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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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new big special barbecue is already in combo for 469 rubles. let’s do this again, now it’s brutish. any other ideas? of course, let's pay for it. the camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb, together everything will work out. we showed her the performance of these foreign agents, this one gozman, who i saw him in programs, he always hated russians, he clearly expressed this, he didn’t have anything for it, and naturally he, i’m more than sure that he didn’t it’s just like there’s something there that regrets it and there, yes it’s an accident, that he, probably, they are probably all rejoicing, rejoicing that they are killing us, us who are defending the russian world.
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ideals, but our identification code is russian, they are happy about it, because they, they don’t even, i don’t even know the word, they are non-humans who sold themselves for money that will not be used for their future, this money will not go to prog, because it is impossible , because they will be punished from above too, because this tragedy cannot be reacted like this, the main role in the fight against russia is played by people, for of whom... the word is a profession anna norinskaya worked as a correspondent for the kommersant newspaper and was a regular contributor to the new newspaper. in the nineties, she interned at columbia university in the usa, worked at the bbc moscow bureau, as a producer of news and documentaries. he prefers not to answer uncomfortable questions, as in that japanese proverb: i don’t see anything, i don’t hear anything, i won’t tell anyone anything. how do you comment on the events in odessa on may 2? oh, you know, i won't
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answer this question, because honestly speaking, i'm just not at all in the know. comfortable position, not at all in the know. well, i can of course comment, well, firstly, we are not saboteurs, we, here, we, here i am, here is an odessa woman, it is even written in my italian document that i was born in odessa, and italy recognized this as an act of aggression, an act barbaric murder, because i was given asylum, i was given asylum, that is, this means that italy recognizes this, at least all of europe recognizes this, because brussels confirms this, and says that we are saboteurs, but we are residents, ordinary residents of odessa, who have done nothing criminal except come out to peacefully defend our rights. none of the foreign agents remembers the genocide of donbass by the ukrainian nazis.
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i ask for study, the present one, for the present hour i have dismissed the agenda, i am ready to defend batkivshchyna, odessa is ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to the armored forces of ukraine. all these people who fled russia and today travel around europe, organize meetings,
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evenings, write on the internet, speak at various venues are under unspoken under the supervision of american western european intelligence services, received a new task.
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permission for violence, we are so great, and that is why we have our russian world, into which we must drag everyone, these words are empty words, because the russian world, as we discussed with you, is being destroyed through war, there is nothing dramatic about that russia can split into different parts, no, i agree with boris akunin, with my colleague and friend professor alexander edkind, who also believes that russia will disintegrate as a result. i agree that in a country in which there are 10 or 15 million people, it is easier to create a republic and implement, well, democracy, which is accessible to every person. indeed, there is a problem that russia is huge, so it always slides towards
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some kind of authoritarian rule, to some kind of unitary state, to some kind of one leader, of course, i would like to stop this - even at the expense of dividing, how to understand them, because they grew up here, received an education, lived in russia most of their lives and now want to die. country, and any enemy of russia becomes an idol who must be helped, if only this hated russia, this huge one, because it is so huge that it will always be there, it simply cannot not exist if it is not sovereign and not a great power , this is not a brilliant medley for our history, to be a great power on a dress, to be put away in the closet, to be worn on holidays like an order, this is the only... way and format of our existence in world history, because we have individuals, any nation
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will say, i'm special, yes, i have my own features of each, but there is no such thing that, firstly, it is huge, in which all climatic zones, from permafrost to desert, it unites into itself through a tolerant orthodox core, representatives of different faiths, and so on. and - our historical experience, despite some individual, so to speak, clashes, just speaks of such a rare collaboration of different nations of cultures, in general , a state builder, this is proven even by this event of the 16th century, which became national unity day, when for example the tatar elders still remembered the cruel conquest by ivan the terrible; they could have postponed. then it was easy to leave moscow, no, they collected the militia, money and gave it to minin and
