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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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star couple, their lawyer. lerchik’s defender literally arranged an escape from journalists, for some reason, like a true star hid her face from being flogged. the lawyers remain silent, as do the chikalins themselves, who do not even come to court. many are perplexed, because until recently everyone was following a high-profile criminal case related to tax evasion. and, it would seem, the dropping of all charges would only strengthen lerchik’s relationship with her husband. however, in march they announced their separation. most likely, more than one court hearing awaits the bloggers. besides divorce. who brutally beat his colleague, she worked as a bartender. having been released from prison after exactly the same attack, the criminal got a job as a cook and decided to take his anger out on a colleague. it was only by a miracle that she survived. maxim shevchenko will continue the topic. with a confident step, repeat offender dmitry rezanov follows to his usual place behind bars of the elizovsky district court of the kamchatka territory. his humble look seems
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to suggest that in prison he feels quite well and is ready to listen to the long-awaited verdict. ryazanov was protected from society after drinking occasion in the cafe where he worked as a cook. on a warm august evening, he unexpectedly attacked his colleague bartender sofia. after a short squabble, he threw me to the floor and started kicking me. lizanov beat the victim mercilessly until tanya stopped resisting, and later took out a knife. at that moment, as if according to a script, colleagues appeared in the kitchen and prevented the brutal attacker from using his weapon. he was later detained. fellow villagers, seeing the video, were beside themselves with rage. during the investigation, it became known that the victim at the hands of ryazanov was very close. both came to the village of sokoch to earn money, lived together, and... without a husband with
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a child, and he with impressive baggage from the past, having served time for beating a woman with a knife, i believe that my characteristics were collected unilaterally, with the goal of simply putting me in line as possible, that's all. it is not surprising that, once again behind bars, rezanov tried to attribute his rage to a domestic conflict. the defendant did not admit his guilt in full, he indicated that the woman herself provoked him, and he inflicted light blows on her for educational purposes. the video posted on social media was falsified. however, experts who carefully found out the history of the couple’s relationship and video footage from cameras came to an unequivocal conclusion. the evidence collected by the investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the kamchatka territory was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict the forty-one-year-old resident of the krasnodar territory. he was found guilty of attempted murder of a woman in a cafe in the elezovsky district; as a result, the intrigue remained only in one issue. on what
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the aggressor will be sent for re-education, the court, as expected, did not take a soft position, sentence him to imprisonment for a period of 8 years, the sentence of imprisonment will be served in a high-security correctional colony. the victim, sofia, had to endure a long recovery after a broken jaw, skull and concussion. now, it seems, she will be able to breathe a sigh of relief, and rezanov will have enough time to learn the rules of etiquette and the intricacies of communicating with. beautiful floor. maxim shevchenko, mikhail shirin, lead the way. duty department. now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch gears. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get money, tell us about your business. yes, i myself didn’t think that
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you are waiting for a regular banking application, but you get the best one. alfabank is the best mobile bank. not just profitable, alpha profitable. comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34% discount. the duty department will conduct the legal program with you. we are continuing production. in ufa , investigators are establishing the circumstances of an attack by an inadequate police officer with a knife. an exuberant local was waving with a blade at the garage and a passerby and even to himself. then, it would seem, he succumbed to the persuasion of the police, calmed down, but at the last moment he pulled out a knife and wounded one of the law enforcement officers. timur davletov, more details. folding knife, shoe, traces of blood. investigators and criminologists are carefully studying the crime scene in the very center of ufa, on one of the city streets near the leninsky
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district department of internal affairs and the prosecutor's office , two police officers were attacked. what we managed to find out at this moment was that a certain young man was walking here in the center of ufa with... with with a knife, and thereby frightened passers-by and put the knife, it is not yet clear why, to his throat, in order to somehow calm down this guy, the police officers arrived. these shots were taken by an eyewitness, it is clear that the heated citizen seems to be able to get away with it, he even puts the knife away, however, then everything changed, he again grabbed a bladed weapon and rushed to attack the law enforcement officers, warning shots in the air did not help, he had to shoot to defeat. in turn, during the arrest, he inflicted live wounds on two police officers and yourself. one of the detained police officers was hospitalized; another officer received medical assistance on the spot. it was established that the twenty-nine-year-old man was under the influence of illegal drugs. his name is
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ruslan mananov. the motives of the aggressive citizen are not yet clear. investigators are interviewing eyewitnesses. the man was screaming, the police were catching up with him. another one pinned him here. a criminal case has been opened regarding the encroachment on the lives of law enforcement officers. currently a set of initial measures was carried out at the scene of the incident, objects were seized and sent for expert examination, and the severity of the harm caused to the health of the victims was assessed. an ambulance took the attacker to the clinic, and the wounded mia officer was also hospitalized. both are on the mend, evil-minded.
