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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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for a week now, kurgan and its surroundings have been living in constant anticipation of big water, the flood wave is already at the very approaches to the city, they began to prepare for its arrival here in advance, continuously, hundreds of sandbags are sent up from here, with their help they have already managed to increase the main nine-meter dam by another half a meter, and they say this is far from the limit, in some places it’s...
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so my husband and i are left, my husband works on the dam, we, for example, have nowhere to transport our property, we’ve moved everything up to the second floor, this is your only housing, of course, the only thing, the last such flood in the region was exactly 30 years ago, archival footage of the ninety- four almost repeats the current ones, then the big water reached right up to the center of the mound, flooding the main square, the level of the tabol rose to 10 m. this year the situation is repeated, the first to hit the big wave was animal bordering with kazakhstan.
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could create an undesirable natural dam, which in turn could lead to the accumulation of a large volume of water and the threat of bridge collapse. on the ground in flooded areas, vaccination of the population and personal of the ministry of emergency situations against hepatitis a, then how the flood is moving and what settlements may be in its path, rescuers are constantly watching from drones and helicopters. part of the unit monitors the level of tabol directly from its water area; at the same time, rescuers are building up sand dams and... collapsing
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water-filling dams. in the city of kurgan, where a significant increase in water in the tobol river is expected, employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations are installing water-filling dams around the clock in three areas. laying began after midnight; a total of 2 km of hoses will be deployed about a meter high. the locals do not sleep with the rescuers in gratitude for their help and bring fresh home-cooked food. and i cooked the logs, made coffee, now, that’s all. guys, who can help but work all night, just have a drink and a little refreshment, that’s all. the tense situation remains in the tyumen region, where a sharp rise in water in the ishim and tura rivers is also expected. now we are strengthening the old barriers and laying out new ones. employees of the contracting organization carry out the assignment of the case. it is too early to estimate the damage in the kurgan region. first you need wait for the peak of the main wave. the clock is almost counting. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitry komov. news of the week from
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the kurgan region is news of the week, further in the program. attacks on the crimean bridge, attacks on belgorod, the murder of daria dugin and vladlin tatarsky. what other terrorist attacks has the ukrainian company with biden jr. been found to have financed? burisma. 10 years of war for donbass, who are they, the first defenders of their land? who are mothers still waiting for home? april 13 marked exactly 10 years since the start of the punitive operation of the ukrainian nationalists in donbass. it was on this day, in 2014, that the council was formed after the bloody coup in kiev.
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elena erofeeva. it'll do. in the school gym , he goes on the attack alone. his artillery team is in the line of fire. oleg nikolayevich held his last physical education lesson at the end of february twenty-second, front-line friends called, calling to defend their homeland, but who will go, i’m defending my family, homeland, family, so that they don’t come, don’t destroy, a monument to my grandparents , they started forcing us to pray to some god,
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well, we have our own traditions, in the lessons of basic military training he taught as if tomorrow there was a war, with the boys who were enthusiastically disassembling machine guns, he would have to go into battle, so she knocked on the window, a war that split the country in two, which has been rushing about for 10 years already fiery delirium, well, let’s take the civil war, techidon fought together, fought for the tsar’s father, and for russia, and then women from one, from one village, remember that this is a film, as he says, godfather, you told me you baptized my daughter , i shot anyway, well, well it was the same thing, well, everything was the same, nothing in history, everything. repeated, civil war, ordinary civil war. at the rural cemetery, the wind blows dry dust; 100 meters from the school, its students, defenders of donbass, lie under the weight of granite. there is a lump in my throat, the words are forgotten. from his school years to the day of mourning, oleg nikolaevich remembers every dead
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boy. they look from portraits as if they were alive. danil, born in 2002. both he and his father were drafted from the same family. bedstraw.
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she saw the uniform torn to shreds, everything understood. when her sons came to leave, vera exhaled for a while. i look, when i see you off, i stand on the road and i think, what kind of willpower do you need to have, from a warm bed, from
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the tv, from the internet, a backpack, a backpack, a bag of groceries, well, mom will cook something, how many of you are 11, mom has a pie .
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hitler's military engineers turned it into impregnable. citadel, dug catacombs protected from artillery aircraft, built several lines of defense, on the top of the mound there was an observation post of the sixth army of the wehrmacht, on the approaches to the height there were bunkers are equipped. the battles that took place here were sometimes called little stalingrad. the slopes around saur grave were thickly watered with blood, and there was a battle for every piece of land. for the soldiers and commanders of the red army, the assault on the dominant heights turned out to be. assigned to the liberation of the entire shakhtyorsky region. 71 years later, the donbass militia liberated saur
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grave from the ukrainian nazis. whoever owned this mound owned the road to the south and east. the ssu planned to take donetsk , encircle donetsk and cut it off from the canonical russia. the vostok battalion then stood in their way. it became clear that these were the ones here. at the airport, you heard everything, saw everything, now
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the fragments are flying at us, mikhail tolstykh took the call sign givi, rather out of self-deprecation, he was not a georgian at all, he just looked so dark, with a sharp nose and big black eyes, when the war began in donbass , he immediately made a decision, i understood, i supported him, who, if not him? who if they hadn’t stood on the first we’re here but we would have stood here on the succession, america would already be here, it’s no longer clear what happened, but we’re not here are needed, donbass was never needed by anyone, we plowed here, people plowed, worked here, everything went there, two heroes, two best commanders, givi and motorola were close friends, arsen pavlov is not even from donbass, he defended the russian world came from komi, war was his element. fought in hot spots when he served as a contract soldier in the marine corps, then went to donbass.
