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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the entire electric power industry in russia and as a monopoly was ineffective. our task was to restructure the company, highlighting a natural monopoly sector in it, these are backbone networks and competitive energy production. this work took almost 10 years, and as a result, by 2008 , competing electricity producing companies emerged in place of the monopoly . and russia’s ras itself stopped its own. existence, all its employees lost their jobs, in compensation everyone received a golden parachute, this is world practice, everything received the right to buy shares of new companies at a fixed price. naturally, the size of the package was determined by the person’s status in the company. since i was a member of the board, my stake was large, and then we sold all our stakes, the difference was our bonus. we paid taxes on it, i paid
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more than 500,000 dollars, which means that with a tax of 13%, the income was about 4 million dollars, buddy, hi, as promised, today we are preparing flow, hey, hey, don’t transfer the oil, oh, i need money home translate, by the way, translate better than svblna. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control, go to avito, choose the make of your car, immediately, immediately find new summer tires, tires will be found convenient and fast, there is a search by car brand, feel free to look your expenses in the eye, with yota your money will not fly away. we return rubles for
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the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, if possible! sportmaster has collected all sports in one application! sportmaster media are articles, videos and podcasts from experts about sports and outdoor activities. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? of course, there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and get 2.0 rubles. and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably in postal banks. the charity easter edition of the russian lotto wins every second ticket, for every ticket sold 10 rubles. will be donated to charity. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this so so so. it's clear? i understand. this is the ironing system at the megamarket. 9,990 rub.
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my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work , i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support healthy joints. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. cheese. oh, they forgot the cheese. it's good that we have each other. what will they show us on tv? tell me what did you catch? for as long as we can remember, we have always been together. magnit, 30 years by your side. we take out loans, they’re easy to apply for, we’re at sofcom bank. we take loans. did you get there quickly? we are at sofkom bank. loans that everyone knows. wotter, on fire.
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tastier in burger, hello, i’m a bank employee, you confirm the transfer, you usually call, oh, i can’t reach you now, of course, you have the safest operator, we’ll warn you about unwanted or blocked calls, enable call protection in the my security service in the app for free, who cares? here already without me you can handle it. beeline is the safest operator. what do we bring back from our travels with avita? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? and on vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the vtb year. everything will work out. the million people fired
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by chubais and gozman from the crushed raa from russia are unlikely to have received the same golden parachutes.
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us dollars, but that’s not all, we found the fork that leonid gozman purchased in italy 100 km from rome, in the legendary place where homer wrote in his poem odyssey. you know the history of this place, about the witch who lived here and odysseus' friends sailed here.
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“i saw him, i don’t know him personally, but i saw him, he even came here to us, what ’s his name? leonid? leonid yakovlevich first became a citizen of israel, then received a residence permit in germany, and later the status
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of a landowner in italy i heard that gozman lives here, and i know him, i showed him the pitchfork, but we didn’t agree on character, we didn’t get along, but where does he live?” “and he bought me through me in the end, and then an expensive one, he lives on via del sole, he lives up there, he mostly comes only in august, the rest of the time he lives in germany. smoke quietly rises from the chimney, which indicates that there is someone in this villa, but the door was not opened to us. the cadastral extract says that leonid gozman and his wife own this ten-room house in half. and again berlin. the meeting of foreign agents continues.
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event in order to prove that there in russia, some different elections are taking place there, and this, for example, is information about a grant of 445 thousand dollars that the ferrash foundation received for an information campaign about nord stream 2 in germany, france and the netherlands in 1919, but note this, these 400,000 are just a part.
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to report to the sponsors of the world, the foundation opened a website called: rethink the deal in english, where they had five theses that they revolved around. theses are: nord stream 2 harmful to the environment, nord stream 2 will destroy the unified energy system, nord stream is a bad business deal for ordinary western european consumers, russian taxpayers. nord stream 2 is a threat to eu security. nord stream, the corruption pipeline, that is , these.
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this is only a theoretical exercise, if you have entered a phase of strong discontent, then only one thing remains, this discontent must be dispersed, dispersed by force, the revolution will be successful only if, only if the attempt to disperse was unsuccessful, and this is reform space berlin .
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will burn, i would come to such a fire . i will feel the warmth only when it warms up, without holding back my tears, i will find my home when it is on fire. and i want
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to remind you that... when the list of 100 books in addition to the school curriculum was being formed, and i then opposed it with terrible force, i discovered that up to 30% of them were works by emigrant writers, not the first wave, not bunin, not nobokov , these are those who were already leaving, so to speak, in fact, in search of a better life, whom no one was persecuting anyway further, and i asked representatives of the ministry.
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doesn’t appear, he needs to be educated, he needs to be provided with good literature, good books, good television programs, here is the poetess vera poloskova, in her commentary about the assassination attempt on the writer zakhar
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prilepin, please tell me, did you drink champagne when zakhar was blown up, there wasn’t enough for champagne , although on this day i received pictures of champagne, and i will simply explain to the audience that 7 years ago i wrote that you will open champagne when on the day, on the day when zakha prilepin was shot through, his shirt, yes, and well, i mean, guys, well, no, maxim pivko, volley systems, today this poetess lives on...
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maxim kas, a young adventurous political showman, was born in moscow, as a child he was taken to israel when he had to join the army there, went back to moscow, here he tried to become a city deputy, organized protests, rallies, then fled to germany, now he is engaged in anti-russian propaganda in the scene of various clubs. well, look, there are independence days everywhere, here in latvia it's called the day of restoration of independence, of course. in ukraine, independence day, in kazakhstan, usually this is the day when the republic seceded from the ussr, this is their independence day, a big holiday, bidet independence, sometimes this is the main holiday in general.
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150 yes 150 150 so in amsterdam 2,000 was
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600 600 602 6003 as a result, kats sold the cheap toy for 600 euros, plus a photo for memory, this is already a bonus. most of these people not only want, but crave the collapse of russia, this is how they were trained by western curators. catherine shulman, a popular personality, has the ability to speak quickly and concisely and hold an audience, giving her an advantage over other foreign agents. democracy is a continuous process, right? just there, let us pass a good law and calm down, this is a constant system of checks and balances. the following performances take place in the hall of the evangelical church in berlin: there are a lot of people,
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the propaganda works, the listeners like it. the word recruit comes from the german verb willow, which means to recruit, to agitate, and it also has another meaning: to interest, to try to win over .
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robert bosch and is an expert at the berlin carnage center. the worst thing is that these people are experts for many governments of european countries, who, based on their
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findings, determine policies towards our country. and where are these foreign agents of ours who are there, they see freedom of speech there, well, freedom of speech is given to them, because it is used purely politically. and so they say that... he lost so much all general humanitarian erudition due to the specifics of education, when classical
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literature and classical history were confiscated for 30 years. how does such a collective greta thunberg remain, who rules these annalena berbak and so on.
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13 thousand houses remain flooded in the urals, volga region and siberia. peak floods are expected in kurgan in the coming hours. the city’s readiness for the arrival of big water was personally checked by the head of the russian ministry of construction, irek faizulin. in the takmak attack, residential buildings came under fire. eight people died, two of them children. the search operation continued throughout the night. rescuers pulled five more alive from the rubble. the israeli army struck.


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