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after confirming the totality of evidence collected during the investigation. vlasovo was found guilty of receiving a particularly large bribe. impressive sums went into his pocket for promotion interests of individual commercial enterprises. if only yesterday there were contracts worth hundreds of millions of rubles. in other words, with a broad gesture he gave the go-ahead to the companies he liked, took a kickback and simply for the very opportunity to work. the high-ranking official did not disdain either crisp banknotes or even construction materials and electrical equipment. all of the above add up. 3.5 million rubles. vlasov received in the period from 2016 to 2018. being
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the head of the east siberian railway, the irkutsk company was patronized, which allowed it to enter into contracts the amount of 380 million rubles. having fluttered to another chair, the deputy head of the krasnoyarsk railway. vlasov immediately took the local commercial enterprise under his wing. under the paternal supervision of a high official , a railway track was built on a remote stretch in the taiga forests between the village of lukashevich. and a village. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program visited the bearish corner. everyone thinks that we gave a bribe, our leadership gave, or rather, a bribe in order not to do something, not to complete it, no, there is no such thing. for what then vlasov demanded a car and money just so that you could work here? well, it’s hard for me to say, i didn’t participate in this, yes, perhaps yes, so that we could work here. security forces found the manager in the trunk of a premium suv. at least premium luggage 20 million rubles. a brand new 2020 gelendvagen, stuffed with
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five thousand dollar bills, appeared at vlasov’s just after an inspection of that same railway track in the outback of the krasnoyarsk territory. the bribe was transferred to an official for general patronage and lobbying interests in the construction of facilities, which is part of the investment project for the comprehensive development of the interfluve taishet section of the krasnoyarsk railway. it is known that vlasov has a career. i started from a simple master of the ways, that is, i knew all the professional ins and outs, which i openly flaunted during the interview. taking into account the growth of the cargo base, it was necessary to develop the southern section of the road, namely abakantaishek, for which the comprehensive development of the mezhdurechnyshet section was created and designed. construction cost 1 km the railway cost approximately 300-350 million rubles in 1918 prices . but then for some reason vlasov commented on the criminal case at the investigation stage? refused outright, it didn’t help, the former boss was found guilty, taking into account the defendant’s fulfillment of obligations under
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the concluded pre-trial agreement on cooperation with the position of the state prosecutor of the west siberian transport prosecutor’s office, the court sentenced the culprit for aggregation of crimes to six years in prison to be served in a maximum security correctional colony, and the former deputy head of the steel line was ordered to pay a fine of over 35 million rubles, and go to the cross. the assets of the primorye fishing industry became the property of the state; this happened as part of the execution of the decision of the primorye arbitration court. it was issued on march 21st. then the servants of themis fully satisfied the claim of the prosecutor general's office to recover 358 billion rubles from businessman oleg kana, affiliated with him, and their company. the basis. for podochiysk there was a check, which was carried out by fsb and fas officers. the joint event revealed that a number
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of enterprises associated with kan were illegally extracting marine resources. as a result, the enterprise maniron, priboyt, city ecotaxi and a number of other organizations have already become state property. the price of these assets is estimated at almost 22 billion rubles. a record of the company's transfer to state property has already been added to the unified state register of legal entities. meanwhile, the so-called crab king oleg himself. arrested in absentia in russia in connection with the murder of businessman valery phidenka, the accused went to bega, there have been rumors about his death for a year now, the prosecutor general’s office does not rule out that in this way kan is trying to avoid responsibility. and now about the loud corruption scandal in chuvashia, where the former deputy prime minister of the region was arrested. the ex-official is accused of taking a bribe; we are talking about an amount of 50 million rubles. especially for our program, employees of the regional department of the investigative committee revealed the details of a high-profile case, only... our film crew managed to meet and talk with the accused from chuvash, report by maxim shevchenko. as soon as
