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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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500 meters probably because of this and the wave just burned me and my legs, burned my legs, my clothes were burning up to my knees from my ankle boots, they just got halfway there, the burns were severe on my legs, anatoly still wants to work with children, but after what he experienced, he decided to change his profile of activity , my commander says what are you?
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yes, come on, i seem to have calmed down, now tolya is preparing for the wedding, it’s symbolic with his future wife, he met at the monument as a young guard member, the wedding will be with me soon, i met her while we were serving, by the way, a couple of months...
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before i was demobilized, i came several times, on leave, on vacation, we hung out, we had nothing, even i didn’t offer her any relationship, we just talked, a young family leaving their hometown doesn’t plan, krasnodon has been changing for the better lately, nothing has happened over the years, they haven’t built anything new, while there was ukrainian power for so many years, yes, no one is anything, everything that was under the ussr was still the same, everything is the same. the buildings were still the same, the roads were only being made, and even then not directly well, that’s it, nothing else, roads, traffic lights were installed, now of course it’s better, because the new government is building everything, restoring everything, schools, kindergartens, everything that was crumbling over the years, everything is already, as they say, being reconstructed and rising from my knees, at least... it became easy for me to breathe, because
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no one knows that my land is already, where i was born, my land is clean, and nowhere, no neo-fascism will be on it, so you can breathe freely, not be afraid, and from the hospital she says, go home, she waited with pints , and her wolf was made to play strong, tell us about what... happened to you after the great patriotic war, you became an employee of the internal affairs bodies, visited lvov, then ended up in lugansk, how it was, how you worked in the police, and the ministry of internal affairs sent me to volvol, school, and i was in the lvov school for 3 years and fought with bandera for 3 years, when you communicate with a veteran of the great patriotic war... he
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thinks that someday after 50 years he doesn’t tell me everything that’s in his soul, i’m exactly like that journalists will come and i will tell them in the same way that happened. now stanislav shila, a correspondent for the russia-1 tv channel in the lpr, understands what the veteran of the great patriotic war, vitaly timofeevich, is talking about, close to him, because he himself only recently returned from the front. there is only one enemy. and the same one remained, so we are fighting in the same way with radical extremist movements, yes, that is , german national socialism, ukrainian nationalism, banderaism, it’s all the same thing, and yes, we talked with a veteran, he fought with the banderaites , that is, after forty- fifth year and we get the same we are fighting, in the fourteenth year, when the war came to his native sverdlovsk, stanislav was only 16. many of my friends
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served in the war in the fourteenth year, i was still at school in the fourteenth year, of course, then there was a desire, probably, to go some kind of teenage this zealot but now , since we need to stay at home, they called us, that is , now guys will come from kaliningrad, from buryatia, from the far east, from chechnya, from moscow, from st. petersburg, from anywhere, they will come, here they will recapture your own land for you, fight with your opponent, and you will be sitting at home, well, it’s kind of strange, really, well, yes, we didn’t really know how to do anything there, i didn’t serve in the army before, well, some kind of...
