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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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fires, we will discuss the topic with senator oleg kuvshinnikov. oleg alexandrovich, hello, what is the current level of readiness of the regions for the fire season? today, the regions of the russian federation are completing preparations for fire-hazardous periods, the region has approved consolidated plans for extinguishing forest fires, equipment has been prepared, and forest fire units have been prepared; an amount of more than 17 billion rubles has been allocated from the federal budget for the protection of forests from fires and the purchase of fire-fighting equipment. 1 billion 200 million rubles were allocated for the purchase of 1,200 unmanned aerial vehicles to detect forest fires in the regions of the russian federation, forest special forces based on forest protection in order to extinguish large fires in forests without introducing an emergency situation. as of today , preparations are being completed, and what measures are the regions taking to prevent fires in the forest fund as a whole? what is the current situation? it is very important to note that last
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year our president, by decree, formed key performance indicators for extinguishing forest fires throughout the country. by 2030 it is necessary to reduce the area covered by fire in the constituent entities of the russian federation throughout the country by 50%; extinguish fires in the first day after their discovery. and i want to say that last year these indicators for the whole country were met, according to the planned indicator. 5.5 million hectares in the country burned , 4.3 million hectares, 63 regions coped with this task, in 19 regions the planned indicators were exceeded, in the twenty-fourth year the indicators were even more stringent and these indicators are also strictly controlled. to date the regions have carried out all fire-fighting measures in accordance with the consolidated fire extinguishing plan, roads are being built, cleared, and installed.
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and will annually monitor the situation and provide information to the senate of the russian federation. and in the federation council, you represent the vologda region, what kind of preparedness there is for the fire season, and what is the most common cause of fire in the region and what measures are taken if a fire does start. the volga region is among the top five, one of the most effective regions by speed of fire extinguishing, by area covered by fire. for this purpose, it was created in the vologda region. a service that accepts calls to hotlines around the clock. we installed 82 round-the-clock cameras on communication towers in order to detect smoke in the forest fund and immediately respond to this smoke; they are deployed in the event of smoke.
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units, in hard-to-reach ones, are fire and rescue teams that are parachuted to extinguish these fires on the first day, so last year the vologda region fulfilled the target, there were only 37 hectares, 38 fires in total, so, of course, this multi-level system, this focus of forest fire departments on a quick response to extinguishing fires gives the effect, i am sure that
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and let us together with the committee on economic policy monitoring will establish its enforcement to understand how effectively these norms work. the it industry today is one of the strategic priorities for the state in terms of ensuring technological sovereignty. after the departure of foreign it giants from the russian market , a wide window of opportunity opened for many russian companies. and in order for our companies to take full advantage of these opportunities, the state has provided various types of support. svetlana temerbulatova will tell you what conditions are created for our specialists so that they can work as comfortably as possible, and the results of their work are as effective as possible. yes, today in the country there are different types of support for an it company, including grant support, preferential loans, funds to improve
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housing conditions for employees, tax preferences and more. now i’ll tell you more. to achieve their goals as quickly as possible, it companies are provided with various benefits aimed at financial support. those employed in an it company can apply for a preferential mortgage if certain conditions are met; a reduced rate of up to 5% can only be obtained by russian citizens, aged from 18 to 50 years inclusive, with at least 3 months of experience at the current place of work. for citizens from 36 to 50 years old there is also
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a salary requirement, its size must be no less than 150,000 if you are employed in moscow, no less than 120 if you work in other million-plus cities and no less... 70 for employees of other regions, for borrowers in up to 35 years of age inclusive, there are no salary requirements. another support measure is a deferment from the army for employees of it companies. it applies only to those who are directly involved in the development and implementation of software . also introduced until the end of 2024 moratorium on scheduled inspections. until the twenty-fifth year, all inspections, including tax ones, have been suspended. administrative and so on, and tax, currency and other types of control for these, that is, practically the enterprise operates freely. the share of profit from core activities must be at least 70%. the zero rate is valid only until december 31, 2024, after which it
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will be 3%. over the past 2 years, we have been meeting on an ongoing basis in the federation council. is happening monitoring the measures that have already been taken, new initiatives are being discussed, i am sure that in the near future there will be some additional support measures for large medium-sized businesses in the field of information technology. to take advantage of most of the benefits, an it company must be accredited by the russian ministry of digital development; to do this , simply submit an application for public services and sign it with an electronic digital signature. the authorized agency is assigned to respond.
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database software are exempt from vat, however this measure available only to companies that have included their software in the appropriate registry. next we will talk about a bill that will make adjustments to the process of forming local administrations. municipalities will be given the right to approve deputy heads of administration and heads of its sectoral and territorial bodies. such an opportunity to gain a foothold in its charter. from the author of the document, senator alexander , we learn the video from him. details of issues related to improving the work of local governments, their active participation in implementing the message of the president of the russian federation, it requires amendments to the current legislation, on the one hand , in order to strengthen the interaction
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of local administrations with representative bodies of local self-government, and on the other hand, to involve the deputy corps. together with the administration in solving the problems that our country, the constituent entities of the russian federation and, of course, municipalities face today. therefore, together with senators shevchenko, andrei anatolyevich, gorodetsky, vladimir filipovich, deputies of the state duma, we introduced a bill aimed at improving legislation in the field of local self-government, in particular article thirty-seven of the law on the general principles of local self-government in the russian federation, which provide for the empowerment of representative bodies of local self-government.