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the working day began in chebaksary season number one, the bolts on the bars creaked and a prominent ex-official was led along the corridor, accompanied by an escort. pavel danilov recently worked as deputy prime minister of chuvashia, but now he is accused of receiving a bribe totaling 50 million rubles. danilov appeared in front of the television camera with a dissatisfied face. either he didn’t get enough sleep in the isolation cell, or he wasn’t happy to meet our film crew, the once eloquent official dryly answered journalists’ questions, we were curious, why did the former deputy prime minister need so much money? judging by the footage of the search, danilov is not a poor man, investigators found a collection of luxury watches, expensive bracelets and gold studs on him. where could they be spent and for what purposes? unfortunately, i didn’t spend any money because i didn’t take it. pavel danilov was detained in moscow, fsb investigative committee officers took him near the stadium, the official was in a hurry to the match of his
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favorite football team, but the security forces are sure that danilov was going to score in the capital your winning goal. hit a big jackpot in a corruption deal, the deputy prime minister was shown a red card and put in the dock . here yes. at that time, danilov did not imagine that he had made a mistake in choosing his teammate . a few hours before his arrest , fsb officers caught the alleged accomplice of the official, head of the chuvash mortgage corporation alexey antonov, red-handed. a bag filled with banknotes totaling 18 million rubles was found on him. investigators are sure that this was another tranche for...
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cheboksary , what was there here for you squirrels, there were wild boars, now there is nothing, resident lyudmila gerasimova says, not so long ago there was a green zone in this place, but allegedly with the light hand of deputy prime minister danilov. the land was given to that same mortgage corporation, the centuries-old oak trees were cut down, and now a housing complex is being built on the slope of the forest. this is the only green place where we can fully relax, since in our region, in the southwest, there is not a single such green place, all parks are concreted. there is another problem, according to experts,
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you can’t build in this place at all, because of the difficult terrain, houses can collapse, there’s an entire slope there. riddled with natives, under such conditions it is absolutely impossible to build anything there. looking at the colorful picture, we can imagine what this area will look like after some time, but for now preparatory work is going on here, judging by the object’s passport, if you can call it that, but looking at what is happening inside the construction site, we can conclude that that there are no special works here yet is underway. residents of cheboksary talk about another large-scale... schoolchildren. we are in one of the cheboksary courtyards, where such a neighborhood children's playground has been operating for almost 2 years. what does it mean? it was built to replace several small ones that are usually installed in courtyards; looking at its
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scale, you can understand that there are a lot of attractions here, some of them are even taller than human height. look. impressive, but in reality - young mothers complain that the playground is dangerous for children, there is dust, dirt, children eternal conjunctivitis, they have snot, their eyes all hurt, you want to say that they built this beauty, this is a mockery of children, in the yard of former deputy prime minister danilov there are no such defects, according to some reports he rents an apartment in a beautiful housing complex on the embankment overlooking the volga, registered in moscow, he has personal property here, the ex-official himself spoke about this in an interview with a local.