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you can’t see him, except for the golets, there’s nothing army there , at least i’d like to, they baked some kind of buns there, passed them there, it turns out locals pass by there, you already know someone there, grandparents, there ’s something for you, some fruit from the garden, something else there they say, guys, try
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eating honey there, something else there, civilians constantly came under fire, that is, especially when the tactics began ukrainian troops of terrorist attacks, in fact, when they began... to throw cluster munitions at raisins, when they began to throw petals and other mines at the city, that is, they flew here through the market, and many people died there, often the ambulances could not even get to the place of the next shelling, then the military personnel had to provide medical assistance to civilians and bury the dead, we... tried to evacuate civilians from there, that is , both the wounded and wounded were taken to the hospital, provided first aid, in our in the company there was a doctor, a guy, a student from a medical university who is studying to become a pediatrician, so he helped a huge
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number of civilians and military personnel, there was a case, of course very sad, when a cluster munition also arrived, there was a woman in the garden, well, of course, yes , this is a village, and as they themselves said, one day there in the summer feeds the winter, so she had to work in the garden, she was there with a child, with a small one, a cluster munition flew in, she was wounded, they tried to save her, that is, provide first aid, evacuated, but they didn’t have time, she died on the way, as far as i remember, she left behind a small son, they first took him in... russian paratroopers , then they evacuated him to russian territory, yes, our guys couldn’t do it any other way, according to the laws of purity and conscience were taught to live by the examples of our ancestors, participants in the great patriotic war, my mother, of course, was so worried all this time, she was afraid for me, well
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, she was proud, she understood everything, i had examples all my life, my great-grandfathers, yes, who... served the great patriotic war the war, we went through it all, trampled all these fields of the great patriotic war, my great-grandfather’s brother, he died in the izyum offensive operation. stanislav himself was wounded under the raisins. the president’s decree on the demobilization of students was found in a hospital in lugansk, where he was after receiving a third concussion. he would not have been able to continue his service in any case. at the same moment he was written off by the military medical commission. my great-grandfather, after all, he went through... walked through this entire war, he served in the soviet army since 1939, 2 year and he had to go for demobilization, the great patriotic war began, he was assed and until 1945 he stormed konexberg, the battle of kursk, he went through all these things, he was also wounded there several times,
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i had his diary, well, that is, in our house kept as a family heirloom, he writes a diary about the current historical period in his... yes, we were filming the village of beloye, there was a flood there, people's houses were flooded, and people, of course, many people said there later, thank you for being show that you are talking about it there, some houses in the village has already begun to collapse due to water, this house, its wall has almost completely fallen, the neighboring house, a crack has appeared on it, our republic and lugansk, we can already see how it’s starting...
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our native lugansk was shot at daniil was just 11 years. his family then briefly left
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the city for neighboring lutugino. i remember in 1914 there was an airstrike on the city center, on the park of the heroes of the great patriotic war. like such events, of course, it was scary, with explosions, arrivals, fighting, and so on. but as such.
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danil participated in the liberation of the northern part of the lugansk people's republic, right up to the presidential decree on the demobilization of students, after which he not only returned to his studies, but rearmed, exchanged his machine gun for a camera, now his and his colleagues’ weapons are true, he is in general contact a little faster than he could let's say we were with someone else...
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just to restore, at least, what was before, and then a lot, of course, could not be restored, there are many still destroyed buildings that still stand with 14, but what has been happening over the past couple of years, because i see how it blooms and smells here, roads are being built, all sorts of water communications are being updated, lights are being installed there, and so on.
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a vocal group that is envious of the club and there are also groups that do fine arts and handicrafts, in addition to what i do in terms of documents...
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the children had nothing to do, that is , the most the children could do was go for a walk, or come and practice vocals , i wanted to give some small space let's go wild, let's say, in terms of creativity for children, and i decided to teach guitar, bass guitar, and piano classes here. in this club, i started to appear here, let’s say, about five months from birth, my grandmother took me with her to her rehearsals, my grandmother sang in a vocal group, so little by little, little by little, roughly speaking
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, they started me from birth, let’s say so, get used to music. danil was only 10. he says he remembered the event of that time for the rest of his life. well, at the very beginning very often, well we often had airplanes constantly flying to the ssu, and the city was almost completely under the influence of the bsu, that is, we had a suburb with ukrainian military personnel, in the neighboring village we had ukrainian military personnel, that is, they were literally on all sides. ukrainian military personnel are everywhere, there is constant shelling, constant skirmishes, constant attempts to break into our city, which was unsuccessful, of course, they gradually began to push back, push back, push back, thank god, in a relatively short time our city and suburb were liberated; when i was a child of 10 years old, i already began to think