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what changes are ahead? the implementation of this state program is carried out within the framework of the national project housing and urban environment, and today, over the past we have done a lot of work in the primorsky territory for 5 years to implement both this project and this program. all facilities that are being created today within the framework of the state program are being repaired. are determined by the residents themselves as a result of voting for each
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object. in the primorsky territory, within the framework of this state program , more than 600 public gardens have already been built, created, or overhauled and put in order. the same city of vladivostok, which is the capital of the far eastern federal district, this is the center of the primorsky territory, then over the past period of time , more than 900 various kinds of objects have been built in terms of local areas, public spaces, this makes our city of vladivostok attractive, because vladivostok is also a center of tourist attraction, it is a sports center is a cultural center, a lot of guests come to us, we host various... socio-political, economic events, in particular, for more than 10 years the eastern economic
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a forum where representatives of all constituent entities of the russian federation, our foreign guests come, and of course, creating conditions that would please the eyes of our guests is very important, we are ready to continue to actively participate in this work. medicine, pharmaceuticals, industry, agriculture, petrochemicals. and even ecology, the range of uses of peaceful atoms is extensive, thanks to the work of nuclear power plants there is light and heat in residential buildings, hospitals work around the clock, conveyors of large enterprises do not stop, and nuclear icebreakers provide pilotage of ships along the northern sea route. important issues of the nuclear industry were discussed at the international forum atomexpo, which was held in sochi. the siriu business platform brought together 4,500 participants from 75 countries. senato also took part in the forum.
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more than twice as much there as, for example, there in the previous period, which again speaks of the seriousness and significance of this platform of issues related to nuclear energy, which is the future. an exhibition was presented at the forum, where each of the participants could get acquainted with those achievements with those new technologies within which our nuclear industry is moving today. of course, we were talking about the nuclear systems of the fourth...
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when we see how many people come to get acquainted with our technologies, then, accordingly, once again there is a feeling of pride that this is all coming to us. tatyana anatolyevna, one of the topics of lively discussions was the elimination of accumulated environmental damage, and you took part in its discussion, whether we are
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talking about the legacy of the soviet era, which did it remain in the northern territories as testing grounds, or is it something else? well... as i already said, issues of the environmental agenda, they were at the center of the forum itself at each of the platforms, as part of this, a lot of attention was focused on the president’s message, we are all working today within the framework of the national ecology project, first of all , of course, everything is connected with disposal with a competent approach to everything related to accumulated harm. in the committee that i represent in the federation council created.
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is also already such an important object that we will control, this is a topic related to yaroslavl, a topic related to green oil and tar, when you understand that the depth of the deposit is about 100 m, this is quite a big job, for which, among other things, i am sure that rosatom will undertake the main task so that every object that in one way or another adjoins the territory where people live... our people become an object on which life should continue, including on the site where i was , we talked about the need to provide support, that is, for the economic and social development of the territory in which this object was, or is, so that in the future it would become attractive to investors, so that investors would not be afraid to enter this object, tatyana anatolyevna,
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murmansk region, which you represent one of the regions in the federation council, the presence of a state corporation, and what projects are relevant today, which are relevant in the future and what contribution do they make to the socio-economic development of the region? the murmansk region, which i represent, interacts very closely with rusat, absolutely not by chance, because we have a sufficient number of different areas where rosatom is present in our region, this is the nuclear fleet, this is the kola nuclear power plant, rosatom is present as a disposal operator waste. and of course the new kolmozerskaya lithium deposit, which is already needed by our country as a whole. our scientists say that in the future this lithium will be enough for in order to meet the needs that our country faces, why we need lithium, and we look and see how electric cars are already appearing on the road, so simple things related to the accumulation of this
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energy do not work without lithium, and for a long period of time . we were dependent, this lead was supplied to us from australia and chile, today there is such a deposit, it probably, i am sure, will help the rapid development, including of our automobile industry. it is important to note that the company actively accepts participation in the socio-economic development of the region, even the municipality where they are represented, and the resources that are invested even in the simple appearance and... institutions in the sites speaks of the attention that the company pays to the people who work at this enterprise, therefore , large companies will develop, this, of course, contributes to the development of the region as a whole. if we talk about the murmansk region, then today there is also a feeling of pride in our region, because today the economy should
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to work for our country, and those large areas that today represent , including rusatom, in our region. they definitely say that everything will definitely work out, and we are moving forward in the right direction. the russian drug market is becoming less and less dependent on imports. external restrictions have not weakened russian producers. moreover, the rapid growth of the pharmaceutical industry occurred precisely during the period of sanctions. import orders on a national scale, manufacturers of extremely complex important medical devices, such as coronary stents. one of the factories for their production is located in the chechen republic. with the help of this mesh metal cylinder, doctors save lives every day, this is what a coronary stand looks like, a medical product necessary for patients who have suffered, for example, a heart attack. this is a kind of prosthesis that restores blood flow in the artery, the stand itself, it is the tip, it is at the end, all this is precisely the system for delivering the stent to
