushev. roscosmos showed what flooding in orenburg looks like in satellite images. here they are, on them it is clearly visible that almost the entire city is under water. let me remind you that the dambo in orsk broke at several points at once. level. water in the ural river near orenburg is record high, it exceeded the dangerous mark by more than 2 m. how
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are things going in other regions, where high water also came? report by stanislav vasilchenko. the bulk dam stretches along the entire kurgan, its length is 30 km. this is how the city on tobol is preparing for the worst consequences of the flood. the water has already flooded nine settlements and is now moving further, including to kurgan. according to information from the ministry of emergency situations in the region. the center water may arrive on april 14-15. the consequences are unpredictable, but people are doing everything to protect the city from major damage. in the village of kulatsky, in the west of kurgan, there is another dam made of sandbags. the tobol meanders, that is, it constantly twists along the flow. one of the sharp turns has formed near the village, which means that a strong flow of water due to inertia can overflow its banks and flood the next residential buildings. hundreds of concerned people are trying to prevent this. fun, good, everyone is smiling. fed, watered, everyone is smiling, everyone is working, it’s very pleasing that the residents of the region have united to solve
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a common problem, we are protecting our city, in this case the village of kulatsky, from flooding, we need to help people, uh, because this is such a great disaster, let’s say, if we don’t help to each other, who will help us, no one. in some areas, the height of the dump increases to 11 m. 14,000 people and more than 200 pieces of equipment are working on this around the clock. another 20 water dumps are being brought from the amur region by a special plane of the ministry of emergency situations. sleeves have proven themselves on similar floods, special transport also arrives. a tracked all-terrain vehicle will help you get to the most difficult places... such a floating transporter feels confident on land in water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations have already tested the vehicle in the conditions of the kurgan flood and are preparing to perform the first real tasks on it. designed for evacuating the population where there are flooded sections of the road and it is already difficult for a regular car or a high-pass vehicle to travel. accordingly, with
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the help of this vehicle it is possible to deliver some products, medicines. the carrying capacity, if carried out from land, is 8 tons, if from water, 6 tons, and up to 40 people can be transferred, and also one unit of a vehicle . the state of emergency in the kurgan region remains, which means evacuation is still forced. more than 6.00 people have already left their homes in temporary accommodation centers, of which there are 99 in the region, there are more than 800 residents of the region, among them 28.
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very tasty, filling, i have my nephew here with me, he really likes everything, he i met the guys, and so did i, everything is generally great, it’s just not even better to say, according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations , 205 houses and 320 household plots were flooded in the kurgan region, 62 settlements in seven municipal districts, including kurgan itself, fall into the potential flooding zone. however, several other regions should also be wary. rising water levels and ice drift are observed in tomsk. the flood has already flooded 104 houses in villages and garden communities, the water level in the area of ​​the camp garden has already exceeded 6.5 m. the difficult situation in kusbase, the mrassu river overflowed its banks in the village of ustka byrza and flooded 43 households with a population of 70 people. emergency situations ministry employees are on site. roshydromed also included
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the tyumen region in the register of russian regions on rivers and lakes where dangerous and unfavorable phenomena are predicted. under special control. ishim river and ilyinka village. according to preliminary information from roshydromet, the maximum water level in the river is possible by april 20. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitseronov, nikolai purtov, alexander porkhunov. news kurgan region. today at cosmonautics day vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko met in the kremlin with pilot-cosmonaut oleg navitsky and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya. they said, which ones? having barely returned from orbit to earth, we are already in the kremlin communicating with two presidents at once, this is how it should be, according to vladimir putin, cosmonautics day is our common holiday, this is the day when we celebrate the achievements
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of the soviet union, which means our common, common achievement of all. republics of the former soviet union, it is now impossible to solve without space in general, there is not a single task that is effective on earth, this is increasing defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, this is where you can’t point a finger, everywhere there is an application to space technologies. oleg novetsky, an experienced russian cosmonaut, on april 6 he returned from his fourth space flight, having spent a total of 500 on the iss
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. he was actually born in belarus, graduated from school, went to flight school from there, when this opportunity arose to participate in the project, i was very happy those the trust placed in us that...