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about what awaited me in the near future. didn't you and your family go out like this all the time? yes, we were here all the time, we didn’t go anywhere as a family, that is, from the very beginning until now we were in this place, we didn’t leave the city anywhere. when mobilization was announced in the republic in february 22nd, danil and his friends had no doubts. the most important criterion is probably why someone should go and i should stay at home. that is, i wrote to the guys when they first called us. and we, that means, we had a conversation, in the hostel, a general conversation, and i asked the question who was going there, all the guys who were 18 years old at that time, they said, we’re all going, we’re all going, we already have things are all collected, we are all already leaving, i was a gunner assistant to a grenade launcher and it so happened that i was temporarily still acting as
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a radiotelephone operator, the guys with whom i went from the matusovsky academy, we all... set out to help with communication equipment and provided communication with the zero and first boundaries, the radio station was at a certain distance from us, it’s about 200, about 100-200 m from us and worked naturally on batteries and especially at night it was very difficult to blindly change the battery, naturally some kind of source was needed light, any light source is a tip for snipers or mortars. alas, during his service danil received several shell shocks, the consequences of which he is still struggling with, he fulfilled his duty without looking back, first of all thinking not about himself, but about the combat comrades, we hear a sharp whistle, an explosion, we run out into the street and arrive right under
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this ural, there was between the shells and the urals, and the boxes with... the kit ignited, i don’t know how the fire extinguisher ended up next to me at that moment, it’s just there was a guy nearby, bigger than me, with a fire extinguisher, there was already a fire extinguisher standing next to me, he said: let’s go put it out, tanya, and when you went to put it out, you understood that the ammunition could detonate at any moment, it’s possible, of course, i maybe he understood somewhere in the depths of his soul, but that moment was not, let’s say, now he’s standing behind me, twice, that’s right, well done, i think that he did the right thing, that he went there, he’s
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an example for you, yes, he talked a little about this, he told me that there were military operations there, after that my dad even suggested that i go to the navy, if you want military personnel too, but from the fifth string. the fifth line is the bass, not the sixth, the fifth, on this, good, positive, always, a common language can be easily found, but i want to become a music teacher, i want to finish school, then go to study at matusovsky, in lugansk, and i want to become a teacher, i play the piano, i like the piano, are you following in the footsteps of your teacher , too, but do you want to work in your native village or go somewhere? well, probably in your native country, that is,
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you will also return here and teach it. polina, take it, take the electric guitar, i’ll show you the acoustic one, i’ll go downstairs with the acoustics, i’ve had it for about a year, maybe 8 months, i had constant insomnia, i didn’t get enough sleep, i didn’t sleep. what were you thinking about, about the guys who are there, that i was demobilized, those with whom i was side by side remained there all the time, that’s when this song, let’s say, it was born, to whom it was dedicated, i dedicated it to absolutely all military personnel, but in the first turn... to the guys from my 208th regiment, with whom i walked side by side all this time and overcame, let's say, all the difficulties, in the end i want
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to say thank you to fate for the fact that my masculine strength has grown in my soul, for that that i was able to withstand all the tests, and that i can’t share i overcame, hello 28, what are you doing, how are you doing, i’m holding out for you guys, fists and machine gun, i want to live and i hope you come soon. came back and quickly plunged into a world without warriors, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera, in the most dangerous thing for you together, you are a predator, what a predator it is, it will hurt. look into his head, look in the app or on the website. military personnel by
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the contract receives regional support measures. combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state.
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continuing the news review, us president joe biden believes that iran’s attack on israel will not escalate into a full-scale war and will not lead to further escalation in the region, the white house stated. previously in aran. said that they contacted washington and brought to the attention of their american colleagues that their attack on israeli territory was limited. let me remind you that last night about 300 drone missiles were launched into israeli territories. tehran claims that all the targets of the strikes were military installations. the israel defense forces say that 99% of the shells were intercepted. the country's ministry of defense says that a response will follow, which israel will coordinate with its allies. a new
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round of escalation in the middle east this evening. will be discussed by members of the un security council. now diplomats from all over the world are calling parties to the conflict show restraint. natatya goncharova studied the reaction of world leaders. the russian foreign ministry responded to iran’s attack by hezbollah and the houthis on israel. on smolensk square they drew attention to tehran’s statement that it carried out the strike in accordance with article 51 of the un charter on the right to self-defense. russian diplomats emphasized that earlier because of the position of the western members of the security council. the unsettlement of numerous crises in the middle east, primarily in the area of ​​the palestinian-israeli conflict, which often fueled by irresponsible they have repeatedly warned that provocative actions will lead to increased tension. we call on all parties involved to exercise restraint. european.


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