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pozharsky, because they understood that they would have a worthy place in the russian orthodox autocratic kingdom, we did not interfere, what is western european history, it also absorbed a huge amount , this is a cemetery of peoples, a third were exterminated, a third were driven away, a third were necessarily assimilated, what does the auksburg religious world mean? i am the country of that and faith, this is such violence against the inner world, over the inner freedom of a person, we have never had this, they hate it, the fact is that you cannot control the world from one point while huge russia exists. we arrived in prague. here on vinogradskaya street is the mouthpiece of western propaganda, which has existed
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since the cold war, the radio station radio liberty. the website of this station indicates that the corporation, as a private guarantor, is financed by funds provided by the us congress through trustee of american foreign broadcasting, us agency for global media. everything is exactly the same as half a century ago. the us central intelligence agency is behind all this. in all likelihood, the cia leadership considers some western european countries as jurisdictional territory. perhaps, as they believe, there are not so few reasons for this, because in each of them there are strong bases of american intelligence; in the federal republic of germany, for example, in addition to the bases, there are also powerful radio stations, owned by the cia. and free europe. back in the day, soviet documentary filmmakers
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conducted an investigation on radio liberty and showed who really works here. both were created in the early fifties, at the height of the cold war. the task is to wage a psychological war against transsocialism, sow national discord, destroy people’s faith in the socialist system, and call for opposition. well, besides that. they can shoot from umbrellas, eternal pens, they can do all this, but their specialization here is different: poisons,
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poison the souls of people, and preferably not individually, but en masse. at the very beginning, broadcasting was carried out from the territory of west germany. in 1995 , the radio station moved from germany to prague - this is the czech republic. in 2009, the radio station moved. a specially built building near the city center, since radio is now not as popular as internet media, several russian-language online publications were created under the roof of radio liberty. crimea. realities, caucasus realities, tatar-bashkir service and even a whole tv channel, present time, which are recognized in russia by foreign agents. radio liberty is a specially protected facility that resembles a large embassy or military unit. it is not so easy to film the building from the outside; as soon as they saw the film crew,
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security and two police crews immediately came running. good afternoon, you are without permission. we wrote to the editorial office of radio liberty, we wanted to film an interview with someone, but they never answered us, we are journalists, we are here to make a documentary in which we will talk about radio liberty. propaganda that exists with money from the west serves only one purpose: to rock the situation in russia, using the internet and through it to zombify russian youth. hello, oh hello.
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i’ll say, i thought about this for the first time, when i was studying at the institute in new york, we had, there was an assignment where you had to make a presentation about your country, and we had a huge number of people from different countries around the world, there were from burkinabe, from nicaragua, from bangladesh and so on, well, in general , all the countries you can think of, then i
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i listened to their presentations, everyone talks about their countries, with aspiration, with some kind of patriotism, it’s probably correct to say that too. well, it’s clear that people love their countries, it’s clear that they are proud of their countries, so i had a friend there who also studied with me, a guy from russia, and then he also made a presentation, made it with some- you know, it’s smelly, so to speak, and then for the first time i thought about it, why do we treat ourselves like this, that was my first call, i’ve been preparing for several weeks this is the material and... in the process of preparation, i began to notice that some metamorphoses were taking place in my mind, that they say, oh, listen, why is it bad, i thought, yes, here , here, that’s cool, beautiful, that’s cool country, it’s great here, live, work, have children, do what you want, build, why do we treat ourselves so badly, well, if we talk about my wife, she used to study ballet professionally with me, so
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you can say, she - well, she was partly a russophile, i even remember how i came to see her...
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our liberals almost took her for the truth love for the fatherland and boasted that they saw better than others what it should consist of, but now they have become more frank and even... the words love for the fatherland began to be ashamed, even the concept was expelled and eliminated as harmful and insignificant.