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the last one dies, the largest amount you held in your hands, well, a couple of millions . perhaps then the deputy prime minister will not clarified what currency the money was in. it is curious that 3 days after danilov’s arrest, the head of chuvashia oleg nikolaev announced a competition for the best coverage of anti -corruption issues. our program does not participate in it, but we could not help but ask the head of the region about the high-profile corruption case. for the government, this is, of course, a psychological and moral blow, a test. because when one of our colleagues suddenly becomes involved in one or another corruption scheme, it is, of course, always a desire, i would say so. all of us paint it one color, the sun shines the same way, it hides in the shadow, and it burns out. apparently, danilov burned out before his arrest. a few months before his trip to
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moscow, the official posted a photo on social networks of him driving a convertible going into the sunset. recently he announced a new page in his career, and after a couple of days it became known about his dismissal. you wrote on vkontakte that new projects are ahead. what was it about? can you tell me? excuse me, please. for me the charge is quite long, it consists from the large number of things presented, in order for me to form my defense position, i need to protect a large number of documents, i will cooperate with the investigation in every possible way, but i need to develop a normal position. pavel danilov ended the meeting with our film crew completely without mood, the investigation promises to be thorough, which means the former deputy prime minister has more than one to look forward to. to do this, they must spend
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25 years behind bars, and there are such prisoners, while the courts have not yet made a single decision in for the benefit of bloodthirsty criminals who are entitled to the right to freedom, watch the investigation of eduard petrov, clinging to life, this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel. checkered sky. today in russia there are slightly less than 2.0 people sentenced to life imprisonment. these nonhumans have the blood of innocent citizens on their hands. i was an ordinary russian bandit, that’s what my life was like. who is right, who is not important now. the important thing now is that there are no people, you can’t bring them back. by the summer of this year, about 200 lifers had spent a quarter of a century behind bars. and now by law they have the right. to be released, studying why a person sentenced to life imprisonment is serving a sentence, such a decision will be very difficult to make, will this person be able to integrate into society,
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will the application for parole be denied, what is there to hope for, why are they clinging to life so much, you are on if you want freedom, i hope for it, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. shawarma stuffed with staphylococcus, horrific statistics of otroskalism, only two samples of shawarma from 29 turned out to be safe, the rest were infested with bacteria that could cause severe poisoning, and inspectors were purchased even from large retail chains, about the underside of vlad egorov’s shawarma, and what do you cook from, tell us, and where are you bringing it from, the simplest question, where is the meat purchased, and the master as soon as the pita bread is rolled up it is already stewed, though right there . at his catering point, the food is exclusively fresh, and he also eats his own shawarma. in a tiny kitchen the picture is typical, the ingredients are not covered with anything, vegetables, meat,
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sauces, everything is always on one spot the window is slightly open, it will still be slightly warmer and there will be no end to insects. how do you clean here, i don’t know how many times a day, as much as possible, of course, as much as possible, that is, not every day, yes, just like not every day, several times a day, and you’re all over shawarma, yes, why exactly to this place? i like it, but why? everything is fine, the result is satisfactory. vladimir, a regular customer here, admits that he once got poisoned by shawarma at a nearby establishment. since then, he has been snacking only at trusted outlets and, by the way, he’s doing the right thing. according to the results of the recent research by ruskachestvo found dangerous bacteria in dozens of shawarma samples that can cause acute poisoning. the study was conducted simultaneously in moscow and st. petersburg. in 27 samples , an excess of... the total content of microorganisms was detected, in addition, in fifteen samples the content of escherichia coli bacteria was additionally detected, in one sample of staphylococcus aureus, in two
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samples of listeria bacteria. there can be many reasons for such bacterial diversity, from careless storage or transportation products to dirt in the kitchen or dangerous diseases among cooks. sellers may be carriers of the same staphylococcus aureus, the same sellers yes. but they often make shawarma with dirty hands, not wearing gloves. the result is frequent cases of severe food poisoning. one example is the story of the capital's bistro, which collected the whole bouquet from garbage and unsanitary conditions in the kitchen to low-quality raw materials, and shawarma saturated with dangerous bacteria was in great demand. after more than fifty people were poisoned by it, the point was finally closed and a criminal case was opened. as for the current test of quality, it affected not only ordinary kiosks, but also some marketplaces that deal with this.
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i hope without consequences, but if not, it will be a different story. vlada egorova, vitali melkov, daniil korsakov, lead: duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal news. channels show the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release this is over, maxim ovchan was in the studio, don’t miss our final episode today at 18:15, see you later, wars end, for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for
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their homeland, but also to crawl and jump and run, and most importantly - to win for it, there is such a job: to be a defender, when you become a professional, it becomes the work of your life, a military matter, serve at the call of your heart, join your own.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia. shut 24. we start with the latest data during a special military operation in the northern direction, the firing positions of the armed forces infantry were destroyed from mortars. shot. the attack was carried out at night by tula paratroopers from the southern group of troops. the coordinates of the target were provided by reconnaissance, which, using a drone, spotted the enemy in one of
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the strong points. firing was also carried out from the air, this made it possible to achieve high accuracy rates.


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