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he always said that he was russian here, so he came, he stood up for the russian people, and i think donbass has always been a russian city, despite the fact that it’s quite for a long time it was part of ukraine, but there are russian people there, they speak russian, they think in russian, matorola and give became the heroes that are so needed. they called him dad, alexander zakharchenko inherited a republic with a war-damaged
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infrastructure, under constant shelling, shutdown enterprises and thousands of unemployed. the scattered militia units were more like partisan detachments. i understand that it was very difficult for him, it became very difficult for him as the head of state 15-16 years ago, when ukraine. in stores they raised prices, and he tried to explain that this was impossible, the only thing
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i asked him to do was sit, i was preparing tea for him, somehow i went up to him, hugged him, and said: sasha, son, i have one for you i ask that bread not become more expensive, pensioners are not offended, yes, mother, he says, this is the main thing, this is the main thing, when the russian spring began in donetsk, his parents lived in artyomovsk, on the territory... he says, well, i succeeded, he says , i gave you away, they will look for you there, well, that’s how it happened, they started looking, well, they had an order, then we found out, which means they shot me right away, if they had caught her, then they would have bargained,
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let’s say, we have the blue one, they asked the blue one for her, the details of that special operation.
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to kill, they, not us, we were just defending, now, excuse me, well, this is our land, donetsk miners created their own division, in the battles for shakhtersk, its commander was seriously wounded, he never returned to the front, he continued to work at the mine skochinsky, his colleagues are still fighting, the enterprise is only 5 km from frontline, often finds itself under
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crossfire, before your arrival, the mine is now de-energized, now... after an accident we are releasing people from the mine, 100 people are underground at a depth of 1200 m. now the administration of the enterprise is conducting management together with the detachment vgs these emergency operations to deliver people to the surface are ours, the roar of our artillery is intensifying, shells with a crunching rustle are rushing towards enemy positions, miners stuck in the bowels of a de-energized mine are being raised according to a backup scheme,
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to live, probably, to have time to do everything, suddenly, this often happens to us, let’s say, lately, we hope that everything will end soon. during heavy shelling, the wedding is stopped, they go down to the shelter, when the guns fall silent, the celebration continues.
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the spring sun plays in the empty window openings of the destroyed zaksa. it's hard to believe that any of these people will have a war again tomorrow. elena erofeeva, vitaly kaydanovich, natalya novgorodova, news of the week. on tuesday, the investigative committee of russia announced the initiation of a criminal case under the article on financing of terrorism. the scandalous well-known ukrainian company burisma, whose board of directors included the son of us president hunter biden, came under suspicion. burisma has been known in ukraine for a long time. in 2016, ukrainian prosecutor general viktor shokin. began a corruption investigation against the campaign, and then biden, the eldest, came to kiev, the annoying prosecutor shokin was fired on his orders. biden then boasted about this fact, and the investigation against burisma was hushed up; the biden presidential family earned millions through the burisma company
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dollars, but to become a sponsor of terrorists killing russians is already beyond the bounds. vitaly kormazin has all the details of this scandalous case.
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state duma by yana lantratova, an impressive brochure with a list of crimes in which the western trace is visible. she and her colleagues turned to the investigative committee to initiate a case, naming specific names. biden’s son, and biden himself, is actually a business partner of a company in ukraine, which donated a fairly impressive amount of money, including to an army of drones that are used to bomb our border areas. we are talking about the well-known feeder of the biden family, the ukrainian company burisma, it was founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine nikolai
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zlachevsky. 2 months after the maidan , the board of directors of burisma included the son of us vice president joseph biden hunter, a close friend of the family of secretary of state john kerry devon archer, the former head of the cia anti-terrorism center, joseph koferblack and ex-president of poland alexander kwasniewski. by that time against burisma. a corruption case was already being investigated, and soon the country’s new prosecutor general, viktor shokin, took over the case. i have no doubt that burisma was engaged in illegal activities, and in order to hide from the investigation, zlocheevsky began to bring people who could protect him, among them hunter biden. at the personal request of joseph biden, shokin was quickly fired, and burisma's managers began handing out fabulous cash bribes to close the remaining criminal cases. you can do everything.
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his, judging by court decisions, zlochevsky and kich gave the armed forces of ukraine about 20 million dollars, part of which went to the project of an army of drones, those drones with which ukraine
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carries out terrorist attacks on civilian targets in russia, so initially corruption machinations degenerated into the financing of terrorism, former rada deputy derkach is sure. biden's partners in corrupt business in ukraine finance terrorist acts. thus, leaving responsibility. for corruption in ukraine. it has been established that funds received through commercial organizations in particular, the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, has been used over the past years to carry out terrorist attacks in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. 2 months after the transfer of money to the intelligence services in...
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the usa, because of this logic says that the usa is behind this, it simply cannot be otherwise. according to semer hershe's sources, the biden administration paid special attention to secrecy and removing any suspicion from...
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experts talk about the geopolitical benefit of america, the weakening of the main competitor of the united states in the european union, which supported the economy with russian gas. germany, directly, the largest donor of the european union and the largest supporter of us military assistance to ukraine, suffered from this. who is interested in the deindustrialization of germany? in the competitive struggle with the european union it is emerging again.
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both mom and dad died. ukrainian neo-nazis , their western patrons, organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on our territory, by participants in the international terrorist underground. evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with numerous civilian casualties . therefore, it is worth waiting for the first official results of the ongoing investigation. vitay kormazin, alexander plotnikov. 200 weeks.
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