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we watch to explore the world, an educational program. fighters of the sudoplatovo battalion, which operates on the zaporozhye front. you have to work at night and get as close to the enemy trenches as possible, so
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there is a higher chance of covering targets behind the militants’ lines. anton stepanenko will tell details. it takes about 45 minutes to drive from the point of permanent deployment to the unloading point . the pyatikhatka direction of the zaporozhye front, despite kiev’s attempts to break through the defenses, held out. a volunteer battalion holds positions here along with its neighbors. bars 32 is better known as sudoplatov. the driver turns on the night vision device, then without headlights. they work very hard here in piviski during the day. in general, activity has increased significantly this month. 2 months ago we were still moving here during the day in a position to travel now, but it’s impossible. company stronghold, the distance to the enemy is from one and a half kilometers to 600-700 meters. depending on the trench. the first impression is that he is blind and cannot be seen. as if they are trying to make a way with their feet
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or not, nevertheless, darkness is not a hindrance to combat operations, operators without pilots go out hunting at night, we are trying to set up rotation, movements at night, where they go, why they go, where they come from, they regularly observe the ragged reconnaissance schedule so that the enemy cannot get used to it, the transport is clearly visible, that it heats up, it is displayed well, people, it happens, you know, what happens is that you can confuse people with animals, with hares, because when you stick your head out of a trench and a hare is running around the planting, it’s very similar, you have to fly to reconnaissance, the storm is an experienced operator, even on such a small screen he can see the target, observe , double-checks to make sure there are no errors, finally gives out the coordinates, then it’s up to the commander to decide what to destroy the vpv drone. carried, it’s like a sniper rifle, one might say, well, most of all the desire, that is, to win causes the most damage to the enemy, reconnaissance itself most of all, the result is great, that without
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reconnaissance, neither artillery nor fipivi will work, it’s getting light quickly, the howitzer crew is preparing a gun, the peculiarity of the position is that the closer to the front line, the deeper in the enemy rear they can cover targets, the reverse side is high the probability of a retaliatory strike, a shot, well, the present time... a very large number of birds are flying in the air, they also have counter-battery warfare at a high level, so we are trying to fire as few shots as possible, second third the shot already hits the target, the smaller the better and faster, they worked out and ran away, the peculiarity of the sudoplatovo battle is in exceptionally high operational interaction with neighbors, the command post is in constant communication with the commanders of neighboring units, video from drones is also received online by allies, therefore solution...
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so look down, right here it’s normal to feel so sore at the end of the day. bird crews are a priority target for the enemy, they are hunted, a destroyed crew deprives units of intelligence data, for some time time it seems to go blind, because of this, when going out hunting, operators are no less concerned about safety than searching for targets, there is a whole range of measures, right down to landing approach methods, so as not to be tracked, in addition, each crew has anti-drone radars, rap stations, so that in advance...
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we saw the skyscrapers of zaporozhye, from the air, from afar. stepanenko anton, vinokurov, valery, lead the zaporozhye front.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you will kill me.
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look into his head, look in the app or on the website. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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urals in the volga region and siberia. the peak of the flood is expected in kurgan in the coming hours. the head of the russian ministry of construction, iryk faizulin, personally checked the city’s readiness for the arrival of big water. hit the takmak. residential buildings came under fire. 10 people died, two of them children. the search operation continued throughout the night. rescuers pulled five more alive from the rubble. the israeli army launched strikes in the south
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lebanon. rocket. fired at a large hezbollah military complex, where there were buildings and an equipped military position. and the iran special forces operation in the strait of varmus. the military boarded a cargo container owned by an israeli company. and let's start with a missile attack on lugansk. today around noon the ssu was hit. stormshadow missiles at the lugansk engineering plant, as reported by the head of the lpr lionit pasechnik, they were planning to launch production here soon and were planning to employ several dozen citizens in russia, also as a result of the impact, residential buildings were damaged, information about the victims is being clarified, as leonid pasochnik reports, emergency services are already working on the spot.


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