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and today our country’s plans in this industry remain cosmic. the day before , the first angara a5 launch vehicle was launched from vostochny. it will be used to create a russian orbital station. they are already talking about the launch of the russian return rocket, how that very first flight is now being assessed, and how the country is celebrating the holiday of alexander perfilyev. the words “cosmos” are heard today in all languages ​​of the world. behind me is a model of the very vostok launch vehicle that opened the era of manned astronautics. during these 63 years
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, about 600 people visited space there, more than 120 of them were soviet and russian cosmonauts. his name is forever inscribed in history. on april 12 , 1961, in december 07, moscow time , the first earthling flew into space, yuri gagarin was 27. in the soviet union, the world's first spacecraft, sputnik vostok, with a man on board, was launched into orbit around the earth. he became the idol of millions, and people will be proud of him for decades to come. cosmonautics day is celebrated at vdnh. quests, film screenings, lectures, and of course, why not go to the cosmos pavilion? it’s good when you can come up and just look, somewhere you can even touch space, have you touched space yet? yes, we
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decided to remember this with the whole family, we have generations, we very often tell children directly at school, we even have such an action, repeat gagarin’s smile, let’s repeat gagarin’s smile, who is he? the first person to fly into space, he inspires you, yes, he inspires, i also want to become an astronaut now, here you go again, here you go the helmet of the first cosmonaut in history has four letters, the name of the state of the ussr, but few people know that gagarin’s engineer applied them in just 20 minutes, with an ordinary brush of paint, when he saw that there were no identification marks on gagarin’s spacesuit, a bright color for visibility.
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earth, which lasted 108 minutes, before it no one had ever seen our planet from space from a height of 300 km, i see the earth, it is beautiful, sergei korolev had a tough selection. height no more than 170, weight no more than 70 kg, only two were chosen, gagarin and his backup hermann titov, who would later become the first to stay in space for more than a day. they were tested in the surdokamer by loneliness, in the thermal chamber by heat and cold, everything was on the verge of human capabilities. thousands of people worked for a great goal, a flight to the stars, and were able to achieve it. today we are actively exploring near space, but soon we will have to do so.
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we sincerely congratulate everyone who made our flight into space and the flights of our colleagues possible on their professional holiday. happy holiday, friends, happy cosmonautics day, celebrated on april 12 at the baikanur cosmodrome, a festive rally on the site from where the first...
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with special trepidation they remember the feat of the first cosmonaut in history in st. petersburg. on june 30 , 1961, gagarin met with residents at the station in vyborg. this visit on the way to finland lasted only a few minutes, then the cosmonaut presented the townspeople with his radio and table set. he was able not only to be the first to rise to the stars, but to maintain a good heart. i am an ordinary russian person, there are a lot of them in our union, the same as tens of hundreds of thousands of soviet boys and girls. alexander perfileva, dmitry shevelev and maxim devitaikin. news. ministry of defense, the russian
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military dealt powerful blows to the energy infrastructure of ukraine and advanced along the front line; 65 counterattacks of ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled in avdeevsky alone. from april 6 to april 12, the armed forces of the russian federation, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities, carried out one massive and 47 group strikes with high-precision air, sea, ground-based weapons, and also by unmanned aerial vehicles, at the facilities of the fuel and energy and military-industrial complexes of ukraine. in addition, logistics bases and temporary deployment points for special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces of foreign mercenaries were hit. all designated targets were hit by missile forces, artillery and unmanned aerial
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vehicles. groupings of troops in a week , five launchers of sampt anti-aircraft missile systems of the french-italian army were destroyed production s-300 and s-125, as well as two radiation stations for detecting the tracking of air targets pi-18. aviation air defense systems shot down a neptune anti-ship missile and 12 hamer aircraft guided bombs, made in france, within a week. aircraft. within a week, 21 ukrainian soldiers surrendered. it's commercial now, we'll be back on air in a few minutes.
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