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the site of the lesion, so to speak, our drummer, this is the drug-coated stand sirolimus, drug coating is necessary for the survival of the stent after implantation. nalchik, kazan, tyumen, kemerovo, penza, ufa, novosibirsk - this is not a complete list of cities where operations using. by the way, there are not so many factories for their production in the country; in the north caucasus there is only one of them. this enterprise is a good example of fruitful russian-indian cooperation. production processes, which are carried out with pinpoint precision, are controlled by foreign specialist tushar barce. one of the most difficult stages of production takes place here - laser welding. very small tubes are connected to each other, the size of the smallest fragment is only 2 mm. working with such details requires not only full concentration. fine motor skills of the hands, which are assessed in future employees when hiring, are also extremely important here. during the interview, in addition to what we ask, we conduct some tests, one might
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say, we mix rice, buckwheat in a cup, give them tweezers, they have to separate it all into separately. per shift, the plant assembles 500 medical products, on which the quality of life of our compatriots depends. needless to say, the first stages of production take place in sterile rooms where a special microclimate has been created? the temperature behind the glass is 22°, air humidity is 55%. these are the most comfortable conditions for a person. in addition, there is less circulation of particles in the air of such rooms that can get on the medical device. special conditions are observed in the premises of the pharmaceutical plant in zelenograd, which opened in august last year. in the near future , the company will produce about 50 types of drugs for the capital's hospitals, 90% of which are vital drugs. these are tablet capsules for the treatment of blood diseases and diseases, as well as chemotherapy for various types of cancer. it is important to note that a number of drugs have never been produced in russia before. we are in a room where drugs are coated
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. this is oblong, a large oblong tablet, the largest in the line enterprises. for many people, these medications are vital, as they are intended to treat cancer. the word is that domestic drugs in this group have already proven their effectiveness, and in general the stereotype that russian drugs are in some way inferior to imported ones is coming to naught. the drug for the treatment of cancer patients is of very decent quality, there is no difference in effectiveness, there are no negative aspects, so there is a lot of emphasis on quality, time will put it in its place, it seems to me, one or two or three experiences and there will be trust in domestic drugs. another important area of ​​the zelenograd plant is a complex of premises for the production of soft gelatin capsules. now they are preparing to launch the first product, a drug for the treatment of chronic diseases... the preparation of the shell for these amber-like capsules takes place in a reactor, here the gelatin is melted and mixed, then the mass is fed into a special machine, where the product takes on
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medicinal properties and an ideal form. stages, as they say, are almost all here the same, yes, the only thing that changes is the filler, yes, this is an active phatic substance, and more dyes can be added or printing can be applied, we also have such functionality, and we have special equipment that can directly apply the capsule, name, or name. the plant opened at the height of sanctions pressure. the priority, of course, was domestic equipment. in particular, thanks to it, the microclimate in clean rooms is maintained. however, the launch of such a giant would hardly be possible without the help of the state, an offset contract was concluded between the enterprise and the moscow government. as part of the concluded contract, we have investment obligations to build and launch factories, as well as obligations to produce about 50 types of medicines, and the city, well, the department itself.
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is, that is, they support both the production itself and the modernization of investment in science, and last year the pharmaceutical industry development strategy pharma 2030 was approved, the document the main directions of state policy in this area for the next 7 years have been determined. aksana podturkina, yuri belov, alexander shedevr, egor gerasimov and andrey litvin. senate program. the role of women in the media space, the preservation of traditions and the development of innovative healthcare technologies. the focus of the ejf council on this. already 30 projects,
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all of these projects are of interest today from women in the regions, and not only, many projects include international participation, we are currently summing up the results of the implementation of these projects for the period between forums, since we are starting very active preparations for the fourth eurasian women's edition. forum before the forum there will be a whole series of pre-forums, that is, forums in the regions, and the largest pre-forum for which we are preparing will be in the kemerovo region at the end of may, and this forum will be dedicated to the role of women in industrial regions, we as the chamber of regions are interested in opportunities
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for women of the regions... every year there were more and more, we set a task for the next forum, one of the questions, especially carefully consider, this is the mission of women, the formation of peace and trust, so all our activities, of course, are focused on enhancing the participation of women in the entire agenda of the country, the president and... another task, i emphasize, is promoting a positive image of the country. see you in a week. see you on the senate program.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor no weapons, collect them. it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then i don’t know, anton schakken. so, is there still hope?
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there is always hope. passenger's call sign. a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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ukrainian troops shelled residential areas of the city of takmak, zaporozhye region. several people died, including one child. this was announced by the head of the region, evgeniy balitsky. dozens of residents are seriously injured. rescuers are clearing the rubble; there may be people under it. several dozen houses were left without gas supply. balletsky stressed that all victims and relatives of the victims will be provided with the necessary assistance. the danger of new attacks by the ukrainian armed forces remains. the russian army inflicted one massive attack in a week.


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